MECH 3400 Homework 2_Fall21_Solutions
MECH 3400 Homework 2_Fall21_Solutions
MECH 3400 Homework 2_Fall21_Solutions
The derivation for achieving maximum fiber volume ratio is shown as follow:
𝐸1𝑐 = 𝐸1𝑓 𝑉𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝐸𝑚 (1 − 𝑉𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) = 600 × 0.907 + 3.5 × (1 − 0.907) =
544.53 𝐺𝑃𝑎.
2. In the general Halpin-Tsai expression for composite properties, prove that the value of
parameter ξ = 0 corresponds to the series model, and ξ →∞ corresponds to the parallel
model. (10%)
𝑃𝑚 [𝑃𝑓 +𝜀𝑃𝑚 +𝜀𝑉𝑓 (𝑃𝑓 −𝑃𝑚 )]
(Hint: the general Halpin-Tsai expression is 𝑃𝑐 = , try to derive the
𝑃𝑓 +𝜀𝑃𝑚 −𝑉𝑓 (𝑃𝑓 −𝑃𝑚 )
asymptotic forms by pushing ξ to 0 or infinity.)
a) Assuming no void, please calculate the volume fraction of the fiber in thecomposite
material with continuous fiber. (10%)
b) Assume that the composite with discontinuous fiber has the same fiber volume fraction,
but due to lower manufacturing quality, this type contains a void volume fraction of
2%. Using the elastic stress transfer model (also known as the shear lag model),
estimate the average fiber length if the longitudinal modulus of the composite with
discontinuous fiberis 70% of that with continuous fiber. (Note, do not assume the
matrix contribution is insignificant) Final answer in μm, to one decimal point accuracy