08. Sample Contract Document

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Invitation for Bids (IFB)

High Commission of India

Grant Number: Col/Com/228/18/2011
Grant Name: Construction of Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Centre at Matale
Contract Required
Bid No Description of Work Cost /(Rs in
Period Grade
Construction of Mahatma C4
Col/Com/228 99 14months
Gandhi Cultural Centre at or above
Matale (Buildings)

1. Government of India has approved a grant for Construction of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial
Centre at Matale and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under
the Contract named above.

2. The High Commission of India on behalf of the Government of India now invites sealed bids
from eligible and qualified bidders for construction of the above

3. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding Procedure – Single Stage
– Two envelope bidding procedure.
4. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and
shall meet the requirements of ICTAD registration as above.
5. Qualification requirements are indicated in the Bidding document. Additional details are
provided in the Bidding Data & Contract Data.

6. Interested bidders may obtain further information from Project Officer (Development
Cooperation), High Commission of India, 36-38, Galle Road, Colombo-03. The tender
document can be seen at the website of the Mission www.hcicolombo.org.

7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested

bidders from the Project Officer (Development Cooperation), High Commission of India,
36-38, Galle Road, Colombo-03 from 12 November 2012 to 6 December 2012 between
0930 hrs to 1600 hrs. upon payment of a non refundable fee of Rs.5,000.00. The payment
should be made by cash.

8. Bids shall be delivered to the address below by registered post or by hand to the Project
Officer (Development Cooperation), High Commission of India, 36-38, Galle Road,
Colombo-03 on or before 7 December 2012 at 1500 hrs. Late bids will be rejected.
Technical Bids will be opened on the same day in the presence of the bidders’
representatives who choose to attend.

9. Pre Bid conference will be held at the High Commission of India, 36-38, Galle Road,
Colombo-03 at 1130 Hrs on 22 November 2012.

10. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security as in the Bidding Data. High Commission of
India reserve the right to cancel the tender at any time without assigning any reasons.





Reference to Volume I of ICTAD publication No. SBD/02 Second Edition –

January 2007 for instruction to Bidders.

This publication shall be available for purchase from Institute for Construction,

Training and Development (ICTAD) “Savsiripaya” 123, Wijerama Mawatha,

Colombo – 07.

………………………… .................................................

Bidder First Secretary (Development Cooperation)

High Commission of India

Bidding Data
to Bidders

1.1 Employer’s Name and Address

Name : High Commission of India, Colombo

Address : 36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03.

1.1 Scope of Works

The works consists of Construction of Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Centre
at Matale.
Located at Matale.

1.2 Time for Completion

The Time for Completion of the works shall be 14 Months.

2.1 Source of funds

The source of funds is Government of India.

4.1 Qualification Information

The following information shall be provided in Schedules:
• ICTAD registration
Registration number …………………………………
Grade …………………………………
Speciality ………………………………….
Expiry date …………………………………
• VAT registration number ………………………………….
• Attach construction program
• Attach legal status (Sole proprietor, Partnership, Company etc)
• Attach authentication for signatory
• Attach audited financial reports for total monetary value of
construction work performed for each of the last five years
• Attach certificate of completion for experience in works of a similar
nature and size for each of the last five years
• Construction equipment
• Attach CV of proposed sites Staffing
• Attach Work plan and methods ;

4.1 (c) as per schedules

4.2 (a) ICTAD registration required
The registration required;
Specialty Buildings.
Grade C 4 & above

4.2(b) Average annual volume of construction work performed in last 5

Average annual volume of construction work performed in last five years
shall be at least SLR. 100 Mn. Submission of audited balance sheets or other
financial statements to demonstrate the financial position is required.

4.2 (e) Qualifications and experience of the Contract Manager

Following technical and managerial Staff :( minimum 10 years experience)
1. Managerial: i. BSc.Eng. Civil Engineering with 10 years
– 01 No.
ii. BSc.Eng. (Electrical/Mechanical) with 5 years
– 01 No

3. Technical : i. NDT (Civil) with 5 years– 01 No.

or Equivalent
4. Managerial: i. Manager – 01 Nos
ii. Store keeper – 01 Nos

4.2(f) Liquid assets and / or credit facilities required

The minimum amount of liquid assets and / or credit facilities, net of other
contractual commitments and exclusive of any advance payments which may
be made under the Contract, shall be not less than SLR. 20 Mn.

4.2(g) Experience in the construction:

The Contractor should have experience of at least one contract of a building of a

similar size ( to submit a photoghraph in support in case of building with
Architectural embellishment) during the last five years. The listed building should be
at least 70 percent completed and a certificate from the client/ consultant to that
effect should be attached

10.1 Clarification of Bidding Documents

Employer’s address for clarification of bidding documents is:

Name : Project Officer (Development Corporation)
Address : High Commission of India, Colombo
36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03.

14.4 Adjustments for change in cost

The Contract is not subject to price adjustment

16.1 Period of Bid validity:
The Bid shall be valid up to 7 March 2013

16.1 Amount of Bid security:
The amount of Bid Security is Sri Lanka Rupees: One million seven hundred and fifty
thousand (LKR 1,750,000.00) Issued by an agency acceptable to Employer using the form
for bid security (unconditional guarantee) included in Standard Forms.

The Bid Securities issued by the following agencies are acceptable provided the Bid Security is
furnished without a critical departure to the format given in this bid document with respect
to the amount, validity and payment of guaranteed amount upon receipt of first demand in

• A bank operating in Sri Lanka approved by the Central Bank.

• Construction Guarantee Fund.

17.2 Validity of Bid Security

The Bid Security shall be valid up to 143 days

19.1 Pre-Bid meeting

Date : 22 November 2012

Time : 1130 Hrs
Venue : Conference Hall, High Commission of India,
36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03.

21.2(a) Address for Bid submission

Address for the purpose of bid submission is:
Project Officer (Development Cooperation)
High Commission of India,
36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03.
21.2 (b) Identification number of Contract
Identification Number of the Contract is: Col/Com/228/18/2011

22.1 Deadline for submission of Bids

Deadline for submission of Bids on 7 December, 15.00 Hrs

25.1 Bid opening

Venue, time, and date of bid opening: High Commission of India,
36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03
7 December at 1530 Hrs

31.1 Not Applicable

32 If the Procurement is within the authority limit of a MPC :

After evaluation of Bids in accordance with the procedures described under

Clauses 28, 29, 30 and 31, the Employer will inform the technically qualified
bidders about the opening of the financial bid. The successful bidder will be
informed in writing of their selection and the intention of contract award to
such bidder.
35.1 Amount of Performance Security
The Standard Form of Performance Security acceptable to the employer.
The amount of Performance Security is 5% of the Initial Contract Price and shall be
valid up to 28 days beyond the end of defects liability period. Performance security
shall be unconditional bank guarantee.

37 Fees and types of reimbursable expenses to be paid to the Adjudicator shall be on a

case to case basis and shall be shared equally by the Contractor and the Employer.





Reference to Volume I of ICTAD publication No. SBD/02 Second Edition –

January 2007 for Conditions of Conract.

This publication shall be available for purchase from Institute for Construction,

Training and Development (ICTAD) “Savsiripaya” 123, Wijerama Mawatha,

Colombo – 07.

………………………… ............................................

Bidder First Secretary (Development Cooperation)

High Commission of India

Contract Data
Conditions of Contract Clause Number/s & 1.3 Employer’s name Name : High Commission of India, Colombo
and address Address : 36-38 Galle Road, Colombo – 03.

1.3 Contractor’s name Name : …………………………………….

and address Address : ………………….............………… & 1.3 Engineer’s name Name : Director

and address Address : Design, Project Management &
Consultancy Division, Urban Development
Authority, 7th Floor, ‘Sethsiripaya’,
Battaramulla Time for Time for Completion is 14 Months.

Completion of the
Works Defects Defects Notification Period is 365 Days

Notification Period

2.1 Right to access to 14 Days from Letter of Acceptance

the site

4.2 Amount of Performance

Security The Performance Security shall be 5% of the
Initial Contract Price and shall valid till the end
of defects liability period plus 28days.
Performance security shall be unconditional
bank guarantee.

8.7 Liquidated damages 0.05% of the Initial Contract Price per

Day for the Works

8.7 Maximum amount 5% of the Initial Contract Price

of liquidated

12.2(b) Method of The Method of Measurement shall be given

Measurement in the Sri Lanka Standard 573(1st Revision
1999), Method of Measurement of Building
Works shall be acceptable

13.4(b) Percentage for 10% (of actual amount)

adjustment of
Provisional Sums

13.7 Weightings of Not applicable

14.2 Total Advance 20% of the Initial Contract Price excluding
Payment provisional sums and contingencies against

Bank guarantee

14.2 Number and timing 01 instalment

of instalments

14.3(c) Percentage of 10%


14.3( c) Limit of Retention 05% of the Initial Contract Price


14.5 Minimum amount Rs.22 Million (Twenty two Million)

of Interim Payment

14.8 Alternative method As an alternative upon the issue of

for Payment of the certificate of completion the contractor
Retention may submit an unconditional, on demand
guarantee acceptable to the Employer to a value
equal to the second half of the retention money,
and valid up to 28 days beyond the end of
Defect Notification Period. On receipt of such
guarantee the Employer shall repay the second
half of the retention money

18.2 Third Party This amount of insurance per

Insurance occurrence is :Rupees 500,000.00


Name of Contract: Construction of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Centre at Matale

To: High Commission of India

36-38, Galle Road,


1. Having examined the Standard Bidding Document - Procurement of Works [ICTAD/

SBD/ 02 - Second Edition, January 2007], Specifications, Drawings and Bills of Quantities
and addenda for the execution of the above-named Works, we the undersigned, offer to
execute and complete such Works and remedy any defect therein in conformity with the
aforesaid Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings, Bill of Quantities and
Addenda for the sum of Sri Lankan Rupees .............................. ..... (LKR ..................) or
such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the said Conditions.

2. We acknowledge that the Contract Data forms part of our Bid.

3. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to commence the Works as stipulated in the

Contract Data, and to complete the whole of the Works comprised in the Contract within
the time stated in the Contract Data.

4. We agree to abide by this Bid until the date specified in ITB Clause 16
*…………………………………………… (insert date) and it shall remain binding upon us
and may be accepted at any time before that date.

5. Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.

6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.

7. We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per ITB Clause 3 of
the bidding document.

Dated this .......... day of ......... 20..... in the capacity of ......................... duly authorized to

tenders for and on behalf of ..............................................................


Signature : ....................................................

Address : ..............................................................................................................

Witness : ....................................................


[this Guarantee form shall be filled in accordance with the instructions indicated in brackets]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [insert
issuing agency’s name, and address of issuing branch or office]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [insert (by
PE) name and address of Employer]

Date: -------------------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) date]

BID GUARANTEE No.: -------------------------------- [insert (by issuing agency) number]

We have been informed that ------------------------------------------------------------------ [insert (by

issuing agency) name of the bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted to you its
bid dated ------------ [insert (by issuing agency) date](hereinafter called "the Bid") for the
execution of [insert name of Contract] under Invitation for Bids No. ----------- [insert IFB
number] (“the IFB”).

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Bids must be supported by a

Bid Guarantee.

At the request of the bidder, we --------------------------------------------------------------------- [insert

name of issuing agency] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not
exceeding in total an amount of ------------ [insert amount in figures]
----------------------------------------------- [insert amount in words]) upon receipt by us of your first
demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its
obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder:
(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the period of
bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required, or (ii) fails or
refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITB.
This Guarantee shall expire: (a) if the bidder is the successful bidder, upon our receipt of
copies of the Contract signed by the Bidder and of the Performance Security issued to you by
the bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of (i) the successful
bidder furnishing the performance security, otherwise it will remain in force up to
--------------- (insert date)

Consequently, any demand for payment under this Guarantee must be received by us at the
office on or before that date.

[signature(s) of authorized representative(s)]

Check List for Bidders

Bidders are advised to fill the following table:

Clause (tick)

Form of Bid
Addressed to the Employer?

Bid Securing Declaration Form (if required)

Properly filled and signed

Bid Security (if required)

Addressed to the Employer?
Format as required?
Issuing Agency as specified?
Amount as requested?
Validity 28 days beyond the validity of Bid?

Qualification Information
All relevant information completed?

Contents of the addendum (if any) taken in to
account? 10

BID package
All the documents given in ITB Clause 12
enclosed in the original and copy? 12
ITB Clause 19 followed before Sealing the
Bid Package? 19


This AGREEMENT, made the ……….. [day] of …………… [month] 20….. [year], between
…….. ………..............……………………..[name and address of Employer] (hereinafter
called and referred to as “the Employer”), of the one part, and
………………………………………......….. [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter
called “the Contractor”), of the other part:

WHEREAS the Employer desires that the Contractor execute

………............…………………… [name and identification no of Contract]( hereinafter called
“the Works”) and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the Contractor for the execution
and completion of such Works and remedying of any defects therein.


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract

2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as

indicated in this agreement, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to
execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all
respects with the provisions of the Contract.

3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the

execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects wherein, the
Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the
Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

In Witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day
and year aforementioned, in accordance with laws of Sri Lanka.


