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180 Days of Language for Fifth Grade Practice

Assess Diagnose 1st Edition Suzanne I.


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180 Days of Language for Fifth Grade Practice Assess
Diagnose 1st Edition Suzanne I. Barchers Digital Instant
Author(s): Suzanne I. Barchers
ISBN(s): 9781425895464, 1425895468
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 33.88 MB
Year: 2014
Language: english
Suzanne Barchers, Ed.D.
Image Credits
pp. 73 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-16225; pp. 87 Library of Congress Prints and
Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-68483; pp. 152 Library of Congress, LC-D401-22452; pp. 184 Library of Congress,
LC-DIG-cwpbh-03501; pp. 90, 100, 103 Wikimedia Commons; all other images Shutterstock

© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers.
All rights reserved.

Shell Education
5482 Argosy Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
ISBN 978-1-4258-1170-9
© 2014 Shell Education Publishing, Inc.

The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part
for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted, stored, or recorded
in any form without written permission from the publisher.

2 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

Table of Contents
Introduction and Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Standards Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Daily Practice Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Answer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
References Cited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Digital Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Introduction and Research

People who love the English language often lament the loss of grammar knowledge and the
disappearance of systematic grammar instruction. We wince at emails with errors, such as when
the noun advice is used instead of the verb advise. We may set aside a résumé with the incorrect
placement of an apostrophe. And some of us pore (not pour) over entertaining punctuation guides
such as Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss (2003). We chuckle over collections of bloopers
such as Anguished English: An Anthology of Accidental Assaults upon Our Language by Richard
Lederer (1987).

Even though we worry about grammar, our students arrive at school with a complex set of grammar
rules in place—albeit affected by the prevailing dialect (Hillocks and Smith 2003, 727). For example,
while students may not be able to recite the rule for where to position an adjective, they know
intuitively to say the yellow flower instead of the flower yellow. All this knowledge comes without
formal instruction. Further, young people easily shift between articulating or writing traditional
patterns of grammar and communicating complete sentences with startling efficiency: IDK (I don’t
know), and for the ultimate in brevity, K (okay).

So, if students speak fairly well and have already mastered a complex written shorthand, why study
grammar? Researchers provide us with three sound reasons:

1. the insights it offers into the way the language works

2. its usefulness in mastering standard forms of English

3. its usefulness in improving composition skills (Hillocks and Smith 1991, 594)

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 3

Introduction and Research (cont.)
Studying grammar also provides users—teachers, students, and parents—with a common vocabulary
to discuss both spoken and written language. The Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar
states, “Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about
language. Grammar names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only in
English but in any language. As human beings, we can put sentences together even as children—we
all do grammar. But to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types of words and
word groups that make up sentences—that is knowing about grammar.”

With the publication of the college and career readiness standards, key instructional skills are
identified, such as identifying parts of speech, using prepositional phrases, capitalizing, and
correctly using commas. Writing conventions such as punctuation serve an important function for
the reader—setting off syntactic units and providing intonational cues and semantic information.
Capitalization provides the reader with such cues as sentence beginnings and proper nouns (Hodges
1991, 779).

The Need for Practice

To be successful in today’s classroom, students must deeply understand both concepts and
procedures so that they can discuss and demonstrate their understanding. Demonstrating
understanding is a process that must be continually practiced in order for students to be successful.
According to Marzano, “practice has always been, and always will be, a necessary ingredient to
learning procedural knowledge at a level at which students execute it independently” (2010, 83).
Practice is especially important to help students apply their concrete, conceptual understanding of a
particular language skill.

Understanding Assessment
In addition to providing opportunities for frequent practice, teachers must be able to assess students’
comprehension and word-study skills. This is important so that teachers can adequately address
students’ misconceptions, build on their current understanding, and challenge them appropriately.
Assessment is a long-term process that often involves careful analysis of student responses from
a lesson discussion, project, practice sheet, or test. When analyzing the data, it is important for
teachers to reflect on how their teaching practices may have influenced students’ responses, and to
identify those areas where additional instruction may be required. In short, the data gathered from
assessments should be used to inform instruction: slow down, speed up, or reteach. This type of
assessment is called formative assessment.

4 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

How to Use This Book
With 180 Days of Language, students receive practice with punctuation, identifying parts of
speech, capitalization, and spelling. The daily practice will develop students’ writing efforts and oral
reading skills.

Easy to Use and Standards-Based

These activities reinforce grade-level skills across a variety of language concepts. The questions are
provided as a full practice page, making them easy to prepare and implement as part of a classroom
morning routine, at the beginning of each language arts lesson, or as homework.

Every practice page provides questions that are tied to a language standard. Students are given
opportunities for regular practice in language skills, allowing them to build confidence through these
quick standards-based activities.

Question Language Skill College and Career Readiness Standard

1–2 punctuation Language Standard 5.2—Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
3 capitalization Language Standard 5.2—Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
4–7 parts of speech Language Standard 5.1—Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
8 spelling Language Standard 5.2—Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Note: Because articles and possessive pronouns are also adjectives, they are included in the answer
key as such. Depending on students’ knowledge of this, grade activity sheets accordingly.

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 5

How to Use This Book (cont.)
Using the Practice Pages
Practice pages provide instruction and assessment opportunities for each day of the school year.
Teachers may wish to prepare packets of weekly practice pages for the classroom or for homework.
As outlined on page 5, every question is aligned to a language skill.

Practice pages provide instruction


and assessment opportunities for

each day of the school year. Name: _____________________________ Date:___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
The Tower of London, with its huge walls is more than a tower.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Each question ties student In the 1070s William the Conqueror started building the fortress.

practice to a specific 3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

language skill. 4. Y N It was built on the thames river and looks a lot like a castle.

5. Y N
4. Underline the verb in sentence A below.

5. Circle the compound subject in sentence A below.

6. Y N Kings and queens often took refuge there.

7. Y N 6. Underline the adverb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the pronoun in sentence B below.

8. Y N
Sometimes, they were imprisoned or executed there.

___ / 8 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




22 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

Using the Scoring Guide

Use the scoring guide along the side of each practice page to check answers and see at a glance which
skills may need more reinforcement.

Fill in the appropriate circle for each problem to indicate correct (Y) or incorrect (N) responses. You
might wish to indicate only incorrect responses to focus on those skills. (For example, if students
consistently miss items 2 and 4, they may need additional help with those concepts as outlined in the
table on page 5.) Use the answer key at the back of the book to score the problems, or you may call
out answers to have students self-score or peer‑score their work.

6 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)
Diagnostic Assessment
Teachers can use the practice pages as diagnostic assessments. The data-analysis tools included
with the book enable teachers or parents to quickly score students’ work and monitor their progress.
Teachers and parents can see at a glance which language skills students may need to target in order
to develop proficiency.

After students complete a practice page, grade each page using the answer key (pages 192–206).
Then, complete the Practice Page Item Analysis for the appropriate day (page 8) for the whole class
or the Student Item Analysis (page 9) for individual students. These charts are also provided in the
digital resources (filenames: G5_practicepage_analysis.pdf, G5_student_analysis.pdf ). Teachers can
input data into the electronic files directly on the computer, or they can print the pages and analyze
students’ work using paper and pencil.

To complete the Practice Page Item Analyses:

• Write or type students’ names in the far-left column. Depending on the number of students,
more than one copy of the form may be needed, or you may need to add rows.

• The item numbers are included across the top of the chart. Each item correlates with the
matching question number from the practice page.

• For each student, record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. If the item is
correct, leave the space in the column blank.

• Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes.

To complete the Student Item Analyses:

• Write or type the student’s name on the top row. This form tracks the ongoing progress of each
student, so one copy per student is necessary.

• The item numbers are included across the top of the chart. Each item correlates with the
matching question number from the practice page.

• For each day, record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. If the item is
correct, leave the item blank.

• Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes.

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 7

Practice Page Item Analysis
Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where students have missed questions. Add up the totals. You can view: (1) which
questions/concepts were missed per student; (2) the total correct score for each student; and (3) the total number of students who
missed each question.

Question # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #
Day: _________________ correct
Student Name

#51170—180 Days of Language

Sample Student x x x 5/8
How to Use This Book (cont.)

# of students missing

© Shell Education
each question
How to Use This Book (cont.)
Student Item Analysis
Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where the student has missed questions. Add up the
totals. You can view: (1) which questions/concepts the student missed; (2) the total correct score per
day; and (3) the total number of times each question/concept was missed.

