Download Full Atmospheric Multiphase Reaction Chemistry 1st Edition Hajime Akimoto PDF All Chapters
Download Full Atmospheric Multiphase Reaction Chemistry 1st Edition Hajime Akimoto PDF All Chapters
Download Full Atmospheric Multiphase Reaction Chemistry 1st Edition Hajime Akimoto PDF All Chapters
German English Frequency Dictionary Essential Vocabulary
2500 Most Used Words 783 Most Common Verbs J L Laide
Hajime Akimoto
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Tsukuba, Japan
Jun Hirokawa
Hokkaido University
Sapporo, Japan
This edition first published 2020
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Preface xiii
Index 509
Reaction kinetics and mechanism are a significant part of the fundamentals of atmo-
spheric chemistry. The chemical reaction system in the atmosphere is composed of
homogeneous reactions in the gas and liquid phases and heterogeneous processes
involving particle surfaces. Among them, the study of gas-phase homogeneous reaction
system in the atmosphere has evolved since the Chapman theory in the 1930s to
explain the stratospheric ozone layer, and developed dramatically after 1970s with
photochemical air pollution as a trigger. It is now almost established and summarized
in many bibliographies, including a book by one of present authors (H.A.) discussed in
Chapter 3.
In contrast, although the heterogeneous reaction system in the atmosphere has
developed substantially with acid rain and stratospheric ozone hole as turning points,
the studies have long been confined mainly to inorganic species. The research field of
aerosols and heterogeneous kinetics has undergone dramatic changes since the 2000s,
when the importance of secondary organic aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei was
pointed out. Also, secondary organic aerosols have been recognized as important as
inorganic sulfate and nitrate as a constituent of PM2.5 , which is concerned from the
point of human health.
The formation mechanism of secondary organic aerosols involves condensation
of reaction products of homogeneous gas-phase reactions, uptake of the gas-phase
products onto the particle surface, complex formation and reaction at the interface,
homogeneous aqueous-phase reaction, and evaporation from a particle to the gas
phase. We call series of these processes multiphase reaction chemistry.
This book intends to serve as a reference book on fundamentals of atmospheric mul-
tiphase chemistry. Gas- and aqueous-phase reactions, heterogeneous oxidation pro-
cesses, and air–water interface and solid particle surface reactions related to secondary
organic aerosol formation are first described. After that, new particle formation, cloud
condensation nucleus activity, and field observation of organic aerosols are discussed.
The book can serve as a comprehensive reference for graduate students and profession-
als who are interested in homogeneous and heterogeneous atmospheric reactions of
organic species related to aerosols.
xiv Preface
1.1 Introduction
Trace components in the tropospheric atmosphere consist of gaseous molecules and
particulate matters. Most of gaseous molecules in the atmosphere do not have absorp-
tion bands in the visible region. Some species such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide have
the absorption, but they are invisible to the naked eye under the normal atmospheric
conditions because their absorbance are small. In contrast, since the particulate mat-
ters intercept sunlight and small particles scatter strongly the solar radiation, they are
captured easily by the naked eye as haze. Thus, particulate matters in the atmosphere
called atmospheric aerosols have been studied from relatively early days in relation to
air pollution historically.
These atmospheric aerosols are divided broadly into the primary species released
directly from emission sources and the secondary compounds formed by chemical
reactions in the atmosphere. Further, secondary particulate matter can be classified
into secondary inorganic aerosol and secondary organic aerosol (SOA).
This book aims at the understanding of chemical reactions forming secondary aerosols
in the gas phase, in the liquid phase, and at their interface, particularly focusing on
organic aerosols. Therefore, most of the descriptions are focused on organic species, and
inorganic species are addressed whenever necessary. As for the formation of secondary
inorganic aerosols, detailed discussion has been given by the textbook of Seinfeld and
Pandis (2016).
