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Solutions Manual for An Introduction To Fourier Analysis
1st Edition Russell
An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis 1st
Edition Tenko Raykov Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Tenko Raykov, George A. Marcoulides
ISBN(s): 9781410618368, 1410618366
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 2.08 MB
Year: 2008
Language: english
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C000 Final Proof page i 2.2.2008 2:54pm Compositor Name: BMani
An Introduction
to Applied
Routledge Routledge
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Preface ............................................................................................................... ix
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C000 Final Proof page iv 2.2.2008 2:54pm Compositor Name: BMani
Appendix: Variable Naming and Order for Data Files ............ 467
References.......................................................................................... 469
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columns within it.) To aid with clarity, the software code (for SAS and
Mplus) or sequence of analytic=menu option selection (for SPSS) is also
presented and discussed at appropriate places in the book.
We hope that readers will find this text offering them a useful introduc-
tion to and a basic treatment of applied multivariate statistics, as well as
preparing them for more advanced studies of this exciting and compre-
hensive subject. A feature that seems to set apart the book from others in
this field is our use of latent variable modeling in later chapters to address
some multivariate analysis questions of special interest in the behavioral
and social disciplines. These include the study of group mean differences
on unobserved (latent) variables, testing of latent structure, and some
introductory aspects of missing data analysis and longitudinal modeling.
Many colleagues have at least indirectly helped us in our work on this
project. Tenko Raykov acknowledges the skillful introduction to multi-
variate statistics years ago by K. Fischer and R. Griffiths, as well as many
valuable discussions on the subject with S. Penev and Y. Zuo. George A.
Marcoulides is most grateful to H. Loether, B. O. Muthén, and D. Nasatir
under whose stimulating tutelage many years ago he was first introduced
to multivariate analysis. We are also grateful to C. Ames and R. Prawat
from Michigan State University for their instrumental support in more
than one way, which allowed us to embark on the project of writing this
book. Thanks are also due to L. K. Muthén, B. O. Muthén, T. Asparouhov,
and T. Nguyen for valuable instruction and discussions on applications
of latent variable modeling. We are similarly grateful to P. B. Baltes,
F. Dittmann-Kohli, and R. Kliegl for generously granting us access to
data from their project ‘‘Aging and Plasticity in Fluid Intelligence,’’ parts
of which we adopt for our method illustration purposes in several
chapters of the book. Many of our students provided us with very useful
feedback on the lecture notes we first developed for our courses in applied
multivariate statistics, from which this book emerged. We are also very
grateful to Douglas Steinley, University of Missouri-Columbia; Spiridon
Penev, University of New South Wales; and Tim Konold, University of
Virginia for their critical comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript,
as well as to D. Riegert and R. Larsen from Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
and R. Tressider of Taylor & Francis, for their essential assistance during
advanced stages of our work on this project. Last but not least, we are
more than indebted to our families for their continued support in lots of
ways. Tenko Raykov thanks Albena and Anna, and George A. Marcoulides
thanks Laura and Katerina.
Tenko Raykov
East Lansing, Michigan
George A. Marcoulides
Riverside, California
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 1 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
Introduction to Multivariate Statistics
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 2 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
rate is kept at a prespecified level, usually .05 or more generally the one at
which the multivariate test is carried out. As a conceivable alternative, one
might contemplate conducting multiple univariate analyses, one per DV.
However, that approach will be associated with a higher (family-wise)
Type I error rate due to the multiple testing involved. These are essentially
the same reasons for which in a group mean comparison setup, carrying
out a series of t tests for all pairs of groups would be associated with a
higher than nominal error rate relative to an ANOVA, and hence make the
latter a preferable analytic procedure.
At the same time, it is worth noting that with MVS we aim at the ‘‘big
picture,’’ namely analysis of more than one DV when considered together.
This is why with MVS we rarely get ‘‘as close’’ to data as we can with
UVS, because we typically do not pursue as focused an analysis in MVS
as we do in UVS where a single DV is of concern. We emphasize however
that the center of interest, and thus of analysis, depends on the specific
research question asked. For example, at any given stage of an empirical
study dealing with say a teaching method comparison, we may be inter-
ested in comparing two or more methods with regard only to a
single DV. In such a case, the use of UVS will be quite appropriate.
When alternatively the comparison is to be carried out with respect to
several DVs simultaneously, an application of MVS is clearly indicated
and preferable.
In conclusion of this section, and by way of summarizing much of the
preceding discussion, multivariate analyses are conducted instead of uni-
variate analyses for the following reasons:
1. With more than one DVs (say p in number), the use of p separate
univariate tests inflates the Type I error rate, whereas a pertinent
multivariate test preserves the significance level (p > 1).
2. Univariate tests, no matter how many in number, ignore the
interrelationships possible among the DVs, unlike multivariate
analyses, and hence potentially waste important information con-
tained in the available sample of data.
