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Government of Telangana

Socio Economic
Outlook 2023

he Government of Telangana publishes the Socio Economic
T Outlook (SEO) annually and tables it in the State Legislature
during the budget session. It presents the socio-economic
performance of the State across various sectors and recognises
the specific gaps and challenges to initiate appropriate action.
It also presents the information on Government policies and
flagship programmes, and analyses their performance. SEO
2023 highlights the major achievements of the State in relevant
sections. Along with ensuring accountability and transparency, it
also gives the Government an opportunity to reflect holistically
on the existing and future pathways towards achieving ‘Bangaru

SEO 2023 has been prepared based on the data from the State and
Central Government departments, and has been supplemented
by data from credible and autonomous sources, such as the
Reserve Bank of India, NITI Aayog, Periodic Labour Force Survey,
National Achievement Survey, etc. Through the ‘box items’ a
consistent effort has been made to either present a case study of
a successful reform/innovation that has been implemented in the
State or elsewhere.

All this would not have been possible without the meticulous
support of various line departments of the Government in
providing the necessary information on time. The effort led by the
dedicated team from the Directorate of Economics and Statistics
(DES), Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS)
and Planning Department including Kakatiya Governance Fellows
(KGF) and Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States (CEGIS)
in the preparation of SEO 2023 is deeply appreciated.

Planning Department,
Government of Telangana
S. No Title Page
1 Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices 251
2 Sectoral Growth Rates of Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices 252
3 Sectoral Contribution of Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices 253
4 Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices 254
5 Sectoral Growth Rates of Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices 255
6 Sectoral Contribution of Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices 256
7 Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices and Per Capita Income 257
8 Net State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices and Per Capita Income 258
9 Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Income of All India at Current Prices 259
10 Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP and PCI of All India at Current Prices 260
11 Sectoral Composition of GVA and PCI of All India at Current Prices 261
12 Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Income of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices 262
13 Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP and PCI of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices 263
14 Sectoral Composition of GVA and PCI of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices 264
15 Gross District Domestic Product of Telangana from 2018-19 to 2020-21 265
16 Per Capita Income of Telangana by districts from 2018-19 to 2020-21 266
17 Demographic Details of Telangana 267
18 Population by Districts, 2011 Census 268
19 Child (0-6 Years) Population by Districts, 2011 Census 269
20 Sex Ratio by Districts , 2011 Census 270
21 Literate Population (7 Years and above) by Districts, 2011 Census 271
22 Literacy Rates by Districts, 2011 Census 272
23 Working Population by Districts, 2011 Census 273
24 Pattern of Land Utilisation from 2008-09 to 2020-21 274
25 Rainfall by Seasons from 1990-91 to 2021-22 275
26 Area Sown and Production of Foodgrains from 1990-91 to 2021-22 276
27 Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Total Foodgrains by States, 2020-21 277
28 Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Cotton by States, 2020-21 278
29 Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Rice by States, 2020-21 279
30 State-wise Production of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches and Crude Palm Oil for the year 280
31 Livestock and Poultry Population by Districts, 2019 Census 281
32 Fish and Prawn Production from 2008-09 to 2021-22 282
33 Production of Milk, Meat and Eggs from 2013-14 to 2021-22 282
34 Mineral Production and Value of Mineral Produced, 2020-2021 and 2021-22 283
35 Functioning of Fair Price Shops and Food Security cards by Districts, 2021-22 284
36 Functioning of Anganwadi Centers by Districts, 2021-22 285
37 Enrolment of Children in Schools from 2007-08 to 2021-22 285
38 School Dropout Rates from 2012-13 to 2021-22 286
39 Company wise Number of LPG connections by Districts, 2020-2021 and 2021-22 287

250 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 1
Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices (Rs. in crore)
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 76,123 75,707 88,979 1,01,390 1,14,292 1,56,645 1,77,442 1,94,656 2,17,877
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 41,706 36,805 43,529 47,457 48,366 78,894 85,959 87,381 98,478
1.2 Livestock 29,282 33,755 39,816 46,595 57,513 68,865 79,814 93,599 1,03,895
1.3 Forestry and Logging 2,465 2,498 3,360 3,684 4,372 4,193 6,414 7,793 8,853

1.4 Fishing and 2,670 2,649 2,275 3,654 4,042 4,694 5,254 5,883 6,650
2 Mining and Quarrying 14,706 17,128 19,687 23,234 33,337 27,514 25,142 25,379 27,917
Primary 90,828 92,834 1,08,666 1,24,623 1,47,629 1,84,159 2,02,584 2,20,035 2,45,794
3 Manufacturing 54,533 71,032 73,833 82,607 98,148 97,639 96,808 1,22,115 1,33,593
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other 7,340 8,354 7,221 10,455 13,201 17,418 16,673 18,246 21,859
Utility Services
5 Construction 27,786 28,473 28,554 34,495 37,687 38,742 35,230 39,202 43,123
Secondary 89,660 1,07,860 1,09,608 1,27,556 1,49,036 1,53,800 1,48,711 1,79,563 1,98,575
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 64,269 74,736 86,693 1,03,866 1,28,745 1,48,254 1,24,383 1,75,400 2,12,634
and Restaurants

6.1 Trade and Repair 56,974 66,418 77,708 94,286 1,17,600 1,36,749 1,18,730 1,68,055 2,04,187

6.2 Hotels and 7,295 8,318 8,985 9,581 11,145 11,504 5,653 7,345 8,447
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 35,866 39,666 42,821 45,361 50,105 54,338 47,122 54,081 63,341
Services related to
7.1 Railways 2,004 2,010 2,216 2,546 2,640 3,361 3,139 3,463 4,052
7.2 Road Transport 20,540 22,633 24,536 27,341 32,354 33,798 27,105 30,987 36,255
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - - 0 0 -
7.4 Air Transport 623 1,126 1,267 1,329 791 1,429 721 1,073 1,595

7.5 Services incidental to 4,937 5,048 5,578 5,834 5,213 5,307 4,942 5,088 5,246
7.6 Storage 178 182 198 172 635 658 731 773 818
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 7,584 8,665 9,026 8,137 8,472 9,785 10,484 12,696 15,375
8 Financial Services 30,261 33,123 36,356 40,783 43,841 46,866 49,022 54,659 62,311
Real Estate,
Ownership of
9 96,912 1,12,172 1,31,824 1,44,498 1,61,635 1,80,720 1,93,875 2,18,705 2,49,105
Dwelling and
Professional Services
10 Public Administration 17,166 21,915 25,574 28,049 28,124 26,199 30,197 34,585 42,540
11 Other Services 41,536 48,030 58,644 65,440 67,831 75,635 85,545 1,01,241 1,20,477
Tertiary 2,86,011 3,29,641 3,81,912 4,27,998 4,80,280 5,32,011 5,30,145 6,38,671 7,50,408

12 Total GSVA at Basic 4,66,499 5,30,336 6,00,186 6,80,177 7,76,946 8,69,969 8,81,440 10,38,270 11,94,777
13 Taxes on Products 48,642 57,754 68,906 82,256 91,799 94,699 1,02,109 1,27,910 1,51,189
14 Subsidies on Products 9,292 10,188 10,767 12,383 11,317 14,382 21,748 18,065 18,472
15 GSDP 5,05,849 5,77,902 6,58,325 7,50,050 8,57,427 9,50,287 9,61,800 11,48,115 13,27,495

Annexures 251
Annexure 2
Sectoral Growth Rates of Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices (Percentage)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
S.No. Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 -0.5 17.5 13.9 12.7 37.1 13.3 9.7 11.9
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops -11.8 18.3 9.0 1.9 63.1 9.0 1.7 12.7
1.2 Livestock 15.3 18.0 17.0 23.4 19.7 15.9 17.3 11.0
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1.3 34.5 9.6 18.7 -4.1 53.0 21.5 13.6
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture -0.8 -14.1 60.6 10.6 16.1 11.9 12.0 13.0
2 Mining and Quarrying 16.5 14.9 18.0 43.5 -17.5 -8.6 0.9 10.0
Primary 2.2 17.1 14.7 18.5 24.7 10.0 8.6 11.7
3 Manufacturing 30.3 3.9 11.9 18.8 -0.5 -0.9 26.1 9.4
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 13.8 -13.6 44.8 26.3 31.9 -4.3 9.4 19.8
5 Construction 2.5 0.3 20.8 9.3 2.8 -9.1 11.3 10.0
Secondary 20.3 1.6 16.4 16.8 3.2 -3.3 20.7 10.6
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 16.3 16.0 19.8 24.0 15.2 -16.1 41.0 21.2
6.1 Trade and Repair Services 16.6 17.0 21.3 24.7 16.3 -13.2 41.5 21.5
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 14.0 8.0 6.6 16.3 3.2 -50.9 29.9 15.0
Transport, Storage, Com-
7 munication & Services 10.6 8.0 5.9 10.5 8.4 -13.3 14.8 17.1
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 0.3 10.2 14.9 3.7 27.3 -6.6 10.3 17.0
7.2 Road Transport 10.2 8.4 11.4 18.3 4.5 -19.8 14.3 17.0
7.3 Water Transport 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
7.4 Air Transport 80.7 12.5 4.9 -40.5 80.8 -49.5 48.7 48.7

7.5 Services incidental to 2.2 10.5 4.6 -10.6 1.8 -6.9 2.9 3.1
7.6 Storage 2.4 8.5 -12.9 268.6 3.7 11.1 5.7 5.7
Communication & Ser-
7.7 vices related to Broad- 14.3 4.2 -9.8 4.1 15.5 7.1 21.1 21.1
8 Financial Services 9.5 9.8 12.2 7.5 6.9 4.6 11.5 14.0
Real Estate, Ownership of
9 Dwelling and Professional 15.7 17.5 9.6 11.9 11.8 7.3 12.8 13.9
10 Public Administration 27.7 16.7 9.7 0.3 -6.8 15.3 14.5 23.0
11 Other Services 15.6 22.1 11.6 3.7 11.5 13.1 18.3 19.0
Tertiary 15.3 15.9 12.1 12.2 10.8 -0.4 20.5 17.5
12 Total GSVA at Basic Prices 13.7 13.2 13.3 14.2 12.0 1.3 17.8 15.1
13 Taxes on Products 18.7 19.3 19.4 11.6 3.2 7.8 25.3 18.2
14 Subsidies on Products 9.6 5.7 15.0 -8.6 27.1 51.2 -16.9 2.3
15 GSDP 14.2 13.9 13.9 14.3 10.8 1.2 19.4 15.6

252 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 3
Sectoral Contribution of Gross State Domestic Product at Current Prices (Percentage)
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 16.3 14.3 14.8 14.9 14.7 18.0 20.1 18.7 18.2
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 8.9 6.9 7.3 7.0 6.2 9.1 9.8 8.4 8.2
1.2 Livestock 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.4 7.9 9.1 9.0 8.7
1.3 Forestry and Logging 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.7
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6
2 Mining and Quarrying 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.3 3.2 2.9 2.4 2.3
Primary 19.5 17.5 18.1 18.3 19.0 21.2 23.0 21.2 20.6
3 Manufacturing 11.7 13.4 12.3 12.1 12.6 11.2 11.0 11.8 11.2
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8
5 Construction 6.0 5.4 4.8 5.1 4.9 4.5 4.0 3.8 3.6
Secondary 19.2 20.3 18.3 18.8 19.2 17.7 16.9 17.3 16.6
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 13.8 14.1 14.4 15.3 16.6 17.0 14.1 16.9 17.8
6.1 Trade and Repair Services 12.2 12.5 12.9 13.9 15.1 15.7 13.5 16.2 17.1
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.6 0.7 0.7
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 7.7 7.5 7.1 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.3 5.2 5.3
Services related to
7.1 Railways 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3
7.2 Road Transport 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.2 3.9 3.1 3.0 3.0
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - -
7.4 Air Transport 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

7.5 Services incidental to 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4
7.6 Storage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3
8 Financial Services 6.5 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.6 5.4 5.6 5.3 5.2
Real Estate, Ownership of
9 Dwelling and Professional 20.8 21.2 22.0 21.2 20.8 20.8 22.0 21.1 20.8
10 Public Administration 3.7 4.1 4.3 4.1 3.6 3.0 3.4 3.3 3.6
11 Other Services 8.9 9.1 9.8 9.6 8.7 8.7 9.7 9.8 10.1
Tertiary 61.3 62.2 63.6 62.9 61.8 61.2 60.1 61.5 62.8
12 Total GSVA at Basic Prices 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Annexures 253
Annexure 4
Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices (Rs. in crore)
S. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 55,811 51,615 57,324 62,823 66,725 86,610 88,848 88,804 90,942
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 29,546 24,187 28,478 31,395 29,375 45,691 45,698 43,333 42,987
1.2 Livestock 22,519 23,938 25,520 27,473 33,170 36,464 38,333 40,337 42,596
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1,715 1,683 1,836 1,921 1,942 2,096 2,165 2,158 2,197
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 2,031 1,808 1,491 2,034 2,238 2,360 2,652 2,975 3,162
2 Mining and Quarrying 12,604 14,093 15,139 17,572 22,472 18,569 15,829 18,534 20,016
Primary 68,415 65,708 72,463 80,395 89,197 1,05,179 1,04,677 1,07,337 1,10,959
3 Manufacturing 48,276 63,751 64,943 70,950 82,686 81,045 79,190 87,749 89,240
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 6,624 7,207 5,736 7,338 8,223 10,657 10,190 10,281 10,445
5 Construction 23,332 23,986 24,355 27,845 29,053 27,592 26,679 26,889 27,964
Secondary 78,231 94,944 95,034 1,06,133 1,19,962 1,19,294 1,16,060 1,24,919 1,27,649
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 52,230 58,543 64,832 75,150 89,114 97,343 74,106 98,610 1,13,856
and Restaurants

6.1 Trade and Repair 46,315 52,044 58,137 68,238 81,417 89,807 70,768 94,527 1,09,651
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 5,915 6,499 6,695 6,912 7,697 7,536 3,338 4,083 4,205
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 31,075 33,892 35,323 36,422 38,271 40,029 31,329 33,055 35,260
Services related to
7.1 Railways 1,750 1,710 1,704 1,918 1,951 2,042 1,541 2,185 2,295
7.2 Road Transport 17,678 19,116 20,051 21,717 24,367 24,736 18,054 18,573 19,706
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - - - - -
7.4 Air Transport 548 984 1,075 1,103 631 1,112 505 674 903