In this chapter, historical background of research on atmospheric secondary aerosols,
including inorganic aerosols, is described looking back before 1980s, when the atmo-
spheric chemistry was founded as one of the academic fields of the global environmental
nineteenth century when Liebig (1835) advocated a theory that atmospheric nitrogen
compounds deposited on ground are essential to plant growth as nutrient salt absorbed
by roots, leading to a revolution of agricultural chemistry. Thus, atmospheric nitrate,
the main component of the plant nutrient, had been discovered from long ago as a
precipitation constituent (Miller 1905; Eriksson 1952a; Möller 2008). On the other
hand, the discovery of sulphate was delayed nearly 100 years after that of nitrate. From
the view point of air pollution in Manchester, UK, Smith (1852) described based on
the analysis of precipitation that three kinds of air can be found: (i) with carbonate of
ammonia in the remote field; (ii) with sulphate of ammonia in the suburbs; and (iii) with
sulfuric acid in the urban area (Cowling 1982). The described ammonium carbonate
((NH4 )2 CO3 ), ammonium sulfate ((NH4 )2 SO4 ), and sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) are formed
secondarily by the chemical reactions in the gas phase or in the fog water from atmo-
spheric trace gaseous species, CO2 , NH3 , and SO2 . These aerosols are water-soluble,
and recognized as major components of “acid rain” after taken into precipitation.
Incidentally, the term of acid rain was used for the first time in the monograph of Smith
(1872) as accredited by Cowling (1982). Since then, the measurement of nitrate and
ammonium had been made in many places in Europe in the latter half of nineteenth
century from the interest of agricultural chemistry, while sulfate had been measured in
the eastern part of United States since the 1910s (Cowling 1982).
Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) has been measured since the 1950s, started in
Europe and United States, over a wide area. Owing to these wide-area observations,
spatial distribution and temporal trends of pH and chemical components of precip-
itation became to be known well in Europe (Emanuelsson et al. 1954; Barrett and
Brodin 1955; Odén 1976) and North America (Junge and Werby 1958; Gorham and
Gordon 1960; Cogbill 1976). The acid rain causing acidification of lakes and rivers
and their impact on fishery was then brought up as a social problem internationally.
The quantitative research on the formation of sulfate and nitrate as secondary inorganic
aerosol had been developed rapidly as “acid rain” became social concern.
1.2.1 Sulfate
In the earlier studies on acid rain, it was thought that sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), primary air
pollutants whose atmospheric concentration had increased rapidly after the Industrial
Revolution, was taken up into fog water droplets and converted to sulfate by oxidation
in the aqueous phase (Junge and Ryan 1958; Junge 1963):
H2 O O2 NH4 +
SO2 −−−−→ SO3 2− −−−−n+−→ SO4 2− −−−−−→ (NH4 )2 SO4 (1.1)
The rate limiting stage of this process is the oxidation step of SO3 2− to SO4 2− , and the
oxidation by O2 had been studied for a long time (Fudakowski 1873; Backstrom 1934).
However, the oxidation rate of SO3 2− by O2 was found to be very slow (Fuller and Crist
1941; Brimblecombe and Spedding 1974). Therefore, this reaction is not important for
O2 alone as the oxidation reaction of SO2 in the atmosphere, but it was found that the
reaction is accelerated by the coexistence of trace metal ions such as Fe3+ , Cu2+ , and
Mn2+ (Reinders and Vles 1925; Junge and Ryan 1958; Brimblecombe and Spedding 1974;
Hegg and Hobbs 1978). The effects of transition metal ions on the SO2 oxidation in the
aqueous phase still leaves a lot of unknowns, and the studies are ongoing (Deguillaume
et al. 2005; Harris et al. 2013; Herrmann et al. 2015).
1.2 Secondary Inorganic Aerosols 3
1.2.2 Nitrate
The measurement of nitrate (NO3 − ) in precipitation has been reported in United
States early in 1920s from the interest in agricultural chemistry (Wilson 1926). Its
atmospheric concentrations increased rapidly, accompanying with the rapid increase
of fossil fuel combustion. It has been monitored since the 1950s as an important
secondary inorganic aerosol next to SO4 2− (Junge 1954; Lee and Patterson 1969). For
example, the equivalent-basis fractions of SO4 2− and NO3 − in precipitation in Eastern
United States in early 1960s are reported as ca. 60% and ca. 20%, respectively (Likens
and Bormann 1974). Particularly, large amounts of nitrates were reported, together
with sulfate and organic aerosols existing in photochemical smog mentioned in the
next section (Renzetti and Doyle 1959; Lundgren 1970; Appel et al. 1978).
Since the rate constant of the reaction:
OH + NO2 + M → HNO3 + M, (1.6)
4 1 Historical Background of Atmospheric Secondary Aerosol Research
is one order of magnitude larger than the reaction, OH + SO2 + M, under the atmo-
spheric conditions, and the Henry’s law constant of NO2 is two orders of magnitude
smaller than SO2 (Table 2.2), nitric acid (HNO3 ) in the atmosphere is thought to be
formed in the gas phase and then taken into the aqueous phase (Orel and Seinfeld 1977).
