Download Complete Medical Law in Ireland 3rd Edition Mills PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Medical Law in Ireland 3rd Edition Mills PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Medical Law in Ireland 3rd Edition Mills PDF for All Chapters
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Third Edition Page ii Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
This book is dedicated to my parents, Kitty and Gus, who sparked an interest
in complex ethical debates, which ultimately led me to the field
of Medical Law – AM. Page iii Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
Third Edition
MB, BCh, BAO, BA (Dubl), BCL (NUI), MICGP,
Barrister-at-Law (of King’s Inns), MSc (Lond), MFF&LM
LLB (Dub), LLM (Harv), PhD (Dub),
Barrister-at-Law Page iv Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
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Because there are few areas of law more complex or demanding than medical
law, it is perhaps not surprising that in recent times it has become the preserve of
specialist solicitors and barristers. And it is these professionals, as well as
members of the judiciary and academics practising in the area, who will be the
principal beneficiaries of Medical Law in Ireland, a truly comprehensive legal
text authored by Simon Mills BL and Andrea Mulligan BL.
It is not an overstatement to say that Medical Law in Ireland (the third edition
of a work formerly known as Clinical Practice and the Law) is extremely broad
in its canvas covering as it does clinical negligence, the regulation of health care
professionals, assisted human reproduction, abortion and coroners’ inquests, to
mention but some of the areas of law and practice treated to extensive
consideration. In fact, it is difficult to imagine the circumstances in which those
who practice in this area might have to go beyond this text for guidance.
Whilst a consideration of comparative law and how courts in other
jurisdictions have dealt with various issues of medical law is of considerable
value, what lawyers are most concerned to establish is how the Irish courts, at
any particular time, are likely to interpret and apply relevant domestic legal
principles and statutory provisions. That being so, what is particularly unique
about this work is that it takes as its starting point the current state of Irish law in
relation to each area considered, thus providing the clearest and most up to date
possible guidance for practitioners as to how a court in this jurisdiction will
likely approach any issue of medical law or practice as may present for its
determination. In this respect, the text is invaluable as it is only with the benefit
of a thorough understanding of Irish law that the practitioner may hope to best
protect the interests of their client.
Another feature of Medical Law in Ireland which makes it particularly
valuable is that, where relevant, the authors commence their consideration of
each area of law by identifying relevant points of principle or material statutory
provisions before moving on to discuss how these impact upon the day-to-day
practice of lawyers and those in medical practice (a further commendable
feature of this work is that the authors identify, by reference to the recent case
law, how the courts expect such principles to be applied in practice by those
charged with the care of persons who require medical treatment or advice).
Notwithstanding the fact that this text is replete with a consideration of the
legal issues most recently considered by the courts in this jurisdiction, it is
nonetheless an immensely practical guide for anyone aspiring to practice in this
area as may be discerned from the inclusion of a chapter which guides the
practitioner as to the steps required to “run” a medical negligence action. This
chapter alone will likely be the saviour of many a solicitor or barrister who Page vi Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
might otherwise fall prey to the pitfalls so often encountered in the course of
litigation of this type, which is invariably both onerous and complex.
Lest anyone reading this foreword should be left with the mistaken
impression that Medical Law in Ireland is something of a silver bullet when it
comes to resolving every legal uncertainty which has heretofore existed in the
area of medical law and practice, nothing could be further from the truth. In
considering the legal complexity of many of the areas addressed, such as those
which concern assisted human reproduction, law at the end of life, abortion law
and the manner in which those who sustain catastrophic injury should be
compensated, the authors have thoughtfully and appropriately highlighted the
adverse consequences for the patient and practitioner of the apparent reluctance
of government to make the type of serious policy decisions required to regulate
some of these difficult areas. Let us hope, as the authors propose, that those
charged with responsibility for such decisions will, regardless of the fact that
those decisions will undoubtedly be both challenging and unlikely to meet with
universal approval, have the courage to take the steps necessary to bring greater
certainty to these areas of particular complexity and sensitivity.
It has been a privilege and a pleasure for me to read this remarkably
comprehensive text dealing with the state of medical law in Ireland as it is today.
Whilst Medical Law in Ireland is an extremely scholarly work, it does not suffer
from being overly academic. The fact that this work covers in detail all of the
essential areas of medical law in terms of both principle and practice, and
provides, as it does, supporting analysis via the most recent decisions of the Irish
courts, will undoubtedly make it the “go to” text for all who practice, or aspire to
practice, in this area of law for many years to come. Like the solicitors,
barristers, academics and students to whom I have earlier referred, I too will be
keeping this work close at hand, a position it well deserves.
