Unit1.Introduction to communication
Unit1.Introduction to communication
Unit1.Introduction to communication
Introduction: Achieving success in workplaces closely associated with the ability to communicate
effectively both in the workplace and with outsiders. Unlike in the past today we face highly volatile
world where everything is in a state of flux. Most of the changes associated with this transformation
revolve around the processing and communication of information, several communication challenges
exist at work. places. Identifying a problem arriving at an appropriate solution supervising work
coordinating various functions coordinating various people and their activities developing products and
services and development relationships. All these activities call for effectiveness and efficiency in
Definitions of Communication:
Theo Heimann: “Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one
person to another. It is the process of imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others.”
Newman and summer: “Communication is an exchange of facts ideas opinions or emotions by two or
more persons. Communication is also defined as intercourse by words letter symbols or messages and as
a way that are organisation member share meaning and understanding with another”.
Process of communication:
It is a process of exchange of Ideas, facts, opinions, and manner by which receiver of the message shares
meaning and understanding with another. It is the whole sequence of transmission and interchange of
facts, ideas, feelings etc. Process is a course of action communication, as an organisational process
affects all. It enables us to transfer information from one person to another from one department to
another from outside to the organisation no matter whether the organisation is an individual firm society
or body corporate. The ultimate object is that transferred must be understandable by the receiver. In this
process, the transmitter uses a set of media to convey ideas opinions facts or feelings to another. The
media maybe written media or oral media. Visual media: visual or communication media Carry slides,
new hoardings, posters, its television and films are audio visual communication media. In the process of
various media organizations mission is accomplished and activised. The transmitter selects when and
what to communicate and determines their medium for transmission. The receiver takes the message
interprets pursues and response to it. The whole sequence is the communication process
Elements of communication process:
1.Message: A piece of information spoken or written to be passed through one person to another. It is
the subject matter of communication. It may involve any fact, Idea, opinion, figure, attitude or course of
action including information. It exists in the mind of communicator.
3.Encoding: The process of conversion of the subject matter into symbols is called encoding. and
encoding process translate ides, facts, feelings, opinions into symbols signs, words, actions, pictures and
audio visuals etc. It is up to the sender to select a medium. He feels proper to communicate effectively to
the intended listener or receiver.
4. Communication channel: It means the medium or media through which the message passes the word,
symbols or signs selected should be transmitted to the receiver or listener through certain channel or
medium. Media may be written or oral for example, written media- letters, reports, manual, circular,
notes, questionnaires. Oral media: Face to face conversation, Dictaphone, telephone, recording radio
meeting, conference etc. visual channel slides new hoardings, posters, audio visual: television,
documentary films.
5. Receiver: A person who received the message is called the receiver. He tries to interpret, perceive,
understand and act up on the message
7 Acting: According to the understanding of the message the receiver acts or implements the message
8 Feedback: The sending back of the knowledge about the message to the transmitter is known as
feedback. It ensures that the receiver has received the message and understood in the same sense as the
sender meant.
Principles of communication
Decisions of the manager are conveyed to the subordinate of different rank and file by the superiors.
communication control coordinates them for proper work performance. Thus, communication is part and
parcel of organizational function and so an integral and inseparable part of the process that is the reason
why Chester I Barnard remarked that " the first executive function is to develop and maintain a system
of communication."
2. Direct supervision:
Direct supervision is the principle of organization which facilitate immediate feedback to know the
responses or reply of the receiver of the communication. Managers are personally involved in the entire
process of communication. Interaction helps the manager to listen to the subordinate suggestions work
related problems and helps in solving them. Successful managers encourage feedback which offers
opportunity to the manager to know how far their instructions and directions have been understood and
acted upon by the subordinates. Managers perform the management functions through communication
and managerial positions become the communication centers to receive information from various
3. Two-way communication:
In the early days of development of the subject it was considered with that communication is concerned
with only giving orders and instruction. In this it is the function of the manager to direct the thing. It is
only one way communication process is not complete and effective if it is simply downward a
movement of the messages from superiors to subordinate. But it should be two-way traffic which
implies both transmission and reception it is the managerial function not only to convey any information
but also know the reactions and responses from the receiver communication should be upward
downward diagonal flow so that the managerial task of guiding and directing will be achieved. Two-way
communication insists not only to speak inform issues Orders and instructions, but the sender should be
ready to listen accept suggestions and to solve the work-related problems.
4. Clarity:
The basic principle in communication is clarity. Clarity in communication implies that messages
transmitted should be capable of being understood by the recipient rather than misunderstood.
