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Design of Nanoantenna using Hybrid Plasmonic

Waveguide Structures
Vipeen Kumar Singh, Himanshu Chaudhary
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— In this report we propose set of nanoantennas fed by covers various applications in optical field such as sensing,
hybrid plasmonic waveguide. We present T-shaped, single photo emission, photo detection, scattering, heat transfer,
circular, double circular and plus shaped nanoantenna having spectroscopy, energy harvesting, nano light sources, solar
area of 1100 × 850 nm2. The suggested approach involves cells, wireless on-chip interconnects, microscopy[1-5], nano
employing a hybrid plasmonic waveguide to feed the antenna for
precise impedance matching. To construct the waveguide,
cavity based antenna [6], bow tie apertures[7], a nano antenna
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology is utilized, and the having horn shaped discussed in [8], yagi-uda array nano
antenna's performance is evaluated within the 150-400 THz antenna [9], novel circularly polarized nano antenna has been
frequency range, at optical wavelengths of 900nm, 1310nm, and given in [10] and different plasmonic antennas have been
1550nm. Execution of this approach is carried out using the CST discussed [11]. For the reduction of antenna size different
Microwave Studio Suite, and CMOS technology can be employed feeding structures like Asymmetric coplanar strip (ACS) [13]
to fabricate the nanoantennas with ease. The proposed and microstrip feeding [15].
nanoantennas could be used in a variety of fields, including
optical sensing, optical energy harvesting, and optical wireless The development of nano scale optical devices which
communication for inter-chip and intra-chip devices.
operates in the sub wavelength regime at high frequencies are
some promises of plasmonics. Plasmonic nano antennas able
Keywords— Hybrid plasmonic waveguide, Nano Antennas, SOI to provide controlled light-matter interactions and also the
technology, dielectric waveguide, Surface Plasmon Polaritons. strong coupling of power between far-field radiation and
localized sources at the range of nano scale. Our proposed
I. INTRODUCTION antenna is taken from the references such as the antenna
Nanoantennas have become an increasingly popular proposed in [1] was implemented by using hybrid plasmonic
research topic in the recent times due to their use in a wide structure where the radiating mode transforms through
range of fields like energy harvesting, sensing, and periodic slots on the surface. The rectangular patch is used to
communication. Nanoantennas are tiny devices that can radiate antenna at S and C bands [2]. The broadband nano
capture, manipulate, and emit light at the nanoscale, having antenna [3] in which, the shape of the antenna is like Vivaldi
their dimensions smaller than the light’s wavelength with radiates at all optical communication wavelengths
which they interact. Nano antennas function on the same (850,1110,1550) nm. Mostly optical antennas use the high
principles as traditional communication antennas, but are dielectric material called silicon as a medium for the
scaled down to nanoscale dimensions, allowing them to waveguide design, since all the integrated devices are
interact with infrared radiation [5]. By enabling the extraction manufactured based on silicon substrate and also that it can
of energy from a previously untapped source, nano antennas support existing techniques.
have the potential to transform the field of energy conversion.
They work in the frequency range of few THz i.e., 100 to The proposed antenna is fed with plasmonic waveguide.
400THz. It is made up of a metallic nanostructure that is The development of hybrid plasmonic waveguide structures in
typically between 10-100 nano-meters in size, which is on the SOI configuration acts as a dielectric waveguide which
same scale as the wavelength of light. provides the longer propagation distance [22]. The metal-
dielectric surface acts as plasmonic waveguide which results
Optical nano antenna can be described as a device which in the better confinement. This structure leads to a trade-off