Student Name: Sample Student

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # correct
1 X X X X 4/8


© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 9

How to Use This Book (cont.)
Using the Results to Differentiate Instruction
Once results are gathered and analyzed, teachers can use the results to inform the way they
differentiate instruction. The data can help determine which concepts are the most difficult for
students and which need additional instructional support and continued practice. Depending on
how often the practice pages are scored, results can be considered for instructional support on a
daily or weekly basis.

Whole-Class Support
The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that the entire class is struggling with a particular
concept or group of concepts. If these concepts have been taught in the past, this indicates that
further instruction or reteaching is necessary. If these concepts have not been taught in the past, this
data is a great preassessment and may demonstrate that students do not have a working knowledge
of the concepts. Thus, careful planning for the length of the unit(s) or lesson(s) must be considered,
and additional front-loading may be required.

Small-Group or Individual Support

The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that an individual or a small group of students is
struggling with a particular concept or group of concepts. If these concepts have been taught in the
past, this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. Consider pulling aside these
students while others are working independently to instruct further on the concept(s). Teachers
can also use the results to help identify individuals or groups of proficient students who are ready
for enrichment or above-grade-level instruction. These students may benefit from independent
learning contracts or more challenging activities. Students may also benefit from extra practice
using games or computer-based resources.

Digital Resources
Reference page 208 for information about accessing the digital resources and an overview of
the contents.

10 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

Standards Correlations
Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research and standards based.
All products are correlated to the academic standards of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the
Department of Defense Dependent Schools, and the Canadian provinces.

How to Find Standards Correlations

To print a customized correlation report of this product for your state, visit www.tcmpub.com/
administrators/correlations/ and follow the online directions. If you require assistance in printing
correlation reports, please contact the Customer Service Department at 1-877-777-3450.

Purpose and Intent of Standards

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) mandates that all states adopt challenging academic
standards that help students meet the goal of college and career readiness. While many states
already adopted academic standards prior to ESSA, the act continues to hold states accountable for
detailed and comprehensive standards.

Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. Standards are
statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet specific academic goals. They
define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level. Standards are also
used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress. Teachers are required to
demonstrate how their lessons meet state standards. State standards are used in the development of
all Shell products, so educators can be assured they meet the academic requirements of each state.

College and Career Readiness

In this book, the following college and career readiness (CCR) standard is met: Spell grade-
appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

McREL Compendium
Each year, McREL analyzes state standards and revises the compendium to produce a general
compilation of national standards. In this book, the following standards are met: Demonstrate
command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
writing; spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

TESOL and WIDA Standards

In this book, the following English language development standards are met: Standard 1: English
language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for
academic success in the content area of language arts.

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 11


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Americas first spy went to work during the Revolutionary War.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

He was a teacher until the war broke out and then he joined the militia.
3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Nathan Hale disguised himself as a dutch teacher.

5. Y N 4. Underline the adjectives in sentence A below.

5. Circle the verb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
The British discovered his true identity.

7. Y N
6. Underline the proper noun in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the article in sentence B below.

He was hanged by the British at age 21.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

inteligent intellugent intelligent

12 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
“Ouch I just got scratched by a thorn,” Marnie said.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

“Actually those aren’t really thorns,” Pedro pointed out.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Marnie and Pedro were at the Municipal gardens.

4. Y N

4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the proper noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
“What are they called if they aren’t thorns?” asked Marnie.

7. Y N
6. Underline the linking verb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the plural noun in sentence B below.

8. Y N

“They are prickles, but they still hurt!” said Pedro.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 13


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Edgar Degas born in 1834, became a famous painter.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

During his early years of painting he wanted to be a history painter.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
He practiced by painting in a museum called the louvre.

5. Y N 4. Underline the adverb in sentence A below.

5. Circle the plural noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Degas is very famous for paintings of dancers.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the possessive pronoun in sentence B below.

You can see his works in many museums.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




14 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
J Patrick Lewis once saw a white rainbow.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Also known as a fog bow it inspired Lewis.

3. Y N

3. Circle the words that should be capitalized in the sentence.

He wrote his first children’s book, a russian folktale.

4. Y N

4. Underline the possessive pronoun in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the plural nouns in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Publishers rejected his first story for seven years.

7. Y N
6. Circle the title in sentence B below.

7. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N

He now has more than 80 books in print, such as Monumental Verses.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
excellence excellance excelence

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 15


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If he really existed Robin Hood lived in the year 1225.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

One man, a robbery suspect had a name similar to Robin Hood.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
This man lived near Sherwood forest, in England.

5. Y N 4. Underline the pronoun in sentence A below.

5. Circle the conjunction in sentence A below.

6. Y N
He was called a forester and an outlaw.

7. Y N
6. Underline the contraction in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the proper noun in sentence B below.

Historians can’t tell whether Robin Hood was a real person.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




16 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
More than 100 years ago, on a dark night a writer stared at Mars.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

As he looked through a telescope, H. G Wells thought about Mars.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

His thoughts led him to write the book the War of the Worlds.
4. Y N

4. Underline the adjectives in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the helping verb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Years later, this story of a Martian invasion was read on the radio.

7. Y N
6. Underline the article in sentence B below.

7. Circle the conjunction in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Listeners thought the invasion was real, and thousands of people panicked.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 17


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Do you watch television shows about hospitals or crime

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

A lot of what you see, such as blood and injuries is fake.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Michael crichton, a writer and a TV producer, went to medical school.

5. Y N 4. Underline the possessive pronoun in sentence A below.

5. Circle the plural noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Medical school prepared him for writing his realistic stories.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verbs in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the pronoun in sentence B below.

He wrote novels to pay his way through school.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

guidance guidence giudance

18 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Years ago, people used cowrie shells cacao beans, and wheat for money.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Wampum, which was exchanged by American Indians was made of polished

beads from shells. 3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N

The aztecs in Central Mexico used cacao beans when shopping.

5. Y N
4. Underline the complete subject in sentence A below.

5. Circle the helping verb in sentence A below. 6. Y N

Cacao beans were used for making chocolate.

7. Y N

6. Underline the conjunction in sentence B below.

7. Circle the possessive pronoun in sentence B below. 8. Y N

It would be great if you could grow your own money!

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

prefered preferred prefrered

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 19


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If you think climbing walls is a new idea, youd be wrong.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

In 1939, Clark Schurman made the first wall climb in Seattle Washington.
3. Y N

3. Circle the words that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Clark Schurman was a boy scout leader who loved climbing.

5. Y N 4. Underline the article in sentence A below.

5. Circle the pronoun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
He called the climbing structure Monitor Rock.

7. Y N
6. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the helping verb in sentence B below.

After his death, the rock was renamed Schurman Rock.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

equiptment equipmeant equipment

20 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
In 1955 Maurice Sendak was working on a children’s book.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

At first he called the book Where the Wild Horses Are.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Then he tried Where the Wild Animals are.

4. Y N

4. Underline the pronoun in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the adverb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Finally, he changed the title to Where the Wild Things Are.

7. Y N
6. Underline the linking verb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the preposition in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Sendak was 83 when he died on May 8, 2012.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
mischief mischeif mischiuf

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 21


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
The Tower of London, with its huge walls is more than a tower.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

In the 1070s William the Conqueror started building the fortress.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N It was built on the thames, a river, and looks a lot like a castle.

5. Y N
4. Underline the verb in sentence A below.

5. Circle the compound subject in sentence A below.

6. Y N Kings and queens often took refuge there.

7. Y N 6. Underline the adverb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the pronoun in sentence B below.

8. Y N
Sometimes, they were imprisoned or executed there.

___ / 8 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




22 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Sometimes we worry about big things and sometimes we worry about small things.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Doctors, as it happens worry about some of the trillions of microbes in your body.
3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

One virus, named after the ebola River, caused hundreds of deaths in 1976.
4. Y N

4. Underline the adverb in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the plural noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Scientists study the virus closely because it is deadly.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N

In 2014, an outbreak of the disease made people very nervous.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 23


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Do you do “the wave at football games?

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

The wave was first seen on television on October 15 1981.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
George Henderson, a big fan, first started it at San Jose State university.

5. Y N 4. Underline the verbs in sentence A below.

5. Circle the proper noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Henderson had fans stand up and cheer, one section at a time.

7. Y N
6. Underline the article in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the pronoun in sentence B below.

It caught on after being seen during a baseball playoff game.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

joyous joyuos joyuss

24 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
What did you toss in todays garbage?

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Did you throw away paper food, or a plastic bottle?

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Dr. william I. Rathje digs through garbage that is decades old.

4. Y N

4. Underline the possessive pronoun in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the conjunction in sentence A below.