Authorized signature of Contractor Authorized signature

of Employer


In the presence of:

Witnesses :
1. Name and NIC No. ………………………………………………
Signature …………………………
Address …………………………………………………………..

2. Name and NIC No. ………………………………………………

Signature …………………………
Address ………………………………………………………….

-------------- [Issuing Agency's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office}

[Name and Address of Employer]

Date: ------------------------------

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: -------------------------

We have been informed that ------------------------------------------------------------------- [name of

(hereinafter called, "the Contractor") has entered into Contract No. --------------------------------
number of the contract] dated ------------------ with you, for the------------------------ [insert
of ---------------------------------------------------------------- [name of contract and brief description of
Works] (hereinafter called “the Contract”]

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

is required.

At the request of the Contractor, we ----------------------------------------------------- [name of

Agency] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an
amount of ----------------------------- [amount in figures]
(---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) [amount in words], upon
receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that
the Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your needing to
prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein .
This guarantee shall expire, no later than the ...... day of -------- 20---- [insert date, 28
days beyond the Intended Completion Date} and any demand for payment under it
must be received by us at this
office on or before that date.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Issuing Agency’s

Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Name and

Address of Employer]

Date: ---------------------

RETENTION MONEY GUARANTEE No.: -----------------------------------------------------------

We have been informed that ---------------------------------------------------- [name of Contractor]

(hereinafter called "the Contractor") has entered into Contract No.
------------------------------------------------ [reference number of the contract} dated ------------------
with you, for the execution of----------------------------------------- [name of
contract and brief description of Works} (hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract when the works
being taken over and the first half of the Retention Money has been certified for payment,
payment of
the second half of the Retention Money may be made against a Retention Money guarantee.

At the request of the Contractor, we ----------------------------------------------- [name of agency]

hereby irrevocably, undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount
of ------------------------------------------ [amount in figures]
(----------------------------------------------------------------------) [amount in words] Upon receipt by
us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the
Contractor is in breach of its obligation under the Contract because the Contractor has not
attended to the defects in accordance with the contract.

This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, -------------------------------[insert 28 Days after the end
of the Defects Liability Period] Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee
must be received by us at this office on or before that date.

[Signature (s)]

Notes on Form of Letter of Acceptance

The Letter of Acceptance will be the basis for formation of the Contract as described in
Clause 33 of the Instructions to Bidders. This Form of Letter of Acceptance should be filled
in and sent to the successful bidder only after evaluation of Bids and after obtaining approval
from the relevant authority.


[Letter heading paper of the procuring entity]

……………............…………. [date]

To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[name and address of the Contractor]

This is to notify you that your bid dated ----------- [insert date] for the construction and
remedying defects of the ----------------------------- [name of the Contract and identification
number] for the Contract price of --------------------------------[name of
currency]----------------------------------[amount in figures and words] as corrected in
accordance with Instructions to Bidders and/ or modified by a Memorandum of
Understanding , is hereby accepted.

The adjudicator shall be -------------------------------------------------------------------- [name and

address of the Adjudicator, if agreed] / shall be appointed by the Institute for Construction
Training and Development (ICTAD).

You are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said Works in accordance with
the Contract documents.

The Start Date shall be: ……………… (fill the date as per Conditions of Contract).

The amount of Performance Security is : …………… (fill as per Conditions of Contract).

The Performance Security shall be submitted on or before ……………………... (fill the date
as per Clause 4.4 of Conditions of Contract).

Authorized Signature : ……………………………………

Name and title of Signatory : ……………………………………………………………….

Name of Agency : ……………………………………………………………..


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Name and address

of Agency and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: ------------------------------------------------------ [Name and address of Employer]

Date: ---------------------------

ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: ------------------------------

We have been informed that ------------------------------------------------ [name of Contractor]

(hereinafter called "the Contractor") has entered into Contract No.
------------------------------------------ [reference number of the contract] dated ----------------------
with you, for the ------------------------------------------ construction of
--------------------------------------------------------------- [name of contract and brief description]
(hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance

payment in the sum ----------------------- [amount in figures]
(-------------------------------------------------------------------) [amount in words] is to be made against
an advance payment guarantee.

At the request of the Contractor, we -------------------------------------------------------- [name of

issuing agency] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in
total an amount of ------------------------------------------ [amount in figure]
(----------------------------------------------------------) [amount in words] upon receipt by us of your
first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in
breach of its obligation in repayment of the Advance payment under the Contract.

The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the
advance payment repaid by the Contractor.
The guarantee shall expire on ---------------------------------- [Insert the date, 28 days beyond
Intended Completion Date]
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this
office on or before that date.

[Signature (s)]


The Works under this Contract shall be executed in accordance with the Specifications given in the
following documents issued by the Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD),
“Savsiripaya”, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.

Publication No.: Description:

SCA/4(Vol. I) Specifications for Building Works,

Vol. (I), Sri Lanka. 3 Edition (Revised), July 2004.

SCA/4(Vol. II) Specifications for Building Works

Vol.(II), Sri Lanka. 2nd Edition (Revised), October 2001.

SCA/3/2 Specifications for Water Supply

Sewerage and Storm Water Drainage Works, Sri Lanka.
Second Edition (Revised), April 2002.

It is implied that the eligible Bidders are fully acquainted with the above documents and
therefore, those will not be issued to the Bidders in this Bid.

However, the Bidders may purchase the same if necessary from ICTAD. “Savsiripaya”,
Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.

Separate and exclusive specifications for the following areas of works are provided next.
(i) Specification for Aluminium Work
(ii) Specification for Floor Tiling and Wall Tiling.
(iii) Specification for Electrical works.
(iv) Specification for Mechanical works.

These Specifications shall be applicable to the respective area of work not withstanding if
anything to the contrary is contained in any other specification referred to in the Bidding
Document .

However, the Bidders may purchase the same if necessary from ICTAD. “Savsiripaya”,
Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Further to above, Bidders should follow the specifications given below under this contract.




This specification shall be read in conjunction with the other documents which form the
Contract Agreement for the Works. Notwithstanding the subdivision of the specification under
different headings each and every part of it shall be deemed supplementary to and
complementary every other part thereof.

All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the appropriate current Sri Lankan
Standards or where such standards are not available the relevant British Standards shall be
applicable. Where such standards are in conflict with this specification the interpretation in
accordance to this specification shall prevail.

1.1 Equivalency of Standards and Codes

Wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the goods
and materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the provisions of the latest current
edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise
expressly stated in the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate to a
particular country or region, other authoritative standards that ensure a substantially equal or
higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be accepted subject to the Engineer’s
prior review and written consent. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed
alternative standards shall be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer at least 14 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the Engineer’s consent.
In the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure substantially
equal or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the

1.2 Definitions

In this specification the terms ‘approved’, ‘approval’ and ‘required’ mean ‘approved by the
Engineer’, ‘approval of the Engineer’ and ‘required by the Engineer’ respectively.

1.3 Scope of Work

The works to be executed under this Contract comprise the following.

(a) The provision at site of all necessary labour, materials plant & equipment, tools
instruments etc. together with personnel of all types of skills for the mobilization
execution with supervision demobilization and removal of plant tools etc. and other
resources provided by the Contractor there from.

(b) The execution of all necessary surveys for the setting out of building and for required
completion of works.

(c) The maintenance of proper site records, preparation and submission of calculations.
Drawings progress reports etc. to the Engineer as required under this Contract

(d) Complete the construction works including all temporary works in accordance to the
requirements under this Contract Agreement and as required by the Engineer.

(e) The testing of required tests in accordance to the specifications therein and as
directed by the Engineer.
(f) All other works associated with the above for the completion of the Works as specified
in contract.

1.4 Site Security

The Contractor shall provide all necessary fencing, hoardings, watching and lighting for the
security of site and safeguarding the Works. The shelters, guard house and other facilities to
be provided for the watchmen to do their duty in an efficient manner. Altering, shifting and
adapting same from time to time shall also be the responsibilities of the Contractor.

1.5 Advertisement

The Contractor shall allow no advertisement to be placed on any hoarding, scaffolding or

fencing erected in connection with the Works without the permission of the Engineer.

1.6 Temporary Works

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer details, particulars, drawings etc., of all temporary
works necessary for the Works for latter’s information. The Engineer reserves the right to call
for technical justification of the Contractor’s proposals and to order any necessary
modifications. But the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the stability and safety of all
temporary works and for the quality of the permanent works resulting from the Temporary
Works eventually adopted.

1.7 Programming of the Works

1.7.1 Master Programming and Records

The Contractor shall furnish in duplicate to the Engineer the Programme and particulars called
for in Clause 25.1 Conditions of Contract. The Programme shall be in the form of a critical
path network with explanatory notes, capable of being monitored and updated continuously
during the progress of the Contract. The Programme shall show inter-alia.
• The dates of possession and the completion named in the PCC.
• The date as determined or proposed for procurement, delivery to site of materials,
commencement and completion of erection or installation of work in all trades, and the
labour force involved.
• The dates by which the Contractor requires in information from the Engineer.

The critical path network, or other similar network, shall describe major plant allocations and
requirements and major site operations.

Each in every two month throughout the construction period the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer further copies of the Programme marked up to show the progress to date,
together with any revision of the Programmes. These shall be submitted one week before the
site progress meetings.

In the event of the Contractor failing to prepare and complete the Critical Path Network and
Works Programme as described above within two weeks of the award of this Contract or such
extended time as approved by the Engineer. The Engineer will appoint a Programming
Consultant of his choice to assist the Contractor in preparing them and the Contractor will be
obliged to settle all payments agreed between the Contractor and the said Programming
1.7.2 Daily Returns

The Contractor shall supply by 12 noon on every working day the following daily returns as
may be required by the Engineer.

A list of the labour employed on the previous day specifying the number employed in each
trade including expatriate labour (summary of labour and Plant required weekly).

Particulars of all materials and goods delivered off-site and on-site.

1.7.3 Progress Report

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer not later than the 4 day of every month, (Starting
from 2 month from date of commencement)of the a Progress Report for the previous month

which shall include the following items and information.
The marked Programme submitted at the previous Site Progress Meeting amended (if
necessary) to indicate agreed revisions.

Weather conditions (daily rainfall, temperature, humidity, etc.)

Summary of construction plant on-site and off-site including dates of arrival and departure of
Summary of principal materials and manufacturers items placed on order and delivered to the

1.7.4 Construction Programme and Method of Working

The following shall be considered in preparing the Programme and Master Programme and
revisions, high water table shall be considered.

Failure to consider the above implications, which are neither necessarily in the given order of
priority, nor to be considered as complete, shall not entitle the Contractor to claim for additional
time or extra costs whatsoever.

1.8 Temporary Services

The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary services necessary for the execution of
the Works under the Contract shall make applications and install such services in accordance
with the regulations and requirements of the relevant authorities.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs and charges in connection with the installation,
alteration, shifting, adopting use and maintenance of such services. On completion of the
Works, the Contractor shall disconnect such service, which are no longer required by him and
or the Employer and clear away all traces.

(a) Power

The Contractor shall apply and pay for the required power and install temporary
electrical installation for the Works, Site Office, Engineer’s and Consultants Offices,
Stores, Labour Huts, Yards and Site lighting and testing for mechanical and electrical
services done by others.

A stand-by generator, with adequate capacity should be made available by the

Contractor at the site for use in an emergency, if any intention to work during night time
and or during power failures. The cost of supplying, installing, running and maintaining
of the stand-by generator shall be borne by the Contractor.

(b) Water

The Contractor shall apply and pay for the continuation of temporary water supply
connection to the site and construct storage tanks with adequate capacity, together with
the necessary internal temporary PVC distribution system including an overhead tank at
an adequate elevation, water pumps as may be required and providing taps, valves, etc.
in order to provide water for the Works, for drinking purposes, and also for washing,
bathing and sanitary facilities required by the Contractor’s workmen, the Employer, the
Engineer’s staff.

Water Bowsers with adequate capacity should be made available in order to bring water
to the site from outside and to pump into the storage tanks in an emergency and/or
during water cuts and all costs in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor.

1.9 Equipments

If Engineer needs to set the Telephone calls, Photocopies & Printing of Documents related to
contract. The contractor shall provide such services cost should be borne by the contractor.

1.10 Flammable stores

All petroleum, explosives and flammable materials shall be stored in fireproof buildings and
such precautions taken with regard to sitting and fire risks as the Engineer may direct. The
Contractor shall make all arrangements with the licensing authority for the necessary license.

1.11 Safety on Site

Safety precautions throughout the construction operations shall comply with all relevant state
statute, ordinance, decree, or other law or decree or any regulation or bye law of any local or
duly constituted authority applicable within the country at that time.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain the following safety measures in accordance with
the regulations and requirements stipulated by the relevant Statutory Authorities.

i. Safe working conditions

ii. Safe means of access and exit
iii. Safety systems for Plant, Machinery and Equipment
iv. Appropriate safety equipment required at the site and yards such as Helmets, Gum
Boots, Masks, Welding Masks, Safety Belts, etc. to the workmen and others engaged in
the Works.
v. Safety nets, safety canopies, safety signs, handrails, guardrails, platforms and other
measures ensuring safety of workmen and others engaged in the Works.
vi. Training, instructions, information and supervision as may be required to enable
employees to avoid any potential dangers and hazards.
vii. All measures ensuring the health and workmen including satisfactory welfare facilities,
working conditions and environment.
Safety signs should be in the Sinhala, Tamil and English languages.

