Contract Law (1)
Contract Law (1)
Contract Law (1)
Indian Contract Act, 1872
(Contract Murder)
Subject Wise Weightage- 8 Marks
1. What is the purpose of Contract Law?
What is the objective of contract law?
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B. Negotiating contracts and resolving disputes C.
Merely monitoring contracts D.
Controlling commercial transactions
2. When did the Indian Contract Act 1872 come into force? did you come?
When was the Indian Contract Act, 1872 enacted?
A. 1857
B. 1862
C. 1872
Answer: C) 1872
had come
It was implemented on 1 September 1872
3 How many sections were there in the Indian Contract Act 1872?
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A 266
B 170
C 75
D 180
Answer: A 266
4 Year 1930 india contract Which act became the result of Act 1872
A Partnership Act
B Assets Transfer Act
C Material Act
D Specific Grievances Act
5 Year 1932 india contract Which act became the result of Act 1872
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A Indian Partnership Act
B Assets Transfer Act
C Material Act
D Specific Grievances Act
6. What is the history of contract killing connected
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B. Only Written Contracts
C. All Types of Contracts
D. Only Personal Contracts
B. Authority of Courts
D. Transfer of Property
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10. What is the definition of 'contract' under the What is the definition of a?
Indian Contract Act 1872
Act, 1872?
A. A written document B. A
legal agreement between two or more parties C. A legal condition
D. A legal document
11. What are the necessary terms and conditions for a contract?
What are the essential elements for a valid contract?
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A. Motion and Acceptance
B. Killing ability C.
Desired D. All
of the above
A. Objectives, Conditions,
and Documents B. Offer, Acceptance, and Consideration
"Contract" is explained?
In which section is the difference between "Agreement" and
"Contract" explained?
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Who is held responsible for dispute resolution under contract law?
B. Court C. Trade
organization D. Society
Answer: B. courts
15. Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 provides the definition
of what?
Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines what?
(A) Proposal
(C) Consideration
(D) Consent
16. What are the conditions necessary for a legal contract under Section 10?
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(D) All of the above
(A) Minor
(B) Section 11
(C) Section 10
(D) Section 14
a contract valid.
19. A contract is a document that is used to make
Is it necessary?
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Which of the following is essential to make a contract valid?
(B) Consent
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22. Acceptance as per Indian Contract Act, 1872
What is the definition?
What is the definition of 'Acceptance' under the Indian
Contract Act, 1872?
(D) No one
(A) Valid
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(C) Enforceable
(A) Fraud
(C) Coercion
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A. When a party has to perform the contract under certain conditions. B. When the contract is fixed. A. When a party has to
perform the contract under certain conditions. B. When the contract is fixed.
30. What is the meaning of 'defect' in a contract under the Indian Contract Act?
What is the meaning of 'Defect' in a contract under the Indian Contract Act?
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B. An agreement is void due to a legal defect. C. Mistake
of one party to the contract.
D. Any further suspicion.
(A) Valid
(B) Illegal
(D) Useless
A. Damages
B. Rescission of contract
C. Specific performance
D. All of the above
A. Objection
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B. Counter offer
C. Acceptance
D. Rejection
34. For a contract to be valid, what mental state of a person must be?
What mental condition should a person have for the validity of a contract?
A. Mental condition
B. mental capacity
C. Being angry
D. Being scared
Or does it happen?
36. An 'Immediate' Contract
What is an 'immediate' contract?
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Answer: B. A contract which is to be performed immediately.
It is said?
37. Which contract is called as ‘Terms and Conditions Contract’?
Answer: A. The contract which is not binding on the law The letter cannot be used again.
A. Desire of one
party B. Free and clear consent of both
the parties C. Acceptance of
only one party D. Expression of desire by only one of the parties
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A. When a party agrees to the terms of a contract.
B. When a party rejects an offer. C. When a
party understands the terms of an offer. D.
When a third party accepts an offer.
A. Incomplete Contract
B. Void Contract
(Valid Contract)
C. Slaughter contract
D. Conditional Contract
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C. Violating the terms of the contract
D. Rewriting the contract
45. What happens if a person does not comply with the terms of the contract?
What happens if a person fails to perform the terms of the contract?
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A. Resection
B. Breach
C. Remedy Reconstruction
D. Acceptance
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Answer: B. Breach
A. Minor B. Mentally
ill C. Intoxicated D. All of the above
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Answer: A. This contract is binding It is mandatory for.
50. A contract is termed as 'invalid' under the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
When is it considered (void)?
Under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, when is a contract considered
B. When the contract is not binding it. It would not have been possible.
Answer: B. When the contract is not binding This is definitely not possible.
51. A contract which one party may terminate at his own will, or
Is it called?
What is called a contract that can be terminated at the will of one party?
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(Valid Contract)
A. Slaughter contract
A. Shatka violation contract may terminate the same, while the warrant
Violation only results in a fine.
B. There is no difference in termsand warranties.
C. Conditional only written contract is important, whereas a warrant is a verbal contract Mahoti
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D. Violation of the rule
Kanani takes action.
does not take action while breaching warrant
Answer: A. Shatka violation contract may terminate the same, while the warrant
Violation of this only results in fines.
Answer: C. that contract which is imposed by the court is done, even if both
disagreement between the parties
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54. Indian Contract Settlement of bets as per section 30 of the Act, 1872
what does it mean?
What is the meaning of 'Contract of Wagering' under Section
30 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872?
A. A contract In which any party is given any type of loan without any risk
B. a contract In which a party receives money as a result of an event
is applied
C. a contract in which only business transactions take place
D. A contract in which exchange of property takes place
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A. Both parties bear risks, and their goal is to profit equally
it has to be done
B. Only one party benefits and the other suffers loss C.
the objective of both parties is to benefit from the outcome of a certain event
It happens
Answer: C. The objective of both parties is to benefit from the outcome of a certain event.
has to do
Answer: A. This contract is not binding on the law it doesn't happen with water
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A. Yes, if both parties have done it in writing B. No,
it is not legally binding C. Yes, if it is done
for a business purpose D. Yes, if one of the parties suffers a
61. Or contingent contract to the law P se lang can be done, if the conditions
But wouldn't it happen?
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A. Yes, it will be applicable after getting admission what can be done
B. No, if conditional If it were not there then this would not be applicable
C. Yes, before conditional what can be done
D. No, on condition Cannot be implemented even after being
62. Coincidental contract On the occurrence of which event the contract bycar
It happens?
64. What would happen if there was no contingent contract? On what condition
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A. Contract
the contract
will automatically terminate B.
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What is necessary for the validity of a contract under the
Indian Contract Act, 1872?
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What is the breach of contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872?
71. Under the "Indian Contract Act, 1872", a contract is termed as "uncontracted"
(Void) Why can this be declared?
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Under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, why can a contract be declared void?
72. In which case the rule of opinion and acceptance was decided?
In which case was the rule of offer and acceptance established?
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(A) Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
73. Which saint has been cited in the case "Mohori Bibee v.
Dharmodas Ghose"?
Which principle was clarified in the "Mohori Bibee v.
Dharmodas Ghose" case?
(B) Fraud
(C) Misrepresentation
(D) Coercion
(B) Consideration
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(D) Social Agreement
(A) Offeror
(B) Offeree
(C) Court
(D) None
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(A) Fraud
(B) Misrepresentation
(C) Coercion
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The "Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose" case affirmed which principle?
(C) Fraud
(D) Compensation
78. Decision in the case of "Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co." (1893)
Or was it?
What was the decision in the case of "Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co." (1893)?
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C. It was decided that the contract would be executed if the proposal was final. Nahambanta.
D. It was decided that there was no contract There can be no slaughter until
There should be no consideration on it.
79. What was the decision in the case "Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt" (1913)?
What was the decision in the case of "Lalman Shukla v. Gauri
Dutt (1913)?
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A. Acceptance of a proposal is valid only if it is a result of an agreement.
I am in that situation.
C. has the right to approve the approval, even if there are conditions.
80. What was the decision in the case "Balfour v. Balfour" (1919)?
What was the decision in the case of "Balfour v. Balfour"
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81. 'Mutual Consent' under the "Indian Contract Act, 1872" was
defined by whom?
Who defined 'Mutual Consent' (meeting of minds) under the Indian
Contract Act, 1872?
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A. "Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co."
B. "Smith v. Hughes"
C. "Balfour v. Balfour"
D. "Raffles v. Wichelhaus"
82. What was the decision in the case of "Shankar v. KC Verma" (2001)?
A. Compensation will be given only for such damage and not for other
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D. Compensation will be given for every type of loss.
Answer: A. Damages will be awarded only for this loss and not for any other loss.
84. In "Raffles v. Wichelhaus" (1864) was the contract under which the action
took place?
What situation arose in the case of "Raffles v. Wichelhaus"
A. It was held that when the terms of a contract are unfulfilled, it can
be cancelled.
Will go.
D. It was held that mere agreement of one party does not make the contract
Answer: A. It was held that when the terms of a contract are unfulfilled, it can
be cancelled.
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C. The decision of one party is not binding on the contract.
D. The court
gives an immediate decision on the breach of the terms of the contract.
86. Case: Ram offered to sell his garden to Shyam. Shyam accepted the offer
but on the condition that he would get the garden the next month. Would this
be a legal contract?
Case: Ram offered to sell his cart to Shyam. Shyam accepted the offer but added
a condition that he would take the cart next month. Will it be a valid contract?
87. Case: Mohan agreed to sell his old car to Sagar in exchange for Rs. 10,000.
Sagar Neta accepted the offer but at a price of Rs. 9,000
on price. or it is a contract will be?
Case: Mohan offered to sell his old car to Sagar for 10,000.
Sagar accepted the offer but at Rs. 9,000. Will this be a valid
B. No, because the price has been changed, making it a new proposal
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It is made.
Answer: B. No, because the price has been changed which makes it a new
It becomes a challenge.
88. Case: has decided to sell his property to Sameer for Rs 20,000
Samat made the offer. Samir immediately accepted the offer, but later Samat
claimed that the proposal was meant only as a joke and that he did not believe it
Will he be able to do so? Can Sameer ask for a reward from the committee?
D. No, the offer was a joke and there was no real agreement.
89. Case: Mohan told Pankaj that he would sell him his bike for Rs.
15,000, but Pankaj refused and promised to give the money to Mohan.
Mohan receives the money from Pankaj, but he refuses to give
the bike. Can any legal action be taken against Mohan?
Case: Mohan told Pankaj that he would sell his bike for
15,000, and Pankaj accepted it and promised to pay the
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money. Mohan receives the money from Pankaj but refuses to give
the bike. Can any legal action be taken against Mohan?
Answer: A. Yes, because this contract is a violation of this contract. is a violation of this contract.
Answer: B. When the left and right sides of an object move from one side to the other.
is transferred in another way.
A. The buyer has to pay the price at the time of purchase of the goods.
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B. The buyer has to bear all losses incurred after the maturity of the goods.
D. Both parties must enter into the contract together has to be ended.
Answer: A. Payment of price to the buyer at the time of purchase of the goods
It happens.
Answer: B. a contract in which one party undertakes to make payment to a third party
A party promises to pay the amount if the first party fails to make the payment.
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Answer: A. Guarantor, lender and borrower
94. Guarantee contract according to the criteria of, What is the guarantor's responsibility?
C. With the guarantor The debtor's property has to be taken care of.
But Does. B.
When the guarantor sells his
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property. C. When the lender promises to honor the
guarantee. D. When both parties agree to terminate the contract.
The debtor
responsibility. Answer: A. When I pays the tax on his own
97. What are the rights of the guarantor under a guarantee contract?
What rights does the guarantor have under a contract of
A. The guarantor has the right to demand payment from the debtor.
C. The guarantor has the right to terminate the contract only after
Answer: A. including the guarantor Right to demand payment from the debtor
It happens.
A. The person who undertakes to make payment to any person under the guarantee
C. The person who is entitled to the guarantee contract payment A accepts the centuries.
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99. Guarantee contract
When does the guarantor's responsibility start?
When does the responsibility of the guarantor arise in a
contract of guarantee?
B. Responsibility of the Guarantor happens when the guarantee is contracted to apply This is done.
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A. The applicant has the right to terminate the contract.
B. The negotiator has the right to demand reparation from the addressee.
C. A contract in
which one party represents its material good without
any representation from the other.
lends itself.
A. Pledger
B. Pledge
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C. Creditor
D. Property Owner
Answer: Pledger
105. mortgage contract But what could be the causes of this object?
What types of goods can be pledged under a contract of
A. Only Sampit
B. just walk
C. Opportunity property only
D. Let's go and real estate both
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B. a contract It burns.
in which one paper is used
D. A contract In which one person gives his property on rent to another person.
A. The agent has the power to act without the order of the police.
B. The agent has to pay the legal fees from the supplier There is a right to take action.
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C. The agent has the authority only to give advice to the sample.
D. The agent has the authority to take all decisions regarding the sale.
Answer: B. The agent has to pay the legal fees from the supplier power to take action
It happens.
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109. Agency Agreement What should an agent do under the Act if the supplier has committed a crime?
Have you given specific instructions?
D. Supple
There is no relationship between the investor and the agent.
Answer: B. Sapal
A relationship of trust and responsibility between me and the agent
It happens.
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