YTTP 2023-25 - N - MOD 2 - Ayurveda - Dr M - Handout 2

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KYM Institute of Yoga Studies

(A Unit of Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram)

Yoga Teacher Training Programme (YTTP) 2023-25 | National Batch
Module – II
Ayurveda | Handout 2
Faculty : Dr. Madhumitha

Copyright Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. The information contained in the handout is meant as a guideline for
students of the Yoga Teacher Training Programme (2023-25 ). Please do not copy or circulate without the prior written
permission of Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram.
The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Science and technology , Bangalore – /
Psychiatry & Psychology - Bhuta Vidya

• Diseases of the mind – (that which is invisible to the eye) eg, mania,
depression, mental stress.

• Spl. Method of diagnosis & treatment of mental diseases.

• Treatment includes gems (Mani), Chanting prayers (Mantra),

medicaments (Oushadha – Herbs), diet, yogic therapies, spiritual
practices, etc. to pacify the psychological disturbances of the

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Prevention & Promotion - Rejuvenation - Rasayana

• Rasayana is a special type of treatment containing various methods

of rejuvenation.
– To improve physical, mental and moral qualities.
– It prevents old age, restores youthfulness, improves the complexion & the
voice, increases physical strength and immunity, strengthens memory and
• Cleanse the system by under going Purification (Panchkarma).
– Diet, Medicine & Activity which help in improving digestive system &
final absorption of micro nutrients.
• Philosophy is to establish good health rather than just curing disease.

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Virility - Vajikarana

• Quality of being Virile.

• Study of disorder of reproductive system.

• Principle – To Treat infertility by nourishing the whole

person including the reproductive tissues & sexual

• Prevention of birth disorders & having a healthy child.

• “Horsepower” – herbs, Rejuvenation, etc.

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1. Meaning of the term Āyur and Veda

2. Aim of Āyurveda
3. Protection of health by preventing diseases – an important aspect of Āyurveda
4. Origin of Āyurveda
5. The Aṣtāṅga of Āyurveda
6. Āyurveda on how to prevent diseases and how moderation is the key for
maintaining good health

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Basic principle of Ayurveda

Five state Theory Foundation

(Panchamaha bhuta siddhanta)

Relation of Macrocosm & Microcosm Understanding

(Loka purusha samyata)

Similar – Dissimilar theory

(Samanya Vishesha )

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Relationship between Macrocosm and Microcosm in the

‘Yat Brahmande Tat Pinde’

Ref : Puranas

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Panchamahabhutas in Macrocosm and
Microcosm (Upayoktha)






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Physiological Expression of the Panchamahabhutas

(The 3 fundamental physiological functions)
Vata – Akash (Space)+Vayu (Air)
Pitta – Agni (Fire)+Jala (Water)
Kapha – Prithvi (Earth) + Jala (Water)

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Prakruti : It is the unique inherent configuration of the
Doshas in individuals
• Vata (Ekaja)
• Pitta (Ekaja)
• Kapha (Ekaja)
• Vata – Pitta (Dvandvaja)
• Pitta – Kapha (Dvandvaja)
• Kapha – Vata (Dvandvaja)
• Sama

Self study practical 1.2

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Dosha Dhatu Mala Moolam Hi Shareeram

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Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta

“ Samanyam Vriddhi Karanam”

‘ Similar increases similar’

“Hrasa heturvisheshashcha”
‘Opposite reduces’

(Cha Su 1/44)

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Application of the aim of Ayurveda
• Knowledge of what & why of biological changes
(karya-karan vivechna) that occur in life
processes (ayu) due to a number of

• How to restore the disturbed physiological

imbalances through diet, life style, herbs etc.

• Most importantly how to maintain health


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How to be healthy….?

Nidra Brahmacharya (Celibacy)



नित्यं नितािार नििारसेिी समीक्ष्यकारी निषयेष्वसक्तः ।

दाता समः सत्यपरः क्षमािाि् अप्तोपसेिी च भित्यरोगः ॥
A person who takes ‘Hita ahara’(wholesome food), follow disciplined life style,
judiciously selective, not indulging in excessive sensory pleasures, balanced
approaches towards daily events, equanimity, truthfulness, forgiving and respectful to
knowledgeable persons…… achieves good health.

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1. Characteristics of good health

2. Trayopasthambā-s
3. Vegadhāranna
4. Śodhana
5. Rasāyana & Vajīkarana

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Svastha Lakshana

The characteristics of good health include good appetite, digestive capability,

assimilation, proper passage of urine, feces, flatus, feeling of lightness in the
body, feeling happy, well functioning sense organs, good sleep, strength,
complexion, well functioning Agni.

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Characteristics of good health

• Good voice, complexion, good growth of the body, increase in

strength, feels hungry, enjoys and appreciates food, proper
digestion in a proper time frame, getting good sleep, proper
passage of flatus, urine, feces, mind is happy, sense organs are
functioning well are all characteristics of good health.

The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Science and technology , Bangalore – /

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