3. In many cases, the multivariate test is more powerful than a
corresponding univariate test, because the former utilizes the
information mentioned in the previous point 2. In such cases, we
tend to trust MVS more when its results are at variance with those
of UVS (as we also do when of course our concern is primarily
with a simultaneous analysis of more than one DV).
4. Many multivariate tests involving means have as a by-product the
construction of a linear combination of variables, which provides
further information (in case of a significant outcome) about how
the variables unite to reject the hypothesis; we deal with these
issues in detail later in the book (Chapter 10).
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Y* ¼ w1 Y1 þ w2 Y2 þ þ wp Yp (1:1)
Data From Four Subjects in a General Mental Ability Study
Student Test1 Test2 Test3 Gen SES MathAbTest
1 45 55 47 1 3 33
2 51 54 57 0 1 23
3 40 51 46 1 2 43
4 49 45 48 0 3 42
Note: Gen ¼ gender; SES ¼ socioeconomic status; MathAbTest ¼ mathematics ability test
Missing Data Declaration in an Empirical Study (cf. Table 1.1)
Student Test1 Test2 Test3 Gen SES MathAbTest
1 45 55 47 1 3 33
2 51 54 57 0 1 23
3 40 51 46 1 2 43
4 49 45 48 0 3 42
5 99 44 99 1 99 44
6 52 99 44 99 2 99
Note: Gen ¼ gender; SES ¼ socioeconomic status; MathAbTest ¼ mathematics ability test
same symbol(s) for denoting missing data, a symbol(s) that is not a legit-
imate value possible to take by any subject on a variable in the study. In
addition, as a next step one should also insure that this value(s) is declared
to the software used as being employed to denote missing value(s); failure
to do so can cause severely misleading results. For example, if the next
two subjects in the previously considered general mental ability study
(cf. Table 1.1) had some missing data, the latter could be designated
by the uniform symbol (99) as illustrated in Table 1.2.
Dealing with missing data is in general a rather difficult and in part
‘‘technical’’ matter, and we refer the reader to Allison (2001) and Little and
Rubin (2002) for highly informative and instructive treatments of this issue
(see also Raykov, 2005, for a nontechnical introduction in a context of
repeated measure analysis). In this book, apart from the discussion in
Chapter 12, we assume that used data sets have no missing values (unless
otherwise indicated).
Xn i )(Ykj Y
(Yki Y j)
sij ¼ (1:3)
(i, j ¼ 1, . . . , p), where the bar stands for arithmetic mean for the variable
underneath, while Yki and Ykj denote the score of the kth subject on the ith
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 13 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
and jth variable, respectively. (In this book, n generally denotes sample
size.) Obviously, in the special case that i ¼ j, from Equation 1.3 one
estimates the variable variances in that sample as
Xn i )2
(Yki Y
s2i ¼ , (1:4)
where (i ¼ 1, . . . , p). Equations 1.3 and 1.4 are utilized by statistical soft-
ware to estimate an empirical covariance matrix, once the data matrix with
observed raw data has been provided. If data were available on all
members of a given finite population (the latter being the typical case in
social and behavioral research), then using Equations 1.3 and 1.4 yet with
the divisor (denominator) n would allow one to determine all elements of
the population covariance matrix S.
We note that, as can be seen from Equations 1.3 and 1.4, variances and
covariances depend on the specific units of measurement of the variables
involved. In particular, the magnitude of either of these two indices is
unrestricted. Hence, a change from one unit of measurement to another
(such as from inches to centimeter measurements), which in empirical
research is usually done via a linear transformation, can substantially
increase or decrease the magnitude of variance and covariance coeffi-
i )(Ykj Y j)
(Yki Y
sij sij k¼1
rij ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (1:5)
si sj P i )2 P (Ykj Y
s2i s2j n n
(Yki Y j )2
k¼1 k¼1
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 14 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
sij si sj , (1:6)
and hence
1 rij 1 (1:7)
is always true (i, j ¼ 1, . . . , p). As a matter of fact, in Inequalities 1.6 and 1.7
the equality sign is only then obtained when there is a perfect linear
relationship between the two variables involved, that is, if and only
there exist two numbers aij and bij such that Yi ¼ aij þ bij Yj (1 < i, j < p).
As with the covariance matrix, if data were available on an entire (finite)
population, using Equation 1.5 one could determine the population cor-
relation matrix R. Also from Equation 1.5 it is noted that the correlation
coefficient will not exist, that is, will not be defined, if at least one of the
variables involved is constant across the sample or population considered
(this is obviously a highly uninteresting and potentially unrealistic case in
empirical research). Then obviously the commonly used notion of rela-
tionship is void as well.
