AYERE EDUCATION CENTER ss1-2 crs and comerce
AYERE EDUCATION CENTER ss1-2 crs and comerce
AYERE EDUCATION CENTER ss1-2 crs and comerce
1. According to john, living water means water that (a) springs from Jacobs
well (b) is running from the wilderness (c) quenches thirst in mount Sinai
(d) wells up to eternal life
2. The good shepherd as described by St John as all the following qualities
except that (a) he enters the sheepfold by the door (b) he climbs into the
sheepfold by another way (c) he calls his own sheep by name (d) he leads
the sheep out by door
3. “Behold the lamb of God”. Jesus was compared to a lamb in this verse
because he (a) was to be slain on the cross (b) was to take away the sins of
men (c) was to be humiliated and persecuted by the world (d) was a
shepherd himself
4. The living water Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria represents (a) pure
water (b) word of God (c) true vine (d) water of riches
5. “And His disciples asked him “Rabbi” who sinned; this man or his parents
that he was born blind?” Jesus response shows that the man was born blind
because (a) he was a sinner from birth (b) his parents were sinners (c) God
wanted to manifest his work (d) every sinner is sure of forgiveness
6. Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized in which river (a) rive Jordan
(b) river Horeb (c) River Niger (d) River Cush
7. John as the forerunner of Christ. Had given the true position of Jesus as (a)
the judge (b) the messiah (c) the true vine (d) the king of all
8. John was baptizing with water so that Jesus Christ might be revealed to (a)
the Egyptians (b) Israel (c) Ammon (d) Moabites
9. Jesus told his disciples that he who doesn’t enter the sheepfold by the door
buy climbs in by another way is (a) merchant (b) a thief and a robber (c) a
hypocrite (d) a shepherd
10. He who enters by the door is the (a) shepherd of the sheep (b) a
stranger to the sheepfold (c) a thief and robber (d) a deceiver of the sheep
11. The sheep know the voice of (a) the herders (b) the good shepherd
(c) their fellow sheep (d) the stranger
12. Jesus described himself as the door and concludes that anyone that
enters through him at anytime will be (a) saved (b) condemned (c)
considered (d) a king
13. One of the qualities of a good shepherd is that he is ready to (a) lay
down his life when danger comes (b) run away in the facet of danger (c)
jubilate when danger comes (d) underestimate danger when it comes
14. Jesus in the book of John, referred to himself as light of the world in
three instances (a) his encounter with Nicodemus, the woman caught in
adultery and a blind man for birth (b) his encounter with Saul, James and
Nicodemus (c) His encounter with Nicodemus, the blind man and Judas
Iscariot (d) his encounter with Matthew, Nicodemus and the woman caught
in adultery
15. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Who made
this statement? (a) James (b) John (c) King Saul (d) Matthew
16. Church leaders should learn from Jesus and be good .............. also (b)
Samaritan (b) shepherd (c) Jew (d) Israelite
17. “Follow me not all in darkness” who made this statement? (a) Jesus
(b) Peter (c) Justus (d) Herod
18. In the book of John, why was the man born blind from birth? (a) he
sinned (b) his parents sinned (c) he was a cursed man (d) for the work of
God to be made manifest
19. Night might come when no one can (a) work (b) repent (c) die (d)
20. As long as I’m in the world, I am the .............. of the world (a)
darkness (b) light (c) first son (d) the king
21. Jesus as the light of the world means his way is (a) imperfect (b)
perfect (c) wonderful (d) putrid
22. The light he brought represents the .............. of the kingdom of God
(a) parable (b) city (c) gospel (d) servant
23. He suffered and diet innocently for sinners to be .............. (a)
condemned as saved (b) cleansed and save (b) hypocrites (d) a and c
24. By his sacrificial death the sin of man is removed by (a) fasting (b)
faith (c) speaking in tongue (d) gift of the spirit
25. Who believes in the sacrifice he made on the cross, do not need any
