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(eBook PDF) Business Administration 2nd Edition 2024 Scribd Download
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intelligence’, where the computer supports the jobholder to analyse, create, make decisions and use
good judgement – again, it’s the highly-trained professionals who will need to learn to work with
FEATURES WITHIN CHAPTERS computers). Remembering, making decisions and administrative tasks are all being automated. It’s all
about artificial intelligence automation, advanced robotics, redefined business models and new jobs.
Protect your career and employability from automisation. Work out what work you enjoy and
hone your non-programmable ‘hyper-human’ skills – such as caring, communicating, creating and
taking responsibility. Develop your emotional intelligence, imagination, innovation, networking,
social and team working skills and leave the defined, predictable, repetitive and structured work to
artificial intelligence – leave the boring work to computers.
… to find out what you need to learn
… for identifying system requirements
There are lots of ways you can identify your L&D needs.
Systems are the lifeblood of organisations – provided they guide operations efficiently and • Ask for feedback from your manager and others you work with.
effectively. • Assess your skills and knowledge against your job description, KRAs and measures of success.
• Before planning or reviewing any system, ensure that you know exactly what its users need • Assess your skills and knowledge against the relevant competencies.
and want it to do for them. • Observe role models and people doing a similar job to you and see what you can learn and
• Consider the systems that come before and after the system you’re designing or improving so need to learn.
that you can achieve a seamless flow of work, information and other resources. • Think about the direction you want your career to take and what you hope to be doing in, say,
• Your STAR measures of success give you goals as well as a way to monitor your system to three years’ time. What do you need to learn to make that happen?
ensure it works once it’s implemented. • Determine your L&D needs from your performance review and planning.
Top tips boxes highlight handy tips and Here’s how boxes illustrate how chapter
Identifying guidelines and options. Agree on some broad parameters by considering such questions as: you don’t know where you’re falling short, it’s hard to know where to concentrate your improvement
• What general type of supplier, system or procedure best meets the requirements? efforts.
• How can we align the supplier or system with the organisation’s requirements relating to its Particularly when you’re new in a job, it’s important to lubricate the communication channels. When
hints relevant to the chapter content.
vision, mission and relevant policies?
• How can the system be installed or put in place?
concepts can
you turn in work, check be
that it’s what applied
your manager wantsin practice.
or expects, and whether you could be doing
anything differently. Don’t wait to be told. Ask questions such as: ‘What am I doing well?’, ‘What can I do
• What change-over considerations, such as transfer of information and records, are there? to improve?’, ‘What am I doing that I shouldn’t be?’, ‘What aren’t I doing that I should be?’
• Who are the potential suppliers? Ask for specific, not vague, information. For example, ask: ‘What went well with the last board
• What procedure should be used to obtain tenders and quotations, and from whom? meeting I arranged?’, ‘Would you like me to do anything differently next time?’, ‘Was anything left
• What training is needed, who should arrange it and how should it be organised? out?’ (Ask one question at a time!) Questions such as these draw out better information than ‘How
For example, when you are developing a new filing system, before you can decide the method of did I do?’ or ‘Was everything alright?’
filing, you and your users need to answer a number of questions: What are the records used for? How Remember that some bosses find it difficult to make improvement suggestions because they see it
can they be controlled? Does the system need to control documents (for example, for access) from as criticism. Make it easy for people to give you feedback by keeping your mind open and don’t deny,
their creation to their disposition? Should the filing system be centralised or decentralised? Do the explain or excuse any improvement opportunities they mention. Ask questions to find out how you
users prefer a numerical or alphabetical filing arrangement, or a combination of both? Considerations can turn your ineffective actions into effective ones. Listen to the answer using the EARS formula
such as these tease out the guidelines to follow and options to consider. and the SO CLEAR body language explained on pages 57–60 and 65–67.
