1, January 2020
e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812 v32
Final Revised
7 November 2019
Rano Kurniawan1, Ahmad Sutawan2, Rizky Amalia3 Published
of Raharja, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.40 Modern Cikokol Tangerang 27 December 2019
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The rapid development of technology requires every business person to upgrade his
technology to more sophisticated. Many business people have upgraded their systems to be
computerized and even online, one of the business people is in the culinary field. The culinary field
which is meant for example is the cafe One thing that can support the quality of ordering in a cafe is
the ordering process. In the hover cafe the menu ordering system is still conventional, using a menu
book. This of course can be a problem because the menu book used can be damaged or lost so that
it can slow down the ordering process, not to mention if the customer requests additional orders, the
waiter must come to the customer's table to record additional orders again.The method used in this
research is the method of data collection, the method of observation, the method of interviewing, and
the method of literature study conducted to obtain accurate data. Then the data are analyzed with
SWOT to find out the company's weaknesses and strengths. In describing the flow of the system
using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as a programming
language with a MySQL database as a database. Therefore we need a ordering media that utilizes
information technology as a medium for selecting food and beverage (E-Menu) which can provide
information about order menu details to facilitate customers in making and ordering food or beverage
1. Introduction
At present the development of technology has been increasingly fast, with the presence of
new technologies can certainly facilitate human work. This renewable technology is present in
various fields. One of them in the culinary field, for example is a cafe, a cafe is a business
engaged in culinary that provides food and drinks so that customers get chilled needs with a
relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Cafes that have unique characteristics are likely to have a
great attraction to customers, especially accompanied by delicious food and beverage menus.
At Hover cafe still has a few of problems identified including in terms of service and
operational aspects in the process of ordering food or beverage menus. From the operational side
of the problem identified is the absence of information about the available menu stock so the
customer must ask the cafe waiter to get information related to food or beverage stock available,
also there is no checkout menu so the waiter must read the list of selected order menus to confirm
orders where it is less effective because it must take a lot of time.The Introduction should provide a
clear background, a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the
proposed approach or solution, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should be
understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
ATM e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812 v33
The waiter must come to the customer to give a menu book to be immediately seen by the
customer to place an order. This was felt to be less effective because it was feared that there
would be a delay in delivering the menu book to customers when they came to the cafe, and there
was an error in recording the list of orders the customer chose because it was recorded manually.
As time goes by, technology continues to grow so that human needs are also increasing,
both personal needs or needs in the field of business. As with the hover cafe that currently has a
conventional menu ordering system, it wants to be developed to be better to increase customer
comfort, especially in terms of ordering.
Based on the background that has been explained, this study was conducted so that the
information problem on the list of food and beverage menu choices can be given a solution to
solve the problems experienced, so in this paper the author decides the title " Information System
2. Research Method
2.1. Method of collecting data
In the data collection stage, the authors use 3 (three) approaches, including:
1. Observation Method
In the method of observation the authors analyze the problems that exist by
observing the source of data processing and collecting data from the parts related to the
food and beverage menu ordering system in the form of documents, forms, notes and
2. Interview Method
In the interview method, a question and answer session was conducted directly
with stakeholders to obtain data and information related to food and beverage menu
ordering systems to understand what would be investigated in accordance with the
research objectives.
3. Library Study Method
Literature study method is done to support the interview and observation methods
that have been done. Information gathering is done by reading and studying several books
related to the theory discussed in this report, through sources from literature and the
2.2. Analysis Method
In the system analysis method the writer uses the SWOT analysis method. SWOT is
a method of analysis procedure that clarifies the condition of objects in four categories
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat.
2.3. Design Method.
A good system in addition to having a good interface design (user interface), a system
can also provide convenience for its users (user friendly). In this study, 2 (two) methods were
used to support the design process, namely UML and Mock Up to describe the design of the
program to be made.
