Sri Indu Institute of Engineering and Technology is committed to maintain, endorse a culture of conduct that
showcases excellence, intellectual openness, inclusiveness, justice, integrity, fairness, respect, equity and
accountability. It expects students to uphold these standards in their day-to-day decisions, actions, and
interactions. The code of conduct is necessary to mark the boundaries of this needed order. Students continue to
be subject to the laws of the land while at the campus, and violations of those laws may also constitute
violations of the code. Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.
1. Shall read, understand and comply with institutes policies and take responsibility for actions
2. Shall abide by the institutions policy to value and support an institute community that is diverse in gender,
caste, creed, religion, region, nationality, educational background, talent, skill, and experience.
3. Shall be in time to the institution.
4. Shall be regular and punctual to the classes and maintain75% attendance to be able to appear for final
5. Follow the instructions of the teacher carefully in the classrooms.
6. Maintain perfect order and strict silence inside the lecture hall/ drawing hall/laboratories/clubs and the
7. Be attentive in class, to bring calculators, drafter, charts and data handbooks as per the schedule of the
8. Meet all deadlines of assignments, submission of projects, records and posters.
9. Abide by the rules of various laboratories and not damaging the equipments.
10. Cultivate the habit of looking at the notice boards of the institute/department every day.
11. Attend all counseling sessions convened by their mentors and feel free to explain their
academic/personal/career difficulties and seek solutions.
12. Maintain silence in the library and utilize its resources and space without causing damage.
13. Not to be in the canteen during working hours of the institute.
14. To note, to follow principles of progressive discipline and any violence on the campus, destruction of the
institute’s property, manhandling of a person in the campus, and misbehavior with girl students will be
viewed seriously. Erring persons will be liable for academic or financial consequences, if sustained they
will be liable to disciplinary action such as suspension or rustication for specific period etc.
15. Note that defacing of the campus buildings, walls by writing on them or sticking bills, posters is prohibited.
Also damaging the notices and posters displayed in the departments is forbidden.
16. Academic integrity must be maintained while pursing academic studies. To falsify or alter records of
academic performance is an academic misconduct. To note that all types of malpractices and unfair means
in the examination hall inclusive of the assault on invigilators, misbehaving in the examination hall,
enabling other students to be dishonest and impersonation are serious and punishable offences.
17. Participate in various events, seminars, workshops organized by the institution and contribute towards their
18. Student participation is encouraged and must be strengthened through the involvement of students in all
levels of college governance.
19. When attending events outside the campus and representing the institution, the code of conduct will still be
in effect.