6. Y N
His students help him dig up landfills and study the garbage.

7. Y N
6. Underline the adverb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the proper noun in sentence B below.

8. Y N

They could easily read Christmas cards buried for 30 years.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 25


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Have you heard the story about the vanishing hitchhiker

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Stories like these can be scary funny, or hard to believe.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Jan harold Brunvand studies stories like these.

5. Y N 4. Underline the plural noun in sentence A below.

5. Circle the plural pronoun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
They are called modern urban legends.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the adverb in sentence B below.

The stories usually come from a friend of a friend.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




26 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Do you like to tell jokes, riddles, or puns

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Jamie said, “What do you call an overweight feline?

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Cerillo said, “a fat cat!”

4. Y N

4. Underline the helping verb in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the adjective in sentence A below.

6. Y N
These riddles are called hink-pinks.

7. Y N
6. Underline the conjunction in sentence B below.

7. Circle the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N

The answer rhymes and has one syllable in each word.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 27


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Crazy Horse, an American Indian warrior was a brave man.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

He didnt want American Indians to give up their ways of life.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
He fought bravely with Sitting bull at Little Bighorn.

5. Y N 4. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence A below.

5. Circle the pronoun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
His father had the same name of Crazy Horse.

7. Y N
6. Underline the adverb in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the conjunction in sentence B below.

He surrendered to troops in 1877 but was soon killed.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

difiance defieance defiance

28 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Pietra said, I just learned something about the author of Peter Pan.”

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Mrs Lucero asked, “What did you learn, Pietra?”

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

“J. M. Barrie sometimes got writer’s cramp,” pietra said.

4. Y N

4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the pronoun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
“He would switch hands and keep writing!” Pietra exclaimed.

7. Y N
6. Underline the proper noun in sentence B below.

7. Circle the adverb in sentence B below.

8. Y N

“He also said his writing style changed with his left hand,” Pietra added.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
flexibel flexible flexable

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 29


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If you haven’t read a book by Mark Twain you may not know about the
author’s name.

2. Y N

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

3. Y N Born on November 30, 1835 Samuel Langhorne Clemens had several jobs.

4. Y N
3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

He became a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi river.

5. Y N
4. Underline the article in sentence A below.

6. Y N 5. Circle the verbs in sentence A below.

Mark twain means the water was two fathoms deep.

7. Y N

6. Underline the adjectives in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the verb in sentence B below.

He adopted the words for his pen name.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




30 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
In 1865 the Central Pacific Railroad track was under construction.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

The builders needed cheap labor so they hired many immigrants.

3. Y N

3. Circle the words that should be capitalized in the sentence.

By 1868, thousands of chinese and irish workers had been hired.

4. Y N

4. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the adjectives in sentence A below.

6. Y N
The workers set a new record for laying track.

7. Y N
6. Underline the complete subject in sentence B below.

7. Circle the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N

They laid more than ten miles of track in about twelve hours!

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
unbroken unbrokin unnbroken

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 31


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Christopher Paul Curtis didnt start out as a writer.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

For thirteen years he hung doors on cars on an assembly line.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
“I can’t tell you how much I hated it,” curtis said.

5. Y N 4. Circle the title in sentence A below.

5. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence A below.

6. Y N
In his spare time, he wrote The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the possessive pronoun in sentence B below.

His second book, Bud, Not Buddy, won the Newbery Medal.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.

dilligent diligent dilegent

32 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
During the War of 1812 the British burned the capitol in Washington, D.C.

2. Write the missing comma in the sentence. 2. Y N

A library with 3000 books was also destroyed.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Thomas Jefferson, a former United states president, was upset by this.

4. Y N

4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the pronoun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Jefferson owned 6,707 books, and he had bills to pay.

7. Y N
6. Underline the verb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the possessive noun in sentence B below.

8. Y N

The United States Congress bought Jefferson’s library for $23,950.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
remarkable remarkible remarkkable

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 33


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If you like nonsense rhymes you will like Edward Lear.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Born in 1812 he was one of 21 children!

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Edward lived in london and was often sick as a child.

5. Y N 4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below.

5. Circle the verbs in sentence A below.

6. Y N
He loved painting, but he never became famous as an artist.

7. Y N
6. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the adjectives in sentence B below.

He did become famous for his funny limericks.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




34 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
In 1856, Frank Baum was born in Chittenango New York.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

For years he managed theaters and worked as an actor.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

He had a hard time getting the Wonderful Wizard of Oz published.

4. Y N

4. Underline the contraction in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the adverb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Publishers mistakenly thought children wouldn’t like the book.

7. Y N
6. Underline the adverb in sentence B below.

7. Circle the verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Baum finally paid all of the publishing costs.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 35


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Do you have pennies, nickels dimes, or quarters in your pocket?

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

In 1866 the first nickel was issued.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
It was issued by the U.S. mint.

5. Y N 4. Underline the contraction in sentence A below.

5. Circle the conjunction in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Nickel is a metal, but the coin wasn’t all nickel.

7. Y N
6. Underline the linking verb in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the article in sentence B below.

The first nickel was 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper, making it stronger.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




36 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If you want to see the largest Tyrannosaurus rex go to Chicago.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

Called Sue she is 42 feet long and 13 feet high.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

You can usually see Sue at the Field museum.

4. Y N

4. Underline the adverb in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the proper noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Sometimes, Sue is part of a traveling exhibit.

7. Y N
6. Underline the preposition in sentence B below.

7. Circle the common nouns in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Maybe Sue will visit a museum in your city!

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
discouvery descovery discovery

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 37


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
If Ben Franklin had gotten his way the turkey would be the national bird.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Franklin thought that the bald eagle, our national bird had bad character.
3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
About 46 to 50 million turkeys are sold each year for thanksgiving.

5. Y N 4. Underline the contraction in sentence A below.

5. Circle the conjunction in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Tom turkeys gobble, but hens don’t.

7. Y N
6. Underline the adjectives in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the possessive noun in sentence B below.

The red wattle on a turkey’s neck can represent its mood.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




38 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
When you get on a plane you might not worry about other flying things.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

However birds can be a big problem for pilots.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

Birds such as canada geese have damaged plane engines.

4. Y N

4. Underline the verb in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the adverb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Many airports work hard to keep the birds away.

7. Y N
6. Underline the plural noun in sentence B below.

7. Circle the conjunction in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Radar helps, too, because it shows where the birds are.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
accidant accident acident

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 39


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
For thousands of years people have been lifting weights.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Weightlifters can be seen in ancient paintings sculptures, and drawings.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
Soldiers in ancient china had to pass lifting tests.

5. Y N 4. Underline the complete subject in sentence A below.

5. Circle the conjunction in sentence A below.

6. Y N
People lifted stones at first and later lifted dumbbells.

7. Y N
6. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the article in sentence B below.

The clappers were removed from bells, making them soundless.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




40 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Charles Lindbergh, a pilot was famous for his flying.

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

However his life changed completely one day in 1932.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

His son, charles Junior, was kidnapped.

4. Y N

4. Underline the verb in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the proper noun in sentence A below.

6. Y N
The trial of Richard Bruno Hauptmann fascinated the nation.

7. Y N
6. Underline the article in sentence B below.

7. Circle the introductory clause in sentence B below.

8. Y N

Although found guilty, people still wondered if Hauptmann kidnapped the baby.

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.



© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 41


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
On April 22 1970, the first Earth Day was held.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. senator was worried about pollution.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
There had been a massive oil spill in santa Barbara, California.

5. Y N 4. Underline the proper noun in sentence A below.

5. Circle the prepositional phrases in sentence A below.

6. Y N
Senator Nelson wanted people to think about pollution.

7. Y N
6. Underline the prepositional phrase in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the possessive noun in sentence B below.

One man’s idea has spread around the world.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




42 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
Theres nothing more fun than a puppy, right?

2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence. 2. Y N

However maybe owning a puppy isn’t right for you.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

In many cities, such as chicago, you can help by being a foster caregiver.
4. Y N

4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below. 5. Y N

5. Circle the verb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
You can foster a dog or a cat for a while.

7. Y N
6. Underline the adjectives in sentence B below.

7. Circle the contraction in sentence B below.

8. Y N

You’ll make a great friend and have fun, too!

___ / 8
8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.
adaupt adoup adopt

© Shell Education #51170—180 Days of Language 43


Name:______________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions Read and answer each question.

1. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.
1. Y N
For many years inventors worked on making washing machines.

2. Y N
2. Write the missing punctuation in the sentence.

However, it wasnt until 1874 that a good machine was made.