7.5 Services incidental to 4,338 4,412 4,730 4,842 4,159 4,130 3,461 3,198 3,190
7.6 Storage 145 143 149 125 442 436 449 437 459
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 6,617 7,526 7,614 6,718 6,721 7,574 7,320 7,988 8,707
8 Financial Services 28,699 30,906 33,782 35,119 35,294 35,795 37,152 41,425 43,169
Real Estate, Ownership
9 of Dwelling and 78,506 87,438 97,946 1,03,455 1,10,724 1,19,287 1,19,698 1,23,988 1,32,667
Professional Services
10 Public Administration 13,860 17,024 18,928 19,973 19,418 17,390 18,724 19,848 22,460
11 Other Services 32,057 35,388 41,230 44,095 43,441 45,420 48,095 53,391 57,396
Tertiary 2,36,427 2,63,191 2,92,042 3,14,214 3,36,262 3,55,264 3,29,105 3,70,317 4,04,808
Total GSVA at Basic
12 3,83,073 4,23,842 4,59,539 5,00,742 5,45,421 5,79,737 5,49,841 6,02,573 6,43,416
13 Taxes on Products 41,113 49,417 57,371 66,711 71,836 72,521 76,347 85,857 95,301
14 Subsidies on Products 7,854 8,717 8,964 10,043 8,856 11,014 16,261 12,126 12,047
15 GSDP 4,16,332 4,64,542 5,07,946 5,57,410 6,08,401 6,41,244 6,09,927 6,76,304 7,26,670

254 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 5
Sectoral Growth Rates of Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 -7.5 11.1 9.6 6.2 29.8 2.6 -0.1 2.4
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops -18.1 17.7 10.2 -6.4 55.5 0.0 -5.2 -0.8
1.2 Livestock 6.3 6.6 7.7 20.7 9.9 5.1 5.2 5.6
1.3 Forestry and Logging -1.9 9.1 4.6 1.1 7.9 3.3 -0.4 1.8
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture -11.0 -17.6 36.5 10.0 5.4 12.4 12.2 6.3
2 Mining and Quarrying 11.8 7.4 16.1 27.9 -17.4 -14.8 17.1 8.0
Primary -4.0 10.3 10.9 10.9 17.9 -0.5 2.5 3.4
3 Manufacturing 32.1 1.9 9.3 16.5 -2.0 -2.3 10.8 1.7
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 8.8 -20.4 27.9 12.1 29.6 -4.4 0.9 1.6
5 Construction 2.8 1.5 14.3 4.3 -5.0 -3.3 0.8 4.0
Secondary 21.4 0.1 11.7 13.0 -0.6 -2.7 7.6 2.2
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 12.1 10.7 15.9 18.6 9.2 -23.9 33.1 15.5
and Restaurants

6.1 Trade and Repair 12.4 11.7 17.4 19.3 10.3 -21.2 33.6 16.0
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 9.9 3.0 3.2 11.3 -2.1 -55.7 22.3 3.0
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 9.1 4.2 3.1 5.1 4.6 -21.7 5.5 6.7
Services related to
7.1 Railways -2.2 -0.4 12.5 1.8 4.6 -24.5 41.8 5.0
7.2 Road Transport 8.1 4.9 8.3 12.2 1.5 -27.0 2.9 6.1
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - - - 1
7.4 Air Transport 79.7 9.2 2.7 -42.8 76.3 -54.6 33.5 34.0

7.5 Services incidental to 1.7 7.2 2.4 -14.1 -0.7 -16.2 -7.6 -0.2
7.6 Storage -1.2 3.8 -15.8 252.3 -1.4 2.9 -2.5 5.0
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 13.7 1.2 -11.8 0.0 12.7 -3.4 9.1 9.0
8 Financial Services 7.7 9.3 4.0 0.5 1.4 3.8 11.5 4.2
Real Estate, Ownership
9 of Dwelling and 11.4 12.0 5.6 7.0 7.7 0.3 3.6 7.0
Professional Services
10 Public Administration 22.8 11.2 5.5 -2.8 -10.4 7.7 6.0 13.2
11 Other Services 10.4 16.5 6.9 -1.5 4.6 5.9 11.0 7.5
Tertiary 11.3 11.0 7.6 7.0 5.7 -7.4 12.5 9.3
Total GSVA at Basic
12 10.6 8.4 9.0 8.9 6.3 -5.2 9.6 6.8
13 Taxes on Products 20.2 16.1 16.3 7.7 1.0 5.3 12.5 11.0
14 Subsidies on Products 11.0 2.8 12.0 -11.8 24.4 47.64 -25.43 -0.65
15 GSDP 11.6 9.3 9.7 9.1 5.4 -4.9 10.9 7.4

Annexures 255
Annexure 6
Sectoral Contribution of Gross State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices
S. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 14.6 12.2 12.5 12.5 12.2 14.9 16.2 14.7 14.1
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 7.7 5.7 6.2 6.3 5.4 7.9 8.3 7.2 6.7
1.2 Livestock 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.5 6.1 6.3 7.0 6.7 6.6
1.3 Forestry and Logging 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5
2 Mining and Quarrying 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 4.1 3.2 2.9 3.1 3.1
Primary 17.9 15.5 15.8 16.1 16.4 18.1 19.0 17.8 17.2
3 Manufacturing 12.6 15.0 14.1 14.2 15.2 14.0 14.4 14.6 13.9
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.6
5 Construction 6.1 5.7 5.3 5.6 5.3 4.8 4.9 4.5 4.3
Secondary 20.4 22.4 20.7 21.2 22.0 20.6 21.1 20.7 19.8
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 13.6 13.8 14.1 15.0 16.3 16.8 13.5 16.4 17.7
and Restaurants

6.1 Trade and Repair 12.1 12.3 12.7 13.6 14.9 15.5 12.9 15.7 17.0
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.6 0.7 0.7
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 8.1 8.0 7.7 7.3 7.0 6.9 5.7 5.5 5.5
Services related to
7.1 Railways 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4
7.2 Road Transport 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.3 3.3 3.1 3.1
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - -
7.4 Air Transport 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

7.5 Services incidental to 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5
7.6 Storage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
8 Financial Services 7.5 7.3 7.4 7.0 6.5 6.2 6.8 6.9 6.7
Real Estate, Ownership
9 of Dwelling and 20.5 20.6 21.3 20.7 20.3 20.6 21.8 20.6 20.6
Professional Services
10 Public Administration 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.6 3.0 3.4 3.3 3.5
11 Other Services 8.4 8.3 9.0 8.8 8.0 7.8 8.7 8.9 8.9
Tertiary 61.7 62.1 63.6 62.7 61.7 61.3 59.9 61.5 62.9
Total GSVA at Basic
12 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

256 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 7
Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (Rs. in crore) and Per Capita Income
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)

1 Agriculture, Livestock, 71,272 70,539 83,285 95,098 1,07,472 1,49,178 1,69,227 1,86,141 2,08,293
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 37,528 32,283 38,477 41,946 42,452 72,446 78,916 80,221 90,409
1.2 Livestock 28,900 33,369 39,392 46,115 56,932 68,217 79,088 92,747 1,02,949
1.3 Forestry and Logging 2,441 2,474 3,328 3,650 4,332 4,156 6,357 7,724 8,774
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 2,404 2,412 2,089 3,388 3,755 4,359 4,867 5,449 6,160
2 Mining and Quarrying 12,499 14,320 16,531 19,885 28,115 22,641 19,910 20,884 22,972
Primary 83,771 84,859 99,816 1,14,983 1,35,587 1,71,818 1,89,138 2,07,025 2,31,265
3 Manufacturing 45,156 61,183 63,802 71,274 85,601 84,352 82,768 1,04,405 1,14,219
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 4,967 5,815 4,983 7,410 9,122 12,228 11,653 12,752 15,277
5 Construction 26,171 26,798 26,836 32,468 35,197 35,968 32,707 36,395 40,035
Secondary 76,293 93,796 95,620 1,11,152 1,29,920 1,32,548 1,27,128 1,53,552 1,69,531

6 Trade, Repair, Hotels and 62,117 72,247 83,849 1,00,247 1,24,701 1,43,676 1,19,260 1,68,235 2,03,991
6.1 Trade and Repair Services 55,213 64,413 75,377 91,136 1,14,164 1,32,824 1,14,347 1,61,852 1,96,650
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 6,904 7,834 8,472 9,111 10,537 10,852 4,913 6,383 7,341
Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & 29,273 32,533 34,477 35,701 38,628 40,814 32,847 37,439 43,539
Services related to
7.1 Railways 1,654 1,638 1,783 2,073 2,111 2,729 2,428 2,679 3,134
7.2 Road Transport 16,910 18,694 19,828 21,690 25,484 25,847 18,992 21,713 25,404
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - - - -
7.4 Air Transport 416 928 1,068 1,117 559 871 78 117 173

7.5 Services incidental to 4,352 4,419 4,849 5,029 4,400 4,409 3,916 4,031 4,156
7.6 Storage 149 160 170 145 579 597 657 695 734
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 5,792 6,694 6,779 5,647 5,496 6,362 6,776 8,206 9,937
8 Financial Services 29,704 32,409 35,554 39,892 42,780 45,798 47,836 53,337 60,804
Real Estate, Ownership of
9 Dwelling and Professional 83,407 97,185 1,14,209 1,22,977 1,38,945 1,55,847 1,65,412 1,86,596 2,12,533
10 Public Administration 13,616 17,357 20,735 23,060 23,300 21,774 25,654 29,382 36,140
11 Other Services 38,750 45,040 55,413 61,542 64,048 71,511 81,290 96,205 1,14,484
Tertiary 2,56,866 2,96,772 3,44,236 3,83,419 4,32,402 4,79,422 4,72,299 5,71,195 6,71,492

12 Total NSVA at Basic 4,16,930 4,75,428 5,39,673 6,09,554 6,97,909 7,83,787 7,88,565 9,31,772 10,72,287
13 Taxes on Products 48,642 57,754 68,906 82,256 91,799 94,699 1,02,109 1,27,910 1,51,189
14 Subsidies on Products 9,292 10,188 10,767 12,383 11,317 14,382 21,748 18,065 18,472

15 Net State Domestic 4,56,280 5,22,994 5,97,812 6,79,427 7,78,391 8,64,105 8,68,926 10,41,617 12,05,005
16 Population ('000) 36,766 37,134 37,505 37,881 37,093 37,346 37,599 37,816 37,999
17 Per Capita Income (Rs.) 1,24,104 1,40,840 1,59,395 1,79,358 2,09,848 2,31,378 2,31,103 2,75,443 3,17,115

Annexures 257
Annexure 8
Net State Domestic Product at Constant (2011-12) Prices (Rs. in crore) and Per Capita Income
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 51,883 47,578 53,042 58,220 61,889 81,492 83,451 83,571 85,688
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 26,191 20,723 24,759 27,454 25,269 41,383 41,208 39,076 38,763
1.2 Livestock 22,190 23,592 25,148 27,077 32,720 35,964 37,787 39,763 41,990
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1,694 1,662 1,809 1,893 1,911 2,067 2,123 2,115 2,154
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1,808 1,601 1,325 1,797 1,989 2,078 2,333 2,617 2,782
2 Mining and Quarrying 10,704 11,743 12,541 14,885 18,416 14,899 12,010 14,871 16,060
Primary 62,586 59,321 65,582 73,105 80,304 96,391 95,460 98,442 1,01,749
3 Manufacturing 39,854 54,924 55,949 61,027 72,079 69,994 67,687 75,002 76,277
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 4,502 4,933 3,731 4,676 4,769 6,288 6,062 6,116 6,214
5 Construction 21,833 22,462 22,715 25,920 26,756 24,997 24,170 24,360 25,333
Secondary 66,189 82,319 82,395 91,623 1,03,604 1,01,279 97,919 1,05,478 1,07,824
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 50,341 56,317 62,313 72,080 85,840 93,679 70,102 93,326 1,07,819

6.1 Trade and Repair 44,769 50,250 56,071 65,564 78,633 86,662 67,340 89,949 1,04,341
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 5,572 6,067 6,241 6,515 7,207 7,017 2,761 3,377 3,478
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 25,095 27,468 27,874 27,970 28,452 28,884 20,057 20,996 22,239
Services related to
7.1 Railways 1,445 1,387 1,333 1,524 1,530 1,550 1,001 1,419 1,490
7.2 Road Transport 14,298 15,441 15,733 16,658 18,322 18,077 11,667 12,002 12,734
7.3 Water Transport - - - - - - - -
7.4 Air Transport 354 801 893 915 430 646 (1) (1) (1)

7.5 Services incidental to 3,821 3,859 4,095 4,158 3,494 3,409 2,651 2,450 2,444
7.6 Storage 120 123 124 102 397 387 391 381 400
Communication and
7.7 Services related to 5,058 5,856 5,696 4,613 4,278 4,816 4,348 4,744 5,171
8 Financial Services 28,204 30,286 33,080 34,359 34,423 34,935 36,207 40,371 42,071
Real Estate, Ownership
9 of Dwelling and 66,962 74,858 83,156 85,972 93,137 1,00,241 98,154 1,01,672 1,08,789
Professional Services
10 Public Administration 10,648 12,874 14,532 15,571 15,314 13,690 15,006 15,906 18,000
11 Other Services 29,612 32,749 38,393 40,797 40,385 42,130 44,763 49,692 53,419
Tertiary 2,10,862 2,34,552 2,59,347 2,76,749 2,97,552 3,13,559 2,84,288 3,21,963 3,52,336
Total NSVA at Basic
12 3,39,638 3,76,192 4,07,324 4,41,477 4,81,461 5,11,229 4,77,667 5,25,883 5,61,909
13 Taxes on Products 41,113 49,417 57,371 66,711 71,836 72,521 76,347 85,857 95,301
14 Subsidies on Products 7,854 8,717 8,964 10,043 8,856 11,014 16,261 12,126 12,047
Net State Domestic
15 3,72,897 4,16,892 4,55,731 4,98,145 5,44,441 5,72,736 5,37,753 5,99,614 6,45,163
16 Population ('000) 36,766 37,134 37,505 37,881 37,093 37,346 37,599 37,816 37,999
17 Per Capita Income (Rs.) 1,01,424 1,12,267 1,21,512 1,31,503 1,46,777 1,53,360 1,43,023 1,58,561 1,69,784