As an example, consider a study examining the relationship between
GPA, SAT scores, annual family income, and abstract reasoning test scores
obtained from n ¼ 350, 10th-grade students. Let us also assume that in this
sample the following correlation matrix was obtained (positioning of
variables in the data matrix is as just listed, from left to right and top to
2 3
6 :69 1 7
4 :48
5 (1:8)
:52 1
:75 :66 :32 1
qii ¼ i )2
(Yki Y (1:9)
qij ¼ i )(Ykj Y
(Yki Y j ), (1:10)
where 1 < i, j < p. Obviously, Equation 1.9 is obtained from Equation 1.10
in the special case when i ¼ j, that is, the sum of squares for a given
variable equals the sum of cross products of this variable with itself
(i, j ¼ 1, . . . , p). As can be readily seen by a comparison of Equations 1.9
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 16 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
and 1.10 with the Equations 1.3 and 1.4, respectively, the elements of the
SSCP matrix Q ¼ [qij] result by multiplying with (n 1) the corresponding
elements of the empirical covariance matrix S. (In the rest of this chapter,
we enclose in brackets the general element of a matrix; see Chapter 2 for
further notation explication.) Hence, Q has as its elements measures of
linear relationship that are not averaged over subjects, unlike the elements
of the matrices S and R. As a result, there is no readily conceptualized
population analogue of the SSCP matrix Q. This may in fact be one of the
reasons why this matrix has been referred to explicitly less often in the
literature (in particular applied) than the covariance or correlation matrix.
Another type of SSCP matrix that can also be considered and used to
obtain the matrix Q is one that reflects the SSCP of the actual raw scores
uncorrected for the mean. In this raw score SSCP matrix, U ¼ [uij], the sum
of squares for a given variable, say Yi is defined as
uii ¼ Y2ki , (1:11)
and the sums of its cross products with the remaining variables are
uij ¼ Yki Ykj , (1:12)
general be interpreted in magnitude, but only their sign can—in the same
way as the sign of the elements of S. Further, the entries in Q also depend
on the metric underlying the studied variables.
We stress that the matrices S, R, and Q will be very important in most
MVS methods of interest in this book because they contain information on
the linear interrelationships among studied variables. It is these interrela-
tionships, which are essential for the multivariate methods considered
later in the text. Specifically, MVS methods capitalize on this information
and re-express it in their results, in addition to other features of the data.
To illustrate, consider the following cases. A correlation matrix showing
uniformly high variable correlations (e.g., for a battery of tests) may reveal
a structure of relationships that is consistent with the assumption of a
single dimension (e.g., abstract thinking ability) underlying a set of ana-
lyzed variables. Further, a correlation matrix showing two groups of
similar (within-group) correlations with respect to size, may be consistent
with two interrelated dimensions (e.g., reading ability and writing ability
in an educational study). As it turns out, and preempting some of the
developments to follow in subsequent chapters, we use the correlation
and covariance matrix in FA and PCA; the SSCP matrix in MANOVA,
MANCOVA, and discriminant function analysis; and the covariance mat-
rix in confirmatory FA, in studies of group mean differences on unob-
served variables, and in such with repeated measures. (In addition to the
covariance matrix, also variable means will be of relevance in the latter
two cases, as elaborated in Chapters 9 and 13.)
Hence, with some simplification, we may say that these three matrices
of variable interrelationships—S, R, and Q—will often play the role of data
in this text; that is, they will be the main starting points for applying MVS
methods (with the raw data also remaining relevant in MVS in its own
right). We also emphasize that, in this sense, for a given empirical data set,
the covariance, correlation, and SSCP matrices are only the beginning and
the means rather than the end of MVS applications.
is well recognized that the larger the sample, the more stable the parameter
estimates will be, although there are no easy to apply general rules for
sample size determination. (This is because the appropriate size of a
sample depends in general on many factors, including psychometric prop-
erties of the variables selected, the strength of relationships among them,
number of observed variables, amount of missing data, and the distribu-
tional characteristics of the analyzed variables; Marcoulides & Saunders,
2006; Muthén & Muthén, 2002). In this example data set, the following
variables are considered: (a) GPA at the beginning of fall semester (called
GPA in the data file ch1ex1.dat available from
applied-multivariate-analysis), (b) an initial math ability test (called
INIT_AB in that file), (c) an IQ test score (called IQ in the file), and (d) the
number of hours the person watched television last week (called
HOURS_TV in the file). For ease of discussion, we also assume that there
are no anomalous values in the data on any of the observed variables. In
Chapter 3, we revisit the issue of anomalous values and provide some
guidance concerning how such values can be examined and assessed.
For the purposes of this illustration, we go through several initial data
analysis steps. We begin by studying the frequencies with which scores
occur for each of these variables across the studied sample. To accomplish
this, in SPSS we choose the following menu options (in the order given
next) and then click on the OK button:
Analyze ! Descriptive Statistics ! Frequencies
(Upon opening the data file, or reading in the data to be analyzed, the
‘‘Analyze’’ menu choice is available in the toolbar, with the ‘‘Descriptive
Statistics’’ becoming available when ‘‘Analyze’’ is chosen, and similarly
for ‘‘Frequencies.’’ Once the latter choice is clicked, the user must move
over the variables of interest into the variable selection window.)