Because so many systems are available and each has advantages and disadvantages, it’s wise to
thoroughly research your options and get as much advice as you can. Whatever system you choose,
information, and adding value at each step through human effort and technology, to create other
products and services that go to the next step in the chain and, ultimately, to the end customer.
Each chain begins with the external suppliers of products and services and culminates with external
Notice that one or a few words are all it takes to describe a KRA. Notice, too, that they are in no
customers – the final purchaser or end user. Casual, full- and part-time employees and contractors add particular order of importance and a job holder may spend considerably more time on one KRA than
value at each step along the way. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, an organisation is only on another; nevertheless, they are all important.
as strong as its customer–supplier chains and the weakest teams and individuals that comprise them. Key result areas put all your tasks, even small and seemingly insignificant tasks, into context and
For more on the customer–supplier chain, see the Example box on page 86. give them meaning. What are your KRAs?
of concepts through real-world in the text when they are used for the first
… to make your measures of success really useful
… to build the customer service skills of employees time. theASTAR
Use full list
formula ofobjectives
to develop keythatterms make you shine:and definitions
They say that employees treat customers the way their leaders treat them. That’s not surprising, S Make them specific. This means measurable or quantifiable in some other way, which
really. When you’re a positive role model for caring for customers, you:
• greet each team member every morning; when you’re not pleasant to them, you can’t expect
is available in the glossary,
avoids confusion and disagreements about which
how well you can be
are doing your job.
T Specify timelines. Knowing how long an activity should take, by when it should be
them to be pleasant to your customers
found ataccomplished
the back
or how often aof the
task should book.
be done gives you something to aim for and
makes it easier and more likely that you complete it on time.
At the end of each chapter you will find several tools to help you to review, practise
and extend your knowledge of the key learning objectives.
CHAP TER 15 system and supporting documentation for the new cash van operation. The C-Vas project
Match the terms Design ing admini
stration system team has clearly specified the information it wants to capture to best meet the company’s
3 s 283
Selecting the system forward planning and monitoring needs, and has provided guidelines on how it wants it
1 Identifying system requirements or supplier
a provide ‘big picture’ principles to follow 4 Why do organ presented. This has made Sonja and her team’s job much easier.
1 Lead indicators are when designing a system.
isations have appro
4 Designing and ved suppliers? The proposed design is ready on time for Sonja to present to the project team. After
b a key purchasing principle. defining procedures suggesting a few minor refinements to make it more user-friendly, the team enthusiastically
2 Users, customers and clients are all 5 Write a standa for using new system
s congratulates her and her team for meeting its objectives so successfully.
c user expectations. rd operating proce
3 Needs, wants and ‘delighters’ are all person leaving it
to follow.
dure for securing
your office or your With the launch less than six weeks away, Sonja’s primary measure of success is to have
home for the last
the new system in place with a minimum of fuss and expense when the vans hit the road.
2 Identifying guidelines and options
d trading partnerships. BUILD YOU R Her two other key success measures are to ensure that all the drivers are able to operate
4 System guidelines and options SKILLS
e inviting specific suppliers to quote for the1 the system without error by the day of the launch and that the sales admin team is able
5 Approved suppliers are business.
Identifying system to retrieve and process the information correctly so that the distribution team can do its
1 You are asked forward planning.
to design an office
offices at the end layout for the marke Sonja has decided her best next step is to have a trial run with a month’s worth of mock
3 Selecting the system or supplier of the ting department
f names for the functions or teams you furniture and equipm month to another floor in the , which sales from two of the vans. With the help of two of the soon-to-be drivers and the regional
6 Select tendering is ent. You decide building; it is keepin is moving
design systems for. might be before to brainstorm what g its existing sales manager, she has designed a realistic scenario of sales for a four-week period for the
discussing with its needs, wants drivers to run through. They will be assisted as required by the trainer from the company
g measures of current performance. 2 the department and ‘delighters’
Identi . Conduct this brains
7 A decision matrix is a way of fying guidelines
and options torm now. that won the tender to design and supply the C-Vas system. Then Sonja, the trainer and her
h the precise steps to take to complete a 2 Draft
8 Value for money is as a list of
procedure and the order of those steps, 3 What type guidelines to discuss with the marke
team can run the figures to produce the monthly report and check it against their success
of purchasing or ting department measures.
well as success measures. investment are
each of the four from question 1
3 Selecting the To everyone’s delight, everything goes smoothly. This means that Sonja and her team
system or suppli types of purchasing above.
i assessing submissions objectively. er suited to? can confidently plan the steps needed to launch the new system.