258 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 9
Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Income of All India at Current Prices
(Rs. in crore)
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 20,93,612 22,27,533 25,18,662 28,29,826 30,29,925 33,58,364 36,09,494 39,80,067 44,77,171
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 12,92,874 13,27,992 14,86,044 16,33,264 16,80,777 18,91,966 19,97,147
1.2 Livestock 5,10,411 5,82,410 6,72,611 7,85,683 8,82,009 9,77,730 11,14,249
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1,73,760 1,84,411 2,05,364 2,17,603 2,55,053 2,60,603 2,65,479
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1,16,567 1,32,720 1,54,643 1,93,275 2,12,087 2,28,065 2,32,620
2 Mining and Quarrying 3,08,476 2,94,011 3,26,808 3,36,109 3,77,661 3,58,517 3,24,980 5,13,076 7,05,034
Primary 24,02,088 25,21,544 28,45,470 31,65,935 34,07,586 37,16,881 39,34,474 44,93,143 51,82,205
3 Manufacturing 18,78,369 21,46,189 23,33,721 25,66,623 28,12,560 27,04,809 27,09,435 33,07,315 35,74,404
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 2,82,258 3,34,965 3,55,709 4,25,718 4,49,459 5,01,618 5,07,352 5,86,679 7,58,959
5 Construction 9,79,086 9,91,084 10,80,870 12,00,414 13,52,118 13,72,759 13,15,608 17,19,098 20,04,178
Secondary 31,39,713 34,72,238 37,70,300 41,92,755 46,14,137 45,79,186 45,32,395 56,13,092 63,37,541
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 13,20,833 14,33,969 16,09,001 18,81,395 21,36,707 23,25,812 18,18,981
and Restaurants
Trade and Repair
6.1 12,06,474 13,07,323 14,68,583 17,22,671 19,55,798 21,29,686 17,32,821
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 1,14,359 1,26,646 1,40,418 1,58,723 1,80,909 1,96,127 86,160
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 7,86,763 8,60,544 9,30,155 9,97,528 10,66,055 11,52,680 10,47,412
Services related to
7.1 Railways 92,459 1,00,451 1,06,786 1,16,584 1,23,596 1,35,477 1,36,807 35,28,896 43,88,212
7.2 Road Transport 3,70,364 3,99,902 4,34,947 4,84,134 5,36,552 5,65,438 4,47,164
7.3 Water Transport 7,590 7,298 9,206 13,021 13,059 13,350 13,418
7.4 Air Transport 11,820 20,344 21,496 22,444 12,730 22,508 10,323
Services incidental to
7.5 91,681 88,246 1,02,468 97,602 1,03,341 1,03,301 98,170
7.6 Storage 6,407 7,021 7,442 16,194 18,597 19,513 19,628
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 2,06,442 2,37,282 2,47,809 2,47,549 2,58,179 2,93,094 3,21,902
8 Financial Services 6,61,411 7,26,286 7,50,201 8,46,194 9,41,778 10,27,359 10,88,222
Real Estate, Ownership
45,43,303 51,98,108
9 of Dwellings and 17,01,935 18,99,852 21,61,236 22,81,018 25,87,720 28,51,979 29,57,538
Professional Services
Public Administration
10 6,76,818 7,31,578 8,27,438 9,45,082 10,45,488 11,47,741 12,38,383
and Defence 31,70,966 36,20,148
11 Other Services 8,14,718 9,28,489 10,71,399 11,95,759 13,75,658 15,53,471 14,40,404
Tertiary 59,62,478 65,80,718 73,49,430 81,46,976 91,53,406 1,00,59,042 95,90,940 1,12,43,165 1,32,06,468
Total GSVA at Basic
12 1,15,04,279 1,25,74,499 1,39,65,200 1,55,05,665 1,71,75,128 1,83,55,109 1,80,57,810 2,13,49,399 2,47,26,214
13 Taxes on Products 12,91,662 15,18,496 17,46,288 18,98,896 20,43,568 20,76,662 22,55,495
23,15,238 25,81,537
14 Subsidies on Products 3,27,982 3,21,121 3,19,819 3,14,518 3,19,028 3,56,916 5,12,391
15 Gross Domestic Product 1,24,67,959 1,37,71,874 1,53,91,669 1,70,90,042 1,88,99,668 2,00,74,856 1,98,00,914 2,36,64,637 2,73,07,751

16 Per Capita Income (Rs.) 86,647 94,797 1,03,870 1,15,224 1,25,946 1,32,115 1,26,855 1,50,007 1,70,620

Annexures 259
Annexure 10
Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP and PCI of All India at Current Prices ( Percentage)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
S.No. Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
(TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 8.7 6.4 13.1 12.4 7.1 10.8 7.5 10.3 12.5
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 3.5 2.7 11.9 9.9 2.9 12.6 5.6
1.2 Livestock 20.7 14.1 15.5 16.8 12.3 10.9 14.0
1.3 Forestry and Logging 10.9 6.1 11.4 6.0 17.2 2.2 1.9
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 18.7 13.9 16.5 25.0 9.7 7.5 2.0
2 Mining and Quarrying 4.3 -4.7 11.2 2.8 12.4 -5.1 -9.4 57.9 37.4
Primary 8.1 5.0 12.8 11.3 7.6 9.1 5.9 14.2 15.3
3 Manufacturing 9.6 14.3 8.7 10.0 9.6 -3.8 0.2 22.1 8.1
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 8.5 18.7 6.2 19.7 5.6 11.6 1.1 15.6 29.4
5 Construction 6.3 1.2 9.1 11.1 12.6 1.5 -4.2 30.7 16.6
Secondary 8.5 10.6 8.6 11.2 10.1 -0.8 -1.0 23.8 12.9
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 11.5 8.6 12.2 16.9 13.6 8.9 -21.8
Trade and Repair
6.1 11.9 8.4 12.3 17.3 13.5 8.9 -18.6
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 7.7 10.7 10.9 13.0 14.0 8.4 -56.1
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 14.0 9.4 8.1 7.2 6.9 8.1 -9.1
Services related to
7.1 Railways 17.4 8.6 6.3 9.2 6.0 9.6 1.0
23.1 24.4
7.2 Road Transport 9.5 8.0 8.8 11.3 10.8 5.4 -20.9
7.3 Water Transport 17.2 -3.8 26.1 41.4 0.3 2.2 0.5
7.4 Air Transport 72.5 72.1 5.7 4.4 -43.3 76.8 -54.1
Services incidental to
7.5 Transport 21.1 -3.7 16.1 -4.7 5.9 0.0 -5.0

7.6 Storage 6.3 9.6 6.0 117.6 14.8 4.9 0.6

Communication &
7.7 Services related to 16.1 14.9 4.4 -0.1 4.3 13.5 9.8
8 Financial Services 10.4 9.8 3.3 12.8 11.3 9.1 5.9
Real Estate, Ownership 12.3 14.4
9 of Dwellings and 15.8 11.6 13.8 5.5 13.4 10.2 3.7
Professional Services
Public Administration
10 12.4 8.1 13.1 14.2 10.6 9.8 7.9
and Defence 18.4 14.2
11 Other Services 16.4 14.0 15.4 11.6 15.0 12.9 -7.3
Tertiary 13.7 10.4 11.7 10.9 12.4 9.9 -4.7 17.2 17.5
Total GSVA at Basic
12 11.0 9.3 11.1 11.0 10.8 6.9 -1.6 18.2 15.8
13 Taxes on Products 9.4 17.6 15.0 8.7 7.6 1.6 8.6
32.8 11.5
14 Subsidies on Products 5.8 -2.1 -0.4 -1.7 1.4 11.9 43.6
15 Gross Domestic Product 11.0 10.5 11.8 11.0 10.6 6.2 -1.4 19.5 15.4
16 Per Capita Income (Rs.) 9.5 9.4 9.6 10.9 9.3 4.9 -4.0 18.3 13.7

260 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 11
Sectoral Composition of GVA of All India at Current Prices ( Percentage)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
S. No. Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
(TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 18.2 17.7 18.0 18.3 17.6 18.3 20.0 18.6 18.1
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 11.2 10.6 10.6 10.5 9.8 10.3 11.1
1.2 Livestock 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.1 5.3 6.2
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3
2 Mining and Quarrying 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.4 2.9
Primary 20.9 20.1 20.4 20.4 19.8 20.2 21.8 21.0 21.0
3 Manufacturing 16.3 17.1 16.7 16.6 16.4 14.7 15.0 15.5 14.5
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.7 3.1
5 Construction 8.5 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.5 7.3 8.1 8.1
Secondary 27.3 27.6 27.0 27.0 26.9 24.9 25.1 26.3 25.6
Trade, Repair, Hotels
6 11.5 11.4 11.5 12.1 12.4 12.7 10.1
and Restaurants
Trade and Repair
6.1 10.5 10.4 10.5 11.1 11.4 11.6 9.6
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.5
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.2 6.3 5.8
Services related to
7.1 Railways 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8
16.5 17.7
7.2 Road Transport 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.5
7.3 Water Transport 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
7.4 Air Transport 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Services incidental to
7.5 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5
7.6 Storage 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.8
8 Financial Services 5.7 5.8 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.6 6.0
Real Estate, Ownership 21.3 21.0
9 of Dwellings and 14.8 15.1 15.5 14.7 15.1 15.5 16.4
Professional Services
Public Administration
10 5.9 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.9
and Defence 14.9 14.6
11 Other Services 7.1 7.4 7.7 7.7 8.0 8.5 8.0
Tertiary 51.8 52.3 52.6 52.5 53.3 54.8 53.1 52.7 53.4
Total GSVA at Basic
12 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Annexures 261
Annexure 12
Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Income of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices
(Rs. in crore)
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
1 16,05,715 16,16,146 17,26,004 18,40,023 18,78,598 19,82,303 20,48,032 21,09,697 21,82,582
Forestry and
1.1 Crops 9,98,425 9,69,344 10,20,258 10,75,111 10,49,211 11,06,545 11,27,575
1.2 Livestock 3,90,449 4,19,637 4,61,572 4,97,830 5,40,970 5,81,450 6,17,117
Forestry and
1.3 1,34,609 1,36,960 1,44,547 1,52,351 1,63,949 1,64,416 1,65,624
Fishing and
1.4 82,232 90,205 99,627 1,14,730 1,24,468 1,29,893 1,37,716
Mining and
2 2,88,685 3,17,974 3,49,248 3,29,612 3,26,815 3,21,766 2,94,024 3,27,984 3,35,810
Primary 18,94,400 19,34,120 20,75,252 21,69,634 22,05,413 23,04,070 23,42,056 24,37,681 25,18,392
3 Manufacturing 16,83,938 19,03,850 20,54,764 22,09,428 23,28,992 22,61,294 22,47,740 24,70,822 25,09,366
Electricity, Gas,
Water supply
4 2,14,047 2,24,158 2,46,496 2,72,650 2,94,147 3,00,675 2,89,771 3,11,598 3,39,660
and Other Utility
5 Construction 8,35,229 8,65,335 9,16,445 9,64,306 10,26,789 10,38,680 9,62,835 10,73,595 11,71,315
Secondary 27,33,214 29,93,343 32,17,705 34,46,384 36,49,928 36,00,649 35,00,346 38,56,015 40,20,341
Trade, Repair,
6 Hotels and 11,35,841 12,61,426 13,89,322 15,68,175 17,07,781 18,28,425 14,18,045
Trade and Repair
6.1 10,37,640 11,50,121 12,68,230 14,35,984 15,63,237 16,74,210 13,50,823
Hotels and
6.2 98,201 1,11,305 1,21,092 1,32,191 1,44,544 1,54,215 67,222
7 6,71,848 7,31,399 7,57,056 8,00,245 8,30,977 8,61,301 7,29,634
& Services
related to
Broadcasting 23,85,605 27,12,235
7.1 Railways 80,720 85,452 82,161 87,886 91,350 82,303 67,154
7.2 Road Transport 3,20,813 3,43,155 3,62,324 3,96,401 4,17,538 4,32,223 3,28,137
7.3 Water Transport 7,954 8,095 8,569 11,915 12,628 13,018 12,294
7.4 Air Transport 5,188 6,053 7,172 8,373 9,402 9,159 3,177
7.5 incidental to 75,596 81,156 86,835 84,351 89,061 91,369 81,385
7.6 Storage 5,529 6,245 6,100 12,976 13,784 13,916 14,329
& Services
7.7 1,76,047 2,01,243 2,03,896 1,98,344 1,97,215 2,19,313 2,23,158
related to
8 Financial Services 6,27,255 6,72,788 6,95,983 7,28,670 7,58,170 7,84,672 8,24,734
Real Estate,
Ownership of
30,87,360 32,84,130
9 Dwellings and 14,46,460 16,21,999 17,96,983 18,08,521 19,56,051 21,12,722 21,37,176
10 Administration 5,43,853 5,65,106 6,14,238 6,76,507 7,22,773 7,59,976 7,77,126
18,38,814 19,83,575
and Defence
11 Other Services 6,59,262 7,11,691 7,81,744 8,36,035 9,02,705 9,67,662 8,55,955
Tertiary 50,84,519 55,64,409 60,35,326 64,18,153 68,78,457 73,14,758 67,42,670 73,11,779 79,79,940
Total GSVA at
12 97,12,133 1,04,91,870 1,13,28,285 1,20,34,171 1,27,33,798 1,32,19,476 1,25,85,074 1,36,05,474 1,45,18,673
Basic Prices
13 Taxes on Products 10,92,430 11,45,558 12,39,334 13,54,508 14,95,644 15,53,534 13,30,491
Subsidies on 11,30,041 12,41,690
14 2,76,889 2,67,935 2,59,425 2,44,097 2,36,527 2,57,052 3,57,092
Gross Domestic
15 1,05,27,674 1,13,69,493 1,23,08,193 1,31,44,582 1,39,92,914 1,45,15,958 1,35,58,473 1,47,35,515 1,57,60,363
Per Capita
16 72,805 77,659 83,003 87,586 92,133 94,270 85,110 91,481 96,522
Income (Rs.)

