5.2 Accessibility
To test the accessibility of our prototype, we com-
pared the vowel space plot of standard reference
and the vowel space plot of student test data. We (a) Standard reference of (b) Vowel space plot of user
continue to use the word “soap” here as an example. “soap” with arrow input-1 “soap” with arrow
Figures below show the results of MSA vocabulary
“soap” pronounced by the four anonymous students. Figure 8: The vowel space plot from standard reference
Students will see two vowel space plot from the and student1 with arrow
Figure 6 shows the overlay vowel space plot of and the pronunciation was good as well. However,
standard reference (blue crosses) and student1’s the starting point of the first vowel /ā/ was some-
pronunciation practice (red crosses). Since the key what higher than its standard reference. Hence, our
information from vowel space plot is the trend of suggestion for Student3 was to lower the starting
tongue movement, it is not necessary to compare position of the word “soap”.
the standard reference and students’ pronunciation
on the same vowel space plot. From Figure 7, stu-
dent1’s tongue should be drawn back instead of
moving it to the front of the oral cavity. The verti-
cal down-up movement of the tongue was correct.
Figure 8 shows the tongue movement with an arrow.
This is more readable and friendly for students to
help them perceive their tongue movement. (a) Standard reference “soap” (b) Vowel space plot of user
input-4 “soap”