Keywords: This work discusses the influence of different metal hydride storage bed configurations. The objective was to
Solid-state hydrogen storage design and optimize a solid-state hydrogen storage for a nonpolluting mobility.
Numerical MATLAB based simulation A study of the absorption and desorption dynamics of a loose powder bed was performed first, followed by
AB2 three different storage bed configurations: compacted Ti-Mn alloy powder, alternated Ti-Mn alloy compacts with
Heat and mass transfer
stainless steel fins and compacted [Ti-Mn alloy/Stainless steel] powder mixture. A numerical model was de-
Hydrogen storage bed design
veloped to simulate the heat transfer and the hydrogen absorption and desorption rates.
The alternation and compact mixture configurations gave better heat transfer efficiencies, absorption and
desorption rates and increased hydrogen storage densities. Indeed, an efficient heat transfer (between the tank
and its surrounding fluid), a tailored porosity of the metal hydride storage bed and the addition of high thermal
conductivity materials allowed the overall storage performance to be improved. Thus, the required time for
loading/unloading hydrogen was reduced drastically. The alternation configuration would offer the additional
advantage of a simple, inexpensive and efficient recycling procedure.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Saleh).
Received 19 July 2019; Received in revised form 16 October 2019; Accepted 16 October 2019
2352-152X/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
a pressure comparable to the operating pressure of an electrolyzer transfer phenomena. The objective of this work was to compare dif-
(about 10 bar) [15,16] and an unloading at the pressure of a fuel cell ferent heat transfer enhancement techniques in order to optimize the
(about 2 bar) [17,18] are sought. hydrogen storage tank dynamics. For this purpose, different config-
A large number of applications of metal hydride tanks has been urations of the AB2 Ti-Mn alloy storage bed were discussed and ana-
reported in the literature. Bellosta von Colbe et al. [19] proposed a lyzed.
summary of metal hydrides applications for hydrogen storage and This work is based on the results published by Herbrig et al. [36].
compression. For stationary applications, the weight of the tank does The material chosen for the simulation of the absorption and desorption
not represent a technological barrier. Consequently, the tank weight tests is a titanium-manganese alloy with the following chemical formula
only depends on the hydrogen amount which is needed to be stored. For Ti0.95Zr0.05Mn1.48Fe0.08Al0.01 (AB2 type). This Ti-Mn alloy is also com-
off-grid systems (stand-alone power systems), metal hydride systems mercially called Hydralloy C5 [37–40]. It can reach a gravimetric hy-
can be a support for the integration of renewable energy sources (wind drogen storage capacity of about 1.8 wt% at room temperature [36].
energy, photovoltaic energy, hydroelectric energy, etc.). Bielmann et al. The large volumetric capacity of this metal hydride is also an asset for
[20] proposed an energy system for isolated sites and remote areas. This automotive applications regarding the applicable volume constraints. A
energy system included an AB5 type metal hydride and a Li-ion battery. 2D axisymmetric numerical model was developed on MATLAB to study
Song et al. [21] tested a 12 kg hydrogen storage tank for a mobile light the limiting mechanism, which was either the external heat transfer
tower used on construction sites. Finally, metal hydride tanks could also (convective mechanism between the tank and the coolant fluid) or the
play a role in the development of smart-grid energy storage [22–26] internal heat transfer (conductive mechanism in the metal hydride
and as a compressor [27–29]. bed). For this purpose, different simulations were performed:
Heat transfer management is a major factor in order to control the
hydrogen loading and unloading times of a storage tank. Afzal et al. - First, the model was validated by comparison with the experimental
[30,31] carried out a study that groups together different heat transfer results published by Herbrig et al. [36];
techniques: improvement of the thermal conductivity by inclusion of - Second, the influence of the external heat transfer was studied, by
ENG in the metal hydride bed; increase of the heat transfer area by modifying the heat transfer coefficient h (convective heat transfer
addition of fins and cooling tubes (to improve internal heat transfer); between the tank walls and the coolant fluid). Hydrogen absorption
improvement of the external heat transfer by increasing the mass flow and desorption simulations were performed on the reference con-
rate of the heat transfer fluid, etc. Bhogilla et al. [32] designed a cy- figuration (“Reference”), which corresponds to a loose metal hy-
lindrical tank with a coil-shaped heat exchanger inside. This allows heat dride powder bed;
transfer from the system directly to the hydride bed without, passing - Third, different internal heat transfer enhancement techniques were
through the outer wall (elimination of the external heat transfer re- simulated (compaction and/or addition of a high thermal con-
sistance). The use of heat transfer tubes inside the tank was also studied ductivity material). The reference configuration (“Reference”) was
by Ranong et al. [33] to show the effect of the number of tubes on heat compared to 3 metal hydride bed configurations: “Compact”,
transfer and thus on the time required for loading and unloading hy- “Alternation” and “Compact mixture”. The comparison was based
drogen. Mellouli et al. [34] and Dhaou et al. [35] studied the effect of a on the absorption rate (apparent kinetics) as well as the total hy-
coil heat exchanger but also analyzed the effect of adding aluminum drogen storage capacity;
fins. This last technique allows a 50% performance increase compared - Finally, the Alternation configuration (alternation of metal hydride
to a basic tank configuration. In these studies, heat transfer enhance- compacts and stainless steel fins) was found to offer a good com-
ment techniques were studied experimentally and numerically. The promise between the total hydrogen storage capacity, the absorption
comparison of these techniques is required to choose and optimize the rate and ease of implementation. This configuration was used to
appropriate technique for a given storage system. analyze the influence of the 2 main operating parameters, i.e.,
This study focuses on the modeling and comparison of different temperature and pressure.