3. Y N

3. Circle the word that should be capitalized in the sentence.

4. Y N
That year, william Blackstone gave a birthday present to his wife.

5. Y N 4. Underline the conjunction in sentence A below.

5. Circle the adverb in sentence A below.

6. Y N
That machine worked well, and other people wanted one.

7. Y N
6. Underline the preposition in sentence B below.

8. Y N
7. Circle the pronoun in sentence B below.

After five years, he opened a washing machine factory.

___ / 8
Total 8. Circle the word below that is spelled correctly.




44 #51170—180 Days of Language © Shell Education

Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
Well might he be agitated. From far down the cavern to our left,
three more land-battleships were rumbling toward us, shooting out
flashes of red and white lightning like a challenge, while hastening to
meet the other Titans as though intending a head-on collision.
Straight on and on the two sets of battle-monsters came, their ugly
pointed forms half-concealed in puffs and streamers of black smoke.
Waving at the stern of one group, we could distinguish banners of
yellow and purple, while the other group displayed green and
vermilion flags; but otherwise it was hard to tell them apart. On the
decks of all the vessels alike we could see swarms of animated black
specks; from the curved tubes at their sides we observed darts of
lightning intermittently shooting; and meantime their rumbling and
roaring made a pandemonium as of a thousand locomotives in
simultaneous action.
As they drew near each other, the two groups did not relax their
speed. Indeed, their pace was only accelerated! With the velocity of
motor cars on a highway, they raced to within a few hundred yards
of each other, as if intending to ram and destroy. There came a
prodigious hissing of steam as they rolled toward the death-grip; for
a moment, the five rushing monsters were obscured amid clouds of
vapor, through which the blue and yellow lightnings flared in
innumerable bolts. Then our aching ears caught the shock of a
concussion so severe that for a second we were stunned; then other
shocks, equally severe, followed one upon the other, as though a
mile high giant were delivering blows with a sledgehammer; then,
while the earth reeled and staggered, we were too dazed to be
aware of anything except a stupendous uproar and commotion.
But by slow degrees, the din subsided. By slow degrees, the
wavering ground regained its balance. Bewildered and still trembling,
Clay and I nerved ourselves to peer out again across the cavern
edge. Yet for a minute we saw nothing; the depths of the canyon
were blanketed in a fuming yellow vapor which obscured everything
like a heavy fog and tormented our nostrils with acrid odors.
Owing to our physical discomfort, we did not know how or when the
mists were dissipated. But when at last Clay leaned across the
cavern edge once more, he uttered a surprised "Battle over! Say, it
looks like a tie!"
"Like a tie?" I echoed, staring into the pit. "But where under Heaven
—where under Heaven are the fighters?"
"There aren't any more fighters!" mumbled Clay—and this was the
literal truth. The great battle machines, which had snorted and
thundered so violently a few minutes before, were no longer to be
seen! Instead, we looked out upon a spectacle of wild devastation.
The rocky ground, plowed up and torn as by Titanic dredges, had
been beaten into ridges and furrows like the waves of a stormy sea;
the opposite canyon wall had been wrecked as if with dynamite, and
great masses of broken boulders were heaped up where the
porthole-like openings had stared.
But were there no signs at all of the land-battleships? Yes—here and
there along the scarred and charred pit-floor, we saw twisted rods
and wires! Here and there were bent and dented iron plates; here
and there were contorted coils, broken rods, fragments of wheels
and axles—mute testimonials to the fate of those five battle
For a long while we gaped in silence at that desolate battlefield. How
inconceivably powerful were these mysterious people of the depths!
What gigantic forces they controlled to be able to blow up huge steel
vessels like toys! In contemplation of such unheard-of might, I felt
overwhelmed with awe, and I felt crushed, humbled by my own
But quite different was Clay's reaction. I saw his lower lip curl in a
faintly contemptuous expression as he spoke.
"You know, Frank, what I'm beginning to think? These caves are
inhabited by a lot of crazy men—blank, raving lunatics, the whole set
of them! Why, if they had the sense of a two-year-old, they'd know
enough not to fight when they'd all be blown to smithereens!"
"Looks that way, doesn't it?" I conceded, begrudgingly. "But how
could we expect to have any wars at all, if every one had the sense
of a two-year-old?"
Clay opened his mouth to reply. But before he could utter a word, an
event occurred that turned our thoughts to other subjects.

From the cavern walls opposite us, where the little round openings
had not been blown away in the recent engagement, a shaft of red
lightning leapt, striking not many yards below us with an ear-
splitting din. And almost instantly another bolt shot out, and another,
and another still, each of them coming nearer us than the last, while
our ears rang with the heavy explosive uproar. That we were not
killed instantly was due more to luck than to our swift action.
Yet we were not slow about rising and fleeing. Startled as we were,
we realized the nature of the onslaught. We had been seen,
mistaken for enemies, and fired upon! Hostile marksmen, armed
with thunderbolts, were seeking our lives!
Even as we sprang up and away, a deafening crash resounded at our
heels, and we knew that the ledge where we had lain had been hit
and shattered. The next instant, as we darted along the gallery, an
even louder crash burst forth, and a huge rocky mass, dislodged
from the gallery roof, came roaring and clattering down almost at
our feet.
In that desperate crisis, it was each for himself. As if by instinct, I
knew that if I remained in that main passageway a second longer, I
would be struck and killed; as if by instinct, I turned in my flight and
darted off into the shelter of one of the many side-galleries. And
such was the impulse of my terror that I did not halt even when
reaching this relative safety, but kept on at full speed down the
vaguely lighted corridor, until at last my panting breath and
pounding heart forced me to stop.
Then, wheeling about, I was swept by a new rush of alarm. Where
was Clay?
In the fury of my panic, I had forgotten him. And now he was not to
be seen!
"Phil! Phil!" I cried, suddenly aware of an aloneness, an isolation
such as I had never felt before. "Phil! Phil! Phil!"
But my words rang uncannily down the dim gallery, with echoes like
devil's mockery. "Phil! Phil! Phil! Where are you, Phil? Where are
you?" I shouted again and again. But still only the echoes came back
to me, like the voice of my own despair, "Where are you, Phil?
Where are you?"
And then, as I still called without reply, there came a thought that all
but paralyzed me with dread. What if my friend had not been so
fortunate as I? What if he had been hit by one of the death-bolts?
As this new fear shot over me, I raised my voice more loudly than
ever, "Phil! Phil! Phil! Answer me, Phil! Where are you? Where are
you?" As though the sound of my own shouts would still the tumult
storming within me!
Furiously I retraced my footsteps. Back along the side-gallery I
dashed, back to the main corridor where I had last seen my old
chum. "Phil! Phil! Phil! Where are you?" I still shouted as I
approached; and my heart sank as my voice, husky from the strain,
cried out those unavailing words.
Then, with a final throb of expectation, I entered the corridor and
started out across its greenish-yellow spaces. And, as I did so, I
gave a gasp, and hope died within me. The gallery was empty! Clay
was nowhere to be seen!
For a long, blank moment of dismay and horror, I stood staring out
across that deserted passageway. I was as one who, in mid-ocean,
suddenly feels the waves foaming over him with no sign of a
rescuing sail. Not until this instant had the full terror of my plight
overwhelmed me; not until this instant had I felt utterly hopeless
and helpless. Now that Clay was gone, it was as if the very under-
pinnings of my world had been torn from beneath me.
Yet my alarm was not for myself. It was of Clay that I was thinking;
it was Clay's tormented face that flashed before my mind as if
surrounded by a red glare of danger. And the conviction came to me,
irrational yet irresistible, that he had either been slain or was in
mortal peril.
Goaded by that dread, I shook myself out of the inaction that had
seized me as I regained the main gallery. I forgot my personal risk; I
scarcely cared whether or not a death-bolt felled me; I began
running furiously up and down, as recklessly as one who courts his
own destruction. Still no trace of Clay! Surely, he would not willingly
have deserted me! But had he too rushed into one of the side-
corridors? Then why had he not returned? Had he not heard my
shouting? Would he not shout for me as well?
While these and other questions shot across my mind in baffling
succession, I peered fruitlessly into the shadows of half a score of
side-galleries; and into each of them I called as loudly as my cracked
and broken voice would permit; "Phil! Phil! Phil! Where are you?
Where are you, Phil?"
But still only the mocking echoes came back to taunt me.
Had I been a more cautious man, I would have been less ready to
cry out into those mysterious depths. For, while I accomplished
nothing for Clay, I was weaving a grim net of danger about my own
I had called into the tenth or eleventh passageway, when an
answering yell met my ears—not the welcome voice I craved, but a
high-pitched cry in some unknown tongue, a cry of such
unspeakable shrillness and ferocity that I stopped short as if
paralyzed and felt my knees faltering beneath me and my hair
Almost at the same instant, a grisly apparition glided forth amid the
dimness of the side-gallery. I say apparition, for, although it was
solid flesh and blood, it flashed upon me like a ghost—worse than a
ghost!—like the phantom of death himself! Imagine a man-sized
figure, robed from head to foot in black, and with a sable hood, the
shape of a fool's cap! Imagine a face of spectral, chalky white!
Imagine a toothless mouth leering with wide-gaping jaws; imagine
the creature starting forward with black-gloved hands extended, and
with that hideous shriek still shrilling from its lips; imagine—
But I did not take time for further observation. Despite all the strain
I had endured, my legs retained their vigor. Not for nothing had I
been on the track team at college! But alas!—as I rushed like a
hounded deer along the main gallery, I was dashed to grief. I do not
know what betrayed me—perhaps a crevice in the floor, perhaps
only a pebble; at all events, I pitched ingloriously head over heels
and came painfully to a halt.
Hastily picking myself up, regardless of a bruised shin and aching
knee-joint, I was about to resume my flight—when I found my
pathway blocked. All about me, at distances of from ten to twenty
yards, were dozens of beings so strange that they might have been
dwellers of another planet.
They were riding cross-legged on curious low cars of about the size
and shape of children's coasters—little wheeled vehicles, three or
four feet long, a foot high, and a foot wide, which, with a buzzing of
motors, darted back and forth nervously, frequently colliding with
one another in their haste. This it was which explained their rapidity
in over-taking me.
But more astonishing than the machines were the creatures
themselves. For a moment, as they ringed me about in a gaping
crowd, I had the uncanny sensation of being imprisoned by
phantoms. Like him who had started me on my flight, they were all
black-clad from crown to heel; they all had faces which, snowy
white, seemed scarcely human in their bloodless pallor. Their hair,
protruding in long tufts from beneath their cone-shaped hats, was
either paper-white or gray; their eyes, narrower than those of most
men, gave the impression of being not fully open, and were
curiously pink or salmon-colored; their noses were flat and stubby,
their chins weak and almost unnoticeable, while their narrow chests
were so stooped and pinched that I could have believed the whole
lot of them to be consumptives.