To obtain variable frequencies with SAS, the following set of commands
can be used:
INFILE ‘ch1ex1.dat’;
2.66 20 101 9
2.89 22 103 8
3.28 24 99 9
2.92 12 100 8
4 21 121 7
Output Created
Input Data D:\Teaching\Multivariate.Statistics\
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in
Working Data File 32
Missing Value Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are
Handling treated as missing.
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 20 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
N Valid 32 32 32 32 32
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
This section confirms that we are dealing with a complete data set, that is,
one having no missing values, as indicated in Section 1.4.
Frequency Table
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Cumulative Cumulative
GPA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Cumulative Cumulative
INIT_AB Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
12 1 3.13 1 3.13
14 1 3.13 2 6.25
17 3 9.38 5 15.63
19 3 9.38 8 25.00
20 2 6.25 10 31.25
21 4 12.50 14 43.75
22 2 6.25 16 50.00
23 4 12.50 20 62.50
24 3 9.38 23 71.88
25 4 12.50 27 84.38
26 2 6.25 29 90.63
27 1 3.13 30 93.75
28 1 3.13 31 96.88
29 1 3.13 32 100.00
Cumulative Cumulative
IQ Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
97 2 6.25 2 6.25
98 4 12.50 6 18.75
99 4 12.50 10 31.25
100 1 3.13 11 34.38
101 7 21.88 18 56.25
102 1 3.13 19 59.38
103 2 6.25 21 65.63
104 1 3.13 22 68.75
107 1 3.13 23 71.88
110 2 6.25 25 78.13
111 1 3.13 26 81.25
112 1 3.13 27 84.38
113 2 6.25 29 90.63
114 1 3.13 30 93.75
119 1 3.13 31 96.88
121 1 3.13 32 100.00
Cumulative Cumulative
HOURS_TV Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
6 4 12.50 4 12.50
6.5 2 6.25 6 18.75
7 6 18.75 12 37.50
7.5 1 3.13 13 40.63
8 10 31.25 23 71.88
8.5 2 6.25 25 78.13
9 6 18.75 31 96.88
9.5 1 3.13 100 100.00
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In SAS, the procedure PROC MEANS would need to be used and stated
instead of PROC FREQ (or in addition to the latter) in the second-to-last
line of either SAS command file presented above.
Each of the corresponding software command sets provides identical
output (up to roundoff error) shown below.
SPSS output
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
SAS output
SPSS output
SAS output
SAS output
SSCP Matrix
Covariance Matrix, DF ¼ 31
SPSS output
On the basis of these tables, we can easily extract the needed empirical
covariance matrix S. For example, using the output provided by SPSS, we
look into each of the five panels pertaining to the analyzed variable, and
find the fourth row (titled ‘‘Covariance’’). Note that the respective diag-
onal elements are actually the squares of the entries in the column ‘‘Std.
Deviations’’ of the output table obtained earlier in this section using the
‘‘Descriptives’’ procedure. We thus furnish the following sample covar-
iance matrix S for the study under consideration:
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C001 Final Proof page 29 30.1.2008 4:37pm Compositor Name: BMani
2 3
6 :705 15:222 7
6 7
6 :009 :222 :254 7:
7 (1:14)
4 2:065 5:393 :119 45:055 5
:218 :502 :050 5:424 1:064
Finally, the above SPSS and SAS output tables can also be used to extract
the SSCP matrix Q. For example, using the last considered SPSS output,
we look into each of the five panels pertaining to the analyzed variables
and extract its third row (titled ‘‘Sum of Squares and Cross Products’’). It
is important to note, however, that in the output provided by SAS it is the
raw data SSCP matrix U that is rendered, whereas SPSS provides directly
the (deviation) SSCP matrix Q. In order to obtain the deviation SSCP
matrix, Q, using the output provided by SAS, one would have to compute
the difference between each entry of the SSCP matrix for the raw data
displayed in the SAS output, and the corresponding sum of squared mean
or mean products (counted once for each subject). For example, with the
value determined by SAS for the variable GPA (i.e., 317.6919), via sub-
traction of 32 times its squared mean (i.e., the squared mean 3.1171875
summed 32 times, resulting in 310.93945), one obtains the value 6.752,
which is the one displayed as the corresponding SSCP matrix element in
the SPSS output. In this way, either from the SPSS or SAS output, we can
obtain the following deviation SSCP matrix for the five variables under
2 3
6 21:844 471:875 7
6 7
6 :289 6:875 7:875 7:
7 (1:15)
4 64:008 167:187 3:688 1396:719 5
6:755 15:562 1:563 168:156 32:969
Note that as mentioned earlier, the elements of Q are much larger than the
respective ones of S—the reason is that the former are 31 times (i.e., n 1
times in general) those of the latter.
We conclude this chapter with the following general cautionary remark.
In applied research in the behavioral, social, and educational sciences,
often all elements of a correlation matrix are evaluated for significance.