1.12 Sources of supply

The Contractor shall have obtained from the Engineer approval of sources of supply of his
materials and shall not change his sources without prior approval.
All material that shall be rejected shall be promptly removed from site.

1.13 Soil Conditions

1.13.1 Unexpected ground conditions

The Contractor shall report immediately to the Engineer any circumstance which indicates that
in the Contractor’s opinion the ground conditions differ from those expected by him from his
interpretation of the site investigation reports.

1.14 Setting out

All the dimensions given in the drawings should be checked at the site by the Contractor prior
to commencing all work. In the event of any discrepancies the Contractor shall inform the
Engineer and request well in advance and prior to commencing work. Setting out shall be
carried out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure. The Contractor shall employ a
suitable responsible officer for site setting out works in accordance with the drawings.

The Contractor shall set out and check all column centers and floor levels and carry out such
other surveys as may be necessary to establish accurately the placing of forms and all other
basic structural works and setting out in both vertical and longitudinal directions. All survey
marks and pegs shall be clearly identifiable with accurate records kept onsite by the Contractor
that must be related to Bench Marks. In this regard Contractor must maintain accurate
survey instruments at the sites all times for any checking of level that the Engineer or his
representative may desire.

1.15 Records

The Contractor shall keep records, in a format approved by the Engineer giving such
information that is required by the Engineer. For placing of concrete and shall submit two
copies of these records to the Engineer not later than by noon of the next working day after the
concreting for placing of borrow material.

1.16 Nuisance and Damage

1.16.1 Noise and disturbance

The Contractor shall carry out the work in such a manner and at such times as to minimize
noise and disturbance to adjacent owners tenants, the public, etc.

1.16.2 Damage to adjacent structures and roadways

If during the execution of the work damage is, or is likely to be, caused to existing roadways,
mains, services or adjacent structures due to the Contractors operation they shall be made
good to the approval of the Engineer or the authorities concerned. All costs in connection
therewith shall be borne by the Contractor.


2.1 General Requirements

All material shall be in accordance with the standards stated in Clause 1.1 of this specification.
It is deemed that the Contractor has allowed for all charges for obtaining materials in
conformance to these standards in the Bills of Quantities.

2.2 Cement

2.2.1 Type of cement

Cement shall be ordinary Portland complying with the relevant local or BS standards. When
forwarding his concreting method and programme to the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit
for approval the type of cement, other than ordinary Portland cement, -where such use is
specified -the Contractor proposes to use.

2.2.2 Storage of cement

All cement shall be stored in separate containers according to type in substantially built
waterproof stores or silos.

2.3 Aggregates

2.3.1 Types of aggregate

Aggregates shall consist of naturally occurring material unless otherwise specified or ordered.
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer of the source of supply of the aggregates before the
commencement of work and, at the request of the Engineer, provide evidence regarding their
properties and consistency.

The content of chloride salt in the aggregate used in steel reinforced concrete work, expressed
as the equivalent anhydrous calcium chloride percentage by weight of the cement to be used
in the concrete, shall not exceed 1%.

2.3.2 Storage of aggregates

All aggregates brought to the Site shall be free and kept free from deleterious matter.
Aggregates of different types and sizes shall be stored separately in different hoppers or

different stockpiles.

2.4 Water

2.4.1 Availability

Client will not provide water. If water for the Works is not available from a public supply,
approval shall be obtained regarding the source of water.

2.4.2 Tests

When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange for tests of the water for the
works to be carried out in accordance with the relevant local standards or BS 3148 before and
during the progress of the work.

2.5 Admixtures

Admixtures may be used if approved and shall be used only when so required.

2.6 Concrete Mixes

2.6.1 Grade designation

Grades of concrete shall be denoted by the characteristic 28 day test cube strength in Newton
per square millimeter (N/mm ).

2.6.2 Mix
Concrete mix shall be in accordance with clause 2.6.3 (designed mix) or clause 2.6.4 (prescribed mix)
and of grades 20, 25 or 30 of CP 110 or other grades approved appropriate to the work.

The Contractor shall submit the slump factor he proposes for approval before work commences.
Neither trial mixes nor strength tests are required for prescribed mixes.

The concrete shall have sufficient workability to enable it to be placed and compacted by the methods
used in.

2.6.3 Designed mix

Where it is required to use a designed mix or its use is specified the Contractor shall be responsible
for selecting the mix proportions to achieve the required strength and workability.

The Contractor shall in his design mix meet the requirements for the minimum cement content and
other properties the Engineer may require to ensure durability etc.

Designed mixes shall be in accordance with grades 20, 25 or 30 of CP 110 or other grades approved
appropriate to the work. Complete information on the mix and sources of aggregate for each grade
of concrete and the water/cement ratio and the proposed degree of workability shall be approved
before work commences.

2.6.4 Prescribed Mix

When a prescribed mix is specified the Engineer will specify the mix proportions and
the Contractor shall undertake to provide a properly mixed concrete containing the
constituents in the specified proportions.
The information given in Tables 1 & 2 is for preliminary tests in determining the correct proportions
of the various constituent materials of the final mix acceptable for concreting. Table 1 is applicable to
concrete which can be compacted in position by the use of Poker vibrators or by other approved
methods. Table 2, based on the use of gravel aggregates, is applicable to concrete for use, where high
workability is essential and where the use of internal vibrators is precluded.

Table 1. Prescribed mixed for Concreting
Concrete Nominal maximum
grade size of aggregate, mm 40 20

Workability Medium High Medium High

Slump limits, mm 50-100 100-150 25-75 75-125
20 Cement, kg/m3 300 320 320 350
Total aggregate, kg/m3 1850 1750 1800 1750
Sand/total aggregate 35% 40% 40% 45%

25 Cement, kg/m3 340 360 360 390

Total aggregate, kg/m3 1800 1750 1750 1700
Sand/total aggregate : 35% 40% 40% 45%

Note: for use with natural sand as aggregate, if crushed rock type aggregate is used instead of
natural sand the amounts given in the above table requires adjustment.

2. 6.5 Sulphate attack

For concrete in exposed to sulphate attack the requirements of Building Research Establishment
Digest 174 shall be observed.

2. 6.6 Minimum cement content

The cement content in any mix shall be not less than 300 kg/m3.
Where concrete is to be placed under water, the cement content shall be not less than 400 kg/m3.

2. 6.7 Maximum cement content

The cement content in any mix shall not exceed 550 kg/m3.

Table 2 Prescribed mixed for cast in place for structural components using only gravel
aggregates of nominal maximum size 20 mm.

Concrete Nominal maximum A B C

grade size of aggregate, mm
Slump limits, mm 75-125 100-175 150 or over
20 Cement, kg/m3 320 350 400
Total aggregate, kg/m3 1840 1790 1740
Sand/total aggregate 32% 35% 35%

25 Cement, kg/m3 360 400 460

Total aggregate, kg/m3 1790 1740 1680
Sand/total aggregate 32% 35% 35%

2.7 Trial Mixes

2.7.1 General

When designed mixes are specified trial mixes shall be prepared for each grade of concrete in
accordance with the relevant local standard or BS 1881, unless there are existing data showing that the
proposed mix proportions and manufacture will produce a concrete of the strength and quality
required having adequate workability for compaction by the method to be used in placing.

2.7.2 Preliminary trial mixes

When required in accordance with clause 2.7.1 the Contractor shall, before the commencement of
concreting, have preliminary trial mixes prepared, preferably under full-scale production conditions or,
if this is not possible, in an approved laboratory using a sufficient number of samples to be
representative of the aggregates and cement to be used. Unless otherwise approved for each grade
of concrete a set of six cubes shall be made from each of three batches in accordance with clause
6.5.3 of CP 110. From each set of six cubes three shall be tested at an age of 7 days and three at 29

This procedure shall be followed when accelerated testing is proposed for works cubes, but an
additional three cubes from each batch shall be made, cured and tested in accordance with the
accelerated regime.

2. 7.3 Trial mixes during the work

Where a trial mix is required after commencement of the work the procedure in clause 2.7.2 shall be
adopted for full-scale production conditions as approved. The strength requirement shall be as in
clause 2. 7.5.

2.7.4 Workability

The workability of each batch of the trial mixes shall be determined by the slump test as described in
BS 1881 or by an alternative approved method.

2.7.5 Standard of acceptance

Unless otherwise approved, the trial mix proportions will be approved if the criteria in clause 6.5.3, in
BS 1881 or by an alternative approved method.

2.7.6 Variations in approved mix

When a mix has been approved, no variations shall be made in the proportions, the original source of
the cement and aggregates or their type, size or grading zone without the consent of the Engineer.

2.8. Testing works concrete

2.8.1 Sampling

Concrete shall be sampled in accordance with BS 1881.

2.8.2 Workability

The workability of concrete shall be determined by the slump test as described in BS 1881 or
by an alternative approved method.
2.8.3 Works cube tests

For each grade of concrete four cubes shall be made from a single batch when required for
each 15 m3 of concrete of part thereof in each day’s work. The cubes shall be made, cured
and tested in accordance with BS 1881 or as otherwise approved. One shall be tested an
age of 7 days and the other three at 28 days. Alternatively cubes may be tested in

accordance with an approved accelerated testing regime. The Contractor shall submit
certified copies of the results of all tests to the Engineer.

2.8.4 Standard of acceptance

The standard of acceptance of the works cubes shall be in accordance with clause of
CP 110 or as otherwise approved. Where the scale and duration of the Contract is small the
Contractor shall submit for approval an alternative standard of acceptance before
commencement of work.

2.8.5 Records of tests

The Contractor shall keep a detailed record of the results of all tests on concrete and concrete
materials. Each test shall be clearly identified with the locations to which it relates.

2.9 Batching of Concrete

2.9.1 General

Unless otherwise specified the requirements in clauses 2.9.2, 2.9.3 and 2.9.4 shall be met.

2.9.2 Accuracy of weighing and measuring equipment

The weighing and water-dispensing mechanism shall be maintained at all times to within the limits of
accuracy described in BS 1305.

2. 9.3 Tolerance in weights

The weights of the quantities of each size of aggregate and of cement shall be within a tolerance of
2% of the respective weights per batch after due allowance has been made for the presence of free
water in the aggregates which shall be determined by the Contractor by an approved method.

2.9.4 Moisture content of aggregates

The moisture content of aggregates shall be measured immediately before mixing and as frequently
thereafter as is necessary to maintain consistency of mix.

2.10 Mixing concrete

2.10.1 Type of mixer

The mixer shall be of the batch type, unless otherwise approved, and shall have either been
manufactured in accordance with BS 1305 or shown by tests in accordance with BS 3963 to have
mixing performance within the limits of table 6 of BS 1305.
2.10.2 Tolerance of mixer blades

The mixing blades of pan mixers shall be maintained within the tolerances specified by the
manufacturers of the mixers, and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to
maintain the tolerances by adjustment.

2.10.3 Cleaning of mixers

Mixer which has been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before
another batch of concrete is mixed. Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, the first batch of
concrete through a mixer shall contain the normal batch quantity of cement and sand, but only two
thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned
between the mixing of different types of cement.

2.11 Transporting concrete

2.11.1 Method of transporting

The method of transporting concrete shall be submitted for approval. Concrete shall be transported
in uncontaminated watertight containers in such a manner that loss of material and segregation are

2.11.2 Pumping concrete

The use of pumped concrete and the methods employed in its use shall be subject to approval.

2.12 Ready mixed concrete

2.12.1 Conditions for use

Subject to approval the Contractor may use ready-mixed concrete in accordance with BS 1926.
Approval shall be obtained for each proposed use of ready-mixed concrete in different sections of
the Works and for each different mix, which shall comply with this specification.

2.12.2 Mixing of Concrete

Ready-mix Concrete from a Central Mixing Plants is only permitted. All the details of the Mixing
Plant and relevant Test Results should be submitted to the Engineer for the approval.

The Contractor will maintain on site cellular telephone link between site and the Concrete Mixing
Plant and record times of Truck Mixer leaving Plant, arriving at the site and the Truck Mixer number.
Copies of all records are to be delivered to the Engineer’s Representative daily or more frequently, if

2.12.3 Placing of Concrete

At least 24 hours before the Contractor proposes to place concrete in any section of the works,
he shall notify the Engineer as to his proposed time of commencing. When the Contractor
has completed all preparatory work such as surface preparation, form work, reinforcement,
built-in parts etc. he shall request the Engineer for written approval to commence concreting at
a particular time not less than 3 hours after until all preliminary work has been checked and
written approval given by the Engineer.

2.12.4 Curing Concrete

Concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of weather, running water and drying out
by one of the following methods appropriated to the particular situation.

A liquid curing compound shall be applied to the concrete surface by a low pressure spray until
a continuous visible covering is achieved.

The concrete surface shall be covered with Hessian, sacking, canvas or other absorbent
material agreed by the Engineer.

The concrete surface shall be covered with polyethylene sheets; concrete surfaces which have
become dry shall be thoroughly wetted before the sheeting is placed.

The minimum curing period shall be seven (07) days.