Meanwhile, a formation pathway other than (1.6) is considered to be the hydrolysis of
N2 O5 formed via NO3 by the reaction of O3 and NO2 (Orel and Seinfeld 1977):
NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2 (1.7)
NO2 + NO3 + M → N2 O5 + M (1.8)
N2 O5 + H2 O → 2 HNO3 (1.9)
The rate constant of Reaction (1.9) in the gas phase as a homogeneous reaction is
very small, <2.0 × 10−21 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 (Burkholder et al. 2015), and the heteroge-
neous reaction on the particle surface is thought to be more important (Mozurkewich
and Calvert 1988). The NO3 radical involved in this reaction process has absorption
bands in the visible region and photolysed easily by sunlight, so that the formation of
HNO3 by this heterogeneous reaction process is thought to be important in the night-
time (Richards 1983; Heikes and Thompson 1983).
The gaseous nitric acid, ammonia, and ammonium nitrate formed from them are
thought to be in equilibrium:
NH3 (g) + HNO3 (g) ⇆ NH4 NO3 (s), (1.10)
and comparison between model estimate based on the thermodynamic parameters
(Stelson et al. 1979) and field observation for the formation of nitrate have been made
(Harrison and Pio 1983; Hildemann et al. 1984). Reaction (1.10) is reversible reaction,
and the particulate NH4 NO3 increases with the decrease of temperature, and thus the
concentration ratio of nitrate is known to increase in winter and at dawn. Multiphase
models that treat sulfuric and nitric acid simultaneously have been developed in 1980s
(Bassett and Seinfeld 1983; Saxena et al. 1983).
Gaseous HNO3 reacts with sea salt (NaCl) on the surface to give sodium nitrate by
releasing HCl:
NaCl(s) + HNO3 (g) → NaNO3 (s) + HCl(g). (1.11)
Although it has been presumed that the reaction causes the decrease of chlorine to
sodium ratio in the sea salt in the vicinity of continents and brings the nitrate in coarse
particles (Robbins et al. 1959), the reaction has been validated by laboratory experiments
only after the latter half of 1990s (De Haan and Finlayson-Pitts 1997; Wahner et al. 1998).
Thus, nitrates have the characteristics that they exist as NH4 NO3 in submicron parti-
cles in the inland and as NaNO3 in coarse particles (2–8 μm) in the coastal urban area
(Lee and Patterson 1969; Cronn et al. 1977).
However, the trigger to wide concern on the particulate organic compounds was the
discovery of carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the diesel exhaust and
urban atmosphere in the middle of twentieth century (e.g. Waller 1952; Kotin et al. 1954;
Stocks and Campbell 1955; Wynder and Hoffmann 1965). Further findings of many oxy-
genated compounds in the atmospheric aerosols were made in the photochemical smog.
showed that alcohols, carboxylic acids, and carbonyl compounds are included in the
aerosols by use of infrared absorption spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (Cukor
et al. 1972; Ciaccio et al. 1974; Cronn et al. 1977). Also, it was revealed that atmospheric
carbonaceous aerosol sampled in California consisted of elemental carbon (EC) and
organic carbon (OC) (Appel, Colodny and Wesolowski 1976).
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Appel, B.R., Kothny, E.L., Hoffer, E.M. et al. (1978). Sulfate and nitrate data from the
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12: 418–425.
Backstrom, H. (1934). The chain reaction mechanism in the autoxidation of sodium sulfite
solution. Z. Physik. Chem. B25: 99–121.
Barrett, E. and Brodin, G. (1955). The acidity of Scandinavian precipitation. Tellus
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Barrie, L.A., Yi, Y., Leaitch, W.R. et al. (2001). A comparison of large-scale atmospheric
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Bassett, M. and Seinfeld, J.H. (1983). Atmospheric equilibrium model of sulfate and nitrate
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spectrometry. Atmos. Environ. 11: 929–937.
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physical characteristics of organic fractions in airborne particulate matter. Environ. Sci.
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Davis, D.D., Ravishankara, A.R., and Fischer, S. (1979). SO2 oxidation via the hydroxyl
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Day, D.E., Malm, W.C., and Kreidenweis, S.M. (1997). Seasonal variations in aerosol
composition and acidity at Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks.
J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 47: 411–418.