other sacrifice for the .............. of their sins (a) atonement (b) denial (c)
circumstance (d) healing
26. Jesus had replaced the Jewish yearly sacrificial lamb and had become
the .............. and for all atoning lamb (a) once (b) two (c) good (d) total
27. John the Baptist was the .............. of Jesus Christ (a) forerunner (b)
messiah (c) gossip mate (d) judge
28. Who gave the true position of Jesus as the messiah (a) John the
Baptist (b) Joh the Jew (c) John the Carpenter (d) John the beloved
29. “ I saw the spirit descend like a .............. from heaven, and it
remained on him.” (a) dove (b) eagle (c) ostrich (d) serpent
30. He who baptizes with Holy Spirit is .............. (a) Jesus (b) John (c)
peter (d) Justus
31. And I have seen and have bore witness that this is ............. pa the
servant of God (b) the son of God (c) angel of God (d) the Crucifier of God
32. .............. leads his sheep out for pasture (a) herdsmen (b) shepherd
(c) controller (d) king
33. One of the instance Jesus called himself light of the world was
with .............. (a) the woman caught in adultery (b) the Samaritan woman
(c) Dorcas at death (d) Jezebel
34. Another instance ejsus called himself light of the world was after his
encounter with ............... (a) Nicodemus (b) Paul (c) Justus (d) Herod
35. The light Jesus brought is .............. (a) life (b) death (c) parable (d)
situation of the world
36. When light comes darkness .............. (a) illuminates (b) disappears
(c) rules (d) takes over
37. Having fed the multitude Jesus left for the other .............. of the sea
[(a) side (b) end (c) mountain (d) middle
38. When the people asked him the proof other were doing the work of
God, he told them to be in him who was .............. (a) sent by God (b) cap
by the devil (c) crowned by the people (d) ordained by john
39. Jesus said that manna was sent as a ............. relief (a) temporary (b)
permanent (c) eternal (d) 40 days
40. They went further that their forefathers ate .............. in the ..............
(a) manna wilderness (b) bread sea (c) manna field (d) bread temple
41. Anyone who eats his flesh and drinks his blood will .............. (a) live
forever (b) be healed of his sickness (c) get Rich forever (d) be children of
42. Man should not live by bread alone but by ............... (a) the word of
God (b) the word of John (c) the word of King (d) the word of Satan
43. Being physically weak or hungry does not affect spiritual strength
44. What was Jesus doing before the Samaritan woman came to draw
water (a) waiting for his disciples who went to buy food (b) praying (c)
walking around (d) speaking to the crowd
45. Whose well was the Samaritan woman drawing water (a) one of
Jacobs’s well (b) Esau’s well (c) Judah’s well (d) Dominion’s well
46. Why did Jesus demand for water? (a) he was thirsty (b) he was
washing (c) he wanted to bath (d) he was watering plants
47. The woman queried water Jesus was greater than .............. who gave
them the well (a) Jacob (b) Esau (c) John (d) Samuel
48. Jesus describing himself as the “living water” was a ..............
statement for the word of God (a) metaphorical (b) ironical (c) oxymoronic
(d) pun
49. The living water is for universal salvation TRUE or FALSE
50. What is the full meaning of C.R.S (a) Christian religious studies (b)
Christian reliable studies (c) Christian religious student (d) Christian rest
1. Explain Jesus as the lamb of God
b. Who was john the Baptist
c. List five significance of Jesus as the lamb of God
2. Explain Jesus as the door
b. Explain Jesus as the God shepherd
c. Mention four significance of Jesus a she door and good shepherd
3. Explain Jesus as the living bread of life
b. List five moral lessons on Jesus as the living bread
4. Explain Jesus message of love for one another
b. Significance/lessons to learn
c. Explain God’s love for man
5. What is justification by faith?
b. List significance of justification
c. Explain the fruit of justification
6. Explain Jesus as the living water
b. Why did the Samaritan woman refused to give Jesus water?