2.4. Literature Review
Many research has been done on the E-menu application program in web-based
restaurants and other related research. In an effort to design and refine this design a literature
study needs to be done (literature review) as one of the applications of the research methods
carried out, including the following:
1. This research was conducted by Tompoh, et al (2016) Informatics Engineering at Sam
Ratulangi University, Manado with the title "Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan Menu
Makanan Restoran Berbasis Android" This study aims to design and build a restaurant
food menu ordering application to help the restaurant in handling ordering food menu. By
using the web-service menu ordering application on the android-based customer side
(client) can be integrated with the web-admin application at the restaurant to manage
bookings (server). [1]
2. This research was conducted by Widarda and Hakim (2014) Information Engineering
Study Program STMIK ProVisi Semarang with the title "PERANCANGAN SISTEM
TEMBALANG, SEMARANG)" One solution that can overcome these problems is by build
a menu ordering information system that can provide computerized sales information data
and menu listings. [2]
3. This research was conducted by Martono (2018) Informatics Engineering Study Program,
STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa, Jambi with the title "Pembuatan Aplikasi E-Menu (Electronic
Information System Ordering Online Restaurant Menu At Hover Cafe (Rano Kurniawan)
v34 e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812
Menu) Berbasis Website Dan Android" The purpose of this research is to produce an
electronic menu application that allows every part involved in business in the culinary field
such as, administrators, waiters, chefs, cashiers and also buyers can be interconnected
through one E-Menu application so that every transaction process that occurs from
ordering to payment and sales reports at the end of the day can be processed by utilizing
one and the same application that is built can be used by more than one restaurant.[3]
4. This research was conducted by Hendri (2016) Informatics Engineering Study Program,
STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa, Jambi with the title "PROTOTIPE APLIKASI PEMESANAN
This application functions to display menu information and order status as well as menu
ordering tool, while for the back end user (Administrator, Chef and Cashier) this application
has a function to view the order list and tools to change the order process for chefs,
process purchase transactions and view transaction history for cashiers, and manage
employee data, menus and discount for admins. [4]
5. This research was conducted by Chavan, et al (2015) Department of Computer, University
of Pune Indapur, Maharashtra, India with the title "Implementing an Online Food Ordering
System that Can Be Adjusted using Web-Based Applications". By making entire process of
taking orders is automatically the load on restaurants device with a screen presenting the
After taking the order, waiter should enter that order in system where PC was set up. At
the kitchen information was displayed on screen.[5]
1. Can provide information on the 1. A list of menus that use paper that is
2. Media lists the menu book using 2. Reprinting is required if the menu
can make it easier for customers to recording the menu that the customer
2. Service delays can occur to
menus available in the menu book. when the cafe atmosphere is crowded.
Information System Ordering Online Restaurant Menu At Hover Cafe (Rano Kurniawan)
v36 e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812
Information System Ordering Online Restaurant Menu At Hover Cafe (Rano Kurniawan)
v38 e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812
4. Conclusion
Based on the research described by researchers in the chapters above, the following
conclusions can be obtained:
1. E-menu Restaurant can be ordering medium that provides a container for the order data
chosen by the customer into the shopping cart feature before checkuot to be processed to the
2. With the E-menu restaurant customers can find out information from the menu list available by
menu category to place an order.
Information System Ordering Online Restaurant Menu At Hover Cafe (Rano Kurniawan)
v40 e-ISSN: 2622-6804 p-ISSN: 2622-6812
3. By using the restaurant E-menu information system as a booking medium that can provide
information about the available menu list, and is able to facilities customers in the ordering
procces quickly and accurately.
[1] Tompoh, J. F., Sentinuwo, S. R., & Sinsuw, A. A. (2016). Rancang Bangun Aplikasi
Pemesanan Menu Makanan Restoran Berbasis Android. Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 9(1
[2] Widarda, S. And Hakim, F.N., 2014. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Menu
Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Coffe Toffe Tembalang, Semarang). Program Studi Teknik
Informatika STMIK Provisi Semarang:Volume 5 Nomor 2 Agustus 2014.
[3] Martono, M, 2018. Pembuatan Aplikasi E-Menu (Electronic Menu) Berbasis Website Dan
Android. Jurnal Ilmiah Media Sisfo, 12(1), Pp.1036-1046
[4] Hendri, H., 2017. Prototype Aplikasi Pemesanan Makanan (Electronic Menu) Pada Restoran
Berbasis Android dan Web.Jurnal Media Processor, 11 (1), Pp.622-235.
[5] Chavan, V., Jadhav, P., Korade, S. And Teli, P., 2015. Implementing Customizable Online
Food Ordering System Using Web Based Application. International Journal Of Innovative
Science, Engineering & Technology, 2(4).