2.12.5 Co-ordination Drawings

Contractor shall be responsible to prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval following
documents at least six weeks before the commencement of the work.
(a) Co-ordination drawings

(b) Shop Drawings (for formwork, masonry work including the stiffener column/
beam arrangements, roof steel work)

(c) Bar bending schedules

(d) Construction drawings for all temporary works (including shoring cut-off wall construction,
dewatering system etc.)

(e) Drawings for pouring patterns, casting sequence construction joints

2.12.6 Mixing plant

Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, truck mixer units and their mixing and discharge
performance shall comply with the requirements of BS 4251.

2.13 Steel Reinforcement

2.13.1 Condition

Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean conditions. It shall be clean and free from loose
rust and loose mill scale at the time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting.

2.13.2 Grade

The grade of steel shall be as specified in the drawings.

2.13.3 Bending of reinforcement

No reinforcement shall be bent at a temperature lower than 5°C without prior approval.
Before bending, reinforcement may be warmed to a temperature not exceeding 100°C. If
reinforcement already cast into concrete has to be bent, the internal radius of the bend shall be
not less than twice the diameter of bars of mild steel or three times the diameter of bars of
high-yield steel.

2.13.4 Placing of reinforcement

Reinforcement bending schedules shall be prepared and produced for Engineers approval by
the Contractor. Bending and fixing of bars shall start only after the Contractor has convinced
himself that no changes will be made to the concrete structure. Mill certificates of
composition and strength of steel and certificate of strength tests on samples of steel
purchased for use on this project and tested in an independent approved local laboratory
should be furnished.

All intersecting bars shall be tied together with approved wire unless otherwise permitted by
the Engineer.

Reinforcement in the form of a mat shall be assembled with additional support, such as
benches, necessary to form a rigid mat. Reinforcement shall be placed and maintained in

The cover to all reinforcement shall be not less than 25mm thick.

Spacer blocks shall be approved and shall be as small as possible consistent with their
purpose. They shall be made with 10 mm maximum aggregate size and shall have a strength
not less than that of the concrete to be placed.

2.13.5 Welding of reinforcement

Welded joints and welding procedures shall be carried out in accordance with BS 693 or BS


3. 1 General

All materials and work shall be in accordance with sections 1 and 2 of this specification, and
this section, except where there may be conflict of requirements, in which case those in this
section shall take precedence.

3.2 Contractor to keep Engineer Information

The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval on the following aspects of the Works
before commencement of work. The aspects of the Works so appeared shall not be changed
without the prior approval of the Engineer.

(a) Samples and testing

(b) Types of cement
(c) Types of aggregate
(d) Grades of concrete
(e) Designed or prescribed mixes
(f) Grades and types of reinforcement
(g) Laying of reinforcement
(h) Shuttering and formwork.

3.3 Soil Samples

Soil, rock or groundwater samples shall be taken, or soil tests carried out insitu, while in earth
excavation compacting. The samples shall be taken to an approved laboratory for testing as

The taking of samples and all subsequent handling and transporting shall be carried out in
accordance with CP 2001.

3.4 Setting out

The Contractor shall check the position for each column and beam during and immediately
after placing the concrete, such that the column when completed shall be within the specified
tolerances for the position of the grids.

3.5 Placing of Concrete

3.5.1 General

The method of placing and the workability of the concrete shall be such that a continuous
monolithic concrete of the full cross-section is formed.
The concrete shall be placed without such interruption as would allow the previously placed
batch to have hardened. The method of placing shall be approved.

The Contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to
avoid arching of the concrete in Pad foundation. No spoil, liquid or other foreign matter shall
be allowed to contaminate with the concrete.

3.5.2 Workability of concrete

Slump measured at the time of discharge into the Pad foundation shall be in accordance with
the standards shown in Table 3.
Concrete shall be of the workability approved under clause 2.6 when in its final position and

after all constructional procedures in forming the Pad have been completed.

Table 3 Workability of Concrete

mix Slump
workability Typical conditions of use
Minimum Maximum
mm mm
Placed into water-free. Widely spaced
A 75 125 reinforcement leaving ample room for free
movement between bars

Where reinforcement is not spaced widely

B 100 175 enough to give free movement between bars.

3.6.3 Compaction

Poker vibrators shall be used to compact concrete unless the Contractor is satisfied that they
will not cause segregation or arching of the concrete and unless the method of use has been

3.6.4 Backfilling in and around Pad Foundation

After gaining sufficient strength of concrete then carefully backfilled as soon as possible with
approved material and compacted as approved.


4.1 Classification of Excavation

For the purposes of payment excavation will be classified as “Common Excavation” or “Rock

“Common Excavation” includes all materials other than rock classified as below, including
but not restricted to earth, gravel, soft or disintegrated rock and also detached pieces of rock
less than one cubic meter in volume.

“Rock Excavation” will include all solid rock in place and/or detached pieces of rock of more
than one cubic meter in volume which cannot be removed unless loosened by any one or
combination of blasting, barring, wedging and dozing or hauling with machinery.

4.2 Stripping of Top Soil

Where the existing ground surface is covered with vegetation, topsoil or other unsuitable
material, it shall be stripped in the following manner, before opening any excavation from
which it is proposed to derive suitable material for filling, or in the case of a filled area, before
placing any fill material thereon. After any clearing and grubbing, all grass and other
remaining vegetation, together with roots, loose stones, rubbish of all sorts and soft or
objectionable matter shall be removed along with the topsoil, to a minimum depth of 300

4.3 Excavation and Preparation of Foundations to Structures

Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings or prescribed by the Engineer, excavation shall
be made to the levels, outlines and dimensions of the structures or to the levels and grades
in areas marked for excavation as required. The Contractor shall make his own allowances
for any lateral excavation which he may require outside the limits shown for the required

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the stability of all excavated faces
during construction by timbering, over excavating to a stable slope or by other acceptable
methods, and dewatering.

The disposal of excavated material shall be as described in Clause 4.6.

Excavated surfaces where ground improvement techniques are not envisaged shall be so
finished as to provide a foundation to the satisfaction of the Engineer upon or against which
fill material is to be placed. The Engineer may order the additional excavation and disposal
of unsuitable material and its replacement with either compacted fill in accordance with
Clause 4.4 hereof or 1:4:8 (40 mm) mass concrete. The cost of such additional excavation
and replacement shall be borne by the Contractor, if in the opinion of the Engineer it is
necessitated by any non-compliance of the Contractor with the requirements of these
specifications, and otherwise by the Employer.
Blasting operations for rock excavation shall be subject to the requirements of Clause 4.5
hereof. Rock excavation may require special blasting procedures such as cushion blasting
or pre-splitting as approved by the Engineer to ensure sound, unsheltered rock after
excavation. After blasting, shabby, weathered and dummy rock shall be scaled and
trimmed and loosened rock shall be removed by chiseling, picking, sledging and barring,.
The final rock foundation surfaces shall be free from steep angles and sharp projections.

Any and all excess excavation beyond that approved or directed by the Engineer and refilling
of the same with approved materials shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.

4.4 General Excavation in Project Area and for Canals, Roads and Drains

After stripping the top soil where required in accordance with Clause 4.2 hereof, excavation
shall be carried out to the widths, depths, side slopes and gradients shown on the drawings
and/or established by the Engineer and shall be finished uniformly to the prescribed lines.
In so far as practicable, the finishing operations shall be performed simultaneously with
those required for any associated embankments.

Additional excavation that is outside and below the lines of the normal unlined prism of a
channel and required to provide space for the placing of concrete or earth lining rip rap or
pitching shall be carried out separately with the commencement of lining operations. The
cost of such additional excavation shall be included in the cost of lining.

Blasting procedures for rock excavation shall conform to the requirements of Clause 4.5 of
these Specifications.

4.5 Explosives and Blasting

4.5.1 General

The location and design of explosives magazine, the methods of transporting explosives and
the precautions taken to prevent accidents shall be in accordance with the provisions of all
State Statute, Ordinance, Decree or other law or any regulation or by-law or any local or
other duly constituted authority that are in force and the written safety directives of the
Engineer. Caps, detonators or fuses shall in no case be stored, transported or kept in the
same place in which dynamite, or other explosives are stored, transported or kept.

4.5.2 Materials

Explosives, detonators, fuses, tamping materials, etc. that are proposed to be used by the
Contractor in the blasting operations shall have the prior approval of the Engineer. The use
of fuse with only one protective coat is prohibited. Tamping rods shall be wooden, with
cylindrical ends without any kind of metal on them.

4.5.3 Inventory

In addition to the requirements of handling and storing explosives the Contractor shall

maintain an inventory for storage and withdrawal of powder stocks, cartridges, fuses and
detonators, and the Engineer shall be notified immediately of any loss or theft of explosives.
The Contractor shall provide such reasonable and adequate protective facilities as may be
necessary to prevent the theft of explosives and to minimize hazards of subversive action or
sabotage to any property.

4.5.4 Blasting

Blasting will be permitted only by competent personnel and only when proper precautions
are taken for the protection of persons, the Works and public and private property.
Wherever necessary in the Engineer’s opinion the Contractor shall drill shorter holes and
use lighter charges so that the excavation will not be unduly large or irregular, or blasting
unduly disturb the ground and make it unstable, shatter the rock upon or against which
concrete is to be placed or injure concrete already placed, or existing structures at the site or
in the vicinity thereof. Approval by the Engineer of any of the Contractor’s blasting operations
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility under this Clause.

4.5.5 Cost

The cost of furnishing, hauling, storing, and handling of all blasting materials and all other
operations described above shall be included in the bid for the work for which they are

4.6 Re-use and disposal of Excavated Materials

All suitable material arising from excavation which meets the requirements of these
Specifications for filling shall be cleared of all objectionable materials and shall be stocked
re used as approved by the Engineer. Where applicable the Contractor shall carry out
excavation in such a manner as to avoid mixing suitable material with material unsuitable for

All surplus or unsuitable materials shall be hauled to approved spoil areas, spread to approved dimensions
and finished neatly to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor will generally not be required to haul
materials for disposal further than the nearest location suitable, in the opinion of the Engineer, as a spoil area.
No extra over payments will be made on account of haul distance. Compaction of spread material may be
required when spoil areas are unavoidably located close to canals or water courses and the material is likely to
be washed away by surface run-off, causing salutation or pollution therein.


5.1 Source of Materials

When drawings identifying borrow areas and/or quarries are not furnished by the Engineer,
the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer his proposals for the sources of
construction materials complying with these Specifications. Approval of any borrow
area/quarry or any part thereof, may be withdrawn at any time for any or all uses, regardless
of whether the borrow area/quarry was identified by the Engineer or proposed by the
Contractor. The extent and depth of any borrow area/quarry shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the owner or tenant of the site of any
proposed borrow area/quarry and shall obtain all necessary consents and pay all
compensation and royalties. The Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance of all
borrow area operations with State Statute, Ordinance, Degree or other Law or By-law of any
local or other duly constituted authority

5.2 Location of Borrow Areas

The location of any borrow area or quarry from which material is to be transported to site
shall approved by the Engineer.

5.3 Exploitation of Borrow Areas

Before the commencement of any filling the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the
Engineer a drawing showing the borrow areas and sources of fill from other excavation,
proposed for the provision of the required fill materials, and involving the minimum possible
haulage cost to the Employer.

The borrow area shall be cleared of jungle if necessary and stripped as described in Clause
4.2 hereof all at the expense of the Contractor. Where borrow is being extracted from
paddy lots, all top soil must be carefully stockpiled for later reinstatement.

The excavation in borrow areas shall be selective with such processing, including irrigation
or desiccation, and such selective placing and mixing of the materials excavated as may
be necessary to obtain the fill materials specified, both with regard to grading and moisture

If unsuitable materials are found in borrow areas they shall be left in place, or excavated and
disposed of in accordance with Clause 4.6 hereof at the expense of the Contractor, if
necessary for the extraction of further suitable materials or if directed by the Engineer.

On the completion of borrow extraction the borrow areas shall be left in a reasonably smooth,
free draining and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Where borrow has been extracted from paddy lots, the top soil shall be replaced in a uniform
layer and finished to the level or levels directed by the Engineer.

5.4 Quarries

Quarries for rock, aggregates, gravel and/or sands shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Rock quarries shall be selected so that blasting operations will not endanger the
safety of the neighborhood.

The location of gravel quarries shall be such that the excavations do not endanger the
stability of the surrounding areas.

River sand quarries shall be selected remote from the banks of the river.

5.5 Stockpiles

Where stockpiling is necessary, separate stockpiles of different materials shall be formed according to their
known characteristics, which shall be recorded by tests during the formation of the stockpiles. The location of
the stockpiles shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The residue or the sites of such stockpiles
shall be left in a stable, well drained and tidy condition.


The Engineer may order the performance of any of the following tests on the materials and
compacted fill in accordance with BS 1377 : 1975 or ASTM:D2049 at such times and
locations as he may, decide. The tests shall be performed either by the Contractor’s own
testing laboratory, or by an approved independent testing laboratory, as approved by the

- Particle Size Distribution

BS 1377 Test 7A or 7B
- Liquid Limit
BS 1377 Test 2A or 2B
- Plasticity Index.
BS 1377 Test 4
- Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship.
BS 1355 Test 13 (5.0 kg rammer method)
- Moisture Content
BS 1377 Test 1A, B or C

- Dry Density
BS 1377 Test 15A, B, C or D
- Test D2049 of ASTM for relative density
of the draining material

The Contractor shall provide at his own expense for any labour, transport, communication or
other assistance which the Engineer may require in the collection and delivery of samples
and testing in the field. No handling charges or other additions shall be paid to the
Each type of tests shall be generally be carried out at a frequency of once in every 400 m of
compacted volume or as required by the Engineer.