c. List the significance of Jesus as a living water
7. Explain Jesus as the light of the word
b. List five significance of Jesus as the light of the world
c. How many instances did Jesus referred to himself as the light of the
1. The sovereignty of God means .............. (a) God’s absolute power over the
universe (b) God’s mercy (c) God’s grace (d) God’s punishment
2. God is the alpha and .............. (a) omega (b) provider (c) giver (d)
3. His position in the universe is unquestionable and .............. (a)
unchangeable (b) changeable (c) predictable (d) unreliable
4. Almost all the creation work was through the .............. (a) power of the
spoken word (b) action of magic (c) imagination of God (d) thought of man
5. The power of the spoken word was made manifest through .............. (a) let
there be and it was so (b) let there be, and it wasn’t so (c) let there be, and
it was almost so (d) let there be and it failed
6. Man was created in the .............. day? (a) sixth day (b) fifth day (c) first day
(d) none of the above
7. Which was the last day of God’s creation? (a) sixth day (b) fifth day (c)
seventh day (d) all of the above
8. Man was given authority over all other .............. (a) creatures (b) planet (c)
heavenly body (d) none of the above
9. The authority man exercised on earth is a .............. authority? (a)
delegated (b) reconciliated (c) deserved (d) military
10. Which of the creature did God give dominion over other creatures?
(a) angels (b) man (c) angel Michael (d) b and c
11. God is like the chairman while man is on earth as the ..............
manager (a) general (b) station (c) military (d) all of the above
12. God have men authority which is .............. to his own? (a)
subordinate (b) independent (c) superb (d) none of the above
13. The account of God’s creation of the earth, as contained in the book
of genesis is narrated in .............. ways? (a) four (b) two (c) open (d) five
14. God created man out of dust and gave him .............. to become a
living being? (a) breath (b) crown (c) sense (d) all of the above
15. God used Adam’s .............. to create a woman? (a) rib (b) sense (c)
leg (d) none of the above
16. The creation of heaven, earth and man took God ............. days? (a)
six (b) seven (c) seven and half (d) none of the above
17. On the creation story God created .............. on the first day? (a) light
(b) darkness (c) animas (d) vegetables
18. How did God create light? (a) at the spoken word (b) at the
imagination word (c) at the delegated word (d) none of the above
19. When God saw the light was good, he separated it from .............. (a)
darkness (b) morning (c) noon (d) all of the above
20. Which day did God create the firmaments? (a) third day (b) first day
(c) second day (d) fourth day
21. On the third day, God created the .............. and .............. (a) seas
and the earth (b) seas and land animals (c) the earth and light (d) none of
the above
22. The tress, plants and their fruits were also created on the ,..............
day (a) third (b) fifth (c) fourth (d) none of the above
23. God created the sun, moon and the star to give light to the earth on
the ............. days? (a) fourth (b) second (c) fifth (d) a and b
24. What day did God create the living creatures such as fish, birds etc
(a) fifthday (b) fourth day (c) sixth day (d) none of the above
25. God created man on the .............. day? (a) sixth (b) fifth (c) and b (d)
none of the above
26. Which of the creature did God give dominion over other creatures?
(a) angels (b) man (c) angel Michael (d) b and c
27. Which day did God call the Sabbath day? (a) the seventh day (b) the
sixth day (c) a and b (d) none of the above
28. God created man to work even on Sabbath day? True or false
29. Who gave names to other creatures? (a) man (b) God (c) host of
angels (d) none of the above
30. Man was created in the .............. and .............. of God? (a) image and
likeness (b) image and liking (c) brain and likeness (d) imaginary and
likeness of God
31. The clause “let us” means that there were more than one person
involved in the creation of man. Who were they? (a) the holy trinity (b) God
alone (c) a and b (d) all of the above
32. Man is the apex of creation (a) true (b) partially true (c) not true (d)
none of the above
33. Who was Joseph’s father? (a) Jacob (b) Mathies (c) Saul (d) Herod
34. Who was Joseph’s mother (a) Rachael (b) Elizabeth (c) Rebecca (d)
35. How old was Joseph when he was keeping his father’s flock with his
brothers [as sixteen years (b) seventeen years (c) eighteen years (d)