configurations of an AB2 Ti-Mn alloy storage bed. The hydrogen ab-
sorption (desorption) reaction of the AB2 metal hydride alloy is fast and It should be noted that the simulation of multi-material configura-
the temperature can increase (decrease) rapidly at the beginning of the tions for heat transfer enhancement (Alternation and Compact mixture)
reaction. Therefore, the apparent kinetics is frequently limited by heat represents a novelty in this work. It shows the role of a high thermal
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
conductivity materials on the improvement of the hydrogen storage (ρs Cps )e = [βv ρsteel Cpsteel + (1 − βv ) ρMH CpMH ] (4)
where βv is the volumetric fraction of stainless steel in the storage bed.
2. Model description and validation The effective thermal conductivity can be calculated as:
Mg ⎛ ∂Pg Pg ∂T ⎞ K →
- The model is axisymmetric in a cylindrical coordinate system (r, z). ε ⎜ − =
⎟ div (ρg ∇ P ) − m˙
- At any location, the temperatures of the solid materials and the gas R T ⎝ ∂t T ∂t ⎠ μg (11)
are assumed to be equal (local thermal equilibrium).
- The convective heat transfer (trough the porous medium) is negli- The solid mass balance is given by:
gible. ∂ρs
- Hydrogen behaves like an ideal gas. (1 − ε ) = m˙
∂t (12)
- The expansion (contraction) of the metal hydride during hydro-
genation (dehydrogenation) is not taken into account. where ṁ corresponds to the source term of the reaction and ρs is the
- The porosity and thermal conductivity are uniform and their var- density of the metal hydride. The source term ṁ takes a different ex-
iation with the absorption and desorption processes are neglected. pression for absorption and desorption.
The amount of hydrogen absorbed by the metal over time is directly
It is important to point out that the model considers different phy- related to the hydrogenation kinetics, expressed as:
sical parameters for each material involved (metal hydride storage bed,
tank walls, etc.). For the ease of understanding, the equations given
below concern only the metal hydride storage bed.
Taking the hypothesis of local thermal equilibrium between the gas
and the solid materials, a single equation of the energy balance is ap-
∂T 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
(ρCp)e − rke − ke = −m˙ [ΔH + T (Cpg − Cps )]
∂t r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠
where T is the temperature, (ρCp)e is the effective thermal capacity, ke is
the effective thermal conductivity, ṁ is the source/sink term, ΔH is the
enthalpy of reaction, Cpg and Cps are respectively the thermal capacities
of the gas and the solid.
Since the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions within the
hydride bed are exothermic (ΔH < 0) and endothermic (ΔH > 0), re-
spectively, heat is produced or consumed. Therefore, a source/sink
term related to absorption/desorption ṁ is added to the energy balance
The effective heat capacity can be expressed as: Fig. 1. Simplified schematic diagram of the metal hydride tank used for the
simulations (Points A and B refer to the temperature probe positions, ‘core’ and
(ρCp)e = [ερg Cpg + (1 − ε ) ρs Cps] (3) ‘border’, respectively).