27 July 2017 Page vii Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
The book formerly known as Clinical Practice and the Law was showing its age
and, more than that, it increasingly struggled to meet the requirements of the
twin audiences for which had been originally conceived: lawyers and clinicians.
This successor title amplifies a trend started by the last edition of Clinical
Practice … and moves decisively in the direction of being predominantly a
lawyers’ book: aimed at students, practitioners and academics working in the
field of medical law. Nonetheless we hope that it will remain accessible and
useful for non-legal readers and we have tried to bear that in mind when dealing
with sometimes-complex legal questions.
Medical Law in Ireland is, as the title suggests, first and foremost a law
book. Although both authors have strong roots and an abiding interest in the
field of bioethics and we are both mindful that – as Earl Warren once said –
“… law floats on a sea of ethics”, we have made a conscious decision to focus
on legal issues. There are, of course, some exceptions: the law in the areas of
abortion, assisted reproduction and assisted dying is so intimately tied up with
moral considerations that it can scarcely be contemplated that there would not
be some engagement with the ethics of those areas. But the emphasis throughout
is on the reality of the law’s demands, on recent legal developments and – again,
where relevant – on considerations of where law may (or should) go in future.
The work involved in this revision necessitated stripping the book back to its
basics and starting again. The attentive reader may note some passages that have
survived the metamorphosis, but we hope the account of medical law in Medical
Law in Ireland will be at once more thorough, more analytical and – ultimately –
more useful than formerly. One inescapable consequence of a different emphasis
is that some chapters from previous editions, which had been of more clinical
application, have fallen by the wayside, while other areas have been greatly
expanded: there are now, for example, three chapters dealing with different
aspects of consent and two dealing, respectively, with principles and more
practical aspects of clinical negligence.
Families and loved ones are – as anyone who as ever tried to write a book will
readily confess – long-suffering witness to the authorial process. SM is
enormously grateful to Grace, Sorcha, Anna, Emily, Conall and Alice for their
forbearance and he looks forward to renewing his acquaintance with them once
more. SM is also thankful to his devils over the lifetime of this and previous
revisions, whose hard work and good humour have unfailingly made this slow
task a little easier: Jennifer Knape BL, Victoria Kilfeather BL, Catherine
McGauran BL, Brendan Glynn BL, Jack Nicholas BL, Hugh Madden BL,
Ciaran Joyce BL, Dr Miriam Delahunt BL and, of course, Dr Andrea Mulligan
BL who made the journey from devil to co-author. Page viii Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM
Simon Mills
MB, BCh, BAO, BA (U Dubl), BCL (NUI), MSc (Lond.), Barrister-at-Law
Simon Mills is a former doctor (qualifying in medicine from TCD in 1993) and
now a practising barrister (since 2002) specialising in all aspects of clinical law,
with a particular interest in clinical negligence, coroners’ inquests and
professional regulatory law. He holds an MSc Degree in Medical Ethics from
Imperial College London. He is External Examiner in Medical Law at the Law
Society of Ireland and a former Chairperson of Mental Health Tribunals.
Andrea Mulligan
LLB (Dub), LLM (Harv), PhD (Dub), Barrister-at-Law
Andrea Mulligan is a practising barrister with specialisations in medical law,
public law, and data protection law. She is an Assistant Professor at the School
of Law, Trinity College Dublin where she lectures modules in Medical Law and
Law and Bioethics. She holds an LLM from Harvard Law School, and a PhD
from Trinity College Dublin, where her research focused on the legal regulation
of assisted reproduction and surrogacy.