Had it not been for the latter features, I might have mistaken them
all for women; for they wore long skirts which came down well
below the knees. The impression of femininity, moreover, was re-
inforced by the V-shaped slits in the backs of their costumes, and by
the black pencilling of the eyebrows, which were overlooked by little
snake-like curves, painted as if for artistic effect.
But at the first horrified glimpse, I did not observe all these details. I
merely noticed how the creatures surrounded me, keeping at a
distance of not less than ten yards, while rolling restlessly back and
forth in their little cars; I noticed how several of them carried long
dragon-shaped banners of green and vermilion, and how others bore
little pistol-like implements, from which every now and then a forked
lightning-shaft flashed toward the ceiling. And as I gazed out at the
strangers, every other thought was lost in the despairing sense that
I was trapped.
Yes!—I was trapped as completely as though they had me in irons.
The circle about me was unbroken, and there was no way of escape!
Several minutes went by, during which nothing of importance
happened. The creatures stared at me, almost glared at me, with
every expression of interest; some of them jabbered to one another
in those peculiar high-pitched voices so unpleasant to my ears;
others pointed at me with curious gestures that may have indicated
surprise, derision, or anger; one of them even stepped forth a little
and addressed me in particularly loud and rasping tones, of which I
could understand not one word.
But when I, in my turn, called out to them as a test, "Who are you?
Where am I?" they answered with a round of such unpleasant,
grating laughter that I resolved to hold my tongue thenceforth.
Evidently English was not spoken in the caverns beneath the earth.
I do not know whether the people interpreted my words as mockery,
or were incensed by my failure to answer them intelligibly. In any
case, I could see an expression of hostility, of suspicion deepening in
their salmon eyes, and knew that I had provoked their disfavor. But I
was little prepared for their next action. From a rifle-like machine in
the hand of the foremost man, a coil of wire leapt forth; and, before
I realized the intention or had had a chance to evade it, the coil had
fallen over my neck and was tightening about my shoulders, drawing
my arms together against my sides and binding me as helplessly as
a lassoed steer.
Naturally, I struggled, but the chief effect was to provoke more of
that unpleasant grating laughter. The metal, which was thick as my
index finger, would not yield to my most frantic efforts. The more I
writhed, the more deeply it cut into my flesh; and the more deeply it
cut into my flesh, the more heartily the chalky-faced folk laughed at
my groans.
Then after a minute or two, my captors began pulling at the wire.
While some of the little coaster-like machines rolled behind me, and
some rolled ahead, but none approached within ten yards, I was led
away down one of the side-galleries, like a dog at the end of a
string, toward a fate I could hardly conjecture.
Deeper and Darker
In the course of my thirty-eight years, I have made more than one
hair-raising expedition. I have clung to the slippery sides of
precipices; I have rolled in a ship at sea, with the decks all awash
beneath the mountainous waves; I have been lost in the burning
desert and all but blistered to death; I have roamed glacial barrens,
and remote caves, and serpent-infested jungles. But never have I
been stricken with such fear, never have I suffered such nightmare
agonies as during that journey at the end of a wire, among the
clattering groups of pit-dwellers.
So bewildered was I, so frightened, and at the same time so
angered, that for a long while I kept little track of where we went. I
only knew that we were making our way down, down, down, among
a multitude of galleries that curved, and curved again, and branched
and inter-branched with baffling intricacy—galleries illuminated with
a greenish-yellow glow by the multitudes of orbs placed at regular
intervals along the walls and ceiling. It seemed that we travelled for
miles, while my captors, on their queer wheeled machines, rolled
ahead of me and behind, but never came within yards of personal
contact; and minute by minute the wire cut more deeply into my
skin, checking the circulation and making it hard for me to hold back
a cry of pain.
After a time, however, I began to take closer note of my
surroundings. I remember, for example, catching a glimpse of a
huge, rapidly revolving wheel, larger than a barn-door, from which a
strong draft of cool air was blowing; I saw through a half-closed
door into a hall filled with machines as high as a five-story building;
I was dazzled by flashes of sun-brilliant lights, and once or twice my
ears were smitten with thunderblasts; I crossed a bridge over a
subterranean torrent, in which I could see half-submerged,
illuminated vessels; I passed walls lined with little round lighted
windows, within which I could distinguish shadowy figures moving; I
shuffled along corridors where long pipes, coils, and strands of wire
ran along the walls for great distances.
Absorbed in these sights, I had regained something of my
composure before there occurred an event which, for a time,
unnerved me completely. Coming to the end of a narrow
passageway, we found ourselves facing a thoroughfare which, to my
unaccustomed eyes, seemed like a parade-ground of demons. Along
a gallery fifty or sixty yards across, a multitude of little cars were
shooting back and forth with prodigious rapidity. None of them were
any larger than the tiny coaster-like machines of my captors, but all
were moving with such speed that it was difficult, and at times
impossible, to follow their movements. Worst of all, they seemed to
pursue no regular route, but looped and curved at all crazy angles,
and so many were the near-collisions that it made me dizzy merely
to look at the vehicles.
Across this mad avenue my captors set forth with the utmost
nonchalance, weaving their way in and out as unconcernedly as
though not in danger of being knocked to eternity. And I, though I
strained back at my wire till the blood came, was forced to follow.
Imagine my terror! The diabolical little machines, like bolts out of a
cannon, came racing toward me from all sides, and none would relax
its speed as it approached! I felt one of them flitting just to my rear
with a rush of wind; another almost scraped the tips of my shoes as
it darted in front of me; a third would certainly have ended my days
on earth had it not swerved by a fraction of an inch just as it was
about to destroy me. Little wonder that, by the time I had reached
the further side, I was near to nervous prostration!
I was just heaving a sigh of relief at my deliverance, when there
came a loud crash from behind me; and, glancing back, I saw two of
the little cars jumbled together in a distorted heap, their drivers
sprawled with outstretched limbs along the cavern floor. One of
them, lying motionless in a pool of blood, was evidently already
beyond help; the other was twisting and groaning miserably. But the
other riders were shooting back and forth with the same reckless
haste as ever, and no one seemed to pay the unfortunates any
Amid all my trials, I had one cause to be thankful: we were to cross
no other driveway that day! Fifteen minutes later, we had reached
our destination; we emerged into a long, straight cavern, with walls
several hundred feet apart and a vaulted ceiling fifty yards high; and
one of my captors, flinging open a little door at one side, motioned
me to enter.