9 Adversarial customer–supplier 4 What inform
ation would you
relationships are being replaced by metre office? What include in a tende
r document for Questions
5 What does information would refurnishing a 250
procedures for using new systems ‘value you ask to be included in submi square 1 List the steps Sonja and her team would have taken to progress the design to the stage of
4 Designing and defining for money’ mean
procedure specifies j those your company prefers to work4with. Desig ning
to you? Apply this
ssions? presenting their proposal to the C-Vas project team.
10 A standard operating and defining proce
dures for using
tion to selecting
office furniture. 2 Discuss the wisdom of holding a trial run. How else could the trial run have been
this chapter. 6 Develop a flow new systems
You can check your answers at the end of chart for makin
g a cup of coffee handled?
, downloading a
song or preparing
CHA LLEN GE an invoice.
1 Identifying
1 Identifying system requirements system requiremen
the boardroom. ts
purchase a coffee-making machine for 1 You are self-e 1. g | 2. f | 3. c | 4. a | 5. j | 6. e | 7. i | 8. b | 9. d | 10. h
1 The managing director asks you to 30 days. It must make mploy ed and
is to be operational in purchasing new have decided to
Your budget is up to $7000 and the machine take to equipment and redecorate your
home office in a
and clean. Outline the steps you would 2 Identi furniture. What spare bedroom,
excellent coffee and be easy to operate fying guidelines are your needs,
wants and ‘deligh
and options
ensure your client is fully satisfied. 2 What guidel ters’?
ines would you follow
and what would
2 Identifying guidelines and options you could use to help
refurnish your ideal
you home office? your options be
discuss the broad parameters 3 Research the eleme to redecorate and
2 Select an administration system and nts of an innova
for furnis hing an innovative tive workin
redesign or upgrade it. are g environment and
purpose of discussing guidelines and options with the user group that3youSelect office space to
accom moda
develop some guidel
3 What is the ing the system
or supplier te 12 people.
designing an administration system for? 4 Discuss and
contrast advers
partnerships. Which arial supplier relatio
do nships with the
organisation? Would you feel is best for the long-t concept of tradin
you take into accou erm viability of the
processes and produ nt the sustainabilit purchasing
cts? What about y of the supplier’s
4 Designing and making a one-o manufacturing
defining procedures ff purchase? Explai
for using new system n your reasons.
5 Write a standa s
rd operating proce
sided document dure for printing,
on company letterh collating and staplin
6 Write a standa ead. g a 100-page, double
03/05/17 rd opera
11:30 AM
ting procedure - BK-CLA-COLE_2E-170021-Chp15.indd 284 03/05/17 11:30 AM
for clearing a paper
282 jam in a photocopier
.indd 283
03/05/17 11:30
Test your knowledge and consolidate your learning Analyse in-depth Case studies
through the Revision questions, and the Check your that present issues in context,
understanding, Build your skills and Challenge encouraging you to integrate and
yourself activities. apply the concepts discussed in the
chapter to the workplace.
Cengage Learning is pleased to provide you with a selection of resources that will
help you prepare your lectures and assessments. These teaching tools
are accessible via cengage.com.au/instructors for Australia or
cengage.co.nz/instructors for New Zealand.
The Solutions manual provides detailed solutions to every question in the text.
Use the chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint slides to enhance your lecture
presentations and handouts by reinforcing the key principles of your subject.