However, if their number is large, even if in the population all correlation
coefficients (between all pairs of variables) are 0, it is likely that some will
turn out to be significant purely by chance. Therefore, when faced with a
correlation matrix a researcher should better not evaluate more than a
limited number of correlations for significance, unless he or she has an
a priori idea exactly which very few of them to examine.
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Elements of Matrix Theory
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as Table 1.1 in the last chapter, apart from its first column) would repre-
sent a 4 3 6 matrix (read ‘‘four by six matrix’’):
2 3
45 55 47 1 3 33
6 51 54 57 0 1 23 7
X ¼6
4 40
51 46 1 2 43 5
49 45 48 0 3 42
then A does not equal C. That is, even though the matrices A and C consist
of the same elements (numbers in this case), they are positioned at different
places, and for this reason A is not equal to C, which is written as A 6¼ C.
Throughout this book, we will use a special notation for a matrix with
real numbers as its elements—specifically, we will place the general mat-
rix element within brackets. For example, the matrix
2 3
a11 a12 . . . a1c
6 a21 a22 . . . a2c 7
4 :
7, (2:6)
: : : 5
ar1 ar2 . . . arc
where aij are some real numbers, will be symbolized in this notation as
A ¼ [aij] (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r; j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , c), with the last statement in parentheses
Raykov/Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis RT20712_C002 Final Proof page 34 2.2.2008 2:56pm Compositor Name: BMani
indicating the range which i and j cover. (In the literature, this statement is
sometimes omitted, if the range is clear from the context or not of rele-
vance.) Thus, the matrices A ¼ [aij] and B ¼ [bij] that are of the same
size will be equal if and only if aij ¼ bij for all i and j; otherwise, if for
some i and j it is the case that aij 6¼ bij, then A 6¼ B (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r; j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , c).
Now that we have defined when two matrices are equal, we can move
on to a discussion of matrix operations.
Matrix addition and subtraction. These operations are defined only for
matrices that are compatible (also sometimes referred to as conformable
or simply conform), i.e., matrices that are of the same size. Under such
conditions, the sum and the difference of two matrices is obtained by
simply adding or subtracting one by one their corresponding elements.
That is, if C ¼ [cij] is the sum of the conform matrices A ¼ [aij] and B ¼ [bij],
in other words if C ¼ A þ B, then cij ¼ aij þ bij. Similarly, if D ¼ [dij]
denotes the difference between the matrices A and B, that is D ¼ A B,
then dij ¼ aij bij (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , r; j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , c). For example, if A and B
are the first and second matrix in the middle part of the following
Equation 2.7, respectively, their sum and difference are readily obtained
as follows:
2 3 2 3 2 3
3 7 4 11 13 14 14 20 18
C ¼ A þ B ¼ 42 4 55 þ 4 2 4 5 5¼4 4 8 10 5 (2:7)
1 4 3 2 3 4 3 7 7
2 3 2 3 2 3
3 7 4 11 13 14 8 6 10
D ¼ A B ¼ 42 4 55 4 2 4 5 5¼4 0 0 0 5: (2:8)
1 4 3 2 3 4 1 1 1
The Marquis smiled at his small and earnest son, and put his arm
round him. "I believe I told you to keep it for yourself, Anne."
"But I did not save you, Papa!" exclaimed the child, almost
René de Flavigny's eyes sought the fire. "I would not be too sure
of that," he said. "On whose account, do you suppose, Anne, did Mr.
Tollemache take all that trouble and risk for me?"
"I suppose," replied the little boy, wrinkling his forehead, "for St.
Michel, because I asked him very particularly to take care of you."
"Yes," repeated René, "as I say, it was you who saved me, my
son. But not, perhaps, quite in the way you think," he added to
"After that I shall begin to save for the new box," responded his
son, taking the inquiry literally. "For though to go to Portsmouth will
not cost as much as going to France would have done, I expect it
will quite empty the old one."
"And a very good thing too," remarked his grandfather, "if you
are going to employ your savings to such ends. We have had
enough, in this house, of your jaunts, my bairn."
"But that will be quite a long time yet, I know," returned the
Comte wisely. "I heard Dr. Collins say so."
"But I want to see him!" repeated Anne. "One does not see a
person by writing him a letter."
"And you think that your presence would have a similar good
effect on M. de la Vireville? You are not wanting in assurance, my
"I could take the child to Portsmouth, René, if you wish him to go
—and can trust him to me," he said. "I do not know what you feel,
but it seems to me that it might be some slight attempt to repay
that great debt which we owe on Anne's behalf—and M. de la
Vireville was so fond of the child that he might really be glad to see
On that same remarkably sunny day in late January the old
Bishop, in a long black cloak, was walking up and down the little
walled garden at Portsmouth under a sky as blue as May's. The
forerunners of spring had arrived, and the sight of that vanguard
evidently gave him a lively pleasure. He was standing looking at the
border when he heard a step, and observed Mme. de la Vireville
approaching him. She had come to the house earlier in the day, but
he had not seen her.
Mme. de la Vireville did not obey him. She came up, kissed his
ring, and said with the directness of a child, "It is not spring in my
heart, Monseigneur. Your Grandeur knows why."