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
E Pg ⎞ - Initial conditions:
m˙ abs = Ca exp ⎛− a ⎞ ln ⎜⎛ ⎟ (ρsat − ρs )
⎝ RT ⎠ ⎝ Peq _ abs ⎠ (13) T (r , z , t = 0) = Tinitial (17)
where Ca is the absorption kinetic constant (which depends on the
material used for hydrogen storage), Ea is the activation energy for - Boundary conditions:
absorption, ρsat is the density of the saturated metal hydride (i.e., when
dT (r = R, z , t ) h
it has absorbed all the hydrogen that may be reversibly absorbed at a = (Tf − T (r = R, z , t ))
given hydrogen pressure and temperature) and Peq _ abs is the equilibrium dr ke (18)
pressure for absorption.
Similarly, the amount of hydrogen desorbed by the metal over time
is directly related to the metal desorption kinetics, expressed by: dT (r = 0, z , t )
dr (19)
E Pg − Peq _ des
m˙ des = Cd exp ⎛− d ⎞ (ρs − ρemp )
⎝ RT ⎠ Peq _ des (14)
where Cd is the desorption kinetic constant, Ed is the activation energy where h is the heat transfer coefficient and Tf is the temperature of the
for desorption, ρemp is the density of the metal hydride when it has heating/cooling fluid surrounding the tank.
desorbed all the hydrogen which can be reversibly desorbed and Peq _ des
is the equilibrium pressure for desorption. It should be noted that the 2.3. Model validation
equilibrium pressure for absorption and desorption are given by Eqs.
(21) and (22) in the study of Herbrig et al. [36]. The same parameters and simulation conditions as those defined by
The hydrogen content is expressed as: Herbrig et al. [36] were used to validate the mathematical model de-
ρs − ρemp veloped in the present work. A hydrogen loading simulation was re-
wt = produced and compared to the experimental results published by Her-
ρs (15)
brig et al. [36]. The cooling fluid temperature was set to 50 ∘C and the
The conversion (or reacted fraction) is defined as: hydrogen pressure was 40 bar (Fig. 2). The key parameters of the si-
wt − wt0 mulation are shown in the Table 1.
Conversion = As shown in Fig. 2, the results of the simulation are in good
wtmax − wt0 (16)
agreement with those given by Herbrig et al. [36], with an acceptable
where wt0 is the initial hydrogen content (before absorption) and wtmax deviation. The same temperature evolution, which reaches a maximum
is the hydrogen content of the metal hydride after complete absorption temperature (since the reaction is exothermic) to finally decrease until
(i.e., for the fully hydrogenated metal hydride). reaching the cooling temperature, is observed. At the end of the reac-
The hydrogen is introduced axially inside the hydride bed through a tion (experimental results), there is a flexion point which is also visible
porous filter. The initial and boundary conditions can be expressed as in the simulation results. This point is the consequence of the end of the
follows: reaction. The simulated temperature is generally higher than the
Fig. 2. Simulation results for the temperature (point A in Fig. 1) and conversion as a function of time during hydrogenation at 40 bar and 50 °C, in comparison with
experimental results of Herbrig et al. [36].
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
compacting pressure of the compact of configurations 2 and 3) and a comparison was based on the absorption rate (apparent kinetics) as
permeability of 7.5 10−15m2 [36]. The thermal conductivity of this well as the total hydrogen storage capacity;
compacted mixture is calculated according to Eqs. (5) and ((6). - Finally, the Alternation configuration was found to offer a good
The loading and unloading conditions are the same for all simula- compromise between the total hydrogen storage capacity, the ab-
tions: the loading (unloading) is performed under isothermal condition sorption rate and ease of implementation. This configuration was
at 50∘C and an inlet pressure of 40 bar (1 bar). The heat transfer coef- used to analyze the influence of the 2 main operating parameters,
ficient is h = 500 W/(m2. K) [36]. i.e., temperature and pressure.
One of the major controlling parameters of the solid hydrogen sto- The influence of the heat transfer coefficient h between the storage
rage process is the heat transfer in/to the metal hydride bed. Indeed, tank and the temperature-controlled bath (surrounding the tank) is
from the thermodynamics point of view, the hydrogenation reaction presented in this section. The range of values was chosen between 100
can be limited without improvement of the heat transfer. To study and 3000 W/(m2 K) [36]. For comparison, the heat transfer coefficient
which heat transfer resistance is limiting the apparent kinetics, various of an air-cooled system under natural convection is between 2 and
simulations on different configurations of the metal hydride bed were 25 W/(m2 K), which can be improved up to 25 to 250 W/(m2 K) under
performed: forced convection. Using oil as a cooling liquid, the effect is even more
pronounced with 50 to 2000 W/(m2 K) under forced convection [47]. In
- First, the influence of the external heat transfer was studied, by a nutshell, the improvement of the external heat transfer can be done by
modifying the heat transfer coefficient h (convective heat transfer an appropriate choice of the applied cooling / heating method (natural
between the tank walls and the coolant fluid). Hydrogen absorption or forced) and the used cooling fluid (air, water, oil, etc.).
