Cooking Method Theory
Cooking Method Theory
Cooking Method Theory
For cooking, you can use various methods or techniques for preparing different foods.
For example, steak and hamburgers are best if grilled, French fries are fried, muffins or cookies
are baked and soup is boiled.
You need to have a basic idea of which cooking method is right, for which kind of food
You cannot prepare cookies by boiling or frying. Neither can you grill French fries.
Boiling means cooking the food in boiling water or water based liquid such as milk or stock.
Most of the time the liquid used is water based and the boiling point of water is 1000 Celsius.
Boiling is most relevant to the vegetables.
In boiling, the food is completely immersed in the liquid throughout the whole cooking time.
In boiling, You can see several bubbles on the surface of the cooking utensil. Generally,
vegetable soups are prepared by boiling.
1b. Simmering:
Simmering is very much similar to boiling method. If we cook the food in liquid just below the
boiling point, that is around 850-950 Then it is called simmering. That means, temperature is
kept just below the boiling point, but it is never allowed to boil. High protein food like meat or
poultry is much better when simmered.
1c. Poaching:
In this cooking method the temperature is kept between 700 to 850 Celsius. try to keep the
temperature constant so that neither it simmers nor start boiling. For example, eggs may be
1d. Steaming:
Steam is used under normal conditions without any extra pressure. The temperature will range
from 1000 to 1050 Celsius, which is just above the boiling point. Low pressure steaming could be
two groups such as direct steaming and indirect steaming.
Sous vide:
One more popular and modern method of steaming is that is Sous vide. It is a French term that
means under vacuum. In this method, spices are added before cooking. Food is vacuum sealed
or packed in a plastic pouch or glass jar.
Later, the food is sealed; bag is cooked in a water bath. Water is hot but never boils.
Temperature is usually kept 550-600 Celsius for red meat, 60-700 Celsius for poultry and 800-850
Celsius for vegetables.
Food is cooked at a lower temperature. It is a slow process of cooking which may take from 1-7
hours to cook food.
In some cases it may even take up to 72 hours or more, depending on the type of food and its
Steam is trapped inside the plastic bag or glass jar, which evenly cook the food and retain its
moisture and nutrition.
1e. Stewing:
Stewing is a slow and long method of cooking in which food is cut into small pieces and cooked
in a minimum amount of liquid. The food is served with liquid is called stew, for example,
chicken stew, vegetable stew etc.
1f. Braising:
Another method similar to strewing is braising. It is also a long, gentle and slow cooking
process. Large cut of meat is first sautéed or seared in a very small fat to brown its surface and
enhance its flavor.
After sautéing add a certain amount of liquid then cover them using lid and then place in the
oven. Finish with small amount of liquid. This method uses two techniques of cooking method
sautéed (dry heat) and moist heat.
In this method, heat is transferred through hot air and fat or oil. The methods are suitable for
foods that are rich in proteins like meat, fish, and seafood. The dry heat methods are further
categorized into two groups such as hot air based dry heat method and fat or oil based dry
heat method.
In this method, hot air, hot metal rod or plate for radiation is used to cook the food, for
In this cooking method food is cooked by dry heat. Temperature normally varies between 1200-
2500 Celsius. Here, little amount of fat is required to cook food. Some examples of baked items
are cake, pastries, bread, muffins, etc..
In this method food is cooked quickly and by high radiant heat or direct heat, which could be
from above, below or from the side. Pork chops, seafood, beef steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and
other thin cuts of meat are the best for grilling. Temperature normally varies between 2600-
2900 Celsius.
Since the intensity of fire is high, the food is put on a grill or grill pan based on the direction of
heat. The direction of heat for the food may be overheat, under heat(salamander, broiling
method) and in between heat(bread toaster).
This method is similar to grilling. But its temperature is usually low at 1100 and slow process of
Barbecuing is done with indirect heat as compared to direct heat in grilling. Charcoal, woods
are commonly used for barbecue.
So, grilling is cooking over high heat while barbecuing is slow cooking process with low heat and
over indirect heat.
This cooking method refers to cook food with dry radiation heat source such as open fire or
spit. There are 4 types of roasting such as oven roasting (convection), spit roasting (rotisserie),
pot roasting, tan-door. Very small amount of liquid may be use or not use.
The second category of dry heat method using fat for oil. Frying is an art of cooking where the
food is either partially or fully submerged in fat or oil until the food gets golden brown in color,
along with crispness and moist interior. The various category of frying are
Pan Frying
Shallow Frying
Deep Frying
Stir Fry.
This is a method of cooking that uses a relatively small amount of oil or fat in a pan over
relatively high heat.
Pan frying:
Pan-frying is a dry heat method of cooking, by relying on oil or fat as the heat transfer medium.
Shallow Frying and deep frying:
In shallow frying, the oil must cover about 1/3 of the height of the food and not cover it, while
in deep frying the food is immersed in the oil.
Stir frying:
It is a Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil
while being stirred or tossed in a wok.
En- papiollote:
One more traditional method similar is en papillae, which is also a French term. That means
enveloped in paper. In this method, food is put into a folded parchment paper, aluminum foil,
and then baked.
This method is more popular for cooking fish. After cooking, this parcel may be opened directly
before the guest on the table.
Herbs, seasoning, spices are added before baking. Now, I hope the concept of steaming it's
clear to you.