3. A substance that is not an intermediate in 7. The ratio that approximates the number of
the formation of D-glucuronic acid from net molecule of ATP formed per mole of
glucose is Glucose oxidized in presence of O2 to the
net number formed in absence of O2 is
(A) Glucoss-1-p
(A) 4 : 1
(B) 6-Phosphogluconate
(B) 10 : 2
(C) Glucose-6-p
(C) 12 : 1
(D) UDP-Glucose
(D) 18 : 1
4. The hydrolysis of Glucose-6-P is catalysed
by a phosphatase that is not formed in which 8. Which of the following is a substrate for
of the following? aldolase activity in Glycolytic pathway?
10. The “Primaquin sensitivity types of 14. An allosteric enzyme responsible for
haemolytic anaemia has been found to controlling the rate of T.C.A cycle is
relate to reduced R.B.C activity of which
(A) Malate dehydrogenase
(B) Isocitrate dehydrogenase
(A) Pyruvate kinase deficiency
(C) Fumarase
(B) Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
(D) Aconitase
(C) Glucose-6-p dehydrogenase deficiency
15. The free energy change, ΔG
(D) Hexokinase deficiency
(A) Is directly proportional to the standard
11. Out of 24 mols of ATP formed in TCA
free energy change, ΔG
cycle, 2 molecules of ATP can be formed at
“substrate level” by which of the following (B) Is equal to zero at equilibrium
(C) Can only be calculated when the
(A) Citric acid→ Isocitric acid reactants and products are present at
1mol/1 concentrations
(B) Isocitrate→ Oxaloacetate
(D) Is equal to –RT in keq
(C) Succinic acid→ Fumarate
16. The more positive the E0, the greater the
(D) Succinylcat→ Succinic acid
tendency of the oxidant member of that pair
12. The glycolysis is regulated by to
25. Increased urobilinogen in urine and 29. Which of the following is required as a
absence of bilirubin in the urine suggests reductant in fatty acid synthesis?
26. Cholesterol is transported from liver to 30. De hovo synthesis of fatty acids occurs in
extrahepatic tissues by
(A) Cytosol
(A) Chylomicrons
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Microsomes
(D) All of these
31. Which of the following transfers acyl
27. A jaundice in which serum alanine group from co-A to cys residue of KS?
transaminase and alkaline phosphatase are
a) Acyl carrier protein
normal is
b) Acetyl co-A ACP transacetylase
(A) Hepatic jaundice
c) Enoyl-ACP reductase
(B) Hemolytic jaundice
d) Malonyl co-A ACP transferase
(C) Parenchymatous jaundice
32. Which of the following carries acyl groups
(D) Obstructive Jaundice
in thio-ester linkage?
c) Enoyl-ACP reductase