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ADM NUMBER........................DATE.......................... SIGN..............

1. State the importance of the following practices in preparation of temporary
slide. (3marks)
I) Adding iodine solution.


II) lowering the cover slip gently on the slide.


III) Using a sharp razor blade.


2. Students measured the length of wing of an insect and found it to be

3.6cm. If the students made a drawing of the wing whose drawing
magnification was X3. Find the length of the wing drawn. (3marks)

3. Define the following terms.

a) Organ


b) Species.


c)Cell physiology


4. State what each of the following branches of biology deals with: (4marks)
a) Biochemistry.


b) Histology.___________________________________________________
c) Cytology.___________________________________________________
d) Mycology.__________________________________________________
5. In an experiment to examine the epidermal cells of an onion leaf, students
counted 6cells on the following microscope field of view. Find the diameter
of one cell. (3marks)
6.In a practical, students made 5 strips from a potato whose cell sap salt
concentration was 34.5% . They then placed the strips in solutions A, B, C , D and
E whose salt concentrations were 22%, 26.8%, 34.5%, 37.8% and 41.1%
respectively. .

a) State observations made on the strips placed in solutions B and C.

b) Identify the solution that is isotonic to the potato used. (1mark)


c) Identify one solution in which the potato strip becomes: ( 2marks)

I) Flaccid___________________________________________________
II) Firm_____________________________________________________
6. State the function of the following cell organelles:
a) Centrioles.__________________________________________________
b) Sap vacuole.
c) Lysosome___________________________________________________
d) Vesicle_____________________________________________________
7. Explain the following characteristics of living organisms:
a) Respiration


b) Irritability.


8. Distinguish between magnification and resolution. (2marks)


10 State three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell. (3marks)

Plant cell Animal cell

11 Name the tissue that perform the following functions.

a) Form new cells in
b) Transport water and manufactured food.____________________________
c) Manufacture

12 The following diagram illustrates an experimental set up by form one students.

a) Name the physiological process under investigation. (1mark)


b) State observations made after 20 minutes. (2marks)


c) Account for the onservations made in (b) above. (2marks)


13The following is a diagram of an instrument used in laboratories.

a) State the use of the instrument. (1mark)


b) State the function of the part L. (1mark)


c) Name the parts labelled M and N. (2marks)


14. Name any two types of cells in plants. (2marks)


15. The following is a diagram of a certain cell organelle.

a) Name the organelle. (1mark)


b) Name parts labelled F and G. (1mark)


c) State the function of the cell organelle. (1mark)


16.Name three cell organelles present in an animal cell as seen under an electron
microscope but absent in animal cell seen under a light microscope.


17.State three importance of classification. (3marks)


18.Name three skills gained from the study of biology. (3marks)


19.Name the apparatus suitable for: (3marks)

a)Picking up wasps

b)Trapping small water animals.


c)Sucking insects from surfaces of rocks.


20. State two roles of osmosis in plants. (2marks)


21. Name the cells which carry out the following functions: (3marks)


b) Transport
c) Control opening and closing of stomata._____________________________

22.A group of students set up an experiment as shown below to investigate a

certain physiological process.

a) What physiological process were they investigating? (1mark)


b) State observations made in the experiment after sometime. (2marks)


c) Account for the observations in (b) above. (2marks)


d) Suggest the results that the students would would obtain if they repeated
the experiment using a piece of boiled pawpaw. (1marks)



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