The Bishop may have had the eyes of a mystic, but they were by
no means blind to mundane affairs. He looked at her now. "Yes, I
know, my daughter. I have been wishing for some time to speak
with you of this. You will not feel cold if we walk up and down a little
in the sun?"
She shook her head and turned with him. At their feet the
snowdrops stood smiling and shivering behind little rows of box. "I
have just come down from Fortuné's room, Monseigneur. He is no
better, this morning—not so well, I think."
Mme. de la Vireville shook her head with a sad little smile. "Only
thirty-five, Monseigneur. As for his marrying, I have long greatly
desired it, but he will not look at a woman. He has good reason,
perhaps." She hesitated, then went on. "There was one, ten years
ago . . . he loved her only too well. She too seemed to love him
dearly, and became his affianced wife. On the very day before their
marriage she fled from her home with another man, whom she had
only known for a week or two. That man was Fortuné's intimate
The Bishop looked very grave. "And your son, Madame, after so
bitter a betrayal, has conceived a hatred of all women?"
The Bishop smiled. "I suppose that is true. Now would you be
astounded to learn that, before you came, he used sometimes, in
sleep or delirium, to repeat a woman's name? I suppose it was hers
who betrayed him."
It may be seen what bond of error united the old French Bishop
and the middy of the Pomone.
"No, Monseigneur."
"I know it," said the poor mother, all the delicate colour gone
from her cheeks. "But what more can I do, Monseigneur? I know
that Fortuné loves me dearly, but I am old, and represent the past to
him, not the future, and it is the past that he needs to forget. . . .
He is ill, it is true—he has been very ill—but never have I seen him
like this. Always, in whatever vicissitudes—and he has been severely
wounded before, and I nursed him in Jersey—always he has been
full of gaiety and courage. Now all that seems to have deserted him,
as if he did not care to live."
Mme. de la Vireville could not reply. She had hidden her face in
her hands, and the tears were trickling through them. The little old
man, holding the golden flower in his fingers, stood and looked at
her with a great pity in his eyes.
It was no coup manqué this time. The little mother gazed at him
thunderstruck, amazement, incredulity, and something that might
almost have been a strangled joy chasing each other over her fragile
"'Raymonde'?" she repeated. "I . . . it cannot be . . . I know no
one of that name!"
Mme. de la Vireville had no words. Nor had she tears now; her
astonishment had dried them. She stared at Monseigneur, who stood
there with the bright aconite flower in his pale old hands, which
were folded across the purple sash showing between the folds of his
cloak, and she said nothing.
The time, however, did seem to him ripe to leave this mother to
reflect on the information that he had just given her, and, the sound
of a clock striking noon issuing most appositely at this moment from
the house, he seized the opportunity to add:
"If you will excuse me, Madame, for a few moments? I must say
my office."
And pulling out his shabby breviary he went off down the path in
a manner more than diplomatic, for he had said Sext before ever
Mme. de la Vireville came into the garden. However, one can always
get ahead with advantage.
The Chevalier de la Vireville was lying, as he had so often lain,
staring at the stuffed trout and the triptych of the Assumption. The
adventurous and disappointed spirit which dwelt in him, that had
always faced with a jest every blow of circumstance—but one—had
indeed ebbed very low. Although the sun which five days ago had
opened the aconites in the garden came streaming into the room in
a way to rejoice the heart of the room's late owner, who had given it
up for that very reason, the present occupant was perfectly
indifferent as to whether the sun shone or no. He was back at
Quiberon in the rain—back at Auray in the little chapel, emptied of
all its victims save him alone—back in front of those levelled muskets
which he alone had escaped. . . . Why, in God's name, had fate so
marked him out for safety? Why had he put himself to the agony of
that derelict voyage to Houat and the long suffering that came after?
Mostly because of his promise to his friend, and because he thought
Anne wanted him . . . or because he wanted Anne. But he was not
needed, neither by the boy nor by anyone. He had built a foolish
dream on the assumption of René's death, which to him had seemed
a certainty. The dream had proved baseless, like everything else,
and all it had done was to plant in his sincere thankfulness for
René's escape a thorn of regret which was horrible to him, and
made him, who had suffered so bitterly from treachery, feel a traitor
No, he was not needed any more; he had done his work. Or
rather, he had not even that consolation, for everything to which he
had set his hand at Quiberon had been a failure, even though the
fault were not his. His men, whom he had never once led to victory
in the Morbihan, were dead or disbanded. There was nothing for him
to do henceforward, and even had there been, he was useless—a
tool that had never been of much account, and was now blunted for
the rest of time.
And further back still. . . . Had he not failed to keep the woman
he loved, the woman who had spurned even the difficult sacrifice he
had made for her sake, when he had spared her lover? He had no
daily perils now to anodyne that ache. But he had another ache to
set against it. . . .