and desorption simulations were performed on the Reference con- Fig. 4a shows the evolution of the temperature as a function of time
figuration; (P = 40 bar , Tf = 50 ∘C ). At first, the temperature increases rapidly
- Second, the different internal heat transfer enhancement techniques to reach a maximum value, followed by a slow decrease approaching
were simulated. The Reference configuration was compared to the the cooling temperature Tf. The temperature increases as a result of the
Compact, Alternation and Compact mixture configurations. The exothermicity of the reaction. The cooling of the tank allows the
Fig. 4. Simulation results of the Reference configuration, (a) Temperature at the core of the metal hydride bed (point A in Fig. 1), (b) Reacted fraction during
hydrogenation at 40 bar and 50 °C, (c) Temperature at the core of the metal hydride bed, (d) Reacted fraction during dehydrogenation at 1 bar and 50 °C for different
heat transfer coefficient values.
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
temperature lowering of the metal hydride powder bed. Fig. 4b shows Compact, Alternation and Compact mixture configurations are stu-
the evolution of the conversion (or reacted fraction) as a function of died (with h = 500 W/(m2 K) , [36]). The simulation results are pre-
time. By increasing the value of the heat transfer coefficient, the reac- sented in Fig. 6 and summarized in Table 2 (t90% _ abs , t90% _ des and total
tion time for both absorption and desorption decreases. Interestingly, amount of hydrogen stored).
the external heat transfer coefficient value has a negligible influence on For mobile applications, it is important that the hydrogen loading/
the magnitude of the peak temperature. However, for large heat unloading is done as quickly as possible. In this part of the work, the
transfer coefficients (h), the return of the hydride bed temperature to management of the internal heat transfer was studied for the loading
the cooling temperature Tf is faster (Fig. 4a), which leads to a faster step. The same conclusions would also be valid for the unloading step.
hydrogen absorption (Fig. 4b). These results also indicate that the in-
ternal heat transfer is a limiting factor.
The time required to reach 90% reacted fraction (conversion) 4.2.1. Configuration 2: “Compact”
during absorption and 10% reacted fraction (conversion) during deso- Powder compaction allows a higher effective thermal conductivity
rption can be used to characterize the overall system dynamics (noted and also substantially increases the amount of hydrogen that can be
t90% _abs and t90% _des for absorption and desorption, respectively). These stored in the tank. Indeed, compacting the metal hydride powder leads
2 characteristic times obtained from the simulation results are pre- to a higher apparent density of the metal hydride bed. Consequently,
sented in Fig. 5. The results show that there is a decrease in the loading more metal hydride can be placed in the same tank volume, which
time t90% _abs when increasing the heat transfer coefficient: for example, increases the amount of hydrogen that can be stored in the tank.
668 s for a coefficient of h = 100 W/(m2 K) and 344 s for The simulation results (Fig. 6) show that by compacting the powder
h = 3000 W/(m2 K) . For desorption (Fig. 4c and d), the increase of the and reducing the porosity of the metal hydride bed, the peak tem-
heat transfer coefficient has a smaller effect on the unloading time t90% perature during hydrogen loading is less important (from 94 ∘C for the
_des. for example, 372 s for a coefficient of h = 100 W/(m K) and 246 s Reference configuration to 88 ∘C for the Compact configuration). The
for h = 3000 W/(m K) . characteristic absorption time t90% _ abs is increased, from 404 s for the
Between h = 100 W/(m2 K) and h = 500 W/(m2 K) , the increase of Reference configuration to 805 s for the Compact configuration. This
the heat transfer coefficient leads to a faster apparent kinetics. Above a can be explained by the higher total metal hydride mass (Compact
value of 500 W/(m2 K), no significant influence of the external heat configuration), which increases the amount of hydrogen that can be
transfer on the apparent kinetics is observed. Even with a 6-fold in- stored in the tank and provokes a longer loading time.