nineteen years
36. The names of Joseph’s father’s wives were..............? (a) Bilhah and
Zilpah (b) Bilhah and Jezebel (c) Zilpah and Elizabeth (d) none of the above
37. Joseph’s father loved him more than any of his children
because .............. (a) he was the son of his old age (b) he was a small boy
(c) he was very handsome (d) none of the above
38. Joseph was hated more by his brothers because of his two ..............
(a) dreams (b) vision (c) message (d) none of the above
39. At where did Joseph’s brothers conspired to kill him? (a) schechem
(b) bethel (c) moriah (d) none of the above
40. How many pieces of silver was Joseph sold? (a) thirty (b) twenty (c)
twenty-five (d) thirty-five
41. Whose wife accused Joseph of rape? (a) Portiphar (b) pharaoh (c)
Herod (d) Saul
42. What subsequently led to Joseph’s release from the prison? (a) he
interpreted dreams well (b) he escaped (c) he lied against a fellow prisoner
(d) none of the above
43. Upon interpreting pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph was appointed ..............
in command in Egypt? (a) second (b) first (c) third (d) none of the above
44. Pharaoh’s two dreams meant .............. (a) 7years of abundance and
7years of famine (b) nothing (c) ordinary dreams (d) 14years of abundance
and famine
45. Who suggested to Pharaoh that Joseph could interpret his dreams (a)
chief butler (b) chief butcher (c) chief chef (d) none of the above
46. Which traders bought Joseph and resold him to portiphar an Egyptian
army officer? (a) Ishmaelites (b) Canaanites (c) Moabites (d) Herodites
47. Did Joseph’s dreams later come true while Egypt? (a) yes (b) no (c)
partially (d) all of the above
48. What made Joseph’s brothers seek for corn in Egypt? (a) famine in
Israel (b) war in Israel (c) pestilence in Israel (d) none of the above
49. Moses’ name means ..............? (a) “I drew him out of water” (b) “I
saw his in the bush” (c) “ i saw him on the road” (d) “I bought him in the
50. Moses was hid for low many months? (a) four months (b) three
months (c) five months (d) two months
1. What is the meaning of sovereignty?
b. Write short notes on the two account of God’s creation of heaven and
earth as continued in the book of genesis
c. List three important facts about the creation
2. Explain the creation process by God from day one to the last day
b. Give three reasons why man is regarded as the crown of creation
c. Give three important fact about the creation
3. Explain God the controller of the universe
b. Why is man the apex of creation?
c. Why did God rest on the seventh day
4. Explain Joseph as a leader
b. What does it mean to lead?
c. Why did Jacob love Joseph more than his brothers?
5. Explain pharaoh’s two dreams
b. How much was Joseph sold for?
c. What does pharaohs two dreams mean?
6. Write five lessons to be learnt from the relationship of Joseph and his family
b. Moses name means what?
c. Write five ways the interpretation of the dream affected Joseph and his
7. Explain Moses as a leader
b. The two midwives assigned to killing Israelites babies at birth were who?
c. Who nursed Moses?
1. NPA means (a) Nigeria port authority (b) Nigeria pot authority (c) Nigeria
post authority (d) Nigeria port authority
2. Public cooptation is also known as .............. (a) ownership (b) objective (c)
public enterprise (d) accountability
3. NITEL means (a) Nigeria information limited (b) Nigeria corporation (c)
Nigeria accountability (d) Nigeria telecommunications limited
4. ............. are owned and financed by the government (a) high capital (b)
public corporations (c) management (d) legal entity
5. Public corporation are managed by boards of directors who are appointed
by government (a) management (b) legal entity (c) objective (d)
6. How many types of public enterprise do we have (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 3
7. NNPC means ............. (a) Niger national communication (a) Nigeria national
corporation (c) Nigerian national petroleum (d) Nigerian national petroleum
8. ............. can be sue and be sued in their own right (a) legal entity (b)
establishment (c) not profit oriented (d) ownership
9. The following are advantages of public corporations except (a)
development of capital projects (b) provision of infrastructural facilities (c)
legal entity (d) avoidance of exploitation
10. The following are features of limited companies except (a) legal
entity (b) ownership (c) management (d) objective
11. How many types of companies do we have (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 4
12. The following are features or characteristics of public enterprise (a)
ownership (b) objective (c) establishment (d) commerce
13. The following are types of public enterprise except (a) public
corporation (b) local enterprise (c) state government (d) marketing
14. NEPA means (a) national electric power authority (b) national electric
power account (c) national electric power (d) national electronic
15. FRCN means (a) radio communication (b) federal revision of Nigeria
(c) federal radio corporative (d) federal radio corporation of Nigeria
16. The following are disadvantages of public corporation except (a) lack