Unfamiliar and superfluous words should not be used. Simple and formula words are to be selected to
present the message. If the principle of precision and clarity are not followed, they may stand as barrier
to effective communication.
5. Principle of consistency:
Principle of consistency indicate the sender is completely aware of the overall interest policies and
procedures and also the context in which the messages being Sent previous correspondence if any in this
respect any verbal assurance given by the superiors or subordinate etc. for example the sales person visit
home of the prospective client and explain the procedure that would be followed by the painting
contractor it is important that word should we kept whatever commitment has done by the sales person
by the company in the future.
6. Principle of conciseness:
The message should be presented in as briefly and to the point as possible without losing the essential
information. Lengthy messages failed to sustain the attention of the receiver. Short messages provide the
grace and beauty and force to what one wishes to explain whether orally or in a writing.
The message should be included in language, pictures or symbols which can be easily understood by the
receiver this means that the sender is aware of the background of the receiver.
8. Honesty in communication:
The principle of a brightness and honesty of purpose in communication is very essential honest
communication involves a sense of obligation to oneself. To other people and to the absolute. Rightness
is known by the intuition in the mind. Respect for it gives one and experience in living. All managerial
Communications should lend to a true and correct understanding in information or message to ensure
effective coordination among various organisational activities for smooth working.
9. Principle of presentation:
Specially in the oral presentations eye contact facial expressions body language variations in voice, tone,
pitch, introduction of humor, matter a lot the sender can see the response of the receiver and adjust
accordingly having charts, graphs, pictures, models etc. To help in clarifying the issue being discussed
will make the communication more effective similarly the manager has to pay attention to make the
written communication readable and interesting with illustrations use of colour, proper formatting, error
free typing of the content, images, signs will work.
Many messages fail to achieve result because they do not reach their destination at an appropriate time.
for example, washing machine, umbrellas, air conditioner, coolers, sale of fan should be in the right
peak time of the year.
Formal communication:
An official communication having backed and Sanctions. A precise communication channel following
of fixed pattern rather than occurring without control. Under formal system of communication, the
message flows according to a fixed and prescribed away. Formal communications are both oral and
written but mostly black and white. They originate from the formal organization structure. They are
related to the positions in the organisation as such they are linked at to all sorts of formalities, rules
procedures etc. opposed to grapevine of informal communication. When information is transmitted by
virtue of one status placement in the organisation is termed as formal communication. It flows through
officially prescribed route.
Formal channel:
1 Downward channel
2 Upward channels
3.Diagonal channel
4.Horizontal channel
Downward communication:
Another type of communication is according to direction of the flow. The direction of flow may be
downward communication or upward communication. The communication is said to be downward when
it flows from the top to the bottom. In the levels of management from the top to bottom means the flow
of communication from the superiors to subordinate. When information comes from higher level to
lower level in the organisation structure, it is termed as downward communication. The executives put
the decisions in the channel for their download movement at appropriate time. Not only time but other
factors should also be taken into consideration before circulating information. It is up to the managers to
decide when what and where communication is to be transmitted. It is more appropriate to say timing,
scope and means are all involved in the flow of information downward in the decision process. Selecting
the correct time and communicating a decision are the prerogatives of the manager. Most decisions flow
through the organisation structure level by level.
Purpose of download communication:
2. To provide information which produces and understanding of the task and its relationship to
other organisational tasks and therefore gives a rational or reasons for the job
9. To let the people, feel the pride of being relatively well informed.
1. Filtration of messages:
Filtration of messages originally put in a channel for downward transmission when information close
from the top level through successive lower levels. message loss occurs.
There is a difficulty in understanding the message rightly, causing confusion when the message passes
through various levels.
The absence of verbal face to face interaction is a serious setback in downward communication. Most of
the formal communication is in writing or black and white or mechanical media of communication.
Delay in feedback is an obstacle in the clear and proper understanding of the subject.
4. Complexity of organisation:
Downward communication is known for several imperfection in the process like loss of information,
delay, negligence etc.
Credibility and authenticity of the source makes the subordinates to think differently and to understand
7.Overload of message:
If the message load is more than the handling capacity of the subordinate, they may not attend to the
communication. They feel saturated, fatigue or boredom
8. Timing:
Downward is characterised for delay and slow movement of the messages from higher level to the lower
level. Timely passage of information play is a considerable role in accomplishing timely action and
timely decision.
Downward ignores verbal and or face to face transmission of information. In a formal organization, for
known reasons. It relies heavily upon the written media of communication including mechanical media
in the download communication.