Yes, for ironically enough, at the very hour, five days ago, when
his mother was protesting in the garden to the Bishop that he could
never think of another woman, he was thinking of one. Equally had
Mme. de la Vireville, almost incredulous, carried about for five days
her half-knowledge, longing for her son to speak that name which
meant nothing to her, yet hinted at so much; studying him at odd
moments, trying not to feel hurt at his reserve, puzzled, hoping,
fearing, and far from guessing that this 'Raymonde,' to Fortuné's
mind, was not a subject of which he could ever speak to anyone. For
the thought of her warred against that perverted faithfulness to the
faithless which had made his torment these ten years.
Yet day after day the vision of Mme. de Guéfontaine had been
dwelling more and more constantly with him, and her image, by a
volition, so it seemed, of its own, seeking to efface that other. From
its beginning in that night of agony and effort at Quiberon, its
renewal in the drifting boat, the process had gone on gaining vitality
with time. At Houat he had wakened once from fever to fancy that
he was lying with his head pillowed on her arm, as he had done that
evening when he had stumbled exhausted into the old manoir. That
had proved to be but fever also; his aching head had no such
support, and the English corporal of marines who sat by him, though
kind enough, had very little suggestion of Raymonde about him. Yet
the illusion had given the wounded man such extraordinary pleasure,
and so surprising a sense of rest and security, that he used, in those
barren days, to try to repeat it by a conscious act of the imagination.
She had sat by his couch, once, through the night . . . she had
walked by his horse's stirrup on a spring evening towards the sea . .
. and among the nodding sea-holly she had kissed his hand. It was
his last memory of her, almost as startling as his first. . . .
The treble voice, therefore, that said his name suddenly and
softly gave him a violent start. He opened his eyes to see Anne-
Hilarion standing by the closed door, carrying in both his hands a
large glass bowl wherein there swam an enormously magnified
"Papa looks much better than you do, M. le Chevalier," said the
little boy critically. "He can walk quite well now. He is coming to see
you when he is quite better. Grandpapa is downstairs, you know; he
will come up soon, I expect."
Anne-Hilarion was the first to break the silence. "Did Papa tell
you in his letter," he inquired, "that a lady came into the garden to
ask for you, M. le Chevalier?"
"You did not learn her name, I suppose, child?" he asked, his
heart beginning to thud.
"Well," said Fortuné, in a dreamy voice, "they did and they did
not. Anyhow, here I am, you see." He reopened his eyes.
A brilliant May morning of sun and wind was exulting over the
beautiful harbour of St. Peter Port at Guernsey, and over the old
town rising steeply like an amphitheatre from its blue waters. But
the aged salt who was making his way up one of the narrow streets
with a basket of freshly caught lobsters on his arm was not
particularly responsive to the sunshine; indeed, the air with which he
paused and mopped his red face suggested that an injured "Very hot
for the time of year!" would issue from his bearded mouth in
response to any greeting.
The uniform was English, but the wearer did not look quite
English, and he spoke in French. As a native of the Channel Islands
the ancient mariner accosted should have understood that tongue,
but for purposes of his own he affected not to do so.
"Very fine they are, indeed, sir!" he replied, peering into his
basket. "Comes from the rocks over by L'Etac, they do. You wants to
now the price? Well, this one——" and he held out a freckled ebony
form that slowly waved its spectral antennae at the young officer.
Having observed with one eye that the officer's other hand was
moving in the direction of his waistcoat pocket, the seafarer turned
both in the direction of the Frenchman's pointing cane. "Ah, yon,
just about to make fast," he said, pointing, too, with the rejected
lobster. "She'll likely be the Government sloop Cormorant, bound for
Jersey, come in here with despatches. Thank you, sir! And you won't
take this beauty home to your good lady?"
But the young officer shook his head with a smile, and continued
his downward path to the harbour.
And then, in one and the same instant, Henri du Coudrais saw
that the passenger's left sleeve was pinned to his breast, and
recognised him. A second later, and he had himself been recognised
by those keen eyes.
The young officer had been stricken dumb for a moment. "M. de
la Vireville!" he exclaimed at last. "Is it possible?"
Fortuné bit his lip thoughtfully, still looking over the sea to Sark.
Then he shook his head. "I thank you a thousand times, but I
cannot stay. I am awaited at Jersey. . . . Will you give me a word in
private, M. du Coudrais?—over there, for instance, at the end of the
jetty, would serve."
The young officer took on a very discreet air. "You are, perhaps,
in need of an agent de la correspondance over there again?"
"But you asserted just now that one was sufficient," observed
Henri du Coudrais, leaning back with a smile against the rail that ran
out to the beacon light. "As for fortune or prospects, which of us
émigrés has those nowadays? And upon my soul, I don't know a
woman on earth who is less set on either than Raymonde."
"I suppose that I ought not to ask if there is any other man?"
"There was the Duc de Pontferrand; she refused him last October
—just at the time, Monsieur Augustin, when she was making
inquiries about you in London from the old gentleman whose name I
cannot remember, who lives with a little boy in Cavendish Square."