All test results shall be passed to the Engineer as soon as they are available. In the event
of any of the compacted fill incorporated in the Works failing to achieve the specified results
for any of the above tests, the Engineer may order the removal and replacement and/or
re-compaction as appropriate of such portions of the fill as are in his opinion represented by
the failed results.


7.1 Construction of Formwork

7.1.1 The Contractor shall be totally responsible for designing the Formwork and supporting
props required to construct the structure in accordance with the Contract.

7.1.2 The Contractor shall submit detailed calculations and drawings of the proposed
Formwork system to the Engineer for his approval well in advance of the actual
commencement of the work at site.

7.1.3 The Formwork shall be of sufficient strength and stability to safely support the wet
concrete and any incidental loads which may be applied to the concrete surface before
it has attained sufficient strength to enable it to safely carry such loads unsupported.
7.1.4 The maximum elastic deflection of any formwork component shall not exceed 1/500
of its span.

7.1.5 The formwork shall be constructed with sufficient camber to ensure that the finished
soffits and top surfaces are plane and true.

7.1.6 The Contractor shall ensure that those parts of the structure supporting Formwork for
other parts have attained sufficient strength to carry the loads thus imposed without
causing structural distress and any elastic deflection greater than 1/300 of the
minimum span of such a part.

7.1.7 In all water tight walls, formwork ties shall be left embedded and shall consist of steel
pins with steel discs welded all round (water-tight) to them. The disc shall be located
centrally in the wall.

7.2 Soffit Formwork

The final top surface level of the slab should be correct to a tolerance of -3mm in 3m.


8.1 All mild steel works and components whether used internally or externally shall be either hot
dip galvanized to BS 729 ; 1971 or shall be painted with 2 coats of epoxy paint.

8.2 All steel works to be grit blasted and made absolutely clean and free from all rust grease oil
mill scale, dust or other deleterious substances before application of any protective system.

8.3 All minor damages to protective coating of steelworks shall be repaired without delay damages
deemed by the Engineer to be more than accepted minor damage will result in the rejection of
the component involved.


9.1 Materials
Mortar for Brick Work, Block Work and Rubble Masonry.
Mortar for brick work and block work shall conform to Section 9.31. The mortar designation shall be 1:5
unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or in the BOQ.
9.2 Common Burnt Clay Bricks
Common burnt clay bricks shall conform to SLS 39/1978 amended in Amendment No.1/1981.
Bricks shall be hand or machine moulded. They shall be regular in shape with good clean arises, free
from lumps of unslaked limestones etc.
Their surface shall free from striations, laminations, pittings, cracks etc. They shall be uniform in
colour and must be well burnt so as to give a clean ringing sound when struck. When broken the
fracture shall give a close grained uniform texture and colour and shall be free from black core or any
sign of being imperfectly burnt.
9.3 Sampling and Testing of Bricks
The bricks shall be sampled and tested for dimensions, general requirements, compressive strength,
water absorption and efflorescence as per SLS 39. Acceptance criteria shall be as set out in the
same standard.
9.4 Handling of Bricks and Preparation
Bricks shall not be handled in baskets, thrown from a height or in other manner that would
destroy the sharpness of the edges. In no case shall bricks of different dimensions be used in
the same work except when permitted by the Engineer.

In exposed brickwork, selected bricks of the specified class shall be used for the face work.

The bricks shall be wetted with water before use on the works. Bricks require for masonry
with mud or flat lime need not be wetted. The tops of walls left off shall be wetted before the
work is recommenced.
9.5 Laying and Jointing
Bricks shall be laid in English bond unless otherwise specified. Half or cut bricks shall not be
used except where necessary to complete the bond; Closure in such cases shall be cut to the
required size and used near the ends of walls. In all load bearing walls, the brick shall be laid
with frogs upwards and the frogs shall be filled with mortar.
A layer of mortar shall be spread on full width over a suitable length of the lower course. Each
brick shall be properly bedded and set in position by tapping with the handle of a trowel or
wooden mallet. Inside faces of the set brick shall be buttered with and the next brick to be
laid shall be pressed against it. All bricks in every course shall be grouted full with mortar
using the trowel for chasing in for this purpose. The thickness of the mortar joint shall not
exceed 10 mm.

9.6 Raising of Walls

The quoins shall be set out and built up in advance of the main body of the brick walling.

The walls shall be carried up uniformly in all cases where the nature of the work admits it. No
part shall be left more than 1 meter below the rest of the work. The work shall not be built
higher than 1.5 m in one day. The courses shall be kept perfectly horizontal and every fourth
course shall be kept perfectly horizontal and checked for levels and plumb. At the end of the
day’s work, and where it is not possible to raise the adjoining portion uniformly and in gable
walls, the work shall be raked back according to the bond, at an angle not steeper that 45
degrees. All perpends, quoins etc., shall be kept strictly true and square and the whole
properly bonded together and brought to final levels at each floor. Over hand laying shall not
be used without approval. Panel walls or non-loading bearing walls shall not abut against the
Concrete beams.
The lateral stability of walls, which are free standing during construction, shall be ensured stability by
adequate shoring and scaffolding until the roof or floor providing the necessary stability is constructed.

9.7 Curing and Protection

Brickwork shall be protected from rain by suitably covering when the mortar is green. Brickwork in
cement/composite/lime mortar (except fat lime mortar) shall be kept constantly moist on all face for a
minimum period of seven days. In the case of masonry with fat lime mortar, curing shall commence
two days after and shall continue at least for seven days thereafter.

9.8 Fixtures
All iron fixtures like hold gates, pipes etc., which are required to be built into the wall shall be
embedded in their correct positions in cement mortar or cement concrete as specified.

9.9 Raking of Joints for Plaster

When the face work is to be plastered or joints along pointed upon, the joints shall be raked to a
minimum depth of 12 mm by a raking tool during the progress of the work or when the mortar is still
green. When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and
finished at the time of laying. The face and top of courses of the brickwork shall be cleaned
thoroughly of all mortar dropping on the same day.

9.10 Brick on Edge Coping

The top course of all plinths, the top of walls below reinforced concrete parapets, steps etc., shall be
brick on edge with extra fine vertical joints not exceeding 3 mm in thickness. Bricks forming the
corner of all such course are to be properly radiated and keyed into position.

9.11 Treatment at Ends of Beams
The ends of steel beams and roof trusses shall rest on recesses having 15 mm space for free
circulation of air and provided with perforated zinc sheeting.

9.12 Corbelling
Corbelling shall be effected by a one fourth brick projection (in every course) for ordinary work and on
eighth projection where greater strength is required.

9.13 Scaffolding
For all exposed brickwork, double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be
provided. The support shall be sound and strong and tied together with horizontal pieces
over which scaffolding planks shall rest. Alternatively, steel scaffolding may be resorted to, in
which case the arrangements shall be approved by the Engineer.

For all other brickwork in buildings, single scaffolding shall be provided. In such cases, the
inner end of the horizontal scaffolding pole shall rest in a hole provided for this purpose in the
header course only. Only one header for each pole shall be left out. Such holes for
scaffolding shall however not be allowed in pillars/columns less than one meter in width or
immediately near the skew back of arches, shall be completely packed and made good before

9.14 Half Brickwork

The work shall be done in the same manner as specified above, except that all courses shall
be laid as stretchers. The proportion of cement mortar shall generally be on part cement to
5 parts of sand.

9.15 Reinforced Brickwork

In special cases such as long unsupported partition walls where reinforcement is considered
necessary, 2 numbers of 6 mm diameter rods shall be provided at every alternate course
unless otherwise specified. The rods shall be straight and free from rust and loose flakes.
They shall be placed over cement mortar beds of 1:3 composition, 10 mm thickness of mortar
shall be first laid, the rods laid and then covered with a bed of 10 mm mortar immediately.
The rods shall be fully embedded in the mortar. At the ends the rods shall be bent up for half
the thickness of the course.

9.16 Honeycomb Brickwork

Standard or specified bricks shall be used for this class of work and they shall be laid on
cement mortar 1:3 or as specified.

The thickness of brick honeycomb shall be half brick or one brick as specified. Openings
shall be equal and alternate in every course and the bearing width on each side shall be 20
mm minimum. The bond used shall be heading throughout in one brick thick honeycomb
work. The bricks shall be thoroughly bedded in mortar and jointed and the edges struck flush
and finished smooth as the work proceeds.

9.17 Brickwork in Arches

Bricks for arches shall be specially selected and shall be free from any defects of any sort.

The bricks shall be laid in concentric half brick rings with break joints (i.e. staggered joints).
The arch work shall be carried out from both ends simultaneously and keyed in the centre.
The bricks shall be buttered with mortar and well pressed into their positions so as to squeeze
out a part of the mortar and leave the joints thin and compact.

All joints shall be full of mortar and the thickness of joints shall neither be less than 5 mm nor
more than 15 mm in all arches.

The voussoir joints shall be normal to the curve at these points.

Bricks forming skew joints shall be specially moulded or cut so as to radiate thinly, and defects
in this particular case shall not be remedied by the extravagant use of mortar nor shall any
patching by chips allowed.
Joints in any two consecutive rings shall not come in the same radial plane.

The arch work shall be quickly and evenly done and kept moist so that no portion of the arch
hardens or sets before the whole arch is completed.

9.18 Centering for Arches

In all cases the upper bearing surface shall be very correctly formed to the curve of the
intrados of the arch. The centering shall be strong enough to bear the dead load and live load
coming upon it, during the construction without appreciable deflections. For spans longer
than 2 meters, timber centers shall be used and shall be provided with hardwood wedges for
slackening. For larger span arches special plans for centering shall be prepared and prior
approval of the Engineer obtained.

In all centering the arrangement shall be such that the slackening can be effected without any
vibration being transmitted to the arch, and in the case of a series of arches that the centers
can all be slackened simultaneously.

The time after which this slackening has to be done shall be carefully decided.

When lime mortar is used, centers will ordinarily be slackened within 24 hours of the
completion of the arch. Care, however, shall be taken to see that the centering is not eased
while the mortar in the last joint is so that it will be squeezed out, but at the same time centres
will be slackened while the mortar in the joints is still moist so as to allow the arch to compress
itself and bring all the joints to fair bearing.

In the case of a segmental arch, care shall be taken to see that the skew back are secure, and
they shall be given a week’s time to set.

In the case of semi-circular, elliptical or other arches springing from a horizontal joint, the
adjacent wall, shall be built up to thirds of the height of the arch before slackening centres.

9.19 Jointing Old Work with New Work

New work shall be bonded carefully to existing work by cutting pockets into existing walls; the
pockets shall not be less than 10 mm deep, with a width equal to the full thickness of the new
work. The spacing and height of each pocket shall be as follows: for jointing of :
Brick to Brick – 4 course high at 8 course centres
Brick to Block
Block to Brick Every alternate block course
Block to Block

The new walling shall be bonded well into the pockets with all voids filled with solid mortar.

9.20 Block Work

The word “block” could be substituted for “bricks” wherever appropriate in the above section.

9.21 Random Rubble Masonry

Materials - Stone

Stone shall be of the type specified. It shall be hard, sound, free from decay, weathering and
defects like cavities cracks, flaws, sand holes, veins, patched or soft or loose materials etc.
It shall be obtained from an approved quarry. Stones with a rounded surface shall not be used. The
Contractor shall submit samples of stones representing the range of variations to be used in the work
and obtain the approval of the Engineer.

Normally stones used shall be small enough to be lifted and placed by hand. The length of the stone

shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base shall not be greater than ¾ of the
thickness of the wall nor be less than 150 mm. The height of a stone may be4300 mm maximum.

9.22 Dressing

Stone shall be hammer dressed on the face, the side and the beds, to enable it to come into close
proximity with the neighbouring stone. The bushing in the face shall not project more than40 mm on
an exposed face and 10 mm on a face to be plastered.

9.23 Mortar

The mortar used for jointing shall be as specified and conform to Section 4.31.

9.24 Laying

All stones shall be cleaned and free of dust and shall be wetted before use. Chips, spalls etc., shall
be washed clean with water to ensure a clean surface for the mortar to adhere to.

The stones shall be laid on their natural bed on a full even bed of mortar. Every stone shall be
carefully fitted to the adjacent stones, so as to form neat and close joints. Stones may be brought to
level the course at plinth, window sills and roof level. Levelling up at plinth level, window sills and roof
level shall be done with concrete comprising one part of the mortar as used for the masonry and two
parts of graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size. The bond shall be obtained by fitting in the
adjacent stones closely, and by using bond stones.

Face stones shall be extended and bonded well into the backing. These shall be arranged to break
joints as much as possible and to avoid long vertical lines of joints. The hearting or interior filling of
the wall shall consist of rubble stones which may be of any shape but shall not pass through a circular
ring of 150 mm in diameter. The thickness of these stones in any direction shall not be less than 100
mm. These shall be carefully laid, hammered down with a wooden mallet into position and solidly
bedded in mortar. Chips and spalls of stone being used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar
beds or joints and at the same time ensuring that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry.
The hearting will be laid nearly level with
facing and backing, except that at about 1 m intervals, vertical plums projecting about 150 mm
to 200 mm shall be firmly embedded to form a bond between successive courses.