Not being allured by the vague, indistinctly lighted interior, I stood

still and made no attempt to obey—at which my master went off into
a fit. A reddish tinge transformed the normal chalky white of his
face; his black-gloved hands shook wrathfully and he uttered a howl
of shrieking command.
Although I did not understand the words, I could guess their
meaning; however, I still held my ground, disobedient and
At this, my tormentor, growing more angry still, consulted briefly
with one of his fellows; then, with a resolute motion, he seized a
long two-pronged pole from the cavern wall and thrust this weapon
forward so as to catch me between the prongs.
Thus held, I was helpless; and though I howled my resentment, I
was shoved through the door like a captive beast. The next moment,
I heard the heavy hinges rattling to a close, and with a bang like
thunder, the door slammed in my face. At last I was in prison!
By the pale greenish-yellow light, I found myself in a room about
twenty-five feet square, with only one small window, and with a low
ceiling that curved down almost to meet the floor. One or two stone
benches and tables, but no chairs, were scattered about this
compartment; while, at the further end, half a dozen white-faced
and black-robed creatures were cowering miserably.
But when, with the friendliest of intentions, I approached these
fellow-sufferers, they cringed and withdrew into the remotest corner,
trembling, and uttered sharp, menacing exclamations of fear. Why
were they so afraid of me? Was it that they had never seen a man of
my race?
Being denied their company, I deposited myself on a stone bench
across the room from them, and, with my head buried in my hands,
began drearily reviewing my predicament. Who were these chalk-
faced people? How did they manage to live here beneath the earth?
Why had no one ever heard of them before? What did they intend to
do with me? What had happened to Clay? Was he alive or dead?
These questions, and a thousand more, flitted through my mind in a
mad, almost delirious succession, while, at the same time, I became
increasingly aware of a great fatigue, and increasingly conscious of
being hungry and thirsty.
My head was aching and my tongue was growing dry within my
mouth by the time the prison door opened once more and one of
the chalk-faces entered and deposited a bowl of water and some
marble-sized purple capsules on a table a few yards from me.
To my surprise, my cell-mates all at once made a dash, as if to seize
these articles, but withdrew in a panic when I stepped forth, and I
was left in undisputed possession of the prizes.
At one gulp, I consumed the water; then, feeling somewhat better, I
took up the purple capsules and examined them with interest. As I
did so, a grim suspicion came into my mind. I do not know what it
was that gave me this idea—perhaps the vivid color of the pellets; it
flashed over me that these were poison potions, intended as an easy
means of disposing of me. Probably it was from this fate that my
cell-mates, unfriendly though they seemed, had wished to save me
in rushing for the capsules.
What was more natural therefore than that, horrified by my
suspicions, I should seize the capsules and dash them along the
floor? But what was more astonishing than the actions of my cell-
mates, who, with wild whoops and cries, leapt after these scattered
purple globules? I noticed how they all showed an almost ravenous
greed, each fighting to be first; I also noticed how, as if stricken
blind, they began to grope strangely as they drew near the objects,
feeling with clumsy hands across the floor and apparently finally
locating them by touch alone.
Surely, it was not the dimness of the light that caused this queer
conduct, for they had seen the capsules plainly enough at a
It was at this point that I made my first great discovery about the
chalk-faces. They were unable to see things clearly close at hand!
Doubtless, their long residence underground had affected their
It was at this point, also, that I made my second great discovery.
The purple pellets were good to eat! That was manifest, for my cell-
mates, having seized them, thrust them eagerly into their toothless
mouths and smacked their lips in relish.
Cursing my reckless folly in throwing the capsules away, I made a
rush toward my cell-mates, and, by grasping desperately, managed
to seize the last of the globules barely in time to save it from the
chalk-faces. And then tentatively I put it into my mouth, ready to
spit it out at any indication of poison. But I might have spared my
fears. It had a delicious nutty flavor, and was evidently concentrated
food of a high quality, for I felt a new surge of strength in my veins
the moment I had consumed it.
It was well that I had taken even this small amount of nourishment;
I was to need all my spare energy in the dread ordeal that lay
Beneath the Ray
In the first dismal moment of my imprisonment, I had anticipated
days, weeks, or even months of confinement. But I might have
spared my fears. I was soon to be released—although under the last
conditions I would have chosen. And the period of my incarceration,
though brief in duration, was to be savage in the torments it
Two or three hours after I had been jailed, the prison door was
shoved violently inward to admit such a ferocious-looking gang of
invaders that my cell-mates all murmured in fright and huddled
together at the extreme end of the room. I too gave a little gasp of
alarm, then tried hard to make myself inconspicuous in a dark corner
under the low-hanging ceiling. In astonishment only exceeded by my
apprehension, I saw a troop of ten beings, who had evidently made
every effort to appear inhuman. The head of each was enveloped in
a triangular mask of steel which came to a hatchet-like point in front
and displayed hideous gaping apertures for the eyes, mouth, and
nostrils; their bodies were encased in dark cloth covered with thin
flakes of steel which clattered as they walked; their feet, which
carried long spike-like spurs both in front and behind, were clothed
in iron-plated boots that ran almost to the knees; their right hands
bore shining weapons, shaped a little like sawed-off shotguns, the
ends of which scintillated with flying sparks.
But perhaps the most remarkable thing about them was the manner
in which they walked. They all stepped forward with movements so
stiff and regular that I had a fleeting suspicion that they were
animated machines; their arms swayed up and down, up and down,
in perfect time with those of their companions; their feet always left
the ground with a peculiar high-swinging motion, like that of
prancing horses, although their pace was by no means a prancing
one; the sound of their footsteps reminded me of cavalry trotting.
Of course, I recognized their nature very quickly. Their automatic
and mechanical movements made it evident that they were soldiers.
At a steady pace, they approached my cell-mates, who were shaking
and howling with dread; then abruptly they halted, and their leader
pointed at one of the poor wretches and snapped out a sharp order.
Instantly the victim uttered a cry, as of lamentation and dismay;
then, sagging to the floor, he was seized by one of the warriors and
dragged away, while the whole party left the room at their odd
prancing march.
As the door rattled to a close behind them, my remaining cell-mates
all dashed toward the one small window, fighting and wrestling with
one another to gain a favorable position. And all the while, from the
lips of them all, there issued the dreariest, most doleful wails that
ever grated on my ears.
Noting their excitement, and not wishing to be left behind if there
was anything to see, I too darted toward the window. And lo and
behold!—the effect was magical! Avoiding contact with me as
though I were a plague-bearer, the chalk-faces all made way before
my coming, and, whimpering with fear, retreated to the further end
of the room. Thus I was left in undisputed possession of the view!
It was a strange sight that I beheld as I peered out between the iron
bars—a sight in some ways more appalling than even the clash of
the land-battleships. Glancing out into the broad, high corridor just
outside our prison, I saw my late cell-mate being borne away to the
opposite wall, where he was tied against a stone column shaped like
a gallows. Then, while a group of about fifty chalk-faces gathered
around, gibbering and gesticulating, one of the soldiers uttered what
sounded like a warning cry, at which the spectators all withdrew to a
respectable distance, and a curious-looking machine was wheeled on
to the scene.
Not until its brown cloth cover had been removed, and it had been
put into operation, could I guess its nature. Although it rested, like a
camera, on an iron tripod, it was unlike any other machine I had
ever observed; it consisted, in the main, of a series of prisms and
lenses, of various shapes and colors, some of them transparent and
but a few inches across, but the foremost of them rounded in form,
stained a deep opaque blue, and fully a yard in diameter. Behind the
lenses, there were numbers of bulbs and wires, and of battery-like
tubes; while the whole instrument, when in operation, made a
constant whirring sound, a little like a motion picture projector.

