UJIAN PENGESANAN 1 English Y5 Paper 1 2015

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Time: 50 minutes

Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer
from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your question paper, circle the
answer that you have chosen



Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1. We should eat a good ____________ to start the day well.

A. lunch
B. dinner
C. supper
D. breakfast

2. A _______________ takes care of the people’s teeth.

A. doctor
B. dentist
C. surgeon
D. dietician

3. Exercise _______________ your body healthy.

A. turns
B. keeps
C. gives
D. shakes

4. A salad is a _______________ of raw vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes.

A. soup
B. gravy
C. cream
D. mixture
Questions 5-7

Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the picture given.

5. A. his own patio

B. a good library
C. his own studio
D. a big verandah

6. A. a chair
B. a stand
C. an altar
D. an easel

7. A. a bunch of fruits
B. a basket of fruits
C. a vase of flowers
D. a bouquet of flowers
Question 8-10

Study the picture carefully. Then choose the best answer.

A. The bus is polluting the air.
B. The truck is knocking the bus.
C. The truck is producing a lot of smoke.
D. The bus driver is blocking the truck driver.

A. My mother is cleaning the blender.
B. My mother is using the cake mixer.
C. My mother is blending some spices.
D. My mother is cooking chicken curry

A. The whiteboard is in the classroom.
B. The girls are cleaning the whiteboard.
C. The girls are checking the noticeboard.
D. The teacher is writing on the blackboard.

Questions 11-15

Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situations shown in the

11. A. Is it raining?
B. I can’t believe it.
C. Yes, that’s a good idea.
D. yes, we can go now.

A. Do you feel hot?

B. How’s the weather?

C. It’s hot and humid.
D. It rains every day, doesn’t it?

A. Where shall we go?

B. Let’s plan something.

C. Why is the sky dark and cloudy?
D. What does the weather forecast say?

A. Does it snow here?

B. Where do you staying

C. How do you like our weather?
D. How long is the monsoon season?

A. Are you sure?

B. Yes, I think so.

C. What do you think?
D. Don’t worry. I’ll go slowly
Questions 16-21
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16. To be healthy, a person 19. Take care of _______ health and

_______ to exercise. everything will be fine.
A. had A. his
B. has B. her
C. have C. their
D. your
17. I like to eat _______ I have 20. Vegetables _______ a lot of
to take care of my teeth. vitamins.
A. so A. use
B. but B. take
C. and C. keep
D. because D. contain

18. Everyone enjoys a good meal 21. Omar and _______ were present
_______ home. at the meeting last Sunday.
A. in
B. of A. I
C. at B. me
D. to C. them
D. our

Questions 22-23
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22. A. Keep quiet your father is resting. 23. A. On Sundays my father goes jogging
B. Keep quiet? Your father is resting. at 6 a.m. sharp.
C. Keep quiet! Your father is resting. B. On Sundays, my father goes jogging
D. Keep quiet, your father, is resting at 6 a.m. sharp.
C. On Sundays. My father goes jogging
at 6 a.m. sharp.
D. On Sundays, my father goes jogging,
Questions 24-25 at 6 a.m. sharp.

Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

24. My grandfather practices his tai chi in 25. We must use a good _______ to clean
the _______ of my house. our teeth.
A. compaun A. tootpaste
B. kompaun B. toofpaste
C. coupound C. toothpaste
D. compound D. toethpaste

Question 26-30
Look at the picture carefully. Based on the picture and the passage given, choose the best answer to
fill in the blanks.

Last week, I went with my school to an oil palm plantation. We ___(26)___

join by two teachers. The manager of the plantation was friendly man ___(27)___

Mr. Paul Deshi. He took us round the plantation and explained to us ___(28)___ oil

palm is planted. There were few bunches of oil palm fruits ___(29)___ the ground.

Some of my friends picked the fruits to ___(30___ them. The trip was interesting and

we learned a lot from it.

26. A. is 28. A. why 30. A. eat

B. was B. how B. press
C. are C. when C. grind
D. were D. what D. smell

27. A. call 29. A. in

B. calls B. at
C. called C. on
D. calling D. bu

Question 31-35

Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow.

31. When should we water the lawn 33. The word laundry means dirty
or garden?
A. racks C. clothes
A. At noon B. dishes D. vegetables
B. In the morning
C. In the evening
34. The expression as much
D. In the evening
detergent as needed means
_______ detergent.
32. When we collect rainwater to A. a bit less C. too much
use, we are B. too little D. just enough
A. using dirty water
B. keeping clean water
C. making good use of water 35. The article above is about
D. paying less for water A. How to save water
B. Where to get water
C. How to waste water
D. Why pay more for water
Questions 36-40
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

36. Which of the following does not 39. When the tapir senses danger, it
belong to the Malaysian tapir? will look for the following
except the
A. Big body
B. Short legs A. Lake
C. Short tail B. River
D. Hard trunk C. Grasses
D. swamps
37. The word lighter in the second
paragraph means not as
40. Which of the following
A. Far statement is not true?
B. Dark
C. Heavy A. They are shy animals.
D. straight B. They are good swimmers.
C. They can climb very well.
D. They look slim and pretty.
38. Tapirs come out and look for

A. at noon
B. at night
C. in the evening
D. in the morning
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Mohamad Azri B Ma’on Mohd Lufti B Mohd Zamhuri

Guru Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 Guru Bahasa Inggeris

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