262 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 13
Sectoral Growth Rate of GDP and PCI of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)
Agriculture, Livestock,
1 -0.2 0.6 6.8 6.6 2.1 5.5 3.3 3.0 3.5
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops -3.7 -2.9 5.3 5.4 -2.4 5.5 1.9
1.2 Livestock 7.4 7.5 10.0 7.9 8.7 7.5 6.1
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1.9 1.7 5.5 5.4 7.6 0.3 0.7
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 7.5 9.7 10.4 15.2 8.5 4.4 6.0
2 Mining and Quarrying 9.7 10.1 9.8 -5.6 -0.8 -1.5 -8.6 11.5 2.4
Primary 1.2 2.1 7.3 4.5 1.6 4.5 1.6 4.1 3.3
3 Manufacturing 7.9 13.1 7.9 7.5 5.4 -2.9 -0.6 9.9 1.6
Electricity, Gas, Water
4 supply and Other Utility 7.2 4.7 10.0 10.6 7.9 2.2 -3.6 7.5 9.0
5 Construction 4.3 3.6 5.9 5.2 6.5 1.2 -7.3 11.5 9.1
Secondary 6.7 9.5 7.5 7.1 5.9 -1.4 -2.8 10.2 12.9
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 9.8 11.1 10.1 12.9 8.9 7.1 -22.4
Trade and Repair
6.1 10.2 10.8 10.3 13.2 8.9 7.1 -19.3
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 6.1 13.3 8.8 9.2 9.3 6.7 -56.4
Transport, Storage,
Communication &
7 8.8 8.9 3.5 5.7 3.8 3.6 -15.3
Services related to
7.1 Railways 9.5 5.9 -3.9 7.0 3.9 -9.9 -18.4 11.1 13.7
7.2 Road Transport 6.7 7.0 5.6 9.4 5.3 3.5 -24.1
7.3 Water Transport 8.3 1.8 5.9 39.0 6.0 3.1 -5.6
7.4 Air Transport 14.0 16.7 18.5 16.7 12.3 -2.6 -65.3
Services incidental to
7.5 7.7 7.4 7.0 -2.9 5.6 2.6 -10.9
7.6 Storage 6.1 12.9 -2.3 112.7 6.2 1.0 3.0
Communication &
7.7 Services related to 12.8 14.3 1.3 -2.7 -0.6 11.2 1.8
8 Financial Services 8.5 7.3 3.4 4.7 4.0 3.5 5.1
Real Estate, Ownership 4.2 6.4
9 of Dwellings and 12.2 12.1 10.8 0.6 8.2 8.0 1.2
Professional Services
Public Administration
10 6.6 3.9 8.7 10.1 6.8 5.1 2.3
and Defence 12.6 7.9
11 Other Services 9.7 8.0 9.8 6.9 8.0 7.2 -11.5
Tertiary 9.8 9.4 8.5 6.3 7.2 6.3 -7.8 8.4 9.1
Total GSVA at Basic
12 7.2 8.0 8.0 6.2 5.8 3.8 -4.8 8.1 6.7
13 Taxes on Products 8.3 4.9 8.2 9.3 10.4 3.9 -14.4
16.1 9.9
14 Subsidies on Products 2.1 -3.2 -3.2 -5.9 -3.1 8.7 38.9
15 Gross Domestic Product 7.4 8.0 8.3 6.8 6.5 3.7 -6.6 8.7 7.0
16 Per Capita Income (Rs.) 6.2 6.7 6.9 5.5 5.2 2.3 -9.7 7.5 5.5

Annexures 263
Annexure 14
Sectoral Composition of GVA of All India at Constant (2011-12) Prices (Percentage)
Sl. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Sector 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
No. (TRE) (SRE) (FRE) (PE) (PAE)

Agriculture, Livestock,
1 16.53 15.40 15.24 15.29 14.75 15.00 16.27 15.51 15.03
Forestry and Fishing
1.1 Crops 10.28 9.24 9.01 8.93 8.24 8.37 8.96
1.2 Livestock 4.02 4.00 4.07 4.14 4.25 4.40 4.90
1.3 Forestry and Logging 1.39 1.31 1.28 1.27 1.29 1.24 1.32
1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 0.85 0.86 0.88 0.95 0.98 0.98 1.09
2 Mining and Quarrying 2.97 3.03 3.08 2.74 2.57 2.43 2.34 2.41 2.31
Primary 19.51 18.43 18.32 18.03 17.32 17.43 18.61 17.92 17.35
3 Manufacturing 17.34 18.15 18.14 18.36 18.29 17.11 17.86 18.16 17.28
Electricity, Gas, Water supply
4 2.20 2.14 2.18 2.27 2.31 2.27 2.30 2.29 2.34
and Other Utility Services
5 Construction 8.60 8.25 8.09 8.01 8.06 7.86 7.65 7.89 8.07
Secondary 28.14 28.53 28.40 28.64 28.66 27.24 27.81 28.34 27.69
Trade, Repair, Hotels and
6 11.70 12.02 12.26 13.03 13.41 13.83 11.27
6.1 Trade and Repair Services 10.68 10.96 11.20 11.93 12.28 12.66 10.73
6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 1.01 1.06 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.17 0.53
Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & Services 6.92 6.97 6.68 6.65 6.53 6.52 5.80
related to Broadcasting
7.1 Railways 0.83 0.81 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.62 0.53
17.53 18.68
7.2 Road Transport 3.30 3.27 3.20 3.29 3.28 3.27 2.61
7.3 Water Transport 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
7.4 Air Transport 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.03
Services incidental to
7.5 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.65
7.6 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
Communication & Services
7.7 1.81 1.92 1.80 1.65 1.55 1.66 1.77
related to Broadcasting
8 Financial Services 6.46 6.41 6.14 6.06 5.95 5.94 6.55
Real Estate, Ownership of 22.69 22.62
9 Dwellings and Professional 14.89 15.46 15.86 15.03 15.36 15.98 16.98
Public Administration and
10 5.60 5.39 5.42 5.62 5.68 5.75 6.17
Defence 13.52 13.66
11 Other Services 6.79 6.78 6.90 6.95 7.09 7.32 6.80
Tertiary 52.35 53.04 53.28 53.33 54.02 55.33 53.58 53.74 54.96
12 Total GSVA at Basic Prices 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

264 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 15
Gross District Domestic Product of Telangana from 2018-19 to 2020-21 (Rs. in Lakh)
S. Current prices Constant (2011-12) prices
2018-19 (TRE) 2019-20 (SRE) 2020-21 (FRE) 2018-19 (TRE) 2019-20 (SRE) 2020-21 (FRE)
01 Adilabad 11,54,047 13,36,465 12,68,948 7,98,691 9,00,567 8,05,296
02 Kumuram Bheem 8,85,630 8,76,499 7,93,501 6,00,463 5,79,188 4,83,622
03 Mancherial 13,86,841 15,75,914 15,48,421 9,86,055 10,56,378 9,78,432
04 Nirmal 10,82,759 13,03,864 12,57,558 7,20,498 8,36,454 7,54,150
05 Nizamabad 23,53,012 28,39,655 28,47,942 16,19,060 18,56,931 17,55,827
06 Jagtial 12,89,307 17,05,526 16,83,580 8,63,341 10,94,453 9,96,070
07 Peddapalli 17,05,157 18,01,097 16,32,720 12,27,976 12,34,955 10,53,842
08 Jayashankar 12,73,224 12,13,899 10,86,198 8,18,798 7,68,335 6,52,669
09 Bhadradri Kothagudem 21,17,545 24,53,213 22,95,532 15,16,364 16,48,523 13,93,555
10 Mahabubabad 11,96,055 12,25,255 13,36,773 7,83,089 7,77,344 7,70,050
11 Warangal Rural 10,44,080 12,89,242 14,27,627 7,17,591 8,32,451 8,62,623
12 Warangal Urban 15,64,120 17,66,100 16,58,798 11,02,980 11,83,384 10,56,159
13 Karimnagar 18,86,679 19,86,281 21,36,297 13,14,396 13,19,681 13,49,376
14 Rajanna Siricilla 7,96,191 9,64,127 9,84,442 5,36,683 6,21,398 5,94,960
15 Kamareddy 13,76,455 16,92,099 16,92,888 9,24,222 10,80,835 10,17,572
16 Sangareddy 41,28,535 46,43,862 45,62,651 31,47,985 33,79,196 32,01,366
17 Medak 15,84,553 19,51,919 19,18,407 11,50,600 13,11,371 12,36,170
18 Siddipet 20,43,669 20,48,892 25,33,232 13,39,044 13,15,834 14,83,236
19 Jangaon 8,27,758 10,95,245 10,65,108 5,57,601 6,86,505 6,29,195
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 15,00,490 17,82,830 18,65,142 10,37,828 11,64,245 11,42,315
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 61,76,859 67,55,930 62,50,642 46,50,355 48,88,460 43,19,009
22 Hyderabad 1,61,75,971 1,66,03,914 1,62,56,483 1,16,92,204 1,13,32,251 1,05,78,533
23 Rangareddy 1,71,13,683 1,83,29,902 1,98,99,741 1,23,25,617 1,26,64,718 1,28,12,646
24 Vikarabad 15,91,936 15,01,430 14,34,466 10,40,156 9,64,378 8,69,430
25 Mahabubnagar 20,86,603 21,45,366 22,78,710 15,06,425 14,88,797 14,89,745
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 9,63,400 10,09,425 10,40,266 6,28,477 6,38,462 6,01,160
27 Wanaparthy 8,34,528 10,31,184 10,12,800 5,67,452 6,53,972 5,93,931
28 Nagarkurnool 12,08,109 16,25,297 15,89,731 8,02,385 10,23,751 9,41,557
29 Nalgonda 29,89,153 37,26,939 38,92,744 21,10,146 24,56,014 24,08,521
30 Suryapet 17,18,923 21,97,148 22,52,381 11,78,037 14,10,111 13,48,527

31 Khammam 26,12,203 30,90,074 31,91,196 18,65,060 20,35,849 19,59,598

32 Mulugu 4,82,782 5,76,622 5,62,604 3,13,160 3,59,355 3,20,048

33 Narayanpet 5,92,452 8,83,457 9,22,506 3,97,399 5,60,283 5,33,545
GDDP 8,57,42,707 9,50,28,675 9,61,80,037 6,08,40,138 6,41,24,428 6,09,92,734

Annexures 265
Annexure 16
Per Capita Income of Telangana by Districts from 2018-19 to 2020-21 ( in Rs.)
Current prices Constant (2011-12) prices
Sl. No District
2018-19 (TRE) 2019-20 (SRE) 2020-21 (FRE) 2018-19 (TRE) 2019-20 (SRE) 2020-21 (FRE)
01 Adilabad 1,39,949 1,62,750 1,52,455 95,502 1,07,891 94,587
02 Kumuram Bheem 1,49,441 1,46,748 1,31,843 99,322 95,090 78,282
03 Mancherial 1,46,432 1,66,813 1,60,883 1,02,236 1,09,599 98,914
04 Nirmal 1,32,694 1,60,064 1,52,634 86,924 1,00,888 89,308
05 Nizamabad 1,29,238 1,56,409 1,55,515 87,586 1,00,362 93,672
06 Jagtial 1,12,997 1,50,406 1,46,723 74,498 94,909 84,742
07 Peddapalli 1,80,401 1,89,659 1,70,353 1,27,162 1,26,860 1,06,184
08 Jayashankar 2,57,006 2,42,973 2,15,612 1,62,786 1,51,324 1,26,461
09 Bhadradri Kothagudem 1,68,302 1,93,498 1,79,112 1,17,963 1,26,749 1,04,865
10 Mahabubabad 1,35,909 1,37,644 1,48,711 87,519 85,671 83,560
11 Warangal Rural 1,25,151 1,55,640 1,71,111 84,739 98,727 1,01,090
12 Warangal Urban 1,25,271 1,40,819 1,30,821 87,054 92,644 81,295
13 Karimnagar 1,62,279 1,69,010 1,79,908 1,11,273 1,10,119 1,10,568
14 Rajanna Siricilla 1,24,564 1,50,262 1,51,412 82,442 94,749 88,932
15 Kamareddy 1,23,688 1,51,659 1,49,575 81,791 95,172 87,815
16 Sangareddy 2,29,464 2,57,610 2,49,091 1,73,443 1,85,214 1,72,111
17 Medak 1,76,605 2,19,095 2,11,445 1,26,447 1,44,545 1,33,295
18 Siddipet 1,74,560 1,74,794 2,12,788 1,12,693 1,10,380 1,21,960
19 Jangaon 1,34,647 1,79,417 1,72,118 89,257 1,10,400 99,243
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 1,68,270 1,99,865 2,07,322 1,14,580 1,28,266 1,24,155
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 2,13,362 2,28,866 2,09,838 1,58,856 1,63,033 1,42,148
22 Hyderabad 3,56,398 3,63,526 3,49,061 2,54,660 2,44,397 2,22,471
23 Rangareddy 5,90,015 6,23,728 6,69,102 4,18,733 4,23,011 4,18,964
24 Vikarabad 1,50,784 1,40,128 1,31,962 97,153 88,397 78,032
25 Mahabubnagar 1,95,618 1,98,855 2,08,343 1,39,646 1,36,108 1,33,744
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 1,38,811 1,44,028 1,46,990 89,154 89,500 82,934
27 Wanaparthy 1,25,292 1,56,059 1,51,299 83,624 97,132 86,514
28 Nagarkurnool 1,20,698 1,64,252 1,59,267 78,855 1,01,664 92,115
29 Nalgonda 1,57,441 1,97,896 2,04,847 1,09,643 1,28,223 1,23,962
30 Suryapet 1,34,266 1,73,186 1,75,606 90,526 1,09,200 1,02,703

31 Khammam 1,60,810 1,90,024 1,94,337 1,12,982 1,22,709 1,16,318

32 Mulugu 1,44,051 1,70,295 1,63,285 92,005 1,04,175 90,268

33 Narayanpet 91,139 1,37,057 1,41,809 60,053 85,427 80,079
GDDP 2,09,848 2,31,378 2,31,103 1,46,777 1,53,360 1,43,023

266 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 17
Demographic Details of Telangana

a. Population of Telangana State from 1961 to 2011 (in Nos.)