crease of this value, the time required to reach t90% _abs is not sig- For the same quantity of hydrogen stored, the second configuration
nificantly reduced. It passes from t90% _ abs = 405 s for a heat transfer is more efficient from the point of view of apparent kinetics. For ex-
coefficient h = 500 W/(m2 K) to t90% _ abs = 344 s for a heat transfer ample, for the Reference configuration, 4.53 g of hydrogen are stored
coefficient h = 3000 W/(m2 K) . in the tank at t90% _ abs (= 404 s ). For the Compact configuration, the
Overall, these results show that above a value of 500 W/(m2 K), the tank only needs 44 s to store the same amount of hydrogen.
internal heat transfer becomes the rate limiting step of the absorption The effective thermal conductivity of the hydride bed is increased
and desorption processes. This conclusion can be explained by the poor by 22%, from 1 W/(m K) for the Reference configuration (loose
thermal conductivity of the hydride powder. Therefore, the improve- powder) to 1.22 W/(m.K) for the Compact configuration (compacted
ment of the internal heat transfer should be investigated by examining powder) [36]. At the same time, the storage capacity increases from
different configurations corresponding to different effective thermal 5.05 g to 11.55 g (+130%). This necessitates to withdraw much more
conductivities of the hydride bed. heat during the reaction. The increase of the effective thermal con-
ductivity of the hydride bed alone is not sufficient to compensate for the
increase of the heat released by the hydrogenation reaction. For this
4.2. Management of the internal heat transfer
reason, the addition of fins in the metal hydride bed (configuration 3:
Alternation) is considered in the following section, to further improve
The reduction of the porosity (compaction) of the storage bed and/
the internal heat transfer.
or addition of a material with high thermal conductivity is suitable to
tailor the internal heat transfer characteristics. For this purpose, the
Fig. 5. Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation times (t90%) of the Ti-Mn alloy tank system for different heat transfer coefficient values.
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
Fig. 6. Simulation results for the different storage bed configurations, (a) Temperature at the core of the metal hydride bed (point A in Fig. 1), (b) Reacted fraction
during hydrogenation at 40 bar and 50 °C.
Table 2
Characteristic times (t90%_abs, t90%_des) and total amount of hydrogen stored for the different tank configurations.
Configuration t90%_abs [s] hydrogenation t90%_des [s] dehydrogenation mMH [g] mbed [g] mH2_tot [g]
4.2.2. Configuration 3: “Alternation” efficient from the point of view of apparent kinetics. In summary, the
The effect of the additional fins on the absorption behavior of the Alternation configuration allows better heat transfer characteristics,
metal hydride bed was tested by performing absorption simulations. As higher absorption rates (hydrogen loading rates) as well as a larger
shown in Fig. 6, the addition of fins in the “Alternation” configuration hydrogen storage capacity.
allows a faster heat dissipation. Indeed, it is observed that the peak
temperature measured during absorption is significantly reduced. In-
itially, the absorption rate is higher than the heat transfer rate, and as a 4.2.3. Configuration 4: “Compact mixture”
For the Compact mixture configuration, the absorption simulation
result, most of the energy released due to hydrogen absorption is ab-
sorbed by the hydride bed itself, which leads to a sudden rise in the bed (Fig. 6) shows a temperature profile which is broadly similar to the
other configurations (fast increase until a peak temperature, followed
temperature. Then, the bed temperature gradually decreases as the
energy released by the reaction reaches the tank walls (external heat by a slow decrease approaching the cooling temperature). However, the
temperature level is different. In this case, the peak temperature is si-
transfer between the tank walls and coolant fluid). The addition of fins
involves the addition of heat transfer surface area into the metal hy- milar to the one observed for the Alternation configuration, i.e.,
around 80 ∘C. The homogeneous distribution of the steel powder in the
dride system. It improves the effective heat transfer characteristics by
providing high thermal conductivity paths. It has a significant impact metal hydride compacts allows an important increase of the effective
thermal conductivity compared to the thermal conductivity of the metal
upon the performance of the reactor.
The second and the third configurations (Compact and Alternation hydride compacts alone (i.e., without addition of stainless steel
configurations) can store approximately the same amount of hydrogen powder). The cooling of the compact following the increase of the
(around 11 g). temperature is much faster than for any other configuration. Thus, 90%
However, the characteristic absorption time t90% _ abs is significantly conversion is achieved in 312 s (t90% _ abs ). The addition of stainless steel
powder improves the performance of the reactor, leading to better in-
reduced, from 805 s for the Compact configuration to 535 s for the
Alternation configuration. Therefore, this third configuration is more ternal heat transfer and thereby reduces the bed temperature as ob-
served in Fig. 6.a. Also, the stainless steel powder leads to a more even
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
Fig. 7. Simulation results for the Alternation configuration, (a) Temperature and (b) Conversion as a function of time for different hydrogen pressures, (c)
Temperature and (d) Conversion as a function of time for different cooling fluid temperatures.