gained importance and developed applications in several areas between the confinement and propagation distance [11]. Pure
of photonics which efficiently converts free propagating plasmonic waveguides are not practically feasible due to
optical radiation to localized energy, and vice versa. These are excessive ohmic loses. To reduce these effects, combination
similar to their radio and microwave counter parts. Optical of plasmonic and photonic waveguides is used [11].
antennas utilize the distinctive properties of metal
nanostructures, which are strong plasmonic coupling elements. Hence, in this letter, we proposed SOI (silicon-on-insulator)
These antennas strongly enhance light matter interaction at based antenna. It integrates both plasmonics and photonics
nano meter scale, at room temperature. This technology which provide proper impedance matching. It operates at
wider range of frequencies (150 THz -400THz) and can be used are silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon (Si). The metal
used for several optical applications. Proposed antenna is used is Silver (Ag), which is one of the commonly used
compatible with standard semiconductor devices which makes materials for the manufacture of optical antennas. The low
the fabrication of devices feasible. dielectric constant layer is also termed as spacer layer, through
which light is confined. Before analyzing the performance of
II. HYBRID PLASMONIC WAVEGUIDE AND ITS nano antenna, the suggested waveguide measurements are as
CHARACTERISTICS follows: figure1 shows a cross-section image of a waveguide
The hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPWG) is the main along the y-axis with thicknesses of SiO2 =100nm,
element of antenna that achieves strong light confinement by hsislab=200nm, hsiribbon=100nm, hSiO2=10nm, hm=100nm and
coupling the light guided by a dielectric waveguide and a w=100nm. The depth of the high dielectric layer, low
plasmonic waveguide. The main concept involved in hybrid dielectric layer, and metal layer is designated by the letters,
plasmonic waveguide is surface plasmons. The metal surface hsiribbon, hSiO2, hm. The relative permittivity(ε) of the Silicon,
supports Surface Plasmons (SP), which is near the metal Silicon dioxide are 11.68, 2.09 respectively. We provided an
surface. The existence of delocalized coherent electron optimised value of parameters in the Table 1.
oscillations takes place at surface of any two materials or at
the surface of metal-dielectric. EM fields are created due to Table 1 shows the representation of variables and their
the motion in surface plasmon both inside and outside the optimised values
metal. These electromagnetic waves help to focus the light in
the structure apertures, which leads to an electric field Symbol Meaning of Symbol Dimensions
enhancement and used in manipulation of interactions
between light and matter. The whole excitation which L transmission line length 300nm
includes both charge motion and associated EM field, is called w transmission line width 100nm
either a surface plasmon polariton at a planar interface, or a
localized surface plasmon for the closed surface of a small Thickness of Si02 Slab 100nm
Thickness of Silicon Slab 200nm
Hybrid plasmonic waveguides offer several advantages over Height of Si layer in antenna 100nm
conventional dielectric waveguides. They have a smaller
mode volume, which means that they can confine light to Height of SiO2 layer in antenna 10nm
smaller volumes and achieve higher field enhancements. They
also have a higher field confinement at the metal-dielectric Height of metal (Ag) layer 100nm
interface, which leads to a stronger interaction between the
SPPs and the light waves [9]. Hybrid plasmonic waveguides a Radius of the circle 250nm
offer several advantages over metallic waveguides. Firstly,
they allow for a more efficient confinement and guidance of The E-field distribution of SOI structured waveguide is shown
light due to the localization of the electromagnetic field to the in figure 2(b), this depicts the maximum energy confined into
dielectric layer. This results in a reduced impact of losses in
the spacer layer.
the metallic components of the structure. hybrid plasmonic
waveguides offer a greater flexibility in the design and
fabrication of nanophotonic devices