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Telangana 1,27,11,785 1,58,17,895 2,01,81,085 2,60,89,074 3,09,87,271 3,50,03,674

India 43,92,34,771 54,81,59,652 68,33,29,097 84,64,21,039 1,02,86,10,328 1,21,08,54,977

b. Percentage of Urban Population to total Population from 1961 to 2011

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Telangana 19.27 20.99 25.27 30.18 31.79 38.88

India 17.97 17.98 19.51 22.87 25.49 31.15

c. Percentage of Decadal Growth Rates of Population from 1951-61 to 2001-2011

Year 1951-61 1961-71 1971-81 1981-91 1991-01 2001-2011

Telangana 16.48 24.60 27.59 29.27 18.77 13.58

India 21.51 24.80 24.66 23.85 21.54 17.70

d. Density of Population from 1961 to 2011

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Telangana 111 138 176 227 270 312

India 144 177 216 273 325 382

e. Sex Ratio of Population from 1961 to 2011

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Telangana 975 969 971 967 971 988

India 941 930 934 927 933 943

f. Literacy Rate of Population from 1961 to 2011

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

Telangana 17.34 20.70 26.49 41.30 58.00 66.54

India 28.30 34.45 43.57 52.21 64.84 72.98

Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

Annexures 267
Annexure 18
Population by Districts, 2011 Census

S. Total Population (Nos.) Rural Population (Nos.) Urban Population (Nos.)

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
01 Adilabad 3,56,407 3,52,565 7,08,972 2,71,594 2,69,632 5,41,226 84,813 82,933 1,67,746
02 Kumuram Bheem 2,58,197 2,57,615 5,15,812 2,14,967 2,13,861 4,28,828 43,230 43,754 86,984
03 Mancherial 4,08,272 3,98,765 8,07,037 2,27,974 2,25,216 4,53,190 1,80,298 1,73,549 3,53,847
04 Nirmal 3,46,721 3,62,697 7,09,418 2,70,768 2,86,968 5,57,736 75,953 75,729 1,51,682
05 Nizamabad 7,68,477 8,02,545 15,71,022 5,37,574 5,68,698 11,06,272 2,30,903 2,33,847 4,64,750
06 Jagitial 4,85,819 5,03,094 9,88,913 3,75,266 3,92,311 7,67,577 1,10,553 1,10,783 2,21,336
07 Peddapalli 3,97,585 3,94,251 7,91,836 2,43,312 2,44,511 4,87,823 1,54,273 1,49,740 3,04,013
08 Jayashankar 2,07,998 2,08,765 4,16,763 1,86,188 1,88,188 3,74,376 21,810 20,577 42,387
09 5,32,390 5,36,871 10,69,261 3,64,807 3,65,371 7,30,178 1,67,583 1,71,500 3,39,083
10 Mahabubabad 3,88,058 3,86,491 7,74,549 3,50,530 3,47,643 6,98,173 37,528 38,848 76,376
11 Warangal 3,69,551 3,67,597 7,37,148 2,55,622 2,54,435 5,10,057 1,13,929 1,13,162 2,27,091
12 Hanumakonda 5,32,065 5,30,182 10,62,247 2,48,907 2,49,711 4,98,618 2,83,158 2,80,471 5,63,629
13 Karimnagar 5,04,620 5,01,091 10,05,711 3,48,914 3,47,813 6,96,727 1,55,706 1,53,278 3,08,984
14 Rajanna Sircilla 2,74,109 2,77,928 5,52,037 2,15,791 2,19,354 4,35,145 58,318 58,574 1,16,892
15 Kamareddy 4,78,389 4,94,236 9,72,625 4,17,488 4,31,515 8,49,003 60,901 62,721 1,23,622
16 Sangareddy 7,77,870 7,51,033 15,28,903 5,05,475 4,93,463 9,98,938 2,72,395 2,57,570 5,29,965
17 Medak 3,78,019 3,88,134 7,66,153 3,49,456 3,57,843 7,07,299 28,563 30,291 58,854
18 Siddipet 5,04,141 5,07,924 10,12,065 4,34,875 4,38,138 8,73,013 69,266 69,786 1,39,052
19 Jangaon 2,67,875 2,67,116 5,34,991 2,31,389 2,32,245 4,63,634 36,486 34,871 71,357
20 3,90,492 3,80,341 7,70,833 3,28,096 3,19,572 6,47,668 62,396 60,769 1,23,165
21 12,56,883 12,03,212 24,60,095 1,08,551 1,01,277 2,09,828 11,48,332 11,01,935 22,50,267
22 Hyderabad 20,18,575 19,24,748 39,43,323 - - - 20,18,575 19,24,748 39,43,323
23 Rangareddy 12,43,967 11,82,276 24,26,243 5,25,796 5,00,317 10,26,113 7,18,171 6,81,959 14,00,130
24 Vikarabad 4,73,021 4,73,088 9,46,109 4,10,566 4,10,574 8,21,140 62,455 62,514 1,24,969
25 Mahabubnagar 4,55,534 4,50,126 9,05,660 3,21,335 3,17,874 6,39,209 1,34,199 1,32,252 2,66,451
26 3,09,274 3,00,716 6,09,990 2,77,339 2,69,474 5,46,813 31,935 31,242 63,177
27 Wanaparthy 2,94,833 2,82,925 5,77,758 2,47,528 2,37,942 4,85,470 47,305 44,983 92,288
28 Nagarkurnool 4,37,986 4,23,780 8,61,766 3,93,137 3,80,799 7,73,936 44,849 42,981 87,830
29 Nalgonda 8,18,306 8,00,110 16,18,416 6,33,429 6,16,684 12,50,113 1,84,877 1,83,426 3,68,303
30 Suryapet 5,50,974 5,48,586 10,99,560 4,66,191 4,62,330 9,28,521 84,783 86,256 1,71,039

31 Khammam 6,99,124 7,02,515 14,01,639 5,42,500 5,42,311 10,84,811 1,56,624 1,60,204 3,16,828

32 Mulugu 1,46,205 1,48,466 2,94,671 1,40,429 1,42,749 2,83,178 5,776 5,717 11,493
33 Narayanpet 2,79,896 2,82,252 5,62,148 2,59,199 2,61,197 5,20,396 20,697 21,055 41,752
Grand Total 1,76,11,633 1,73,92,041 3,50,03,674 1,07,04,993 1,06,90,016 2,13,95,009 69,06,640 67,02,025 1,36,08,665
Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

268 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 19
Child (0-6 Years) Population by Districts, 2011 Census

Total Child Population (Nos.) Rural Child Population (Nos.) Urban Child Population (Nos.)
S.No District
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 Adilabad 45,198 42,094 87,292 35,428 33,040 68,468 9,770 9,054 18,824
2 Kumuram Bheem 34,053 32,153 66,206 29,422 27,724 57,146 4,631 4,429 9,060
3 Mancherial 38,578 35,147 73,725 22,988 21,119 44,107 15,590 14,028 29,618
4 Nirmal 42,462 40,307 82,769 33,080 31,406 64,486 9,382 8,901 18,283
5 Nizamabad 86,867 82,754 1,69,621 59,559 56,475 1,16,034 27,308 26,279 53,587
6 Jagitial 48,048 45,523 93,571 35,843 33,990 69,833 12,205 11,533 23,738
7 Peddapalli 34,614 31,899 66,513 21,302 19,858 41,160 13,312 12,041 25,353
8 Jayashankar 20,234 18,473 38,707 18,318 16,821 35,139 1,916 1,652 3,568
9 54,650 52,676 1,07,326 37,706 36,490 74,196 16,944 16,186 33,130
10 Mahabubabad 42,610 38,472 81,082 38,751 34,933 73,684 3,859 3,539 7,398
11 Warangal 37,191 33,893 71,084 25,443 23,005 48,448 11,748 10,888 22,636
12 Hanumakonda 50,194 46,774 96,968 23,015 21,031 44,046 27,179 25,743 52,922
13 Karimnagar 46,124 42,955 89,079 30,000 27,761 57,761 16,124 15,194 31,318
14 Rajanna Sircilla 25,099 23,652 48,751 19,315 18,235 37,550 5,784 5,417 11,201
15 Kamareddy 57,528 54,138 1,11,666 50,455 47,327 97,782 7,073 6,811 13,884
16 Sangareddy 99,792 95,343 1,95,135 65,504 62,627 1,28,131 34,288 32,716 67,004
17 Medak 48,167 45,546 93,713 44,866 42,326 87,192 3,301 3,220 6,521
18 Siddipet 53,194 50,658 1,03,852 45,709 43,542 89,251 7,485 7,116 14,601
19 Jangaon 26,914 25,171 52,085 23,435 21,768 45,203 3,479 3,403 6,882
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 41,418 38,185 79,603 34,564 31,722 66,286 6,854 6,463 13,317
21 Medchal Malkajgiri 1,48,754 1,38,960 2,87,714 12,686 11,930 24,616 1,36,068 1,27,030 2,63,098
22 Hyderabad 2,45,127 2,23,999 4,69,126 - - - 2,45,127 2,23,999 4,69,126
23 Rangareddy 1,54,762 1,43,079 2,97,841 66,458 61,466 1,27,924 88,304 81,613 1,69,917
24 Vikarabad 60,446 57,102 1,17,548 52,900 49,952 1,02,852 7,546 7,150 14,696
25 Mahabubnagar 60,378 56,380 1,16,758 44,515 41,528 86,043 15,863 14,852 30,715
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 43,304 40,424 83,728 39,520 36,740 76,260 3,784 3,684 7,468
27 Wanaparthy 38,040 34,337 72,377 32,962 29,645 62,607 5,078 4,692 9,770
28 Nagarkurnool 56,292 51,167 1,07,459 51,101 46,261 97,362 5,191 4,906 10,097
29 Nalgonda 94,926 87,070 1,81,996 75,090 68,401 1,43,491 19,836 18,669 38,505
30 Suryapet 56,922 53,214 1,10,136 48,504 45,255 93,759 8,418 7,959 16,377

31 Khammam 71,760 67,854 1,39,614 55,652 52,738 1,08,390 16,108 15,116 31,224

32 Mulugu 14,788 14,356 29,144 14,314 13,873 28,187 474 483 957
33 Narayanpet 39,501 37,476 76,977 36,859 35,121 71,980 2,642 2,355 4,997
Total 20,17,935 18,81,231 38,99,166 12,25,264 11,44,110 23,69,374 7,92,671 7,37,121 15,29,792
Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

Annexures 269
Annexure 20
Sex Ratio by Districts, 2011 Census

S. District Population Sex Ratio Child (0-6 Years) Sex Ratio

Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
1 Adilabad 993 978 989 933 927 931
2 Kumuram Bheem 995 1,012 998 942 956 944
3 Mancherial 988 963 977 919 900 911
4 Nirmal 1,060 997 1,046 949 949 949
5 Nizamabad 1,058 1,013 1,044 948 962 953
6 Jagitial 1,045 1,002 1,036 948 945 947
7 Peddapalli 1,005 971 992 932 905 922
8 Jayashankar 1,011 943 1,004 918 862 913
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 1,002 1,023 1,008 968 955 964
10 Mahabubabad 992 1,035 996 901 917 903
11 Warangal 995 993 995 904 927 911
12 Hanumakonda 1,003 991 996 914 947 932
13 Karimnagar 997 984 993 925 942 931
14 Rajanna Sircilla 1,017 1,004 1,014 944 937 942
15 Kamareddy 1,034 1,030 1,033 938 963 941
16 Sangareddy 976 946 965 956 954 955
17 Medak 1,024 1,060 1,027 943 975 946
18 Siddipet 1,008 1,008 1,008 953 951 952
19 Jangaon 1,004 956 997 929 978 935
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 974 974 974 918 943 922
21 Medchal Malkajgiri 933 960 957 940 934 934
22 Hyderabad - 954 954 - 914 914
23 Rangareddy 952 950 950 925 924 925
24 Vikarabad 1,000 1,001 1,000 944 948 945
25 Mahabubnagar 989 985 988 933 936 934
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 972 978 972 930 974 933
27 Wanaparthy 961 951 960 899 924 903
28 Nagarkurnool 969 958 968 905 945 909
29 Nalgonda 974 992 978 911 941 917
30 Suryapet 992 1,017 996 933 945 935

31 Khammam 1,000 1,023 1,005 948 938 946

32 Mulug 1,017 990 1,015 969 1,019 971

33 Narayanpet 1,008 1,017 1,008 953 891 949
State 999 970 988 934 930 932
Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

270 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 21
Literate Population (7 Years and above) by Districts, 2011 Census

S. Total Literates (Nos.) Rural Literates (Nos.) Urban Literates (Nos.)

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 Adilabad 2,28,689 1,65,802 3,94,491 1,64,470 1,13,386 2,77,856 64,219 52,416 1,16,635
2 1,47,911 1,07,091 2,55,002 1,14,535 78,824 1,93,359 33,376 28,267 61,643
3 Mancherial 2,69,729 2,02,127 4,71,856 1,34,794 96,600 2,31,394 1,34,935 1,05,527 2,40,462
4 Nirmal 2,10,021 1,51,977 3,61,998 1,55,234 1,07,864 2,63,098 54,787 44,113 98,900
5 Nizamabad 5,04,933 3,95,503 9,00,436 3,34,248 2,49,189 5,83,437 1,70,685 1,46,314 3,16,999
6 Jagtial 3,08,880 2,30,408 5,39,288 2,25,757 1,63,278 3,89,035 83,123 67,130 1,50,253
7 Peddapalli 2,67,654 2,08,055 4,75,709 1,52,684 1,15,852 2,68,536 1,14,970 92,203 2,07,173
8 Jayashankar 1,29,026 93,906 2,22,932 1,12,539 80,672 1,93,211 16,487 13,234 29,721
Bhadradri Ko-
9 3,51,411 2,87,288 6,38,699 2,22,077 1,73,979 3,96,056 1,29,334 1,13,309 2,42,643
10 Mahabubabad 2,29,809 1,66,389 3,96,198 2,00,619 1,41,311 3,41,930 29,190 25,078 54,268
11 Warangal Rural 2,48,397 1,81,575 4,29,972 1,60,659 1,12,676 2,73,335 87,738 68,899 1,56,637
12 Warangal Urban 3,98,182 3,17,376 7,15,558 1,66,533 1,21,418 2,87,951 2,31,649 1,95,958 4,27,607
13 Karimnagar 3,57,364 2,76,616 6,33,980 2,32,177 1,69,586 4,01,763 1,25,187 1,07,030 2,32,217
14 Rajanna Sircilla 1,82,946 1,32,665 3,15,611 1,38,476 98,230 2,36,706 44,470 34,435 78,905
15 Kamareddy 2,83,542 2,03,017 4,86,559 2,37,197 1,64,145 4,01,342 46,345 38,872 85,217
16 Sangareddy 4,95,096 3,59,497 8,54,593 2,91,040 1,97,667 4,88,707 2,04,056 1,61,830 3,65,886
17 Medak 2,22,678 1,54,673 3,77,351 2,01,412 1,36,379 3,37,791 21,266 18,294 39,560
18 Siddipet 3,26,013 2,33,560 5,59,573 2,72,345 1,90,026 4,62,371 53,668 43,534 97,202
19 Jangaon 1,72,009 1,25,480 2,97,489 1,42,923 1,02,772 2,45,695 29,086 22,708 51,794
20 2,63,588 1,87,376 4,50,964 2,15,119 1,49,008 3,64,127 48,469 38,368 86,837
21 9,68,890 8,22,812 17,91,702 75,017 54,495 1,29,512 8,93,873 7,68,317 16,62,190
22 Hyderabad 15,42,688 13,49,467 28,92,155 - - - 15,42,688 13,49,467 28,92,155
23 Rangareddy 8,59,096 6,70,849 15,29,945 3,21,466 2,17,056 5,38,522 5,37,630 4,53,793 9,91,423
24 Vikarabad 2,78,403 2,00,314 4,78,717 2,32,741 1,61,588 3,94,329 45,662 38,726 84,388
25 Mahabubnagar 2,79,816 2,02,393 4,82,209 1,75,945 1,15,655 2,91,600 1,03,871 86,738 1,90,609
26 1,59,704 1,02,751 2,62,455 1,37,276 85,307 2,22,583 22,428 17,444 39,872
27 Wanaparthy 1,68,792 1,12,539 2,81,331 1,33,446 85,361 2,18,807 35,346 27,178 62,524
28 Nagarkurnool 2,47,538 1,62,621 4,10,159 2,13,365 1,36,622 3,49,987 34,173 25,999 60,172
29 Nalgonda 5,34,573 3,81,169 9,15,742 3,87,059 2,57,677 6,44,736 1,47,514 1,23,492 2,71,006
30 Suryapet 3,62,596 2,71,717 6,34,313 2,94,818 2,11,866 5,06,684 67,778 59,851 1,27,629
31 Khammam 4,62,275 3,70,045 8,32,320 3,37,475 2,56,787 5,94,262 1,24,800 1,13,258 2,38,058
32 Mulugu 94,549 70,766 1,65,315 90,326 67,401 1,57,727 4,223 3,365 7,588
33 Narayanpet 1,44,931 97,225 2,42,156 1,30,402 85,223 2,15,625 14,529 12,002 26,531
Total 1,17,01,729 89,95,049 2,06,96,778 64,04,174 44,97,900 1,09,02,074 52,97,555 44,97,149 97,94,704
Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