"I know she did that, God bless her!" said La Vireville. "I did not,
of course, know about the Duc." He fell silent, fingering the rail and
still gazing out to sea. It occurred to du Coudrais that though he had
the look of one who has weathered a long and trying illness, he yet
seemed in some indefinable way a younger man.
"Why should I not hire a boat and sail over to Sark?" asked La
Vireville suddenly. "My wooing must in any case be rough and ready.
I could be back before the Cormorant sails, if I went at once."
A quarter of an hour later La Vireville was sailing over that
laughing expanse towards the gem of rose and emerald and flame,
whose beauty, though his eyes were set upon it all the while, he
hardly marked. The boatman spoke of channels and swift tides, of
the Anfroques, the Longue Pierre, the Goubinière, but names of
reefs and rocks went by La Vireville unheeded. He was going to put
to the test what Anne-Hilarion had shown him. He was liberated at
last from his servitude of mind, and he wanted Raymonde—wanted
her with all his heart. It was very strange to him now that he had
not known this when he was with her more than a year ago.
Du Coudrais had given him the name of the farm which Mme. de
Guéfontaine had gone to visit, and once landed he found it easily
enough, for there were not many of them on that slender strip of an
isle, pillared on its rocks and magic caves. But Raymonde was not
there, and they told him that she was out on one of the headlands.
And there, after a space, he found her, among the golden brands
of the gorse, looking out to sea in the direction of the coast of
France. The wind blew against her; she shaded her eyes with her
hand under her little three-cornered hat, as from the lovely land of
exile she gazed intently at a dearer shore. She did not see him, nor,
from the talk of the wind in her ears, hear his footsteps brushing
through the gorse—and Fortuné stopped short, for now that he
beheld her again with his bodily eyes he knew that his desire for her
was even greater than he had thought, and in proportion the fear
swelled in him to conviction that so great a gift could never be
meant for him. So he stood there bareheaded in the sunshine, his
heart mingled flame and water, aching to see her hidden face, and
yet afraid to put his destiny to the touch. But at last, since she was
still unconscious of his presence, he was forced to make it known.
And at that she turned round with a start. Colour swept over her
face and was gone again, and in her eyes there was something that
was almost fear.
It was the first time, as he instantly realised, that she had ever
called him by his name, that name which was dipped for her in such
painful memories.
"Me voici!" said he, and casting his hat on to a gorse bush
advanced to kiss her hand.
"I . . . I am not sure . . . that you are not a ghost!" she said, not
very steadily, as she surrendered it.
She did not ask what the purpose was; she still seemed shaken,
uncertain of herself and of him. But her gaze, swift and
compassionate, swept over everything that the sunlight showed so
relentlessly—the traces of past suffering on his face, the added grey
at his temples, and the pinned-up sleeve.
"Ah, que vous avez dû souffrir!" she said to herself. Then she put
her hand to her head, as if she still felt herself in a dream.
"I have no time to wrap this meagre offer in fair phrases," went
on Fortuné. "I doubt if they would improve it, and you are not, I
think, the woman to care for them. I can only say this over and over
again, that I love you and that I want you. It was you—the thought
of you—that saved me at Quiberon; I used to dream of you at
Houat. Raymonde!"
Still she did not answer, and stood with her head averted.
At that she looked up. Her face was transfigured, but he dared
not try to interpret its new meaning.
"Of course," said he. "But if you would accept it, I should have a
home to offer you in Jersey. And when better days come——"
For a second the gorse heaved beneath him. "Do you mean what
you are saying?" cried La Vireville, seizing her wrist. "Will you really
marry a penniless cripple who has nothing but his sword?"
Her smile was brilliant now, and dazzled Fortuné while she faced
him, captive, as on a certain morning a year ago. "No, M. de la
Vireville, I shall marry a man! As you know, for three years I had
hated your name. But, as you wear it, I have long seen that I could
not take a nobler."
"My God, I can't believe it!" said Fortuné to himself, and kissed
her once more.
So they went together to the little farm, itself named from the
gorse, the Clos-ajonc, to tell her pensioners that she was leaving
them immediately. And, no doubt to show that she did not consider
him so maimed as to be incapable of affording her support,
Raymonde leant all the way upon his arm.
Flower of the Foam
La Vireville did not go into the little Clos-ajonc with his lady. He
waited for her outside, leaning upon its low, whitewashed wall, over
which the tamarisk whispered with its feathery foliage. Breaths of
the gorse came to him even here, and the whole warm air was
vibrating with the lark's ecstasy. And Fortuné could hardly believe his
happiness, so strange a thing to him. Old dreams, long put away,
came back to him, merged in the new. Had he not yearned
sometimes, despite himself, to have, in what remained of this hard
and shifting existence of his, brief enough in its pleasures but
endless in its unceasing fatigue and peril and anxiety—the life that
was often no better than a hunted animal's—to have one place that
was home, and shrine, and star? Well, he had his desire now; he
had won that place, that heart, at last.