The Mapping grids are simple grids that show how the content of this book
relates to the units of competency needed to complete the BSB40515 Certificate
IV in Business Administration and BSB50415 Diploma of Business Administration.
Assign your students in-depth Case studies that present issues in context,
encouraging them to integrate and apply the concepts discussed in the chapter
to the workplace and form their own decisions.
A number of professional business administrators have shared their experiences and skills in
organising and administering a modern Australian office. Their input has helped to make this book
up-to-date and practical. I would particularly like to thank Gill Kearns for always being there when
I needed clarification, information and ideas. I would also like to thank Matthew Coxhill and Jim
Hayward for their generous advice and ideas.
Finally, a big thank you to Cengage. Sophie Kaliniecki, Carly Slater, Sylvia Marson, Amelia
Fellows-Blaskett and the entire Cengage team have once again been a pleasure to work with. Thank
you all for your ideas and your patience, and for adding so much value to this book.
Publisher’s acknowledgements
The author and Cengage would like to thank the following reviewers for their incisive and helpful
• Vivian Lobo – American College
• Paul Laurent – Hunter TAFE
• Michael McQuillen – Inner Eastern Group Training
• Vera Maljevac – Kangan Institute
• Karen Artis – TAFE QLD east coast
• Robert Broggian – Ashton College
• Mariki Farrell – Wellington Institute of Technology
• Sharen Cameron – Success Management Strategies
• Rosita Thomas – Whitireia Polytechnic
• Jim Hayward – TAFE SA
• Matthew Coxhill – Fishtail Education
• Management Theory and Practice, 6th edition, Cengage Learning, Melbourne, 2016.
• The Supervisor’s Survival Guide, Woodslane, NSW, 2014.
• Leadership for Dummies, Wiley Publishing Australia, Brisbane, 2008.
• Making Time Work for You, Fishtail Publishing, Queensland, 2007. (Also available in
Bahasa Malay)
• Workplace Relations in Australia, Pearson Education, Sydney, 2007.
• Call Centre Communication: How to Make Each and Every Call a First-Rate Experience,
East West Books (Madras) Pvt Ltd, 2003.
• The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Clear Communication, Alpha Books, Pearson Education,
Sydney, 2002.
• Make Time Work for You, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
• The Manager’s Survival Guide, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
• Crystal Clear Communication: Skills for Understanding and Being Understood, Prentice Hall,
Sydney, first edition 1993; second edition 2000. (Also available in Mandarin, German, Arabic,
Tamil, Bahasa Indonesian and Farsi)
Part 1 covers the personal skills you need to excel. You find out how to use a simple system to identify
and manage your work priorities and invest your time and energy efficiently and effectively. You
discover how to build networks, gracefully hurdle organisational politics and ‘put the icing on the
cake’ of your workplace relationships to work well with people. You find out how the way you think
helps you succeed or holds you back, how to build a career that suits you and capitalises on your
strengths, and how to build your professional image, knowledge and skills.
The all-important skill of communicating verbally and non-verbally to individuals and groups as
well as in writing comes next. Then you find out how to turn arguments into agreements. The ‘big
finale’ of Part 1 is how to lead and participate in those ever-present meetings. Once you have these
skills behind you, you’re set to shine.
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1 how to establish your work goals and priorities?
2 how to invest your time effectively?
3 how to invest your time efficiently?
CHAPTER 1 Managing your work priorities 3
You’re paid to do a job. And unless your manager sits on your shoulder and tells you what to do and
when to do it, you need to make decisions for yourself. Working on the wrong tasks or unnecessary
tasks is a waste of time and effort. But what are the ‘right’ tasks?
When you identify those right tasks and achieve your objectives, you are working effectively. You’re
helping your organisation to achieve its broader objectives and you serve as a positive role model to those
around you, especially your work team. Once you’re working on the ‘right things’, you can polish your
performance by doing ‘things right’. When you do ‘things right’, you’re working efficiently.