Annexures 271
Annexure 22
Literacy Rates by Districts, 2011 Census
District Total Literacy Rate Rural Literacy Rate Urban Literacy Rate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 Adilabad 73.48 53.40 63.46 69.64 47.92 58.77 85.58 70.95 78.32
2 Kumuram Bheem 65.99 47.50 56.72 61.73 42.35 52.02 86.47 71.88 79.11
3 Mancherial 72.96 55.59 64.35 65.76 47.33 56.56 81.92 66.15 74.16
4 Nirmal 69.03 47.14 57.77 65.31 42.21 53.34 82.30 66.01 74.14
5 Nizamabad 74.08 54.95 64.25 69.92 48.65 58.92 83.84 70.49 77.10
6 Jagitial 70.56 50.35 60.23 66.51 45.57 55.76 84.52 67.64 76.04
7 Peddapalli 73.74 57.42 65.59 68.77 51.57 60.12 81.56 66.96 74.35
8 Jayashankar 68.72 49.35 58.97 67.04 47.08 56.95 82.87 69.93 76.56
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 73.56 59.33 66.40 67.89 52.90 60.38 85.86 72.95 79.31
10 Mahabubabad 66.52 47.81 57.13 64.35 45.19 54.75 86.70 71.02 78.67
11 Warangal 74.74 54.41 64.55 69.80 48.69 59.21 85.87 67.37 76.61
12 Hanumakonda 82.63 65.65 74.13 73.72 53.10 63.35 90.50 76.93 83.73
13 Karimnagar 77.94 60.38 69.16 72.80 52.99 62.88 89.69 77.51 83.63
14 Rajanna Sircilla 73.47 52.17 62.71 70.48 48.84 59.53 84.65 64.78 74.66
15 Kamareddy 67.37 46.13 56.51 64.63 42.73 53.43 86.10 69.53 77.65
16 Sangareddy 73.01 54.83 64.07 66.15 45.88 56.12 85.70 71.97 79.03
17 Medak 67.51 45.15 56.12 66.13 43.22 54.47 84.18 67.58 75.59
18 Siddipet 72.30 51.08 61.61 69.98 48.16 58.99 86.87 69.47 78.10
19 Jangaon 71.38 51.86 61.60 68.73 48.83 58.72 88.12 72.16 80.33
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 75.51 54.76 65.24 73.29 51.77 62.63 87.27 70.65 79.05
21 Medchal Malkajgiri 87.43 77.31 82.48 78.25 60.99 69.93 88.30 78.81 83.65
22 Hyderabad 86.99 79.35 83.25 - - - 86.99 79.35 83.25
23 Rangareddy 78.87 64.55 71.88 69.98 49.46 59.96 85.36 75.59 80.59
24 Vikarabad 67.48 48.15 57.78 65.07 44.81 54.90 83.16 69.95 76.53

25 Mahabubnagar 70.81 51.40 61.12 63.56 41.85 52.71 87.78 73.88 80.86
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 60.05 39.48 49.87 57.72 36.65 47.30 79.67 63.30 71.57
27 Wanaparthy 65.73 45.27 55.67 62.19 40.98 51.74 83.70 67.45 75.77
28 Nagarkurnool 64.85 43.64 54.38 62.38 40.84 51.73 86.17 68.28 77.41
29 Nalgonda 73.90 53.46 63.75 69.32 47.00 58.26 89.38 74.95 82.17
30 Suryapet 73.39 54.85 64.11 70.58 50.80 60.70 88.76 76.44 82.52
31 Khammam 73.69 58.31 65.95 69.32 52.45 60.86 88.82 78.06 83.35

32 Mulugu 71.95 52.77 62.26 71.62 52.30 61.86 79.65 64.29 72.02
33 Narayanpet 60.29 39.72 49.91 58.65 37.70 48.09 80.47 64.18 72.18
State 75.04 57.99 66.54 67.56 47.12 57.30 86.65 75.39 81.09
Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

272 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 23
Working Population by Districts, 2011 Census (in No.s)
Workers in
S. Total Agricultural Other Work- % Working
District Cultivators Household Total Workers
No. Population Lobourers ers Population
1 Adilabad 7,08,972 1,26,363 1,19,664 10,313 92,781 3,49,121 49.2
2 Kumuram Bheem 5,15,812 88,045 99,667 7,490 57,799 2,53,001 49.0

3 Mancherial 8,07,037 45,831 1,48,377 8,423 1,42,154 3,44,785 42.7

4 Nirmal 7,09,418 1,03,498 1,17,204 58,435 97,623 3,76,760 53.1
5 Nizamabad 15,71,022 1,44,090 2,31,941 1,26,712 2,59,823 7,62,566 48.5
6 Jagitial 9,88,913 1,11,866 1,78,654 89,940 1,57,870 5,38,330 54.4
7 Peddapalli 7,91,836 45,594 1,58,843 8,164 1,30,719 3,43,320 43.4
8 Jayashankar 4,16,763 51,785 1,30,897 2,993 35,356 2,21,031 53.0
9 Bhadradri Ko- 10,69,261 89,435 2,62,753 8,446 1,56,477 5,17,111 48.4
10 Mahabubabad 7,74,549 1,22,597 2,04,458 7,427 73,002 4,07,484 52.6
11 Warangal 7,37,148 80,658 1,59,416 8,825 1,13,508 3,62,407 49.2
12 Hanumakonda 10,62,247 62,040 1,61,987 14,881 2,14,937 4,53,845 42.7
13 Karimnagar 10,05,711 78,516 1,86,363 18,694 1,80,347 4,63,920 46.1
14 Rajanna Sircilla 5,52,037 66,751 1,01,737 46,647 83,528 2,98,663 54.1
15 Kamareddy 9,72,625 1,33,267 2,13,224 44,358 1,03,332 4,94,181 50.8
16 Sangareddy 15,28,903 1,09,789 2,99,375 17,234 2,62,362 6,88,760 45.0
17 Medak 7,66,153 1,29,391 1,62,442 15,811 77,562 3,85,206 50.3
18 Siddipet 10,12,065 1,56,467 1,71,665 40,520 1,40,911 5,09,563 50.3
19 Jangaon 5,34,991 80,477 1,20,447 7,462 62,386 2,70,772 50.6
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 7,70,833 67,500 1,57,672 17,038 1,31,864 3,74,074 48.5
21 Medchal Malkajgiri 24,60,095 26,675 44,980 38,872 8,54,205 9,64,732 39.2
22 Hyderabad 39,43,323 28,308 23,029 46,157 13,15,803 14,13,297 35.8
23 Rangareddy 24,26,243 1,65,705 2,13,624 29,544 6,13,768 10,22,641 42.1
24 Vikarabad 9,46,109 1,69,562 1,95,455 10,957 1,04,202 4,80,176 50.8
25 Mahabubnagar 9,05,660 96,949 1,67,858 14,694 1,55,407 4,34,908 48.0
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 6,09,990 85,048 1,83,459 8,441 51,138 3,28,086 53.8
27 Wanaparthy 5,77,758 60,914 1,44,713 8,749 81,773 2,96,149 51.3
28 Nagarkurnool 8,61,766 1,54,560 1,90,030 9,633 1,02,539 4,56,762 53.0
29 Nalgonda 16,18,416 1,58,951 3,89,621 19,633 2,37,886 8,06,091 49.8
30 Suryapet 10,99,560 98,773 3,15,838 8,453 1,38,464 5,61,528 51.1
31 Khammam 14,01,639 95,769 4,14,250 9,198 1,85,512 7,04,729 50.3
32 Mulugu 2,94,671 35,561 1,05,511 2,042 19,704 1,62,818 55.3
33 Narayanpet 5,62,148 80,654 1,39,997 10,343 64,131 2,95,125 52.5
Total 3,50,03,674 31,51,389 59,15,151 7,76,529 64,98,873 1,63,41,942 46.7

Source: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India.

Annexures 273
Annexure 24
Pattern of Land Utilisation from 2008-09 to 2020-21 (Area in Lakh Hects. )

Misc. Tree
Land put Crops and
Barren and Pastures
to Non-Ag- Culturable Groves not Current Other Fal- Net Area Geographi-
Year Forest Uncultiva- and Other
ricultural Waste included in Fallow low Lands Sown cal Area
ble Land Grazing
Uses Net Area

2008-09 27.43 6.26 8.19 1.71 3.09 1.16 16.79 7.88 42.33 114.84

2009-10 27.43 6.18 8.24 1.70 3.08 1.16 19.38 8.08 39.59 114.84

2010-11 27.43 6.17 8.71 1.67 3.03 1.14 13.97 7.80 44.92 114.84

2011-12 27.43 6.17 8.82 1.65 3.02 1.14 12.36 8.26 45.99 114.84

2012-13 27.43 6.17 8.86 1.74 3.02 1.14 12.03 7.91 46.54 114.84

2013-14 25.40 6.07 8.81 1.77 3.00 1.12 9.51 7.17 49.23 112.08

2014-15 25.40 6.07 8.85 1.82 2.99 1.12 14.01 8.05 43.77 112.08

2015-16 25.40 6.07 8.92 1.82 2.99 1.12 15.79 8.22 41.75 112.08

2016-17 26.98 6.07 8.52 1.82 2.99 1.12 10.15 6.69 47.74 112.08

2017-18 26.98 6.07 8.34 1.82 2.99 1.12 9.16 6.62 48.98 112.08

2018-19 26.98 6.07 8.36 1.80 2.99 1.12 10.65 7.51 46.60 112.08

2019-20 26.98 6.07 8.36 1.63 2.82 1.12 4.44 5.66 55.00 112.08

2020-21 27.68 6.07 8.36 1.16 2.80 0.84 2.10 3.80 59.27 112.08

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad.

274 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 25
Rainfall by Seasons from 1990-91 to 2021-22 (in mm)

North-East Monsoon
South-West Monsoon Winter Period Hot Weather Period
(October to Total
(June to September) (January to February) (March to May)
S. No. Year
% Dev. % Dev. % Dev. % Dev. % Dev.
Actual over Actual over Actual over Actual over Actual over
normal normal normal normal normal
Normal 715.1 129.2 11.5 50.8 906.6
1 1990-91 653.1 -8.7 140.5 8.7 6.9 -40.0 31.1 -38.8 831.6 -8.3
2 1991-92 578.1 -19.2 50.5 -60.9 1.2 -89.6 14.9 -70.7 644.7 -28.9
3 1992-93 489.6 -31.5 82.5 -36.1 0.0 -100.0 43.3 -14.8 615.4 -32.1
4 1993-94 480.3 -32.8 106.5 -17.6 7.2 -37.4 16.7 -67.1 610.7 -32.6
5 1994-95 436.1 -39.0 166.1 28.6 39.5 243.5 49.7 -2.2 691.4 -23.7
6 1995-96 512.6 -28.3 240.3 86.0 1.3 -88.7 21.9 -56.9 776.1 -14.4
7 1996-97 643.5 -10.0 95.4 -26.2 13.4 16.5 52.1 2.6 804.5 -11.3
8 1997-98 481.3 -32.7 126.5 -2.1 12.3 7.0 26.6 -47.6 646.7 -28.7
9 1998-99 745.1 4.2 78.4 -39.3 4.7 -59.1 46.5 -8.5 874.7 -3.5
10 1999-2K 574.3 -19.7 37.6 -70.9 6.7 -41.7 33.4 -34.3 652.0 -28.1
11 2000-01 827.1 15.7 23.1 -82.1 3.3 -71.3 37.4 -26.4 890.9 -1.7
12 2001-02 582.3 -18.6 134.8 4.3 19.0 65.2 32.6 -35.8 768.8 -15.2
13 2002-03 488.3 -31.7 86.0 -33.4 2.7 -76.5 23.9 -53.0 600.9 -33.7
14 2003-04 672.6 -5.9 103.0 -20.3 29.7 158.3 50.4 -0.8 855.8 -5.6
15 2004-05 455.8 -36.3 76.4 -40.9 37.4 225.2 44.4 -12.6 614.0 -32.3
16 2005-06 808.2 13.0 172.3 33.4 0.0 -100.0 137.1 169.9 1117.6 23.3
17 2006-07 728.9 1.9 65.4 -49.4 0.6 -94.8 9.4 -81.5 804.2 -11.3
18 2007-08 734.6 2.7 61.6 -52.3 19.6 70.4 124.2 144.5 940.0 3.7
19 2008-09 755.2 5.6 38.6 -70.1 0.0 -100.0 27.1 -46.7 820.9 -9.5
20 2009-10 494.9 -30.8 122.0 -5.6 18.8 63.5 46.1 -9.3 681.7 -24.8
21 2010-11 894.4 25.1 152.6 18.1 10.1 -12.2 43.7 -14.0 1100.8 21.4
22 2011-12 601.1 -15.9 24.0 -81.4 8.0 -30.4 27.5 -45.9 660.6 -27.1
23 2012-13 707.2 -1.1 141.8 9.8 34.5 200.0 33.3 -34.4 916.8 1.1
24 2013-14 851.5 19.1 243.2 88.2 1.3 -88.7 116.2 128.7 1212.2 33.7
Normal 713.5 129.5 11.5 50.8 905.3
25 2014-15 494.7 -30.7 54.4 -58.0 13.0 13.0 120.0 682.1 -24.7
26 2015-16 611.2 -14.3 27.5 -78.8 1.5 -87.0 76.9 51.4 717.1 -20.8
Normal 712.9 127.1 11.4 49.8 901.2
27 2016-17 912.1 27.9 70.9 -44.2 0.0 -100.0 35.6 -28.5 1018.6 13.0
Normal 719.3 126.1 11.8 48.8 906.0
28 2017-18 647.2 -10.0 129.5 2.7 2.4 -79.7 61.4 25.8 840.5 -7.2
29 2018-19 661.1 -8.1 37.4 -70.3 23.7 100.8 26.3 -46.1 748.4 -17.4
Normal 720.4 124.9 11.5 48.6 905.4
30 2019-20 791.4 10.0 173.1 38.6 15.4 34.0 52.8 9.0 1032.6 14.0
31 2020-21 1078.3 49.7 179.4 43.6 4.3 -62.6 60.5 24.5 1322.5 46.0
Normal 721.2 124.9 11.4 48.6 906.1
32 2021-22 1009.6 40.0 93.1 -25.0 35.9 215.0 42.2 -13.0 1180.8 30.0
33 2022-23* 1098.8 52.0 125.7 1.0
Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Telangana. Note: * Rainfall data upto December 2022.