Fig 2(b): E-field distribution of waveguide

Fig2(a): front view of waveguide

The front view of SOI configuration waveguide is shown in III. HYBRID PLASMONIC WAVEGUIDE BASED NANO
figure 2(a), where a dielectric material with less value has ANTENNA
been sandwiched between dielectric material with high value
The nanoantennas were designed using the finite integration
and metal. The low dielectric and high dielectric materials
(FI) solver technique in CST Microwave Studio 2021. The
dimensions of the nanoantennas constructed were 1100 × 850
nm2, and the structure consisted of a two-layer slab made up
of silicon dioxide (relative permittivity of 2.09) and Silicon
(relative permittivity of 11.68). Figures of the proposed
nanoantenna's geometry are provided in both top and front
views. To feed the antenna and ensure strong light
confinement, a hybrid plasmonic waveguide was used to
couple guided light from both the dielectric and plasmonic
waveguides [9]. The front view of the antenna structure
showed three consecutive layers: a layer of metal, followed by
a low refractive index material layer, and finally, a high
refractive index dielectric layer. Fig 3(c): Perspective view of the antenna
A. T-Shaped Nanoantenna
The structure of the nanoantenna is shown below in
the figure 3(a)-(c). The structure consists of the slab B. Single Circle Shaped Nanoantenna
of Silicon and Silicon dioxide onto which we have The structure of the nanoantenna is shown below in
made T-shaped structure in which Silicon, Silicon the figure 3(d)-(f). The structure consists of the slab
dioxide and Silver are used respectively and material of Silicon and Silicon dioxide above which we have
of low relative permittivity SiO2 is sandwiched made single circular shaped structure in which
between Si and Ag. The dimensions of the structures Silicon, Silicon dioxide and Silver are used
made are SiO2=100nm, hsislab=200nm, hsiribbon=100nm, respectively and material of low relative permittivity
hsio2=10nm, hm=100nm, L=300nm and w=100nm. A SiO2 is sandwiched between Si and Ag. The
waveguide port is placed at front face of the dimensions of the structures made are SiO2=100nm,
waveguide to provide the excitation. To ensure that hsislab=200nm, hsiribbon=100nm, hSiO2=10nm,
the antenna can operate across all optical windows, hm=100nm, L=300nm, w=100nm, and a=200nm. The
we simulate it in the frequency range of 150-400THz. radius of the circle is a=250nm. A waveguide port is
The proposed nanoantenna is fabricated using CMOS placed at front face of the waveguide to provide the
Fabrication technique. excitation. The antenna is modelled to operate within
the frequency range of 150-400THz, which covers all
optical windows. The CMOS technology is
employed for the fabrication of the proposed

Fig 3(a) : front view of the antenna

Fig 3(d) : Top view of the antenna

Fig 3(b) : Top view of the antenna

Fig 3(e) : Front view of the antenna

Fig 3(f): Perspective view of the antenna
Fig 3(i) : Perspective view of the antenna

C. Double Circular Shaped Nanoantenna D. Plus Shaped Nanoantenna

The structure of the nanoantenna is shown below in The structure of the nanoantenna is shown below in
the figure 3(g)-(i). The structure consists of the slab the figure 3(j)-(l). The structure consists of the slab
of Silicon and Silicon dioxide above which we have of Silicon and Silicon dioxide onto which we have
made double circular shaped structure in which made Plus shaped structure in which Silicon, Silicon
Silicon, Silicon dioxide and Silver are used dioxide and Silver are used respectively and material
respectively and material of low relative permittivity of low relative permittivity SiO2 is sandwiched
SiO2 is sandwiched between Si and Ag. The between Si and Ag. The dimensions of the structures
dimensions of the structures made are SiO2=100nm, made are SiO2=100nm, hsislab=200nm, hsiribbon=100nm,
hsislab=200nm, hsiribbon=100nm, hSiO2=10nm, hsio2=10nm, hm=100nm, L=300nm and w=100nm. A
hm=100nm, L=300nm, w=100nm, and a=200nm. The waveguide port is placed at front face of the
radius of the circle is a=250nm. A waveguide port is waveguide to provide the excitation.
placed at front face of the waveguide to provide the
excitation. The antenna is modelled to operate within
the frequency range of 150-400THz, which covers all
optical windows. The CMOS technology is
employed for the fabrication of the proposed

Fig 3(j): Top view of the antenna

Fig 3(g) : Front view of the antenna

Fig 3(k): Front view of the antenna

Fig 3(h) : Top view of the antenna

Figure 4.1(c) shows the reflection coefficient graph
represented by the s11 plot which indicate our proposed
optical nanoantenna has bandwidth of 13THz.The
nanoantenna operates with return loss less than -10dB in only
one optical window. Additionally, we can see that gain rises
as frequency rises, which helps to offset significant
propagation loss at high frequencies [23].