This chapter explains how to make the right decisions about what to do now, what to do later and what
not to do at all. That way, you don’t constantly spin your wheels and work hard, but for few results. Instead,
you work mindfully and purposefully, adding value to your job, your team and your organisation.
Plan to have several attempts at writing your job purpose statement in order to polish it to perfection.
Once you ‘get it right’, you have a clear and motivating overview of your job and why it exists.
Notice that one or a few words are all it takes to describe a KRA. Notice, too, that they are in no
particular order of importance and a job holder may spend considerably more time on one KRA than
on another; nevertheless, they are all important.
Key result areas put all your tasks, even small and seemingly insignificant tasks, into context and
give them meaning. What are your KRAs?
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
… to make your measures of success really useful
Use the STAR formula to develop objectives that make you shine:
S Make them specific. This means measurable or quantifiable in some other way, which
avoids confusion and disagreements about how well you are doing your job.
T Specify timelines. Knowing how long an activity should take, by when it should be
accomplished or how often a task should be done gives you something to aim for and
makes it easier and more likely that you complete it on time.
CHAPTER 1 Managing your work priorities 5
A Make sure you can quickly, easily and inexpensively assemble the monitoring
information. If it’s too time-consuming, too difficult or too costly to keep an eye on
your agreed deliverables, you won’t bother. This means you can’t know how you’re
doing until it’s too late and you could end up shutting the proverbial stable door after
the horse has bolted.
R Make sure they are realistic. There is no point in agreeing to strive for a target that you can’t
possibly reach. The best targets are challenging and help you work at your ‘cutting edge’.
For a continuous improvement KRA, for example, you may decide to aim to make five small
adjustments to systems and procedures that save time, money or effort, or that increase reliability,
every year. For a meeting documentation KRA, you may set a goal to distribute the documentation a
specific number of working days before each meeting. For a stationery stock management KRA, you
might set maximum and minimum stock holding limits to work within.
Measures of success for some KRAs can be trickier to nail down. Take leadership, for example.
You may decide that developing a successor by the end of the year is important to the organisation;
or perhaps absenteeism is a problem and you may set a goal to increase attendance in your team by
20 per cent over the next 12 months; perhaps teamwork is a key organisational value and you decide
to work out a way to measure how well your department functions as a cooperative, cohesive team.
What are some ways you know you are successful in your KRAs?
Once you’ve written your job purpose and know your KRAs and measures of success, you know
what the ‘right things’ to concentrate on are. You can buckle down and work effectively.
… for getting to grips with your job
Give your boss and your team members confidence in your abilities by knowing, and acting
according to, your job purpose and achieving goals in your KRAs.
• Craft a job purpose statement that can motivate you to do your best every day.
• Combine your duties and responsibilities into KRAs so you have a clear overview of your role.
• Use the STAR formula and lead indicators to measure your success.
• Keep measures of success positive, not negative.
Your calendar
Your calendar gives you a weekly or monthly overview of your commitments. You can also use it to
block out periods of ‘focus time’ to concentrate on high-priority activities and projects and, when
you make your calendar available to your team and your manager, they know not to disturb you
unless the matter is urgent. Think about scheduling time for other activities, too, such as ‘phone time’
to return and make calls.
Colour-coding your calendar helps you see at a glance what you want to do. You can use a different
colour for each KRA and add additional colours for other main groups of work, such as meetings and
personal activities. You can set reminders of upcoming events to appear on your computer screen at
a suitable time and, on hectic days, you can list your upcoming daily events on your screen.
88. Sulla guerra sociale, cfr. App., B. C., I, 39-53; Diod., 37, 2, 4-14.
90. Sulle due tradizioni, cfr. Vell. Pat., 2, 20; App., B. C., I, 49.
91. App. (Mithr., 22-23) dice 80.000; Plut. (Sylla, 24) 150.000.
Sull’immigrazione italica in Asia, cfr. la descrizione di Cic., De lege
Manilia, 7, 17 sgg.