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8 1 Historical Background of Atmospheric Secondary Aerosol Research
De Haan, D.O. and Finlayson-Pitts, B.J. (1997). Knudsen cell studies of the reaction of
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Gorham, E. and Gordon, A.G. (1960). The influence of smelter fumes upon the chemical
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10 1 Historical Background of Atmospheric Secondary Aerosol Research
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2.1 Introduction
Chemical reaction systems in the atmosphere are composed of homogeneous reactions
in the gas phase, homogeneous liquid-phase reactions in deliquescent aerosol particles
and water droplets, and heterogeneous reactions at the particle surface. Among them,
physicochemical fundamentals of photochemistry and kinetics in the homogenous gas
phase reactions have already been well established in principle, and detailed explana-
tion has been given in a previous book by one of the present authors (Akimoto 2016)
and many textbooks introduced therein. In contrast, many aspects of atmospheric mul-
tiphase chemical reactions, including uptake of chemical species from gas phase to par-
ticle surface, heterogeneous reactions at the surface, and homogeneous aqueous phase
reactions, have not yet been well established. In this chapter, fundamentals of physi-
cal chemistry relevant to the formation and transformation of atmospheric aerosols are
described. The values of physical constants appearing in this book and the conversion
factors of energy units between kJ, kcal, and eV are given in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
In this chapter, fundamentals of optical properties, such as scattering of light and
photoabsorption by atmospheric fine particles, and the photochemistry related to the
photolysis at the surface of fine particles are not covered. The former topics are covered
by the textbook by Mishchenko et al. (2002) and Kokhanovsky (2008), but the system-
atic research on the latter topic has not been developed well and is still open to future
In the Middle Ages the notion prevailed that there was a just and
equitable price for everything, and that any person who tried to
obtain more than this price was a sinner. Trade for gain was
anathema; the man who bought the principal commodities of that
time, such as corn or herrings, with a view to selling them at a
profit, was guilty of “craft and sublety”—as the old English statutes
read—that infallibly cost him his goods and brought him to the
pillory. Thus in the year 1311 one Thomas Lespicer of Portsmouth
was caught red-handed in London with six pots of Nantes lampreys
stored in a fishmonger’s cellar in the hope of a rising market. The
law required that when he arrived in London from Portsmouth with
his lampreys he should proceed to the open market under the wall
of St. Margaret’s Church in Bridge Street, and stand there four days
selling at current prices to any one who cared to buy. His failure to
do so, and his wickedness in attempting to “bull” the lamprey market
by hiding them in the fishmonger’s cellar, resulted in the arrest of
himself and the fishmonger, and their trial and punishment at the
hands of the Mayor and Alderman.
Professor W. T. Ashley, who cites this incident in his
“Introduction to English Economic History and Theory” (London
1892), also gives another instance in which our modern theories of
natural rights and freedom of contract seem to be in hopeless
conflict. John-at-Wood, a baker, was arrested in 1364 charged with
the profane practice of “bulling” wheat. “Whereas one Robert de
Cawode,” the indictment reads, “had two quarters of wheat for sale
in common market on the pavement within Newgate; he, the said
John, cunningly and by secret words whispering in his ear,
fraudulently withdrew Cawode out of the common market, and they
went together into the Church of the Friars Minor, and there John
bought the two quarters at 15½d per bushel, being 2½d over the
common selling price at that time in the market, to the great loss
and deceit of the common people, and to the increase of the
dearness of wheat.” At-Wood denied this heinous offence and “put
himself on the country,” whereupon a jury was empanelled, which
gave a verdict that At-Wood had not only thus bought the grain, but
that he had afterward returned to the market and boasted of his
crime, and “this he said and did to increase the dearness of wheat.”
Accordingly he was sentenced to be put in the pillory for three
hours, and one of the sheriffs was directed to see the sentence
executed and proclamation made of the cause of the punishment.
So far as I am aware the Statutes of Henry III and Edward I,
under which these culprits were punished, constitute the earliest
official attempts to repress speculation by law. After the Revolution,
the Bank of England having been organized and bank shares
created, a speculative outburst occurred that led to the enactment of
fresh legislation entitled “An act to restrain the numbers and ill
practices of brokers and stock-jobbers,” but this law lapsed or was
repealed ten years later. In 1707 a law was passed licensing brokers
and making it unlawful for unlicensed brokers to do business, and
in 1708 City rules were established for brokers, obliging them to give
bonds for the proper performance of their duties. In 1711, 1713, and
1719, laws were enacted similar to the Act of 1707.