of imitative (b) lack of privacy (c) not profitable (d) marketing enterprise
17. .............. is owned by shareholders who may be between two and
fifty persons in numbers (a) public (b) ownership (c) ownership (d) ratail
18. How many types of corporative society do we have (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4
(d) 3
19. The following are characteristics of co-operative society except (a)
democratic in nature (b) perpetual existence (c) managed by a committee
(d) producer co-operative
20. The following are cooperative society except (a) wholesale co-
operative (b) retail cooperative (c) producer co-operative (d) democratic
21. The following are advantages of co-operative society except (a)
encouragement of savings (b) perpetual existence (c) low dividend (d)
education of their members
22. The following are disadvantages of co-operative society except (a)
perpetual existence (b) low divided (c) high level of illiteracy (d) financial
23. .............. is an exchange where various commodities and derivative
products are traded (a) perpetual existence (c) low divided (c) commodity
exchange (d) producer co-operative
24. In commodities how many types of trading do we have (a) 2 (b) 3 (c)
5 (d) 6
25. The following are method of commodity exchange except (a) open
outery (b) e-trading (c) pit trading (d) work trading
26. The following are condition necessary for trading (a) need to carry
out feasibility studying (b) ownership of trading (c) society (d) perpetual
27. How many types of trade do we have (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 6
28. .............. is simply the buying and selling of goods and services (a)
ownership (b) trade (c) marketing(d) establishment
29. Home trade s the act of buying and selling of goods and services with
a geographical area of a nation (a) false (b) true
30. .............. is an exchange where various commodities and derivatives
products are traded (a) false exchange (b) commodity exchange (c) pit
trading (d) work trading
31. ............. is a legal person or entity created by the association of a
number of people in accordance with the law for the purpose of a defined
objective (a) exchange (b) company number (c) legal (d) limited companies
32. One of the following are features of limited companies (a) (b) (c) legal
entity (d)
33. The following are types of companies except (a) unlimited company
(b) company number (c) company number (d) company limited by shares
or limited liability
34. One of the following are the characteristics of public enterprise (a)
accountability (b) company (c) guarantee company (d) exchange
35. Established are established either by decree or an act of .............. (a)
working (b) parliament (c) acting (d) objective
36. One of the following are the types of public enterprise (a) companies
(b) local enterprise (c) business (d) limited
37. How many types of limited liability companies do we have (a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 3
38. .............. is a voluntary organization in which individuals, business
men and trader with common interest pool their resources together to
promote the economic and welfare interest of their members (a)
cooperating (b) cooperative booking (c) cooperative (d) co-operative
39. One of the following is type of cooperative society (a) retail co-
operative (b) co-operative (c) cooperation (d) society
40. The following are condition necessary for trading except (a)
familiarity with consumers desires (b) familiarity with computer (c)
cooperative (d) knowledge of the product
41. Management is one of the features of limited companies (a) true (b)
42. NRC means .............. (a) Niger rail way (b) Nigeria rail corporational
(c) Nigeria railway corporation
43. Public corporation are run y the ............. (a) government (b) public (c)
school (d) church
44. One of the following is advantages of public corporation (a) ratail (b)
generation of revenue (c) cooperative (d) consumer
45. The following are types of public enterprise except (a) public
corporation (b) quasi-government department (c) local enterprise (d) lack
of privacy
46. The shareholder have limited livability (a) true (b) false
47. Objective the major aim of private limited company is to make profit
(a) false (b) true
48. ............ is the act of buying and selling of goods and services beyond
the geographical boundaries of a country (a) foreign trade (b) liability trade
(c) local trade (d) lack
49. High capital requirement is one of the characteristics of public
enterprise (a) true (b)
50. The following are examples of public enterprise except (a) NITEl (b)
1. What is limited companies?
b. List 6 features of limited companies
2. What is public enterprise?
b. List 7 example of public enterprise
3. What is co-operative society?
b. List 6 types of cooperative society
4. What is commodity exchange?
b. List two types of trading on commodities
c. List 3 method of commodity exchange
5. What is trade?
b. List 2 types of trade and write short notes on them
6. Write short note on the following
i. Ownership
ii. Objective
iii. Liability
iv. Management