What interested me most of all, however, was the weird light which,
issuing from the foremost lens, was not scattered or diffused like
most rays, but drew sharply to a focus twenty or twenty-five yards
ahead of the machine, making a long cone of the most uncanny
violet illumination I had ever seen.
Even now, I was not certain of the dread purpose of the apparatus.
But from the hush of awe-stricken expectancy that had come over
the spectators, I surmised that something extraordinary was in
store. Nor was I to be disappointed. One of the soldiers, operating
the machine, turned the violet light-rays on and off two or three
times as if for practice, then gradually moved the instrument so that
it pointed directly toward the wretch tied against the stone column.
There followed a moment of silence, during which the operator
looked through a little glass tube, as if to make sure of his position
and distance; then he raised his black-gloved hand in an urgent
gesture, and the silence became more absolute than ever, except for
a moaning sound from the tied man; then he took out a little
instrument like a watch and gazed at it intently, as if keeping careful
count of the time....
The next instant, while I still wondered what was to happen, I heard
the low regular whirring of the machine. The cone of violet light shot
out, its focus directly at the prisoner's heart. Then the man sagged
and would have fallen except for the ropes that held him. A
strangled cry issued from his throat; dark foam appeared upon his
lips; his face, for an instant, became ghastly purplish red, then
turned gray and colorless....
Three or four seconds, and all was over. The victim gave a last
convulsive quiver; the violet light no longer played; the whirring
sound had ceased. But one of the soldiers, whistling a tune, cut the
lifeless form free; and the people, with a loud babbling chatter,
surged back and forth across the gallery as if nothing had occurred.
The explanation now was clear enough to me. I knew that the
machine generated not only violet but ultra-violet rays of a
penetrating power to reach the heart and check its action by tearing
down the tissues.
Having seen enough for one day, I sank back upon a stone bench,
clasping my aching forehead with both hands and telling myself that
I had fallen amongst the most barbarous race ever known. True,
they were wonderfully advanced scientifically, but would any civilized
people execute a man with a death-ray? Would they not, rather,
resort to humane devices, such as hanging, the guillotine, or the
electric chair?
While absorbed in these ruminations, I was startled to see the prison
door burst open once more, admitting the squad of ten soldiers who
advanced with the same machine-like movements and prancing
steps as before, singled out another of my cell-mates, bore the
cringing victim away, and promptly executed him by means of the
Four times in the course of the next hour they returned, and each
time withdrew one of my fellow prisoners, who shortly afterwards
said his last farewell to this world.
What had these men done to justify such treatment? Surely, they
were criminals of a desperate calibre!
With this reflection, I sought to console myself and to drive out a
terrorizing premonition. But it was by no means consoling to find
myself at length alone in the prison, while the last of my cell-mates
was being crumpled to death by the violet rays.
Would I now be left to myself? Fervently I prayed to remain
undisturbed for a time, so that the pulsing in my head might
subside. But my prayer was not to be answered. Immediately after
disposing of the last chalk-face, the soldiers returned. I heard the
banging of the door, as it swung on its hinges with a rattling like the
thunder of the gates of doom; I heard the warriors, with their
clattering steely garments and triangular hatchet helmets as they
solemnly approached; I saw their leader lift a black-clad hand and
point in my direction with a motion as automatic as it was
inexorable; and, cowering in the furthest dim recess of the prison,
cornered beyond hope of escape, I felt as if I had already heard the
summons of the Last Bugler trumpeting in my ears.
Had I been a condemned criminal sentenced to the electric chair, my
torments would have been less hard to bear. For then, at least, I
would have known that I was suffering justly; I would have been
surrounded by people of my own kind and race; I would have had
time in which to prepare myself, and I would have had to face no
such diabolical instrument as the violet-ray. Oh, how I loathed the
sight of that machine. Even today I cannot think of it without an
involuntary start of fright! Yet, apparently, there was no power on
Heaven or Earth to save me from it. Coolly, deliberately, with the
most matter-of-fact manner, my oppressors dragged me out of
prison, pulled me at the end of a wire to the stone column that had
witnessed the six executions, and, still not approaching me, hurled
some heavy iron strands around the column in such a way as to hold
me tightly against it.
Now it seemed to me that I was living through some horrible
nightmare, persecuted by devils. I saw the ghastly black-and-white
figures of the spectators crowded at a safe distance, their salmon
eyes glittering with pitiless curiosity; I saw the ten soldiers with their
hatchet helmets looking on like the creatures of some delirious
vision; I saw the death-machine being moved into place and
watched the operator as he peered through the little glass tube as if
to make sure of his aim. Then, while I gave a convulsive shudder
and grew limp with fright, the executioner lifted his hand to signify
that all was ready....
The following seconds seemed each as long as whole hours. For the
first time since my childhood, I had an impulse to pray; my lips
opened, as if to gasp out a supplication to that Supreme Power in
whom I no longer believed; but nothing except a cracked, dry sound
came forth, and I half imagined I already heard my own death-
rattle. In that final second, I seemed to live through my whole life
again, as the drowning are said to do; I was a child in my mother's
arms; I was a youth at college; I was a grown man making love to
that auburn-headed one who might even now be my bride, if—
But at this point my remembrances ceased. My ears caught the tell-
tale whirring of the death-machine; my eyes beheld the cone of
violet light, its thin point tapering toward my breast; and, straining
with a last futile effort against the imprisoning wires, I thought that
my days on earth were over.
Several seconds, long-protracted, tortured seconds—went by. I was
aware of a faint warmth, a slight tickling sensation above the heart—
and that was all. Was my death to be painless?
Then, in a wild rush, hope came flooding back upon me. Might I not,
after all, be saved? Was I immune to the effects of the rays?
Yes!—the miracle had happened! Suddenly the whirring of the
machine ceased, the violet-ray snapped off, and the spectators,
surging back and forth with excited cries, showed that they shared
my own surprise at the failure of the execution.
But was I actually saved? Again I heard the fearful buzzing of the
machine; again the cone of violet light pointed toward me; again I
felt that ticking sensation in my breast. But I still defied the rays of
After the third fruitless attempt, the chalk-faces seemed ready to
abandon the effort. I saw the soldiers gathered in a little knot as
though in conference; I heard the spectators noisily talking with
explosive exclamations; then, after a minute, to my great relief, one
of the helmeted ones reached out with a long forked pole and
loosened the wires that bound me.
A moment later, I was a free man! Still mystified as to the reason for
my escape, I felt impulsively at my chest, wondering if I had not
been wounded, ever though I felt no pain. And, as I did so, sudden
light dawned upon me. Beneath my coat, which had been punctured
with a little round incision like a bullet-hole, I felt a small familiar
bulge. And reaching into an inner pocket, I drew forth a little
leather-covered notebook! A deep, charred perforation, reaching
almost through the heavy back cover, showed what it was that had
checked the deadly rays!

Had my enemies taken the trouble to search me in advance, I would

not have escaped so easily. Only their irrational dread of
approaching me could account for this omission!
But let me not exult prematurely! Now that the cause of the
interference had been discovered, what was to prevent my captors
from subjecting me once more to the violet rays?
Evidently, the same idea occurred to them as well. Seeing me take
the notebook out of my pocket, they uttered shrill exclamations of
interest, and the soldiers motioned me to surrender it. At first I
refused, but they bound me again with wires shot from one of the
rifle-like machines, forcing me to drop the book, which one of the
chalk-faces instantly drew toward him with a pronged pole.
But as he could not see clearly at close range, he placed it twenty or
thirty feet away, and examined it through a sort of binoculars, while
one of his companions turned the pages. I do not know what he
found to interest him, for all that it contained was some mining
notes with some printed matter bearing statistical information, such
as the names and populations of leading cities, the capitals of states,
etc. Besides, it was to be presumed that he could not read English!
Nevertheless, he uttered significant grunts as he looked from page
to page, and one would have thought he had gained invaluable
All this was, however, of little consolation to me, for I still expected
to be executed the next minute. And was I not justified in this
expectation, judging from the way the operator of the death-
machine was testing the apparatus, turning the violet-ray on and off
every few seconds as if for practice?
Indeed, had it not been for the arrival of Professor Tan Trum, my
execution would have been postponed but a few minutes.
I mentioned the name of this renowned individual as I afterwards
learned it; for, at the time, of course, I knew nothing of his
distinguished reputation. I was only aware of the approach of a
chalk-face of unusual appearance. He was much taller and thinner
than any of his companions, being well over six feet in height and
lean in proportion, and he bent far forward as he walked. His gray
hair fell in long braids and curls from his massive brow; his
embroidered robe rippled almost to his ankles; and his face, instead
of being cleaned-shaven like that of his fellows, showed a long
grizzled beard, neatly parted in the center.
At his approach, the others withdrew, not exactly with deference,
but with a little of the awe of children at the appearance of some
authoritative adult, while he, not heeding them in the least, pushed
his way to the front of the crowd, took out his binoculars, and
peered at my notebook from a convenient distance.
As he did so, I could see his little reddish eyes beaming
enthusiastically. But I was little prepared for the whoop of joy which
he let out, or for his excited leap and rush in the direction of my
notebook. Approaching it, he had to grope like a blind man, since he
had even more trouble than his countrymen in seeing near at hand.
However, he finally managed to locate it, and, hugging it to his side
as though it were some rare art treasure, he uttered another cry of
The next moment, I noticed that his eyes were fastened upon me,
but I felt more friendliness than hostility in his glance; indeed, it
turned out that, for the first time since arriving in these nether
depths, I had found a defender. I realized that I personally
interested him less than did my notebook, yet he was so grateful
that I could have kissed his hand when he motioned to my captors,
speaking sharply and angrily, and they once more untied my bonds.
Yet I was to be disappointed if I imagined the ordeal to be over. I
was, indeed, relieved of the fear of instant execution; but other trials
and perils followed immediately. No sooner was I released from the
wires than the Professor issued an order and several of the little
coaster-like cars were wheeled up. What was my horror when I was
motioned to take my place on one of them! However, it was useless
to protest. Upon my refusal to obey commands, I was pitched on to
one of the vehicles with a two-pronged pole and was made to
understand that any attempt to escape would be severely treated.
So I lay on the car at full length, clinging to a little board projecting
in front, instead of squatting with crossed legs, in the manner of the
natives. Loud was their laughter to see me take this position, and
great was their surprise that I appeared to have no knowledge of
the steering mechanism; but they solved the difficulty by hitching
my machine with a wire to another, which forthwith dragged it away.
The ride that followed did not last more than ten minutes, but it was
an expedition through Hell itself. My mind kept no clear track of
details; I only know that we roared through narrow tunnels, lurched
at breakneck speed around curves, shot across causeways and
bridges, raced along avenues where other cars swept past in a gray
whirl of speed, and finally came to a halt with such abruptness that I
was pitched forward off my perch, and was only saved from serious
injury by falling on Professor Tan Trum, who drove the car ahead of