M.S. Manai, et al. Journal of Energy Storage 26 (2019) 101024
Fig. 8. Hydrogen storage capacity for the Alternation configuration at various operating conditions.
Regarding the influence of the hydrogen pressure (Pg), the simula- Finally, it should be noted that the reference operating conditions
tion results show that: (40 bar and 50 ∘C) chosen in this work are reasonable as they allow a
high hydrogen capacity (Fig. 8).
- The hydrogen storage capacity (Fig. 8) is larger when the pressure
increases (in agreement with the absorption isotherms described by
Eqs. (21) and (22) in the study of Herbrig et al. [36]). This storage 5. Conclusion
capacity increase is significant between 25 and 35 bar, but is small
above 35 bar; A MATLAB based model was developed to simulate the hydro-
- The hydrogen absorption rate (Fig. 7b) is faster at high pressures. genation and dehydrogenation of an AB2 metal hydride contained in a
This result is in agreement with the hydrogenation kinetics hydrogen storage tank. This 2D axisymmetric model allowed the si-
(Eq. (13)) which shows that ṁabs increases for a larger pressure (Pg); mulation of hydrogen absorption and desorption for various tank con-
- The peak temperature observed at the beginning of the hydrogen figurations, corresponding to different heat transfer enhancement
absorption is also larger at high pressures (Fig. 7a). As the hydrogen techniques (powder compaction and/or addition of high thermal con-
absorption rate is faster, the heat release is also more important ductivity materials). The challenge was to obtain fast apparent ab-
which leads to a higher peak temperature. sorption and desorption rates, through better internal and external heat
transfer management, while maintaining a large hydrogen volumetric
Regarding the influence of the initial and cooling fluid temperature capacity. The first configuration composed of a loose Ti-Mn powder
(Tinitial and Tf), the simulation results show that: (configuration 1) was considered as a Reference configuration.
Afterwards, compacts of Ti-Mn alloy powder (configuration 2:
- The hydrogen storage capacity (Fig. 8) is larger when the tem- Compact), an alternation of Ti-Mn alloy compacts and stainless steel
perature decreases (again in agreement with the absorption iso- fins (configuration 3: Alternation) and compacts of a mixture of Ti-Mn
therms described by Eqs. (21) and (22) in the study of Herbrig et al. alloy and stainless steel powders (configuration 4: Compact mixture)
[36]). This storage capacity is almost constant between 35 and were compared to evaluate their respective influence on the overall
55 ∘C, and clearly decreases above 55 ∘C; tank performance. The comparison was based on the absorption rate
- The hydrogen absorption rate (Fig. 7.d) is faster at low tempera- (apparent kinetics) as well as the total hydrogen storage capacity and
tures. As explained in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this paper, the bed ease of implementation.
temperature increases rapidly at the beginning of the absorption as a External heat transfer was studied by varying the value of the ex-
result of the exothermicity of the reaction. As a consequence, the ternal heat transfer coefficient (h) on the Reference configuration. For
apparent hydrogenation kinetics can be limited by the reaction the studied system, the implementation of an external heat transfer
equilibrium and the internal and external heat transfers need to be improvement technique (such as the addition of a double wall with
improved to obtain faster apparent kinetics. Decreasing the cooling circulation of calorific fluid, or addition of external fins) allowed rapid
fluid temperature increases the temperature gradient (between the cooling (heating) during absorption (desorption). However, the ob-
tank walls and the cooling fluid), which improves the external heat tained results showed that the external heat transfer had a negligible
transfer and leads to faster absorption rates; impact on the peak temperature observed at the beginning of the hy-
- The peak temperature observed at the beginning of the hydrogen drogen absorption or desorption process. Indeed, the low thermal
absorption is larger at high temperatures (Fig. 7.c). Indeed, starting conductivity of the metal hydride bed did not allow an efficient heat
from a higher initial temperature and using a higher cooling fluid supply / dissipation. Thus, an analysis on the improvement of the in-
temperature leads to higher temperatures during the hydrogenation ternal heat transfer had been performed. Two techniques were studied
reaction and also a larger peak temperature. and compared:
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