Download communication is conspicuous by its absence of mutual trust and confidence between the
communicator and the recipient.
11.Lack of feedback:
Another limitation of download communication is that it provides no scope for feedback as often as
required. It is one way traffic. To be effective communication which is necessary for successful
transmission of download communication.
gap the system overlook some hierarchical people in authority in order to delay for other reasons
information is Saint direct to the concerned authorities ignoring some levels it short circuit the chain.
Upward communication:
4. Flat networks have sufficient message from the bottom for onward communication upward.
Fear: The subordinate will be hesitant to send upward any messages that may result in negative punitive
actions against the subordinate by his superior.
Distrust of superior: The subordinate who feels that he is superior is autocratic unsympathetic and task
oriented will develop a distrust of his superior that may cause him to withhold useful information on the
other hand the more trust and confidence the subordinate has in the superior the more likely he will be to
give the boss messages freely and openly.
The subordinate who feels that his job is of little importance and the information he possesses is
probably non vital will not likely communicate messages to his superior.
Lack of common sharing: Subordinate keep their superiors better in formed when the subordinate no
that will be done with their work when they share common references with their superior and when the
superior is easily available to subordinate.
Perception: the subordinate’s perception of his boss attitude towards him and the open mindedness of
the boss will affect upward communication.
Lack of ability:
Lack of ability to communicate is another barrier to effective upward communication. Most of the
subordinate have not developed or cultivated the ability of communicating upward.
Lack of confidence in superiors: Yet another block to effectively upward communication is the lack of
confidence in superior. The manager hesitates to turn down things presented by the subordinate.
Fear of Criticism: It is a factor that keeps a man from embracing greater responsibility is the fear of
Criticism for mistaking.
Other: Lack of self-confidence incentives, long chain of command, non-listening attitude, status, self-
esteem and ego, distance are also some of the reasons and the limitations of upward communication.
Horizontal communication
Meaning and nature: Under the third category of communication horizontal communication is one
channel. It is known by various other names like sideways communication, lateral communication,
crosswise communication and interscaler communication. It is mainly in formal and is reflected in
meetings conference seminar etc.
2 Problem solving
People of equal status are well qualified in solving problems the system of horizontal communication
facilitates quick exchange of information
3 Conflict resolution: The concept of conflict has been increasingly recognised as an important
dimension in the organisational behaviour. Conflict arises as a result of disagreement are opposition
between two or more individuals or department
4.Lateral communication enables sharing of information among the department this contributes to
making the departments effective.
5.Intra department and inter departmental disputes can be settled without the intervention of the
executives. Communication by objectives the channel gives relief to the superiors by exempting them
from certain matters. It avoids referring unnecessary matters to the superiors and facilitates effective
Limitations of horizontal communication:
1Create confusion creates confusion and difficulty. Sometimes unit of command is affected. In a tall
network there is a hang plank leads to disruption.
2 Another short coming of horizontal communication is that it leads to disruption in the organisational
hierarchy causing problems like conflict ignoring levels message overload etc.
3. Create conflict: Typical limitation of horizontal communication is that it may give scope for conflict
misunderstanding and jealousy this may result in blocking of continuous information flow.
It is one of the earliest as well as the most widely practiced medium of communication. It is through oral
words or words of mouth oral communication has the advantage of speed correctness and complete
interaction. The communicator and the recipient are the parties in oral communication. The process is
face to face conversation in oral or verbal communication mechanical devices can also be used like
Telephone network .The media of oral communication are the telephone, Dictaphone, record, radio,
meetings, conference interview, public address system in a face to face conversation, doubts clarification,
explanations and questions can be asked and answer that one effect two oral communication calls for
certain principles for effective communication such as clarity, gravity, precision conviction, logical
sequence ,good vocabulary, completeness etc.
Written communication:
In a written communication every message is in black and white. It is best method when the
communicator and the recipient are beyond oral communication media this medium ensures exchange of
facts ideas opinions through a return instrument by which they individual or organisation comes in touch
with each other and share meaning and understanding with another. In this type of communication, the
words get in touch with those of others. The process involves sending a message by written words.
Formal communication is usually in writing such as rules, orders, manuals etc. There are several media
of written communication such as letters, circular notes, explanations, memoranda, leaflets and handbills,
reports forms and handout, Union publications catalogue, bulletins, magazines, newspapers, posters,
brochure, office orders etc.