Then came the speculative schemes of 1720, of which the most
famous or infamous was the South Sea Company, designed to make
fortunes for its shareholders in the slave-trade and in whale fishing.
It was followed by many other projects almost fantastic in their
wildness to each of which the public subscribed liberally. Where all
the money came from that kept this disastrous speculative mania
alive is something one would like to know. There seems to have
been no limit to it. South Sea shares stood at 120 in April of 1720; in
July they had reached 1020, and, after that, the collapse. The
company became a “bubble,” and a burst one at that—and a great
popular outcry followed. It resulted, in 1734, in the passage of Sir
John Barnard’s “Act to Prevent the Infamous Practice of Stock-
Jobbing,” the preamble reciting:
This act forbade bargains for puts and calls, and also “the evil
practice of compounding or making up differences”; but its principal
provision was the prohibition of short selling under penalty of £100
for each transaction. There was, of course, an appeal to the courts,
which held that the statute did not apply to foreign stocks nor to
shares in companies, but only to English public stocks, a decision
that effectually put an end to the usefulness of the law. It remained
on the statute books, however, and it was occasionally resorted to
by persons who sought to evade the fulfillment of their speculative
contracts—a class of persons known to-day as “welchers.”
Finally, in 1860, the law was repealed altogether, the repeal act
reciting that Sir John Barnard’s Act “imposed unnecessary
restrictions on the making of contracts for sale, and transfer of
public stocks and securities.” Thus the first serious attempt to
regulate speculation in securities by law, and specifically to prohibit
short selling, came to be recognized as a failure by the frank
admission of government. In 1867 the so-called Leeman Act became
law, prohibiting all sales of bank stock unless the numbers of the
certificates sold were specified—an attempt to prevent short selling
of bank stock. Even this law was subsequently repealed, and
England, to-day, has no law on the statute books restricting
As the London Stock Exchange grew in influence and
importance, reflecting England’s development as the world’s banker,
popular attack and criticism continued to assail it. It may be frankly
admitted that the legitimate functions of the institution had been
abused by foolish or unscrupulous persons, just as every important
branch of business and politics has been misused, the world over,
since civilization began. The question therefore arose whether these
occasional sharp practices proved the Exchange to be an
excrescence on the body politic, or whether, on the other hand, its
importance in the mechanism of modern business merely required
improvements and reforms. In this situation, which occurred in 1877,
and which caused considerable agitation on the part of both parties
to the controversy, a royal commission was appointed “to inquire
into the origin, objects, present constitution, customs, and usages of
the London Stock Exchange.” The Exchange and its critics thus
reached the parting of the ways. A year was spent by the
commission in examining witnesses and conducting investigations
along special lines, and in 1878 its report, with the evidence, was
published in a Parliamentary Blue Book.
The report absolutely upheld the purposes and functions of the
Stock Exchange and the legitimacy of speculation in securities, and it
went further in pointing out the danger of attempting to force any
form of external control on the institution. The evils of that form of
Stock Exchange speculation which closely approaches mere
gambling were plainly stated, and the report suggested that the
Exchange authorities restrain such practice in so far as was possible.
As the conclusions of the royal commission are of very great
importance, marking as they do the first serious official study in
modern times of the Stock Exchange theory, I quote from the Blue
Book in the hope that Stock Exchange critics of to-day may
understand how these conclusions were reached. “In the main,”
reads the report, “the existence of the Stock Exchange and the
coercive action of the rules which it enforces upon the transaction of
business and upon the conduct of its members has been salutary to
the interests of the public. We wish to express our conviction that
any external control which might be introduced by such a change
should be exercised with a sparing hand. The existing body of rules
and regulations have been formed with much care, and are the
result of the long experience and vigilant attention of a body of
persons intimately acquainted with the needs and exigencies of the
community for whom they have legislated. Any attempt to reduce
this rule to the limits of the ordinary laws of the land, or to abolish
all checks and safeguards not to be found in that law, would, in our
opinion, be detrimental to the honest and efficient control of
In 1909 similar criticism in New York having led to the
appointment of the Hughes Commission to inquire “what changes, if
any, are advisable in the laws of the State bearing upon speculation
in securities and commodities, or relating to the protection of
investors, or with regard to the instrumentalities and organizations
used in dealings in securities and commodities, which are the subject
of speculation,” the commission reported to the Governor, after six
months of laborious investigation, in these words: