Lesson2 Table+Template

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Cambridge Primary

Table template
Topic taken from Learning How will you fit Activities Resources Evaluation
end of series objective that the this into your Which activities will best Online? Self-made? How will learners
report report relates to medium-term help learners achieve this Textbooks? Learner- demonstrate
(Summary of main (From curriculum plan? learning objective? generated? Authentic or achievement?
point) framework) adapted? What are the
How? e.g. into one
topic? success criteria?
When? e.g. every
week? every lesson?
near the start/end of
the year?
I chose Part two (Q6- 1. Writing / As I have mentioned When teaching writing I’ll use textbooks, At the beginning of the
Q15) from the end of Communicative before, trying to teach in general you can use supporting websites, year I’ll use the error
series report which achievement students to master different teaching writing books, writing analysis method to
discusses a really 5Wca.03 Plan, write, writing short paragraphs activities like applications, supporting analyze their writing
videos and games.
important element in edit and proofread short with right grammar, brainstorming, free mistakes. At the end of
teaching English as a texts, with support punctuations and writing, collaborative the semester, I’ll ask
Second Language spelling is not that easy. writing, peer feedback the students to write
5Wca.04 Use simple
specifically writing. I’ll include writing every and some writing games again and analyze their
grammatical structures
Writing is a challenging lesson as much as I can. such as “consequences” writings. If the
and sentence patterns
process even in the first I will try to do writing for example. As for percentage of the error
correctly, allowing for
language; it becomes club and some writing teaching biography analysis is decreased
occasional mistakes.
more complicated to contests with weekly writing I can include that means there is an
write in a foreign 2. Writing/ prizes to encourage the researching biographies, improvement.
language. However, by Organization students to read and writing a biography
Tests, general
following the right 5Wor.01 Punctuate write more. After about someone they
assessments, self-
teaching method and short texts during practicing more and know and creating a
assessments and peer
adjusting the plan to guided writing with more. I’ll include timeline of a person’s

Table template 1
help students write well some accuracy. teaching them to write life. As for the reviews also would
using the right grammar, essays or a biography resources, help in finding out.
vocabulary, with the right verb
punctuations, and 3. Writing/Content tense and grammar. I
spelling. In the process 5Wc.01 Write, with little think it’s going to be
of learning, students or no support, a short easier for both of us to
would commit different sequence of teach them that at the
types of errors or instructions. end of the year after
mistakes in writing such analyzing their writings
5Wc.02 Write, with
as spelling, tenses, throughout the past two
little or no support, a
grammar or even semesters using the
short sequence of
punctuation. However, Error Analysis method
simple sentences which
these errors must be and finding out what to
describe people, places
dealt with and corrected focus on more.
and objects, and routine
by the teacher. This
past and present actions
could be achieved with
and events.
practice alongside with
error analysis.
Use of English
1. Grammatical
5Ug.04 Use an
increasing range of past
simple forms to describe
routines, habits and

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