Fig 3(l): Perspective view of the antenna


To get the desired results parametric sweep is done for the
values of hsiribbon, hsio2, hm in which values of hsiribbon and hm is
varied from 100 to 200 in a step width of 20, similarly for
hSiO2 the value is varied from 10 to 20 in step width of 2 and Fig 4.1(c) : S11 parameter plot
value of radius of circle varied from 150 to 200 in step size of
20. The HPWG facilitates the propagation of the wave, which is
A. Figure 4.1(a) presents the 1-D radiation pattern of the then emitted into free space via the nanoantenna. The
constructed nanoantenna in the 1-D containing the gain of accompanying figure 4.1(d) illustrates a T-shaped
4.42dB at the optical frequency of 193.41THz (1550nm), nanoantenna and depicts the electric field distribution at each
gain of 5.01 at the optical frequency of 228.85THz layer. As a result of the low refractive index of SiO2, the light
(1310nm) and gain of 6.04dB at optical frequency of is restricted to this specific layer.
333.10THz (900nm) as shown in graph figure 4.1(b).

Fig 4.1(a) : 1-D Radiation Pattern Fig 4.1(d) : E- Field distribution

Fig 4.1(b) : Gain of the antenna

Fig 4.1(e) : VSWR of the nanoantenna
The VSWR of the antenna proposed is in figure 4.2(i). The
Value of VSWR is between 2 and 3 between operating range
of 150 to 360THz which is an acceptable value [9].

B. Figure 4.2(a) shows the radiation pattern of the

constructed nanoantenna in the 1-D having negative gain
at the optical frequency of 193.41THz (1550nm) and
228.85THz (1310nm) and gain of 2.45dB at optical
frequency of 333.10THz (900nm) as shown in figure
4.2(b). So, it can only be used at 900nm wavelength. Figure 4.2(c) : S11 parameter plot

According to figure 4.2(d), the antenna being proposed has

a VSWR value that ranges from 2 to 5 at frequencies
between 150 and 210 THz. This value is considered
acceptable, as cited in reference [9].

Fig 4.2(a) : 1-D Radiation pattern

The graph depicted in the figure 4.3(c) illustrates the s11

plot of the reflection coefficient, which demonstrates that
the optical nanoantenna we have suggested possesses a
broad bandwidth of 26.3 THz. However, the nanoantenna's
return loss is only below -10dB within a single optical
window of 900nm. Additionally, it is perceived that the
gain of the nanoantenna rises as the frequency increases,
which could prove beneficial in offsetting the high Fig 4.2(d) : VSWR of the antenna
propagation loss experienced at higher frequencies, as
previously suggested [23]. C. Figure 4.3(a) shows the radiation pattern of the
constructed nanoantenna in the 1-D containing the gain of
4.39dB at the optical frequency of 193.41THz (1550nm),
gain of 5.51 at the optical frequency of 228.85THz
(1310nm) and gain of 5.60dB at optical frequency of
333.10THz (900nm) as shown in figure 4.3(b).

Fig 4.2(b) : Gain of the nanoantenna

D. Figure 4.4(a) presents the 1-D radiation pattern of the
constructed nanoantenna in the 1-D containing the gain of
1dB at the optical frequency of 193.41THz (1550nm), gain
of 1.72 at the optical frequency of 228.85THz (1310nm)
and gain of 3.6dB at optical frequency of 333.10THz
(900nm) as shown in 4.4(b).

Fig 4.3(a): 1-D Radiation Pattern

Fig 4.4(a): 1-D Radiation Pattern

Fig 4.3(b): Gain of the antenna

Fig 4.4(b): Gain of the antenna

Fig 4.3(c): S11 parameter plot

Fig 4.4(c): S11 Paramter plot

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represented by the s11 plot which indicate our proposed
optical nanoantenna has multiband. The nanoantenna operates
with return loss less than -10dB in the optical windows of The diagram in figure 4.4(c) illustrates the s11 plot of the
900nm and 1310nm. We can also observe that gain increases reflection coefficient graph, which indicates that our
with increase in the frequency but decreases after a particular suggested optical nanoantenna possesses a 13THz
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