Ec2352 Computer Networks Question Bank CN
Ec2352 Computer Networks Question Bank CN
Ec2352 Computer Networks Question Bank CN
PART-A ( 2 Marks)
1. What are the five important components of data communication? 2. List two advantages of layering principle in computer networks. 3. With the example explain half duplex communication. 4. Mention any two functions of session layer. 5. Name four topologies of computer networks. 6. Suggest two points to improve the performance of network. 7. With the example explain half duplex communication. 8. Define protocol. 9. Differentiate guided and unguided media. 10. What is the Null modem? 11. Define Topology. 12. Define standards. 13. What are the design factors for transmission media? 14. Difference between Guided media and un guided media. 15. Define line coding. 16. What are most popular modems? 17. Define network. 18. What are the criteria for networks for networks? 19. Define point to point and Multi point. 20. What is DSL PART-B 1. Explain the OSI-ISO model I of computer with neat diagram. (16) 2. Distinguish between Point to Point links and multi-point links with relevant diagram. (16) 3. (i) compare connection oriented and connection less service. (8) (ii) Differentiate Guided media and un guided media. (8) 4. Write shot notes on a. TCP/IP protocol < >suite(4) b. Networks Model(4) c. datagram network(4) d. Virtual circuit network(4) 5. Perform a comparative study between the ISO-OSI model and TCP/IP reference model. (16) 6.Explain how cable TV used for data transfer? 7.Explain different switched networks
UNIT-II DATA LINK LAYER PART-A ( 2Marks) 1. Define framing? 2. What is byte stuffing? 3. Write the importance of CRC in the network. 4. Sketch the Manchester encoding for the bit steam 0001110101. 5. Name the protocols used for CSMA 6. Wireless network and mobile networks are not identical explain 7. What is importance of hamming distance? What is Manchester Encoding? 8. What is mean by count to infinity problem?
9. What is Manchester Encoding? 10. What is the importance of variable sized sliding window in TCP? 11. Explain Aloha protocol. 12. Give the significance of termination. 13. What is IEEE 802.4 Standard? 14. Define Syndrome? 15. What are the various ARQ Retransmission strategies? 16. What is mediea sharing? State types of media sharing 17. State different IEEE 802 protocol. 18. Define throughput. 19. Define collision? 20. What is VLAN 21.Differentiate Wired LAN and Wireless LAN 22. What is Bluetooth?. PART-B 1. Write short notes on. a. GO Back NARQ (8) b. Selective Repeat ARQ (8) 2. (i) ExplainProtocols for noiseless and Noisy channels. (8) (ii) Explain numbering of frames in GO Back NARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ protocols. (8) 3. (i) Explain Ethernet protocol. (8) (ii) Explain MAC sub layer protocol and frame structure of IEEE 802.11. (8) 4.Discuss in detail about standard ETHERNET 5. Discuss in detail about Gigabit Ethernet 6. (i) Explain any one of the protocols used for flow control in noisy channels. (8) (ii) Write short note on architecture and layers of Frame relay and ATM 7. Explain in detail about connecting devices UNIT-III NETWORK LAYER PART-A (2 Marks) 1. What is subnetting? 2. What is the use of IP address? 3. State the difference between classless and classful addressing. 4. What is the difference between direct and indirect delivery. 5. What is the purpose of RIP. 6. what is the use of BGP. 7. What is the use of routing table. 8. Define Datagram. 9. Define Internet works? 10. What are the different type switching. 11. What is use the of Router? 12. What is the use of network layer? 13. What is MTU? 14. Define Fragmentation offset 15. Write the difference between bridge routers. 16. Find the error if any the following IP address. a. b. 75.45.301.14 17. Where the routing table is maintained also state the purpose of maintaining a table. 18. What is datagram socket? 19. Write any four routing algorithm. 20. What is an IP address? PART-B 1. Find the class of each IP address given suitable explanation. (16) a. b. c. d. e.
f. 000 000 00 1111 0000 11111111 00110011 g. 10000000 1111 0000 11111111 00110011 2. What is BOOTP and explain. 3. State the major difference between Vector Routing and link state routing. (16) 4. Discuss ARP and RARP 5. What is the subnet work address if the destination address is and the subnet mask is (16) 6. What are the limitations of distance vector routing. 7. Explain Unicast and Multicast protocols. (16) 8.Explain the following DHCP,ICMP and IGMP
UNIT-IVTRANSPORT LAYER PART-A ( 2 Marks) 1. What is the maximum case of UDP datagram? 2. What is the use of sequence numbers? 3. What is the source post numbers? 4. What is client process? 5. Name the policies that can precast congestion? 6. How are congestions control and quality of source hexapod? 7. What is the definition of burst data? 8. What is traffic shaping? Name two methods of shape traffic? 9. What determine the sender Window size in TCP 10. How is Resource Reservation Protocol related to integrated services 11. What is Traffic descriptor? 12. What is Access rate ? 13. What is the methods to improve Qos? 14. What is necessity of flow control 15. What is multicast? What is the difference between unicast and multicast? 16. what are the two multiplexing strategies used in transport layer? 17. Why transport layer extends host to delivery to process 18. State why telnet uses network virtual terminal? 19. What is the service provided by TCP? 20. Difference between UDP and TCP. PART-B 1. List and discuss the states used in TCP connection management finite state machine. i. Discuss how multiplexing and demultiplexing is done in the transport layer. (8) ii. Explain in detail the mechanism in transport layer for controlling congestion. (8) 2. i) Explain choke packets methods of congestion control. (8) ii) Explain classless inter domain running(CINR). (8) 3. i) Explain various problem and corresponding solution in establishing a connection at transport layer. (8) ii) Explain the connection release process applied at transport layer. (4) iii) Explain window management in TCP. (4) 4. i) Discuss about quality of services. (8) ii) Write short notes on integrated services. (8) UNIT-V APPLICATION LAYER PART-A ( 2 Marks) 1. Define authentication and name any two authentication protocols. 2. List any two types of DNS messages. 3. What is FTP? 4. State why telnet uses network virtual terminal ? 5. How does the user gets E-mail from the message transfer agent? 6. What is the importance of cookies? 7. State the goals behind ISDN? 8. What is telnet used for ? Discuss. 9. Define security in networking.
10. State Why telnet uses network virtual teriminal? 11. What are the elements of WWW? 12. What is the function provided by FTP? 13. Define SMTP? 14. What is the use of DNS? 15. Give example for hierarchy in DNS? 16. Compare plain text and cipher text? 17. what is symmetry key algorithm? 18. what are all the services provided my E-mail? 19. Define HTML? 20. Define Fire walls? PART-B 1.i) Explain in detail the File transfer protocol. (8) ii) Describe Cryptography. (8) 2. i) Explain in detail a protocol for electronic mail. (8) ii) Explain in detail Multimedia security. (8) 3. i) what is HTTP protocol used for? (6) ii) What is the default port number of HTTP protocol? (5) iii) Discuss the features of HTTP and also discuss how HTTP works. (5) 4. Explain the importance of communication security. (16) 5. Explain in detail the following i) Fault management. (8) ii) security management. (8) 6.Explain in detail Authentication protocols ***************
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