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Foreword ...................................................................................................................... v
Preface ........................................................................................................................ vii
Contents ......................................................................................................................... i
Table of Cases ............................................................................................................... i
Table of Legislation ....................................................................................................... i
Chapter 1 Introduction
The Field of Medical Law ............................................................................................ 1
Medical Law, Medical Ethics and Bioethics ................................................................ 1
Medical Law and the Intersection of Public and Private Law ...................................... 2
The Journey from Deference to Autonomy .................................................................. 3
A (Very) Brief History of Medical Law and Legal Medicine ...................................... 4
The dawn of legal medicine ................................................................................ 5
The ‘western’ world ............................................................................................ 6
Other developments in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ....................... 10
The eighteenth century onwards ........................................................................ 11
Chapter 2 Regulation of Healthcare Professionals
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 13
The Scope and Purpose of Statutory Professional Regulation ................................... 14
What is a healthcare professional? .................................................................... 14
Purpose of regulation ......................................................................................... 14
Statutory and non-statutory professions ............................................................ 15
Statutory regulation of healthcare professions: the common features .............. 16
Structures and Functions of Professional Regulatory Bodies: an Overview .............. 17
What are the regulatory bodies? ........................................................................ 17
Structures of the regulatory bodies .................................................................... 18
General functions of regulators ......................................................................... 19
Disciplinary Procedures: the Common Framework ................................................... 24
Complaints ......................................................................................................... 26
Preliminary proceedings and investigatory powers ........................................... 36
Inquiry stage ...................................................................................................... 39
Decision on sanction ......................................................................................... 47
Confirmatory and/or appeal stage ..................................................................... 49
Chapter 3 Medical Records and Access to Records
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 53
Clinical Recordkeeping .............................................................................................. 53
The importance of the clinical record ................................................................ 53
Accurate note-keeping ....................................................................................... 55
Access to and Ownership of Notes ............................................................................. 59
Who owns the records? ..................................................................................... 59
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Table of Cases
A (A Minor) and B (A Minor) v A Health and Social Services Trust
[2010] NIQB 108 ............................................................................................. 8.111
A (A Minor) (Disclosure of Medical Records to GMC), Re [1999] 1 FCR 30,
(1999) 47 BMLR 84, [1998] 2 FLR 641 ........................................................... 4.47
A (Medical Treatment: Male Sterilisation), Re [2000] 1 FLR ................................ 6.10
A and B v Eastern Health Board [1998] 1 IR 464 ................................................. 13.29
A Health Authority v X [2001] EWCA Civ 2014 ................................................... 4.47
A Local Authority v E [2012] EWHC 1639 (CoP) ................................................. 5.19
A v X (Disclosure: Non-party Medical Records) [2004] EWHC 447 .................... 4.36
A, B and C v Ireland (Appl 23379/05) Decision of the Grand Chamber,
16 December 2010 ........................................................................................... 13.34
A(A) v Medical Council [2003] IESC 70, [2003] 4 IR 302,
[2004] 1 ILRM 372 ............................................................................................ 2.65
AA v FF [2015] 142 ................................................................................................ 6.48
AA v Medical Council [2002] 3 IR 1, [2001] IEHC 211 ........................................ 2.42
AB v CD [2011] IEHC 543 ................................................................................... 10.35
AB v CD [2016] IEHC 541 ............................................................... 6.04, 15.04, 15.36
AB v Glasgow and West of Scotland Blood Transfusion Service
(1989) 15 BMLR 91 ................................................................................. 4.40, 4.46
AB v Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust [2004] EWHC 644 ..................................... 16.60
ABC v St George’s Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust [2017] EWCA 336 ........ 18.22
AB v Clinical Director of St Loman’s Hospital (3 May 2017), HC....................... 11.49
Adamcik [1977] 3 CCC (2d) 1 (BC CC) ............................................................... 12.14
Aerts v Belgium (1998) 29 EHRR 50 ................................................................... 11.56
Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v James [2013] UKSC 67,
[2013] All ER (D) 339 ..................................................................................... 15.17
Airedale NHS Trust v Bland [1993] AC 789, [1993] 1 All ER 821 ............ 6.09, 15.17
............................................................................................................... 15.36, 15.74
AK (Medical Treatment – Consent), Re [2001] 1 FLR 129 ................................. 15.49
Akpekpe v Medical Council [2013] IEHC 38 ......................................................... 2.74
Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 ................. 8.15
Aleksanyan v Russia (2008) 52 EHRR 18 ............................................................ 11.55
Allinson v General Council of Medical Education and Registration
(1894) 1 QB 750 ................................................................................................ 2.32
AM, Re [2017] IEHC 184 ...................................................................................... 11.61
AM v Kennedy [2007] IEHC 136, [2007] 4 IR 667 ............11.28, 11.32, 11.42–11.44
AMC v St Luke’s Hospital Clonmel [2007] IEHC 65,
[2007] 2 IR 814 .......................................................................... 11.21, 11.32, 11.42
An Bord Altranais v Ní Cheallaigh [1997] IEHC 186 ............................................ 2.49
Anachebe v Medical Council [2000] IEHC 193 ............................................ 2.14, 2.74
Andaloc v Iarnród Éireann and others [2014] 3 IR 516 .......................................... 9.76
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Table of Cases
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Table of Cases
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