The chips shall not be used below the hearing stone to bring these up to the level of faced
stones. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between the adjacent
stones in hearting, and these shall not exceed 20% of the quantity of stone masonry.

The wall shall be carried up truly plumb or to the specified batter. The masonry in a structure

shall be raised uniformly. Where the masonry of one part has to be delayed, the work shall be
raked back t an angle not steeper than 45 degrees. Toothing in stone work shall not be

9.25 Bond Stones/Through Stones

A sufficient number of bond stones or through stones shall be used in building the wall. At
least one through stone shall be built into the wall a intervals of 1.8 m horizontally and 0.6 m
vertically. Such stones shall be at least 150 mm square at the face and shall and shall run to
the full thickness of the walls up to 600 mm. In case of walls exceeding 600 mm in thickness,
more than one stone may be used to run through the full thickness of the wall with overlaps of
not less than 150 mm.

In case of highly absorbent types of stones (porous limestone and sand stone) the bond stone
shall extend about 2/3 into the wall. Through stones in such cases may give rise to damp
penetration. Hence, for all thickness of such walls, a set of two or more bond stones
overlapping each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided.

Where bond stones of suitable length are not available, cement concrete blocks or 1 : 3 : 6 mix
conforming to the sizes mentioned above shall be used.

All bond stones in stone masonry shall be marked suitably for identification as directed by the

9.26 Quoins
The quoins shall be of selected stones neatly dressed with the hammer or chisel to, from the
required angle, and laid header and stretcher alternately. The Quoins shall be set out and built
up in advance of the main body of the rubber walling.

9.27 Joints
Stones shall be so laid that all joints are fully packed with mortar and chips. Face joints shall not be
more than 20 mm thick.

When plastering or pointing is not required, the joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of
laying, otherwise the joints shall be raked to a minimum of depth of 20 mm by a raking tool during the
progress of work, when the mortar is still green.

9.28 Scaffolding

Single scaffolding having one set of vertical supports shall be allowed. The supports shall be sound
and strong, tied together by horizontal piece over, which the scaffolding planks shall be fixed. The

inner end of the horizontal scaffolding may rest in a hole provided in the masonry. Such holes
however, shall not be allowed in pillars under one meter width or near skew-bank of arches. The
holes left in masonry for supporting scaffolding shall be filled with a proper sized stone and packed
completed, or it allowed made good with cement concrete 1:3:6.

9.29 Curing

Masonry work in cement or composite mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all face for a minimum
period of 7 days. In the case of masonry with fat lime mortar curing shall commence two days after
the laying of masonry and shall continue for at least seven days thereafter.

9.30 Protection

Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. The work shall also be suitably
protected from damage, mortar dropping and rain during construction.

9.31 Mortar for Brickwork, Block work and Rubble Masonry

Cement mortar shall normally consist of ordinary Portland Cement, Sand and Water in the proportions
specified. Lime shall be added only where specified.

Mortar shall be mixed thoroughly, either by hand or mechanically until its colour and consistency are
Water shall be added in stages to make a mortar that can easily be handled and trowelled. It shall be
mixed in small quantities only as and when required and shall normally be used within 45 minutes of
mixing. Mortar, which has been mixed for more than 1 hour and shows signs of hardening, shall be

The constituent materials shall normally be volume proportioned as accurately as practicable

making allowance for bulking of sand and also of the cement.

9.32 Cement and Sand Rendering (20 mm) 1:3 Cement & Sand Mortar

Rendering 20 mm thick in 1:3 cement mortars. The work shall consist of rendering of the
exposed faces of random rubble masonry walls as directed by the Engineer.

The mortar shall be composed of one part of cement and two parts of sand by dry loose
volumes and sufficient water to make a mortar that can easily be handled and trowelled, hand
smooth and finished with wooden float with neat cement slurry to give a true and even surface
with all arises square and internal angles slightly rounded. Retempering of mortar that has
not been used in excess of 45 minutes will not be permitted.

Payment for rendering shall include for all materials, templates, centering, screed and rules,
scaffolding and labour required to complete the works. No additional payment will be made
for picking up or dubbing out which may be required to level off the surface irregularities of the
masonry work.


10.1 General

Glazed Ceramic Tile shall comply with British Standard Specification No. 1281 and shall be
approved sizes as shown on Drawings and the product of a reputable manufactures approved
by the Engineer.

Unglazed Ceramic Tile shall comply with the requirements of British Standard No. 1286 and
shall be of approved sizes as shown on the drawings and the product of a reputable

All tiles shall only be used with prior written approval of the Engineer.

Standards requirements for tiles should be ISO standards. Any defect materials which need to
be replaced shall be replaced by the Contractor with his own cost.

Description of the test Values

Reference Standard

Length and Width ISO 10545.2

Rectangularity ISO 10545.2
Thickness ISO 10545.2
Straightness of Sides ISO 10545.2
Surface Flatness
i. Centre Curvature related to the diagonal calculated work size ISO 10545.2
ii. Edge Curvature related to the corresponding work size ISO 10545.2
iii. Warp age related to the diagonal calculated from work size ISO 10545.2
Surface Quality ISO 10545.2
Water Absorption by Mass ISO 10545.3
Thermal Expansion ISO 10545.8
Resistance to Thermal Shock ISO 10545.9
Resistance to Stains ISO 10545.14
Colour Resistance to light BS-6431(Part 6)
Frost Resistance ISO 10545.12
Resistance to Crazing ISO 10545.11
Determination of Chemical Resistance ISO 10545.13

10.2 Ceramic and Porcelain Tile Materials

Ceramic and Porcelain Wall Tiles :

All tiles for wall installation shall have cushion edge, impervious porcelain and highly glazed surface.
Colors shall be as selected by the Engineer and shall include trimmers, corner pieces, bull nose and all
other special shapes indicated or required. All this shall be free from flaws, cracks and crazing.

Ceramic and Porcelain Floor Tiles : ...........(Polished / semi rough)

Non-slip ceramic tile for shall be used on all floor locations. Floor tiles shall be specially prepared for
floor use but shall have all the qualities of ceramic tiles listed above for wall use.

10.3 Mortar Materials

Standard brand of light gray or white Portland cement as specified in drawings, confirming to current
British Standard specifications shall be used.

Sand : shall be clean, sharp, river sand, confirming to British Standard Specifications and graded fine
to coarse within the following limits : 100% passing 8 sieve, 90% to 100% passing 16 sieve, 60% to
90% passing 30 sieve, 25% to 55% passing 50 sieve and 0% to 15% passing 100 sieve.

10.4 Cement Colour

Dry cement colour, chemically inert, non fading, alkali fast mineral pigment as approved shall be used
wherever refinished.

10.5 Water Proofing

Floors of toilet areas, corridors, terrace and planter boxes shall be treated with an appropriate water
proofing coating, approved by the Engineer.

10.6 Installation Requirements

As far as possible, tile lay out work should be in such ways that no tile less than half size

Align joints in wall tile vertically and horizontally except where other patterns are shown or
specified, Align joints in floor tiles at right angles to each other straight with walls to confirm to
the patterns selected.

Verify locations of accessories before installing tiles. Work shall be coordinated with plumbing
and other trades before starting of tile work.

Installation of ceramic and vitreous tile shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

10.7 Floor Tile Installation

All ceramic and vitreous clay tile floors shall be in Portland Cement setting beds. Concrete
surfaces shall be cleaned and surface of concrete shall be wetted prior to placing of setting
bed mortar. Tiles shall be immersed in water for minimum of 4 hours before laying.

Setting Bed Mortar Mix : shall consist of one (1) part Portland cement and three (3) parts dry
sand, by volume, to which not more than 1/10 part of hydrated lime may be added.

When mixed with water, the water mix shall be of such consistency and workability as to
produce maximum density. Determine consistency by stroking the mortar surface with a trowel.
Whereof correct consistency; the trawled surface readily assumes a smoothed, stickened

Spread setting bed mortar and screed to provide smooth, dense beds with true planes pitched
to drains. The thickness of bed shall be such that the floor tile will finish with adjacent finished
flooring, but bedding shall have average thickness of 12mm.

After bed has set sufficiently to be worked over, trowel or brush a thin layer, 3mm in thickness,
of neat Portland cement paste over the surface of the back of tile.
Do not prepare larger setting bed than can be covered with tile before the mortar sets.

Press tile firmly into the bed tapping with wood blocks to obtain firm bedding of total tile area
and a smooth top surface.

All tiles shall be properly aligned with straight joints in even widths. Joints width shall be
determined by spacers on ceramic tiles. Tamping shall be completed within one (1) hour after

placing tile. Adjust work out of line within this period.

Tiles shall be fitted closely around pipes running through walls floors. Pitch floors to drains.

10.8 Wall Tile Installation

Base Plaster 20mm thick applied to masonry wall shall be one- part Portland cement
three-parts of river sand by volume. Where additional thickness build- up is required to confirm
to indicate lines, apply as separate coat at no cost to employer.

Setting bed of tiles shall be done with cement slurry. The thickness of slurry bed shall be 3mm
thick minimum for setting tiles and walls.

Installation of tiles shall be in accordance with standards and applicable requirements

previously specified for floor tile.

Tiles shall be installed in perfect vertical plumb and as per the pattern and joints as shown on drawings.

10.9 Grouting

Grouting shall not commence for at least 24 hours after placing of tiles.

Grout for floor and wall ceramic and vitreous tiles shall be water proof, neat white Portland Cement
with dry cement color added as directed by the Engineer. If white grout is selected, cement shall be

Grout mixed to a creamy consistency in accordance with manufacturer’s directions shall be used for
joint filling. Maximum width of joints shall be 3mm.

Force maximum grout into the joints with trowel. Before grout set, strike or tool joints to base of cushion
and fill all skips and gaps. Do not permit setting bed materials to show through grouted joints.

Cure grout joints by maintaining damp condition for three (3) days by sponging down, or other methods
approved by the Project Manager. Allow floors to set 48 hours before permitting ordinary foot traffic.

10.10 Defects in Tiles and Tile Laying

The surface of all tiled floors shall be perfectly in level and shall be executed by experienced workers in
the field of tile laying.

A sample panel of laid tiles of each type shall be approved by the Consultant before commencement of
tile laying.

Chipped or damaged tiles installed by the Contractor shall be rejected and shall have to be replaced by
the Contractor at his own cost and risk.

10.11 Guarantees

Manufacturer shall provide the relevant standard guarantees for work under this section. However,
such guarantees shall be in addition to not in lieu of all other liabilities which manufacturers and
Contractor may have by other provisions of the Contract Documents.


11.1 Material

All paints shall be approved by the Consultant for colour, quality and type. All painting work shall be
carried out in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s specifications unless otherwise directed by the

All paints and finishes used for the project shall be manufactured by or under license from one of the
following manufacturer’s;

 CIC or equivalent approved by the Consultant

Paint shall be ready mixed and all paints, varnishes, enamels, lacquer stains, paste fillers and similar
materials shall be delivered to the site in the original containers with the seals unbroken and lables
intact. Each container shall give the manufacturer’s name, type of paint, colour of paint and instructions
for reducing, Thinning shall be done only in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.

Use of product by the same manufacturer shall be a general rule in each stage of work in this

Colour, luster, colour scheme, finish shall be decided by the Engineer after checking sample
paint test.

The painting shall be performed by experienced and competent painter.

Where walls are specified to be painted, all columns arises, groove, rough surfaces, reveals,
soffits and returns etc. shall be included and no extra shall be payable.

11.2 Definition of Terminology

Surface Sealing- Surface to be painted shall be sealed to have uniform suction and prevent lye
from oozing out.

Spot Puttying – All cracks and depressions shall be filled flush with putty.

Puttying - All surfaces to be painted shall be puttied uniformly flat surface.

Spot painting - Spot puttied area shall be touched up by paint.

Touch –up – Any damaged area after the prime coat has been applied shall be
touched up.

Drying hour – The drying time of double coated paint shall be measured at the
temperature of 20’C and humidity of 70%.

Amount of Painting

The amount shall be standard amount of paint itself not including thinner. It shall increase or
decrease depending on shape and surface condition in the process of painting.

11.3 Paint Finish Symbols

 OP - Synthetic resin mix paint finish

 EP - Polyvinyl acetate resin emulsion paint finish
 AEP - Synthetic resin emulsion paint finish

11.4 Painting in General

Preparation of Paint

Mixing : Paint content with pigment shall be thoroughly stirred to make a uniform consistency.

Thinning : Portable water shall be used for thinning of emulsion paint and water-soluble paint.
Proper thinner, product of the same manufacturer as paint, as a rule, shall be used for other
types of painting. Percentage of thinning and viscosity shall be conducted with direction of
manufacturer or catalogue as they very with the method of paint, temperature, type of material

to be painted.

Allowable period of Use : Paint mixed with more than 2 types shall be used with direction of a
manufacturer or catalogue as allowable period of use, mixing ratio and mixing method vary.
The paint which has passed allowable period of use shall not be used.