Annexures 275
Annexure 26
Area Sown and Production of Foodgrains from 1990-91 to 2021-22
Sl. No. Year Area (Lakh Hects) Production (Lakh Tonnes)

1 1990-91 34.10 48.19

2 1991-92 32.33 43.21

3 1992-93 28.39 39.08

4 1993-94 28.03 39.90

5 1994-95 27.76 41.60

6 1995-96 27.73 39.79

7 1996-97 30.56 53.06

8 1997-98 25.90 35.25

9 1998-99 32.47 60.94

10 1999-00 30.77 52.48

11 2000-01 33.39 64.63

12 2001-02 29.64 55.32

13 2002-03 26.67 39.48

14 2003-04 29.93 57.99

15 2004-05 24.97 41.68

16 2005-06 31.31 75.29

17 2006-07 30.81 65.22

18 2007-08 30.09 81.34

19 2008-09 31.72 82.48

20 2009-10 26.49 51.90

21 2010-11 34.44 92.60

22 2011-12 31.09 75.01

23 2012-13 28.36 82.42

24 2013-14 34.30 106.86

25 2014-15 26.13 72.18

26 2015-16 21.80 51.45

27 2016-17 34.39 101.29

28 2017-18 32.45 96.20

29 2018-19 30.56 92.75

30 2019-20 44.81 162.35

31 2020-21 52.79 171.75

32 2021-22 51.60 172.02

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Telangana.

276 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 27
Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Total Foodgrains by States, 2020-21
Area Production
State/UT Rank Rank
(‘000 Hectares) (‘000 Tonnes)
Uttar Pradesh 19,933.00 1 58,106.92 1
Madhya Pradesh 15,014.00 3 32,844.23 2
Punjab 6,604.50 7 30,418.34 3
Rajasthan 15,556.35 2 24,282.31 4
West Bengal 6,612.34 6 20,004.64 5
Haryana 4,595.14 11 18,309.50 6
Maharashtra 11,345.88 4 15,766.09 7
Bihar 6,359.43 8 15,382.59 8
Karnataka 8,235.11 5 14,550.07 9
Telangana 4,145.10 13 12,745.62 10
Andhra Pradesh 4,074.50 14 11,299.04 11
Tamil Nadu 3,819.58 15 10,823.62 12
Odisha 4,978.46 9 9,523.56 13
Gujarat 4,230.29 12 8,973.93 14
Chhattisgarh 4,804.45 10 8,225.52 15
Assam 2,558.24 17 5,487.51 16
Jharkhand 2,811.02 16 4,871.69 17
Uttarakhand 809.00 19 2,001.84 18
Jammu & Kashmir 841.89 18 1,594.95 19
Himachal Pradesh 727.03 20 1,535.51 20
Tripura 313.56 22 867.64 21
Manipur 284.71 23 697.09 22
Kerala 207.66 25 636.38 23
Nagaland 342.60 21 570.24 24
Arunachal Pradesh 229.04 24 377.07 25
Meghalaya 137.48 26 353.33 26
Delhi 29.70 30 111.79 27
Sikkim 54.74 27 91.75 28
Goa 36.52 29 91.09 29
Mizoram 46.48 28 80.68 30
Puducherry 19.33 31 50.70 31
D & N Haveli 16.70 32 34.34 32
A & N Islands 6.94 34 13.72 33
UT of Ladakh 11.69 33 11.96 34
Daman & Diu 1.93 35 3.55 35
Chandigarh 0.63 36 2.92 36
All India 1,29,795.01 3,10,741.74

Annexures 277
Annexure 28
Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Cotton by States, 2020-21
Area Production Yield
(‘000 Hectares) Rank (‘000 bales of Rank (Kg./Hectare) Rank
170 kgs. each)

Maharashtra 4,544.60 1 10,105.05 1 378 14

Gujarat 2,270.50 3 7,212.18 2 540 6

Telangana 2,358.00 2 5,797.91 3 418 12

Rajasthan 807.84 5 3,207.59 4 675 3

Karnataka 820.00 4 2,320.12 5 481 8

Haryana 739.60 6 1,822.90 6 419 11

Andhra Pradesh 606.00 7 1,600.55 7 449 9

Madhya Pradesh 588.00 8 1,338.56 8 387 13

Punjab 251.60 9 1,022.68 9 691 2

Odisha 171.24 10 550.99 10 547 5

Tamil Nadu 112.05 11 243.21 11 369 15

Meghalaya 7.24 12 8.65 12 203 19

Chhattisgarh 4.20 13 8.40 13 340 17

Uttar Pradesh 3.00 14 6.46 14 366 16

Tripura 0.61 16 0.94 15 265 18

West Bengal 0.30 18 0.87 16 501 7

Puducherry 0.33 17 0.83 17 425 10

Assam 0.76 15 0.39 18 88 20

Kerala 0.01 20 0.03 19 1,156 1

Nagaland 0.01 21 0.02 20 600 4

Mizoram 0.02 19 0.01 21 78 21

All India 13,286 35,248 451

278 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 29
Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Rice by States, 2020-21
Area Production Yield
(‘000 Hectares) Rank (‘000 Tonnes) Rank (Kg./Hectare) Rank
West Bengal 5,585.63 2 16,524.44 1 2,958 11
Uttar Pradesh 5,678.00 1 15,520.02 2 2,733 16
Punjab 2,928.00 7 12,783.65 3 4,366 2
Telangana 3,186.40 5 10,217.13 4 3,206 6
Odisha 4,038.24 3 8,810.30 5 2,182 22
Andhra Pradesh 2,323.50 9 7,882.86 6 3,393 3
Chhattisgarh 3,791.00 4 7,161.20 7 1,889 31
Tamil Nadu 2,036.24 11 6,881.16 8 3,379 4
Bihar 3,020.86 6 6,746.99 9 2,233 20
Assam 2,360.47 8 5,214.76 10 2,209 21
Haryana 1,327.20 15 4,424.88 11 3,334 5
Madhya Pradesh 2,117.00 10 4,413.79 12 2,085 26
Karnataka 1,397.10 14 4,291.75 13 3,072 9
Maharashtra 1,560.57 12 3,291.66 14 2,109 25
Jharkhand 1,411.00 13 2,752.86 15 1,951 30
Gujarat 906.63 16 2,145.70 16 2,367 19
Tripura 263.79 18 803.12 17 3,045 10
Uttarakhand 254.00 19 714.88 18 2,814 12
Rajasthan 231.47 20 634.00 19 2,739 15
Kerala 205.04 23 633.77 20 3,091 8
Manipur 225.77 21 602.15 21 2,667 18
Jammu & Kashmir 267.58 17 581.45 22 2,173 23
Nagaland 218.81 22 367.39 23 1,679 35
Meghalaya 107.60 25 295.85 24 2,750 14
Arunachal Pradesh 133.77 24 247.08 25 1,847 33
Himachal Pradesh 68.46 26 140.47 26 2,052 28
Goa 32.68 28 87.34 27 2,673 17
Mizoram 35.25 27 62.19 28 1,764 34
Puducherry 18.15 29 50.01 29 2,756 13
D & N Haveli 15.85 30 32.94 30 2,078 27
Delhi 6.17 33 19.75 31 3,200 7
Sikkim 8.70 31 16.19 32 1,861 32
A & N Islands 6.26 32 13.34 33 2,133 24
Daman & Diu 1.43 34 2.80 34 1,956 29
Chandigarh 0.08 35 0.44 35 5,500 1
All India 45,768.69 1,24,368.32 2,717

Annexures 279
Annexure 30
State-wise Production of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches and Crude Palm Oil for the year
2020-21 (Production in Metric Tonnes)

S.No. State Fresh fruit Bunches Crude Palm Oil

1 Andhra Pradesh 14,71,521 2,37,900

2 Telangana 1,49,488 26,690

3 Kerala 27,627 4,281

4 Karnataka 15,877 2,734

5 Mizoram 10,563 -

6 Gujarat 7,425 -

7 Tamilnadu 3,038 429

8 Assam 2,200 -

9 Goa 1,717 305

10 Nagaland 280 -

11 Chhattisgarh 6 -

12 Odisha 0 -

Source : Agriculture Statistics at a Glance 2021,MoAFW, GoI

Note : Figures are provisional

280 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 31
Livestock and Poultry Population by Districts, 2019 Census (in Lakhs)

Total Livestock





1 Adilabad 3.11 0.49 1.53 1.86 0.02 0.00 7.02 0.05 0.00 5.54
2 Kumuram Bheem 2.64 0.49 1.61 2.60 0.01 0.00 7.35 0.01 0.01 4.56
3 Mancherial 1.80 1.06 5.21 1.84 0.02 0.00 9.92 0.08 0.00 8.68
4 Nirmal 1.79 1.21 5.03 1.32 0.03 0.00 9.38 0.09 0.00 5.01
5 Nizamabad 1.01 2.07 7.36 1.57 0.02 0.00 12.02 0.04 0.00 17.20
6 Jagtial 0.47 1.24 6.11 0.97 0.15 0.00 8.95 0.03 0.00 8.67
7 Peddapalli 0.56 0.91 5.49 0.96 0.04 0.00 7.96 0.04 0.00 10.70
8 Jayashankar 0.69 0.63 2.92 0.81 0.01 - 5.06 0.02 0.00 4.22
9 Bhadradri Ko- 2.84 1.72 2.67 2.56 0.03 0.00 9.82 0.26 0.00 16.11
10 Mahabubabad 1.82 1.30 6.78 1.78 0.08 0.00 11.75 0.11 0.00 11.09
11 Warangal Rural 0.81 1.11 6.12 0.97 0.08 0.00 10.56 0.03 0.00 19.17
12 Warangal Urban 0.49 0.76 5.08 0.62 0.09 0.00 5.56 0.07 0.00 9.83
13 Karimnagar 0.82 0.95 6.39 0.93 0.07 0.00 9.16 0.07 0.03 21.68
14 Rajanna Sircilla 0.44 0.73 3.88 0.88 0.03 0.00 5.96 0.03 0.00 7.44
15 Kamareddy 1.12 1.81 5.74 1.68 0.06 0.01 10.41 0.07 0.00 13.75
16 Sangareddy 1.54 1.65 4.39 2.29 0.06 0.01 9.94 0.14 0.00 12.41
17 Medak 0.89 1.90 6.37 1.53 0.05 0.00 10.73 0.18 0.00 24.58
18 Siddipet 1.27 1.78 8.01 1.83 0.09 0.00 12.98 0.03 0.01 91.37
19 Jangaon 1.02 1.20 6.17 1.15 0.03 0.00 10.46 0.02 0.00 7.25
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 1.10 1.69 7.16 1.60 0.03 0.01 10.64 0.07 0.01 45.41
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 0.27 0.60 1.49 0.40 0.02 0.00 2.79 0.52 0.00 39.58
22 Hyderabad 0.16 0.23 0.13 0.34 0.00 0.01 0.87 0.51 0.03 0.25
23 Rangareddy 2.41 1.67 7.67 2.57 0.06 0.02 14.39 0.27 0.03 240.70
24 Vikarabad 1.76 0.83 2.47 2.61 0.10 0.00 7.55 0.04 0.00 5.41
25 Mahabubnagar 1.35 0.97 9.99 1.49 0.09 0.00 14.11 0.10 0.00 23.61
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 0.75 0.58 5.75 0.67 0.05 0.00 7.83 0.02 0.00 14.80
27 Wanaparthy 0.75 0.73 9.77 0.81 0.09 0.00 12.14 0.08 0.00 7.66
28 Nagarkurnool 2.23 1.12 9.68 2.06 0.11 0.00 15.21 0.14 0.00 27.70
29 Nalgonda 2.03 3.08 10.95 3.36 0.07 0.00 19.54 0.12 0.00 44.30
30 Suryapet 0.95 2.90 7.79 1.40 0.03 0.00 13.07 0.08 0.00 20.03
31 Khammam 1.41 3.75 6.67 1.90 0.06 0.00 13.79 0.13 0.00 21.59
32 Mulugu 0.99 0.61 1.29 0.75 0.01 - 3.65 0.04 0.00 5.14
33 Narayanpet 1.01 0.50 12.96 1.26 0.12 0.00 15.83 0.06 0.00 4.57
Total 42.33 42.26 190.63 49.35 1.78 0.06 326.41 3.55 0.15 799.99
Source : Director of Animal Husbandry , Telangana.

Annexures 281
Annexure 32
Fish and Prawn Production from 2008-09 to 2021-22
Inland Fish Production Fresh Water Prawn
S.No. Year Total
(Tonnes) Production (Tonnes)

1 2008-09 1,49,049 2,242 1,51,291

2 2009-10 1,33,613 2,008 1,35,621

3 2010-11 1,33,587 2,206 1,35,793

4 2011-12 1,96,708 3,774 2,00,482

5 2012-13 2,14,591 5,037 2,19,628

6 2013-14 2,43,037 6,596 2,49,633

7 2014-15 2,60,010 8,352 2,68,362

8 2015-16 2,28,185 8,567 2,36,752

9 2016-17 1,93,732 5,189 1,98,921

10 2017-18 2,62,252 7,783 2,70,035

11 2018-19 2,84,211 9,998 2,94,209

12 2019-20 2,99,869 10,453 3,10,322

13 2020-21 3,37,117 11,734 3,48,851

14 2021-22 3,76,142 13,827 3,89,969

Source: Commissioner of Fisheries, Hyderabad.

33. Production of Milk, Meat and Eggs from 2013-14 to 2021-22

S.No. Year Milk Meat including Chicken Eggs
(in ‘000 Tonnes) (in ‘000 Tonnes) (in Lakh Nos.)

1 2013-14 3,924.14 230.29 1,00,605.98

2 2014-15 4,207.26 505.05 1,06,185.33

3 2015-16 4,442.45 542.05 1,12,058.23

4 2016-17 4,681.09 591.04 1,18,186.35

5 2017-18 4,965.37 645.03 1,26,700.02

6 2018-19 5,416.13 754.06 1,36,868.43

7 2019-20 5,590.21 848.16 1,48,055.17

8 2020-21 5,765.19 920.25 1,58,469.75

9 2021-22 6,099.97 1,014.73 1,72,506.12

Source : Director of Animal Husbandry , Telangana.