Not being versed in the native language, I did not know what
epithets of abuse he used; but the sparks that flashed from his
salmon eyes, and the sharp tones of his indignant voice, testified to
his anger as he picked himself up, nursed a bruised arm, and
brushed out the rumpled embroidery of his gown. But, infuriated as
he was, I could see that his first thought was for my notebook,
which he still firmly clutched. Finding this unharmed, he seemed
consoled for his injuries.
We were now joined by half a dozen more chalk-faces, including
several soldiers, who had followed us on other cars, and the whole
party, without delay, started down a brilliantly lighted gallery toward
a great shining hall. As always, most of the chalk-faces kept at a
distance from me, some of them trotting half a dozen yards behind,
and others as many yards ahead; but Professor Tan Trum,
surprisingly, seemed willing to walk at my side—an act of friendliness
which filled me with deep gratitude.
As we drew near the hall, my companions slackened their pace;
when we had come within a stone's throw of the entrance, I was
startled to see a row of soldiers, their faces hidden in triangular
helmets, their right hands clutching pikes twenty feet high. They all
stood stiff as stone and made no response to our salutes; in fact,
such was their lifeless rigidity that at first I supposed them to be, not
living men, but statues.
However, after one of our attendants had spoken, slipping a little
something into their hands, two of the soldiers proved themselves to
be human after all; they moved aside a few feet, making room for us
to pass; and, while their pikes gleamed high above us, we entered
the hall beyond.
I was now surprised to see my companions drop to their knees and
move forward on all fours in a grovelling attitude which I could not
be persuaded to imitate until a sharp cuff on the small of the back
taught me discretion. Even Professor Tan Trum had fallen into a
most ungainly and unbecoming posture; his lanky form, as he crept
forward foot by foot on his hands and knees, impressed me as so
ridiculous that I could not restrain a burst of laughter, which cost me
a second and even more severe cuff on the back.
But what was it that filled the chalk-faces with such humility? Had
they entered the shrine of a god—or the throne-room of their king?
After a moment, I accepted the latter explanation, although nothing
very kingly-looking met my eyes. There was, to be sure, plenty of
pomp and display; the walls of the hall, which was at least a
hundred yards across, were emblazoned with multitudes of brilliant
white, red, and yellow lights; enormous dragon-shaped banners of
green and vermilion hung from the high fretted ceilings, interspersed
with long strings of swords, pikes, and helmets; in the center, on a
raised platform of polished red sandstone, sat the most remarkable
individual it had ever been my fortune to behold.
Let me say, to begin with, that he was the smallest man I had
encountered outside of a circus. He may have been four feet high,
but I doubt it; his lean and weazened frame may have been as stout
as that of an eight-year-old, but again I doubt it. The legs, thin as
those of a paralytic, were little more than two dangling sticks; his
arms were scarcely better developed; his head was bald, his mouth
toothless, and his fingers without nails; his eyes were covered with
instruments like binoculars, through which he could see only with
difficulty; his ears were hidden by a mass of wires, and by black
projections like telephone receivers; his nostrils were encased in
rubber-like tubes, connecting with steel tanks which, as I later
learned, contained oxygen; his mouth, likewise, was fitted with
breathing tubes, which I saw him remove only in order to talk, which
he did by means of a megaphone.
In other words, the poor creature seemed to have scarcely one of
his natural faculties intact!
Yet, to judge from the way in which he was dressed, he was a
personage of note. I shall spare the reader an account of his
apparel, except to say that, unlike his fellows, he was robed not in
black, but in resplendent green and saffron, with a purple crest upon
his hairless pate, and with a string of huge rubies dangling about his
neck. Personally, I did not care for the color scheme, but he himself
was apparently well pleased with it, for all about him, in a gleaming
circle, a row of large mirrors was displayed, and through these he
was feasted with a constant view of himself and could catch every
turn and nod and twist of his imperial countenance. Moreover, other
mirrors, spaced at intervals about the room, caught the reflections of
the ones nearest him and magnified them so that, in no matter what
direction one looked, one was sure to catch the image of that green-
and-saffron figure.

It was appropriate that throughout the greater part of the room,

except for the reflection of the central dignitary, there should be
nothing at all. But just around him, with a mincing and obsequious
manner, twenty attendants stood in waiting on the sandstone
platform; whenever he made a move or a gesture, were it only to
smooth out his dress or scratch the back of his neck, at least half of
them would rush up to serve him. I well remember their
consternation on one occasion when their master, with the most
undignified suddenness, bent forward and sneezed; for a moment,
not knowing what was the trouble, I thought I was witnessing a riot
as the twenty attendants, like one man, leapt forward to readjust
the nose-tubes, which had been blown out of place.
All this I observed while my companions and I, on our hands and
knees, crept up to the throne of the potentate. Why should the
chalk-faces, absurd as they were, do reverence to such a monarch? I
wondered, for I now had no doubt that this was their royal lord. But
knowing that there is no accounting for political tastes, I dismissed
the mystery as beyond solution; and, for the sake of good form, I
remained crouching in a respectful attitude after we had finally
halted twenty yards from the throne.
For half an hour we remained on all fours, miserably waiting—at
least, I was miserable. During all this time the sovereign seemed to
take no note at all of our existence, but remained seated in a sort of
dreamy trance, as if brooding on the mystic bliss of Nirvana.
Unfortunately, it was the rule among the chalk-faces that subjects
could not speak until spoken to; hence we might have remained
stooping there all day, and still not have gained an audience, had the
dignitary not eventually caught sight of me and become interested.
So interested was he, in fact, that he rose from his seat and tottered
to the edge of the platform—a distance of fully six feet, which he
accomplished with the utmost difficulty, while three attendants
supported him on each side. Then, for at least a minute, he stared
at me intently through his binoculars until, exhausted from the
effort, he had to be carried to his chair and fanned back to life
This process consumed at least ten minutes, during which we all had
to remain in the same uncomfortable attitude. But at length the
regal one, restored by the fanning of his servants and strengthened
by hypodermic injections, was revived sufficiently to be able to
speak through the megaphone which a slave lifted to his mouth. Of
course, I did not know what he said, but the words were high-
pitched and squeaky and rasped upon me like the edge of a file; but
the effect was, at least, most welcome, for all of us, with sighs of
relief, were able to rise to our feet.
Now Professor Tan Trum, after a flourish and a low bow, waved my
notebook high in the air for all to see and launched forth into
speech. And what a speech it was. The words seemed to trip and fall
over one another, as they came out in a rattling torrent; many
minutes went by with scarcely a pause for breath, while all the other
chalk-faces made scarcely an effort to conceal their yawns. At last
even the monarch, apparently, could endure it no longer; he lifted
his arm in a gesture of command, motioned for the megaphone, and
snapped out two short words—which instantly put an end to Tan
Trum's discourse.

Not until much later did I learn that the ruler had granted everything
the professor had asked, nor did I know how deeply everything that

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