Conditions of Painting

 Work shall not be executed in the following situations

 When humidity is above 85%
 When raining or its forecast
 When dusts are present

When temperature of surface is high under hot whether and bubbles are likely to develop on the
painted surface.

Conditions of Surface to be painted: Work shall not be executed or proper means shall be taken in the
following situations.

 When surface is damp and wet.

 When condensation is likely to develop on the surface.

All nail holes on veneer, board etc, shall be covered with proper rust-proof paint before the subsequent
painting is applied in accordance with this specification.


Paint shall be evenly and uniformed applied on the surface. Areas of difficult application such as
pointed part, internal angle, welded part, etc. shall be thoroughly painted and double coated as
necessary to deep uniform coating thickness.

Painting shall be properly done by carefully selecting the painting method by the shape of surface and
types of paint.


Dangerous material such as paint, thinner, etc, excluding emulsion paint and water-soluble paint shall
be kept in accordance with regulations concerned.

11.5 Procedure of Painting

Exterior – Surface of Mortar, Plaster and Concrete Synthetic resin emulsion paint –
Coating Process No. of Type of Paint Drying hour Amount
Coats (kg/m )
1. Surface preparation Dry, clean and free from
2. Surface sealing 1 Sealer for emulsion paint Longer than 4
3. Grinding Grind with proper grinding
4. Apply waterproof 1 Longer than 4
sealant onto hours
external wall
surface prior to
painting. Contractor
to provide
specification of
suitable paint
system to


5. Spot painting Synthetic resin emulsion

6. Second coating 1 Synthetic resin emulsion Longer than 4 0.10-0.13
paint hours
7. Finish coating 2 Synthetic resin emulsion Longer than 4 0.10-0.13
paint hours
Notes :
 Degree of dryness on the surface to be painted shall be kept under 6% in water
content and below PH 9.5
 Puttying and sanding process shall allowed to omit depending on the conditions of the
 Drying time of putty shall be long enough for sanding to proceed.
 Amount of sealer for surface sealing shall be adjusted with direction of the Project
Manager as it varies with the surface conditions.
Interior – Mortar, plaster, concrete etc

Polyvinyl acetate resin emulsion paint finish (matt)

Coating Process No. of Type of Paint Drying hour Amount
Coats (kg/m )
1.Surface Dry, clean and free from
preparation impurities
2.Surface sealing 1 Sealer for emulsion paint Longer than 4
3.Puttying 2 Putty for emulsion paint

4.Grinding Grind with proper grinding

5.Spot painting Polyvinyl acetate resin
emulsion paint
6. Second coating 1 Polyvinyl acetate resin Longer than 4 0.11-0.13
emulsion paint hours
7. Finish coating 2 Polyvinyl acetate resin Longer than 4 0.11-0.13
emulsion paint hours

Notes :

 Degree of dryness on the surface to be painted shall be kept under 6% in water content
and below PH 9.5.
 Puttying and sanding process shall allowed to omit depending on the conditions of the
 Drying time of putty shall be long enough for sanding to proceed.
 Amount of sealer for surface sealing shall be adjusted with direction of the Consultant as it
varies with the surface conditions.

Exterior – Iron Products in General

OP – Synthetic resin mix paint
Coating Process No. of Type of Paint Drying hour Amount
Coats (kg/m )
1.Surface preparation Completely remove rust,
moisture, oil and other
impurities by sander,
cleaner and surface
2.First Coating 1 Rust proof oil paint Longer than 24 0.13-0.15
24 hours hours

3.Touch-up Touch-up rustproof oil
4. First Coating 1 Rust proof oil paint Longer than 24 0.13-0.15
5. Second coating 1 Synthetic resin mix paint Longer than 15 0.13-0.15
6. Finish coating 1 Synthetic resin mix paint Longer than 15 0.13-0.15
Note : Paint for touch-up painting shall be same as used for first coat in process No.2

Exterior – Wood

OP-Synthetic resin mix paint finished

Coating Process No. of Type of Paint Drying hour Amount
Coats (kg/m )
1.Surface preparation Clean and sand to
plane surface
2.Knot treatment 1-2 Lacquer varnish Longer than 24
3. First Coating 1 First coat paint of oil mix Longer than 24 0.13-0.15
paint hours
4. Second Coating 1 oil mix paint Longer than 24 0.11-0.13
5. Finish coating 1 oil mix paint Longer than 24 0.11-0.13

Note :
Puttying and sanding shall be done after process No.2 when there are cracks, etc on the surface putty
shall be oil-putty, but drying time shall vary depending on conditions.
Floor – Concrete and Mortar
EXP – Epoxy resin paint finish


12.1 Drawings

Tender drawings are intended to give a basic guide to the manufacture/ contractor as to the
requirements in respect to the different types of work. They shall not be considered as final
drawings. Builders working Drawings shall be prepared by the contractor indicating all details
and fitments and approval obtained before assembly of the different items. Before
commencement of manufacture of equipment, three copies of Working Drawing along with
brochures, trade literature and photographs etc, properly marked to identify the specific items
shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer.

Drawings shall be prepared to acceptable standards showing construction details, materials to

be used and all other details, dimensions, clearances etc. for proper manufacture of the items,
properly labeled and dated with references for easy identifications. Note that samples of the
doors and windows will require approval by the Consultant.

12.2 Dimensions

The drawings shall be taken as diagrammatic only, indicating the general sizes, arrangement
and extent of work. The dimensions shall be checked against actual site measurements and
exact relationship of the adjacent structures, services etc, and if any errors are found in
position, levels, dimensions, alignment etc, such errors shall be brought to the notice of the
Consultant and necessary amendments made accordingly.

12.3 Materials

All materials and equipment shall always be new and delivered on site with marker

identifications labels intact. Where no specific kind or quality of material has been specified,
materials and equipment of highest quality and most suited for the application concerned and
available at time shall be supplied. When called for by the Engineer.samples of the materials
shall be submitted for prior approval of its suitability and application for the Works undertaken.

12.4 Doors and Windows

All windows and doors are to be constructed by approved specialist suppliers of medium
section to the particular requirements noted on the drawings as to weight and profile. All
sections shall generally conform to relevant British Standard Specifications.

All frames should be made to fit the actual openings with a 3mm clearance all around.
Discrepancies in overall width or height exceeding 3mm will not be allowed and the frames will
be rejected in such cases. Any small discrepancies shall have the gaps suitably backed and
filled with gun-applied water repellant mastic sealant.

All sections shall be extracted from AA 6063 alluminium alloy and sections shall be designed to
give rebated internal and external faces. Aluminium section for millions, frames, transoms,
heads and the sills and the other members should strictly comply with the requirements laid
down in the following British Standard.

B.S. 1161 : 1977 (1991) : Specification for aluminium alloy sections for structural purposes.
B.S. 1470 : (1987 ) : Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys plate, sheet and strip
B.S. 1474 : (1987) : Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general Project Managering
purpose and external architectural application bars, extruded down tubes and sections.
All aluminium sections shall present clear, straight and sharply defined lines. They shall be free from
defects impairing strength, appearance, durability and shall be designed to suit the required standard.

All aluminium extrusions shall be Natural Anodized to a Coating Thickness of minimum 10-15 microns,
except partitions. Partitions shall be bronzed anodized aluminium extrusions.

All sealants used in the assembly of, and in the fixing of cladding and window framing, shall be
non-setting to allow thermal movement without detriment to those joint sealants used for peripheral
caulking and shall be one part silicone sealant and shall conform to BS 4245. All spliced joints between
mullions should be sealed with an approved silicone product, compatible with other sealants and
pickings used.

The auxiliary components in sashes as locks, pivots, sliding gear etc, shall comprise of stainless steel
or resisting materials.

The tolerances are to be as follows:

 Inside width of frame 3mm Maximum

 Inside height of frame 3mm Maximum
 Depth of frame 2mm Maximum
 Opposite side, Inside distance 2mm Maximum

The performance – associated requirements are

 Strength (resistance to wind pressure and other forces applied in use)

 Air tightness or ability to cut out drafts.
 Water – tightness against rain or dew.
 Sound arresting effect to (shut off noise from outside as well as inside)

All surfaces shall have an anodized protective surface layer of minimum 25 Micron thickness.

Glazing shall be done as specified by the Project Manager, Glass shall be clear glass, or as specified
in the drawings. Thickness shall be according to the size of panels s given hereunder.

Not exceeding 0.09 m2 2mm
2 2
Exceeding 0.09m but not exceeding 0.18 m 3mm
2 2
Exceeding 0.18m but not exceeding 0.36 m 4mm
2 2
Exceeding 0.36m but not exceeding 0.54 m 5mm
Exceeding 0.54m 6mm

Required fittings :

 Single action door closer concealed in the head bar of the outer frame and mounted on
an adjacent pivot at the threshold and deadlock fitted.
 The left hand leaf of double doors with flush bolts at head and sill with deadlock fitted to
the right hand leaf.
 Escape doors to have panic bolts.

12.5 Installation

Door/ window work shall be installed adjusted and glazed by experienced workmen all in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions and in full conformity with the
approved shop drawings, samples and other submitted other data. Under no circumstances
shall materials be installed on surfaces that contain condensation, dirt, grease or other foreign
encountered materials that would hinder or prevent proper installation and functioning for the
use intended.

Door/ window work shall be carefully and accurately assembled with proper and approved
provision for contraction and expansion and set in correct locations as per approved detailed
shop drawings, all level, square, plumb and aligned with other work. All joints between framing
and structural building shall be sealed in order to be watertight and whether proof and to
satisfy all other requirements of the Project Manager.

Frames shall be designed and manufactured with a maximum 2.5mm tolerance around the
opening in the structure. These joints are to be finished by applying an approved sealant into a
polystyrene foam backing strip.

All Door / window Works are to be fully protected for the duration of the contract from damage
by pother trades. The Engineer shall approve the method of protection.

If for any reason final finishes become scratched, abraded or damaged during transport,
delivery storage or erection, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to remove or repair those
defective areas or components as directed and to the complete satisfaction of the Project

Repair work shall be identical to the manufacturer’s applied finish with regard to gloss, finish
and visual appearance. Field touch up of painted doors/ or windows is permitted only with the
written permission of the Engineer. Where touch up is not an authorized means of repair the
damaged materials must be replaced by new.

Upon completion of work all protective coverings from all exposed surfaces shall be removed.
All surfaces shall be cleaned using soap or detergents as recommended by the door / window
manufacturers to remove sealants, discoloration and any other foreign material. Defection of
any type determined by the Engineer shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense.

Extreme care shall be taken when cleaning the exterior portion to protect all other adjacent

12.6 Sealing joints

The Contractor shall ensure that joints are dry and remove all loose material, dust and grease.

Joints shall be prepared in accordance with sealant manufacturer’s recommendations using

recommended solvents and primers where necessary.

Adjoining surfaces which would be impossible to clean if smeared with sealant shall be

Backing strip shall be inserted in all joints to be pointed with sealant. When using backing
strips, the Contractor shall not leave gaps and shall not reduce depth of joint for sealant to less
than the minimum recommended by the manufacturer.

Cavities shall be filled and jointed with sealant in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Sealant shall be tooled to form a smooth flat bed.

Excess sealant shall be removed from adjoining surfaces using cleaning materials
recommended by the sealant manufacture, and shall be left clean.

12.7 Tolerances

The accepted tolerances for various components are to be as follows

a. Inside width of frame 3mm Maximum

b. Inside height of frame 3mm Maximum
c. Depth of frame 2mm Maximum
d. Opposite side, Inside distance 2mm Maximum

12.8 Tests for acceptance the peformance

Contractors shall provide manufacturers test certificates for the following any field assembled
component shall be tested for these properties if instructed by the Consultant following acceptable test

a. Strength(resistance to wind pressure and other forces applied in use) tested in

accordance with
b. Air tightness or ability to cut out drafts – tested in accordance with
c. Water – tightness against rain or dew – tested in accordance with
d. Sound arresting effect to (shut off noise from outside as well as inside) – tested in
accordance with Measurement and Payment

12.9 Glass installation

Glass to comply with BS 952 and clean cut, without edge faults and free from defects. clear float glass
for general purpose in various thicknesses. No flat drawn sheets shall be used.

Glass selection and installation shall be carried out as per BS 6262 :1982 or Australian Standards AS
2208 : 1996 and AS 1288 : 2006 and all amendments to date of tender.

The glass thickness unless otherwise specified shall be at least 6mm thick and designed according to
AS 1288:2006, NZS 4223:1999, BS 6206:1981

The glass is to be delivered to the site with adequate protection to prevent damage and where possible
shall be fixed in position immediately after delivery. When fixed the Contractor shall take all necessary
precautions to prevent damage during succeeding building operations and shall be entirely responsible
for the replacement of any broken or damaged glass at his own cost.

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for determining the exact sizes of glass required, including a
tolerance of 2mm to each edge and he is recommended to check the necessary dimensions on site.

No glazing shall carried out until rebates have been painted with primer. Glazing beads as applicable
shall also be primed before fixing.

All mastic is to be neatly struck off to agree exactly with site lines inside and out.

Glass apertures in timber doors shall be bedded in chamois leather glazing strip, black ribbon velvet or

P.V.C glazing strip to the approval of the Engineer.