Diagonal communication:
Meaning and nature: Diagonal communication provides a line or a root for conveying information. In
the organisation among the various levels the communication route under the system takes a line from
one department or individual to different levels. It goes across the organisation this communication
travel from subordinate to superiors and between persons at different levels. It takes place among
departments or employees of different levels of hierarchy the functional authorities usually used
diagonal communication.
Visual communication: This communication is with the simple ideas orders warnings etc. can be
communicated. It can be effectively used only in combination with other media. The diagrammatic
representation combines the written with the visual for example, Pie- charts, pictograms, graphs, tables,
Excel sheets, slides, film strips, posters, maps, plans are the best examples for visual communication.
Advantages of visual communication: This data can be glanced and captured with in a movement to
overcome the difficulty in explaining in words visual communication is handy. To provide instant recall
for example traffic signals, advertisement posters, Hoardings. To facilitate comparison for example,
result analysis of the students. To create publicity material for important events and programs for
example, invitation cards for the guests.
Barriers of communication
Barriers Of Communication
Due to superior subordinate relationships where the free flow of communication is not possible.
Sometimes the complexity of organisational structure and multiple managers make it difficult to convey
information properly, and the information gets distorted leading to miscommunication.
Interpersonal Barriers:
Interpersonal barriers in the downward communication there are so many barriers can arise
a. Lack of trust in the employees ,lack of knowledge of nonverbal clues ,facial expressions, body
language gesture, posture eye contact ,different experience, shortage of time of the employees, no
consideration for employees needs, wish to capture authority, fear of losing power and of control
information overloading without understanding the comprehending capacity of the subordinate, in a
world communication lack of motivation, lack of cooperation and trust, fear of penalty, poor relationship
with the superior, attitude barriers physical mental ability limitations, intelligence understanding
preconceived notions, poor management, lack of consultation with the employees, personality conflict
Cultural barriers: Cultural barriers are those that arise due to lack of similarities among the different
cultures across the world. A term that can be harmless in one culture can be regarded as a slang in
another culture. Moreover, various beliefs can differ from one culture to another. Specially in India there
are different types of people, cast, religion, ethnicity people where diverse cultures are available. Age,
education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural background temperament, health, beauty,
popularity, religion, political believe, ethics, values, motives, assumptions, aspirations, rules regulations,
standards, priorities are different language is vocabulary accent direct represents national and regional
barriers because there are n number of differences in the nonverbal communication and body language
posture in different countries. for example, in India while doing the conversation to look into eyes of the
employee is very normal while in the Arabian country to talk with the women there are some other
norms which we must consider while working in the business communication.
Physical barriers: Physical barriers to communication are those that arise due to certain factors like
faulty equipment, noise, closed doors and cabins that cause the information sent from sender to receiver
to become distorted, which results in improper communication. Most offices have closed doors and
cabins for those at higher levels while the rest get seating arrangements. Most offices have closed doors
and cabins for those at higher levels while the rest get seating arrangements in large working areas This
may create both physical and mental barriers between the seniors and subordinate and inhabit free
communication. Similarly, offices of the same organisation may be in different buildings, different parts
of the country or the world create delay loss of messages other physical barriers are outdated equipment
frequent power outages disruptions in transport and communication facilities, failure in management to
introduce new Communication Technology, staff shortages etc.
Physiological barriers: Physiological barriers arise when a sender or the receiver of the communication
is not able to express or receive the message with clarity due to some physiological issues like dyslexia,
or nerve disorders that interfere with speech or hearing.
Semantic barrier: Word or text suggest multiple meanings jargon and technical terms are not
understood by all the same things may mean different things in a different culture.
In effective communication system might include and organisational structure which is unclear and
therefore makes it confusing to know who to communicate with. secondly there may be insufficient or in
appropriate information system there would be also lack of supervision or training and lack of clarity in
roles and responsibilities which can create a certainty in the minds of staff about what is expected of
1. While we are talking about organisational facilities like infrastructure facilities meeting rooms fans
doors in a room all Technology equipment’s conference halls suggestion schemes social cultural sport
activities all the physical facilities it should be very well maintain the time to time which will enhance
the better flow of information in formal and informal communication
2. Do organisation should provide for use of all media of communication in the present-day digital
world and array of Technology is available large corporations use appropriately made films or most of
their internal external communication
3. Structure of the organisation is also an important aspect if the relationships are complicated there are
too many levels messages can get delayed or distorted interpersonal barriers have not to be kept, they
should be avoided as a part of a team of your business everyone has to keep it in mind that they must
focus on the given task without keeping any kind of prejudices
Thank You