ABE20DC actoc buc 20watt
ABE20DC actoc buc 20watt
ABE20DC actoc buc 20watt
Mechanical Drawing
RF frequency 5.850 to 6.725 GHz
Local oscillator 4.90 GHz
IF frequency 950 to 1,825 MHz
Output power 20W (+43 dBm min.), P-Linear 11.2W (40.49 dBm min.)
IF connector N-type or F-type (field-exchangeable)
Power supply : auto-ranging via IF connector or MS - connector
(optional) +15 ~ +60 VDC 75W max.
Output interface CPR 137 G
Gain 68 dB nominal
IMD3 (two tones) -26 dBc max. 2 signal 5 MHz apart at P-LINEAR
L.O. leakage -45 dBm max
Spurious -50 dBc max
Spectral regrowth
(QPSK at 1.5x and OQPSK at 1.0x symbol rate offset
with 2dB back-off from rated output power) -30 dBc
Requirement for external reference: via IF cable
frequency 10 MHz (sine-wave)
input power -5 to +5 dBm @ input port
TX Gain variation ± 0.5 dB over 40 MHz
± 1.8 dB over full band
TX Gain stability over temperature range ± 1.5 dB typ., ± 1.8 dB max.
Phase noise -55 dBc/Hz max. @ 10 Hz