282 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 34
Mineral Production and Value of Mineral Produced, 2020-21 and 2021-22

2020-21 2021-22
S.No. Mineral Unit Production Value Production Value
(Rs. in ‘000) (Rs. in ‘000)
I. Major Minerals
1 Coal Tonnes 4,85,17,153 11,88,670.25 6,53,78,118 16,01,76,388.41
2 Lime Stone Tonnes 2,39,93,360 80,617.69 2,84,04,124 1,17,02,498.96
3 Manganese Ore Tonnes 11,735 718.77 10,522 62,755.47
4 Stowing Sand Tonnes 8,38,494 1,165.51 5,46,198 83,022.10
6 Iron Ore Tonnes 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 12,71,172.21 17,20,24,664.94
II. Minor Minerals
1 Amethyst Tonnes 0 0.00 0 0.00
2 Barytes Tonnes 500 24.96 2,060 10,281.46
3 Dolomite Tonnes 3,59,450 2,174.67 6,08,698 3,68,262.29
4 Feldspar Tonnes 6,70,106 3,206.46 7,29,646 3,49,500.48
5 Fire Clay Tonnes 0 0.00 0 0.00
6 Latarite Tonnes 36,02,917 12,682.27 53,59,405 18,86,510.42
7 Mica Tonnes 1,500 525.00 - -
8 Quartz Tonnes 9,04,734 3,781.79 12,28,337 5,13,444.87
9 Silica Sand Tonnes 0 0.00 0 0.00
10 Shale Tonnes 21,350 38.75 25,700 5,654.00
11 White Clay Tonnes 37,215 112.58 34,850 7,667.00
12 Yellow Ochre Tonnes 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 22,546.47 31,41,320.52
III. Other Minor Minerals
1 Black Granite M3 3,58,438 78,067.87 350210.00 88,98,832.77
2 Colour Granite M3 8,38,963 2,13,180.40 7,61,663 1,65,89,026.02
3 Gravel / Earth M3 8,01,10,611 3,68,348.59 6,56,35,879 1,56,86,975.19
4 Fuller’s Earth Tonnes 3,86,506 4,846.79 3,41,617 1,58,851.91
5 Lime Stone Slabs M2 21,92,763 6,898.43 23,90,392 3,96,805.07
6 Limekankar Tonnes - 0.00 0 0.00
7 Mosaic Chips Tonnes 1,67,008 1,533.96 2,06,715 33,694.55
8 Marble Tonnes - 0.00 0 0.00
9 Road Metal M3 8,35,93,649 9,57,230.87 10,52,79,093 7,15,89,783.34
10 Ordinary Sand M3 1,21,63,006 72,978.04 1,23,96,466 74,37,879.60
Total 17,03,084.95 12,07,91,848.45
Grand Total 29,96,803.63 29,59,57,833.91
Source: Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad.

Annexures 283
Annexure 35

Functioning of Fair Price Shops and Food Security cards by Districts, 2021-22
Annapurna Cards Food Security
S.No. District Name No. of FP Shops Food Security Total Cards
(AAP) Cards (FSC)
Cards ( AFSC )
1 Adilabad 355 272 14,137 1,78,498 1,92,907
2 Kumuram Bheem 278 21 13,024 1,27,370 1,40,415
3 Mancherial 423 169 15,502 2,05,059 2,20,730
4 Nirmal 412 35 12,544 1,97,465 2,10,044
5 Nizamabad 751 1,092 21,046 3,82,977 4,05,115
6 Jagtial 587 146 14,483 2,95,916 3,10,545
7 Peddapalli 413 175 12,394 2,09,955 2,22,524
8 Jayashankar 277 39 9,332 1,14,800 1,24,171
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 442 4 18,880 2,76,762 2,95,646
10 Mahabubabad 553 2 15,453 2,25,763 2,41,218
11 Warangal 509 8 13,483 2,54,279 2,67,770
12 Hanumakonda 414 25 11,352 2,17,995 2,29,372
13 Karimnagar 487 42 15,859 2,64,994 2,80,895
14 Rajanna Sircilla 344 234 13,691 1,61,559 1,75,484
15 Kamareddy 578 989 17,585 2,35,199 2,53,773
16 Sangareddy 845 104 27,178 3,53,085 3,80,367
17 Medak 521 75 13,908 2,02,620 2,16,603
18 Siddipet 683 93 18,817 2,74,475 2,93,385
19 Jangaon 335 96 10,674 1,52,091 1,62,861
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 513 0 13,773 2,05,585 2,19,358
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 636 110 18,371 5,05,934 5,24,415
22 Hyderabad 668 1,310 30,170 6,05,093 6,36,573
23 Rangareddy 919 43 35,256 5,24,591 5,59,890
24 Vikarabad 588 38 26,933 2,14,624 2,41,595
25 Mahabubnagar 506 219 19,120 2,21,284 2,40,623
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 333 136 10,208 1,50,293 1,60,637
27 Wanaparthy 324 114 10,015 1,47,254 1,57,383
28 Nagarkurnool 558 40 18,811 2,20,053 2,38,904
29 Nalgonda 991 67 30,155 4,37,553 4,67,775
30 Suryapet 610 42 19,874 3,05,866 3,25,782
31 Khammam 669 3 27,036 3,89,625 4,16,664
32 Mulugu 222 2 8,076 83,821 91,899
33 Narayanpet 298 30 9,511 1,30,676 1,40,217
Total 17,042 5,775 5,66,651 84,73,114 90,45,540

Source : Commissioner , Civil Supplies, Telangana

284 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 36

Functioning of Anganwadi Centers by Districts, 2021-22

Mandals Ayahs (Help- No.of Children
S.No. District Projects No.of AWCs No.of AWTs
Covered ers) Enrolled
1 Adilabad 5 18 1,256 1,179 885 65,168
2 Kumuram Bheem 5 15 973 896 736 45,771
3 Mancherial 4 18 969 920 763 55,257
4 Nirmal 4 19 926 880 693 63,607
5 Nizamabad 5 29 1,500 1,477 1,255 1,29,631
6 Jagtial 4 18 1,065 1,044 926 72,014
7 Peddapalli 3 14 706 684 634 42,965
8 Jayashankar 2 11 644 413 370 29,550
9 Bhadradri Kothagudem 11 23 2,060 1,932 1,287 98,208
10 Mahabubabad 5 16 1,437 1,372 1,167 71,621
11 Warangal 3 16 919 853 691 65,222
12 Hanumakonda 3 11 788 739 632 56,531
13 Karimnagar 4 16 777 745 690 63,520
14 Rajanna Sircilla 2 13 587 570 500 42,605
15 Kamareddy 5 22 1,193 1,164 990 78,879
16 Sangareddy 5 26 1,504 1,459 1,149 1,32,819
17 Medak 4 20 1,076 1,024 751 72,204
18 Siddipet 5 22 1,150 1,095 969 70,785
19 Jangaon 3 12 695 676 622 33,179
20 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 4 17 901 869 781 50,708
21 Medchal-Malkajgiri 3 15 793 745 621 1,81,843
22 Hyderabad 5 16 914 854 757 1,27,062
23 Rangareddy 7 27 1,600 1,581 1,308 1,50,544
24 Vikarabad 5 18 1,107 1,068 875 64,464
25 Mahabubnagar 4 15 1,185 1,132 945 63,370
26 Jogulamba Gadwal 3 12 713 670 575 55,834
27 Wanaparthy 3 14 589 570 517 34,250
28 Nagarkurnool 5 20 1,131 1,055 800 57,559
29 Nalgonda 9 31 2,093 2,012 1,709 1,04,580
30 Suryapet 5 23 1,209 1,155 1,018 68,728
31 Khammam 7 21 1,896 1,783 1,454 95,784
32 Mulugu 4 9 640 571 434 26,139
33 Narayanpet 3 11 704 687 575 52,609
Total 149 588 35,700 33,874 28,079 24,23,007

Source: Commissioner, Women Development and Child Welfare, Hyderabad.

Annexures 285
Annexure 37

Enrolment of Children in Schools from 2007-08 to 2021-22 (in No.s)

Year Pre-Primary I-V Classes VI-VIII Classes IX-X Classes XI-XII Classes Total
2007-08 4,19,329 33,58,789 18,10,849 9,67,072 4,035 65,60,074
2008-09 4,26,829 33,32,610 17,49,325 10,32,127 4,607 65,45,498
2009-10 2,55,699 33,28,545 16,92,809 10,45,235 11,023 63,33,311
2010-11 2,31,939 32,97,475 16,94,139 10,23,502 8,801 62,55,856
2011-12 2,25,741 32,56,509 17,25,626 10,15,125 11,063 62,34,064
2012-13 2,31,107 31,72,977 17,19,724 9,89,919 15,657 61,29,384
2013-14 1,83,223 32,06,958 17,38,259 10,25,861 24,194 61,78,495
2014-15 1,67,396 31,91,573 17,27,617 10,35,186 31,638 61,53,410
2015-16 94,892 32,46,976 17,58,209 10,58,128 33,577 61,91,782
2016-17 1,33,740 31,08,993 17,08,979 10,48,814 32,670 60,33,196
2017-18 1,51,672 30,78,186 17,03,766 10,54,358 48,554 60,36,536
2018-19 1,44,516 30,52,115 16,84,041 10,74,334 60,591 60,15,597
Higher Secondary
Primary Schools UPS High Schools
Year Pre-Primary Schools Total
I-V Classes (I-VII/VIII) (I-X&VI-X)
2019-20* NA 10,10,575 8,91,136 39,67,147 4,09,651 62,78,509
2020-21* NA 9,79,573 8,89,464 39,46,999 4,65,345 62,81,381
2021-22* NA 12,13,090 8,46,106 36,60,181 5,09,288 62,28,665

Source: Commissioner and Director of School Education, Educational Statistics Booklet, 2018-19
* Commissioner and Director of School Education

Annexure 38

School Dropout Rates from 2012-13 to 2021-22

Primary Level (I-V) Elementary Level (I-VIII) Secondary Level (I-X)
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2012-13 24.28 24.56 24.42 33.98 31.35 32.69 42.71 41.59 42.16
2013-14 22.6 22.02 22.32 33.72 35.34 32.56 39.05 37.33 38.21
2014-15 19.52 18.95 19.25 31.93 30.31 31.14 38.76 36.31 37.56
2015-16 16.57 16.08 16.33 29.88 28.93 29.42 38.18 35.75 36.99
2016-17 18.85 18.08 18.48 33.15 31.46 32.33 38.89 36.89 37.92
2017-18 19.03 17.57 18.33 31.05 29.21 30.16 38.02 36.36 37.21
2018-19 15.95 15.55 15.76 30.00 28.70 29.37 35.80 33.43 34.65
2019-20 15.65 15.19 15.43 24.15 21.91 23.07 32.18 30.03 31.14
2020-21 7.38 7.35 7.37 21.10 19.35 20.26 28.59 27.56 28.09
2021-22 - - -0.54 - - 3.14 - - 13.74

Source : Commissioner and Director of School Education , Educational Statistics Booklet 2019-2020

286 Telangana Socio Economic Outlook 2023

Annexure 39
Company wise Number of LPG connections by Districts, 2020-2021 and 2021-22 (in ‘000)
2020-21 2021-22
S. No. District
1 Adilabad 32.7 118.8 43.3 194.9 33.0 127.6 44.2 204.8
2 Kumuram Bheem 25.1 78.1 24.2 127.4 25.6 81.5 25.3 132.4
3 Mancherial 97.0 63.7 84.1 244.8 97.9 67.1 85.6 250.6
4 Nirmal 126.1 54.3 23.9 204.4 127.9 56.6 24.4 208.9
5 Nizamabad 154.5 136.8 179.9 471.2 158.2 143.7 182.6 484.6
6 Jagtial 201.6 35.8 60.8 298.2 204.3 38.3 62.7 305.3
7 Peddapalli 173.0 7.4 34.1 214.6 174.9 9.1 34.7 218.7
8 Jayashankar 39.4 44.9 36.9 121.2 52.5 47.5 37.7 137.7
9 Mulugu 13.4 56.2 7.7 77.2 0.0 58.4 7.7 66.1
10 Bhadradri 49.6 269.1 32.1 350.8 50.3 278.6 32.9 361.8
11 Mahabubabad 48.7 63.3 46.5 158.5 47.5 64.3 48.1 159.9
12 Warangal Rural 93.6 28.7 61.1 183.4 96.6 52.6 63.1 212.4
13 Warangal Urban 100.4 118.5 169.6 388.5 100.7 104.3 173.9 378.9
14 Karimnagar 72.4 162.6 150.0 385.0 73.7 167.3 154.3 395.3
15 Rajanna Sircilla 89.2 28.6 25.8 143.6 89.9 29.9 26.0 145.8
16 Kamareddy 61.4 82.5 116.1 259.9 62.2 87.2 117.6 267.0
17 Sangareddy 187.9 177.1 114.9 479.9 193.2 188.6 118.1 500.0
18 Medak 35.4 85.5 87.0 207.9 36.3 90.5 88.0 214.9
19 Siddipet 126.6 109.4 75.9 312.0 128.4 113.6 77.8 319.8
20 Jangaon 30.1 35.9 78.7 144.6 30.7 36.8 80.5 147.9
21 Yadadri Bhuvanagiri 116.1 35.7 52.9 204.8 115.4 37.5 53.9 206.7
22 Medchal-Malkajgiri 519.5 681.7 200.0 1401.1 506.2 445.8 209.3 1161.2
23 Hyderabad 611.7 734.2 214.2 1560.2 627.5 760.5 217.6 1605.6
24 Rangareddy 572.9 131.3 175.5 879.7 620.3 424.4 185.3 1230.0
25 Vikarabad 113.2 60.2 38.7 212.0 117.7 62.6 40.4 220.6
26 Mahabubnagar 96.7 27.7 136.7 261.1 140.0 30.5 141.6 312.1
27 Narayanpet 52.7 26.4 42.2 121.4 14.4 28.5 43.2 86.1
28 Jogulamba Gadwal 44.2 121.6 2.7 168.5 45.3 125.1 3.0 173.4
29 Wanaparthy 49.0 7.6 70.0 126.5 50.0 8.1 71.1 129.2
30 Nagarkurnool 75.3 41.8 72.2 189.3 78.0 43.6 74.5 196.1
31 Nalgonda 191.1 186.1 100.9 478.1 193.1 192.9 103.0 489.0
32 Suryapet 230.7 35.2 62.1 328.0 229.8 37.2 62.8 329.8
33 Khammam 173.7 182.5 108.2 464.4 177.0 188.0 113.0 477.9
Total 4,605.0 4,029.4 2,728.9 11,363.3 4,698.6 4,228.1 2,803.7 11,730.4
Source : Sr. Manager-SLC/TS, HPCL, Secunderabad.

Annexures 287

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