Glazed Paneled Partitions – The frames shall be properly machined to permit easy assembly and to
form whether – tight joints when caulked. The top panel/s, as shown in drawings shall be properly
weather stripped and designed for virgin vinyl channel type glazing. The Bottom Panel shall consist of
PYC Laminated Gypsum Board panels, on both sides, inserted with special snap-in aluminium bead
after the partition is assembled.

Glazing for doors and windows shall be of as specified in sub Section 700.2.16 thickness and
of approved quality and shall conform to specification of glazing. Fixing for glazing shall be
done with aluminium Snap-On beading as per detail drawing and instructions. Necessary
continuous rubber gaskets of approved make shall be provided.

Required Characteristics

Wired glass for use in fire check doors shall be at least 6mm thick.

Toughened glass shall be fully tempered with a surface compression of 69MPa.

Heat Strengthened glass where applicable shall have a surface compress 24 MPa.

Annealed Laminated Glass shall have a PVB interlayer of 0.38mm minimum and
layers of PVB which shall be 2 ply, 3 ply or 4 ply as found suitable for the relevant
application and safety level.

Sun control glass to be of Low Emissivity Type and meet the following performance
criteria, and the hard coating surface glaze unit : Outdoor reflectance not exceeding

 U - Factor – Less than 0.89

(U-factor measures how well a product prevents heat from escaping. The rate of heat loss
is indicated in terms of the U-factor (U-value) of a window assembly. U-Factor ratings
generally fall between 0.20 and 1.20. The lower the U-value, the greater a window’s
resistance to heat flow and the better its insulating value).

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient – Less than –0. 59

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures how well a product blocks heat caused by
sunlight. The SHGC is the fraction of incident solar radiation admitted through a window
(both directly transmitted and absorbed) and subsequently released inward. SHGC is
expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a window’s solar heat gain coefficient,
the less solar heat it transmits in the house.

Visible Transmittance – (Engineer shall specify)

Visible Transmittance (VT) measures how much light comes through a product. The visible
transmittance is a optical property that indicates the amount of visible light transmitted. VT
is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The higher the VT, the more light is

 Air Leakage* Less than 0.2

Air Leakage (AL) is indicated by an air leakage rating expressed as the equivalent cubic
feet of air passing through a square foot of window area (cfm/sq ft). Heat loss and gain
occur by infiltration through cracks in the window assembly. The lower the AL, the less air
will pass through cracks in the window assembly.

 Condensation Resistance* More than 51

Condensation Resistance (CR) measures the ability of a product to resist the formation of
condensation on the interior surface of that product. The higher the CR rating, the better
that product is at resisting condensation formation. While this rating cannot predict
condensation, it can provide a
credible method of comparing the potential of various products for condensation formation. CR is
expressed as a number between 0 and 100.

Protection Before and after installation

All aluminium sections shall not be stored in a manner where they rub or slide against each other or
against other metallic surfaces.

All components where possible shall be delivered to the site in individual plastic wrapping, stout papers,
cardboard or other protective covering which shall not be allowed to get damp.

The contractor shall provide cover on all exposed aluminium surfaces, etc, during transportation and
installation against damage by contaminated moisture, staining, wet cement, wet plaster and other
injuries, including provision of proper storage sheds for materials delivered to site.

Any aluminium unit which is damaged in any way during transportation, before or after installation shall
be replaced by the Contractor at his expense.

All the aluminium extrusion sizes for the windows and curtain walls should be selected to stand
the wind pressure in each level, and prior approval should be obtain from the Engineer before


13.1 Scope

This section deals with the roofing system including guttering

Design Considerations

Wind Suction loaded: Calculate in accordance with CP 3: chapter5: Part2, making due allowance for
any internal pressure

 Basic wind speed: 49m/sec

 Topography factory S1 : 1.0
 Ground roughness, building size and height factor (S2):as determined from CP3:
Chapter5:part2, Table3.
 Statistical factor (S3):1.0

Imposed load other than wind and maintenance load , 1.5KN/m2 Concentrated on a 300mm2
Whichever produces the greater stress. Maintenance point load : 0.9KN concentrated on any 125mm.

Dead load: allow for self weight of sheeting.

Roof pitch : as indicated on drawings.

Distance between not less than 900mm or as indicated on drawings.

13.2 Roof Cladding

The meal sheeting is to be zinc Alume alloy sheets made from cold rolled coil conforming to
Australian standard AS:1397 or the latest revision thereof and having a Grad 550 with a
minimum yield strength of555 N/mm . Unless specified otherwise, the sheets shall have a

nominal total coated thickness of 0.47mm and be clean and free from defects. The sheets shall
be hot dipped coated with 55% aluminum and zinc alloy and silicone having a coating class of
AZ 150 with a minimum coating mass of 150 grams/m2 in total both surfaces.

Structural support: as per drawings.

Fastening: No.12-14x45mm hexagonal head self drilling and tapping screw seal. Mild steel
screws shall not be used.

End laps: of not less than 150mm and side laps of one corrugating shall be provided where the
pitch of the roof is not less than 15 degrees. In the case where the pitch is less than 15
degrees the end laps shall be a minimum 225mm. An approved sealant is to be used at the
laps for pitches below 7 degrees.

Where the sheeting rests on GI Lipped Channel purlins the sheets should be painted with two
coats of a Zinc Chromate or Barium Chromate based paint. Alternatively, the painting may be
done with two coats of bitumen paint or with two coats of Zinc rich paint.

The overhangs at the eaves for corrugated profile shall not exceed 200mm in the case of
un-stiffened and 350mm in the case of stiffened. The sheets shall be so fixed as to close on
the ridges and hips. The Contractor is to submit colour samples of the roof sheeting. The
Employer shall determine the final EPDM washers. The fasteners shall not be over-tightened
and shall only be driven until the sealer grips onto the sheet.

Cutting and Drilling

Cuts sheets accurately with clean, true lines and o distortion with a power saw with abrasive
cutting disc.

Cut openings in sheet for out lets, vent pipes, flues etc, to the minimum size necessary.
Reinforce edges of openings with structural members.

Drill all holes where self fastening screws not used. Position at regular intervals in straight lines.
Holes for primary fastenings to be 1.5mm larger than the diameter of fastening unless self
drilling type is used.

Remove burrs, drilling swarf, lubricant, dust and any other foreign matter before finally fixing
sheets into position.

Direction of Laying: Lay sheets with exposed joints of side lap away from prevailing wind.
End Laps to be fully supported.


Install to manufactures recommendation.

Position in straight, unbroken lines parallel to edges of sheets. Placed into corrugations. Do
not allow to sag into position.

Ensure continuity and effectiveness of seal, especially at corners of sheets.

Do not over compress.

Fittings and Features

Profile Fillers : use where specified and wherever necessary to close off corrugation cavities from the
outside and inside of the building. Position on the line of, or above, fastening and ensuring a tight fit
and leaving no gaps. Where sealed laps are specified bed profile fillers in sealant on top and bottom
surface, but do not obstruct channels for ventilation or condensation drainage.


The gutter is to be TCT colour bonded Zn/Al. The Contractor is to submit samples, material
specification and manufactures data sheet to the Consultant for approval prior to purchasing. Colour
options are also to be submitted to the Consultant. The decision on colour shall be made by the

Ensure that gutters are fully supported at each joint and at intermediate position not more than 900m
apart. Fix with spigot ends up the slope and make all the joints fully watertight. Position sheeting to
leave a clear width across the gutter of not less than 230m.

Roof Insulation

The building roof space is to be insulated using Sisilation (or Macfoil) 8mm thick heat insulation sheet
(or approved equivalent) . The insulation is to be inserted between the roof sheeting and purlins and
shall be supported by a G.I. wire mesh. The rate shall include all items required for the installation
including materials, G.I. wire mesh support net, labour and fixing.



Portable fire extinguishers shall be of the re-chargeable, metal-bodied type containing and extinguishing
agent expelled by the action of internal pressure. They shall be manufactured to BS EN 3 or equivalent
and approved by the Fire Service Department of the Colombo Municipal Council, Sri Lanka.

The extinguishers shall be Colour Coded to BS for easy identification and shall be fitted with a visual
"discharged" indicator to prevent accidental use of an empty cylinder.

The extinguisher shall be operated by piercing, opening and/or breaking a sealing device and thus
releasing the contents. The method of operation shall be readily apparent. It shall not be necessary for
any movement of the actuating mechanism or mechanisms to be repeated in order to initiate discharge of
the extinguisher.

All portable Fire Extinguishers shall comply with BS Codes and extinguish shall be released by means of a
lever-operated valve provided with a safety pin. The extinguisher shall be capable of controlled partial
discharge. All extinguishers marked with clear instructions for use in the English language.

The quantity, types, sizes and locations of the extinguishers to be provided shall be in accordance with the

The following portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in each floor as shown in the drawings.
 kg CO2 fire extinguisher fully charged with metal bracket fixed on to the wall.
 9 litre water CO2 fire extinguisher fully charged with metal bracket fixed on to the wall.


All internal extinguishers shall be wall mounted and attached in a manner affording quick release
from the supporting bracket. They shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not
more than 1.5m above the floor and in no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the
extinguishers and the floor be less than 1m. The extinguishers shall be positioned so that the
instructions for operation face outward.


On completion of the works all systems installed shall be tested in the presence of
Engineer's representatives and other officials of the client. The contractor shall give
adequate notice to the Engineer of the proposed dates for testing and shall provide all

facilities required such as personnel, instruments and equipment, access ladders for
this purpose. The contractor shall rectify all works not confirming to the required
specifications and the tests shall be repeated after remedial measures at his cost.


Bidders are to note that the measurements are taken absolutely net unless otherwise stated
and they must therefore allow in their prices for wastages extra excavations as working spaces
etc. throughout even though not specially mentioned.

Schedule 1 – General Information

(i) If pre-qualification is done the bidders are required to include information

subsequent to that submitted with the pre-qualification application.
(ii) For joint ventures, each joint venture partner shall furnish information separately.

ITB Information Remarks

Clause Description (to be filled by the Bidder))
4.1 (a) Legal Provide certified copies
Statu of Registration
Written power of Provide original or certified copy of
attorney of the the power of
signatory to the Bid attorney attested by a Notary and
label as attachment to Clause 4.1(a)
If a Joint Venture, 1. ………………………… Provide a draft copy of
names and addresses the Joint Venture
of Joint Venture 2. ………………………... Agreement or
Partners alternatively the
3. ………………………… memorandum of
If a Joint Venture,
name of Lead Partner

For joint ventures, each joint venture partner shall furnish Legal Status
Name (Lead partner) Provide
Legal status copies and
label as
Place of registration attachmen
t to
Principle place of business Clause
Written power of attorney Provide original or certified copy of the power of
of the signatory to the Bid attorney attested by a Notary and label as
attachment to Clause 5.1
VAT Registration Number

Name (Partner 2 ) Provide

Legal status copies and
label as
Place of registration attachmen
t to Clause
Principle place of business 4.1 (a)

Written power of attorney Provide original or certified copy of the power of

of the signatory to the Bid attorney attested by a Notary and label as
attachment to Clause 4.1 (a)

VAT Registration Number
Name (Partner 3 ) Provide
Legal status copies and
label as
Place of registration attachmen
t to Clause
Principle place of business 4.1 (a)

Written power of attorney Provide original or certified copy of the power of

of the signatory to the Bid attorney attested by a Notary and label as
attachment to Clause 4.1 (a)
VAT Registration Number
4.2 (a) ICTAD Registration
Registration number
copies and
label as
t to
Expiry Date

Schedule 2 – Annual Turn-

Turn-over Information
(Construction only – Last five years)

(i) If pre-qualification is done the bidders are required to include information

subsequent to that submitted with the pre-qualification application.

(ii) For joint ventures, each joint venture partner shall furnish information

Year Turn-
Turn-over Remarks

Attach audited reports and label as
3 attachment to Clause 4.2

Schedule 3 – Adequacy of Working Capital

If pre-qualification is done the bidders are required to include information

subsequent to that submitted with the pre-qualification application

Source of credit line Amount Remarks

Provide documentary
evidence and label as
attachment to Clause 4.2


Schedule 4 – Construction Experience in last five years

(i) If pre-qualification is done the bidders are required to include information

subsequent to that submitted with the pre-qualification application.

(ii) For joint ventures, each joint venture partner shall furnish information

Year Employer Description of Works Amount Contractor’s

Responsibility (%)


• Provide documentary evidence and label as attachment to Clause 4.2

Schedule 5 – Major Items of Construction Equipment Proposed

Type Capacity

Schedule 6 – Construction Management Staff

A. Key Professionals

Name Position Task

B. Support Staff

Name Position Task

Schedule 7 – Time Schedule for Key Staff

Months (in the form of a Bar Chart)

Name Position Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 1 1 1 1 Number of
0 2 3 4 5 Months

Full-time: Part-time: …………….

Schedule 8 – Work Programme
Sheet 1 of ……
[1st, 2nd, etc. are months from the Start Date.]

Construction Activity 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13t 14th 15th
Schedule 9 – Input percentages for Price Adjustment Formula

Input Name ICTAD Reference Percentage

for Indices
(Include major materials below the list, (percentages listed
together with percentages for all inputs) should added to
Major plant P1

Small equipment P2

Skilled Labour L1

Unskilled Labour L2

Total 90.0

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