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Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Image
Classification on Resource-Constrained Microcontroller Units
Susanne Brockmann * and Tim Schlippe *

IU International University of Applied Sciences, 99084 Erfurt, Germany

* Correspondence: [email protected] (S.B.); [email protected] (T.S.)

Abstract: Running machine learning algorithms for image classification locally on small, cheap, and
low-power microcontroller units (MCUs) has advantages in terms of bandwidth, inference time,
energy, reliability, and privacy for different applications. Therefore, TinyML focuses on deploying
neural networks on MCUs with random access memory sizes between 2 KB and 512 KB and read-
only memory storage capacities between 32 KB and 2 MB. Models designed for high-end devices
are usually ported to MCUs using model scaling factors provided by the model architecture’s
designers. However, our analysis shows that this naive approach of substantially scaling down
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification using such default scaling factors
results in suboptimal performance. Consequently, in this paper we present a systematic strategy for
efficiently scaling down CNN model architectures to run on MCUs. Moreover, we present our CNN
Analyzer, a dashboard-based tool for determining optimal CNN model architecture scaling factors
for the downscaling strategy by gaining layer-wise insights into the model architecture scaling factors
that drive model size, peak memory, and inference time. Using our strategy, we were able to introduce
additional new model architecture scaling factors for MobileNet v1, MobileNet v2, MobileNet v3,
and ShuffleNet v2 and to optimize these model architectures. Our best model variation outperforms
the MobileNet v1 version provided in the MLPerf Tiny Benchmark on the Visual Wake Words image
classification task, reducing the model size by 20.5% while increasing the accuracy by 4.0%.

Keywords: TinyML; image classification; microcontroller units

Citation: Brockmann, S.; Schlippe, T.

Optimizing Convolutional Neural
Networks for Image Classification on
1. Introduction
Resource-Constrained Microcontroller
Units. Computers 2024, 13, 173. In recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs), especially convolutional neural net- works (CNNs), have surpassed human-level accuracy on a broad range of tasks, including
computers13070173 image classification [1], object detection [2], and instance segmentation [3]. Following
AlexNet [1], a trend of building deeper [4], wider [5], and more complex networks [6,7] has
Academic Editor: Riduan Abid
started to improve the accuracy of these models.
Received: 3 June 2024 However, such large models do not fit within the memory and computational con-
Revised: 9 July 2024 straints of mobile devices such as mobile phones, autonomous robots, drones, and other
Accepted: 12 July 2024 intelligent systems with cameras [8]. Therefore, many mobile applications offload their com-
Published: 15 July 2024 putationally heavy machine learning inference to the cloud, which comes with drawbacks
in terms of bandwidth, inference time, energy, economics, and privacy [9]. These issues,
along with the need to run real-time inference on the edge, have initiated the development
of new types of smaller neural networks such as SqueezeNet [10], MobileNets [11–13],
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
and ShuffleNets [14,15] for image classification. However, these smaller neural networks
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
still do not meet the resource constraints of many Internet of Things (IoT) devices [16],
This article is an open access article
which often leads to discarding of captured sensor data. Consequently, there is a growing
distributed under the terms and
need for tiny models able to run on the microcontroller units (MCUs) embedded within
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
IoT devices.
The new research field of TinyML is focused on deploying neural networks on small
(∼1 cm3 ), cheap (∼$1), low-power (∼1 mW), and widely available MCUs with random

Computers 2024, 13, 173.

Computers 2024, 13, 173 2 of 18

access memory (RAM) sizes between 2 KB and 512 KB and read-only memory (ROM)
storage capacities between 32 KB and 2 MB [9,17]. Examples of such IoT use cases include
the processing of sensor data in smart manufacturing, personalized healthcare, automated
retail, wildlife conservation, and precision agriculture contexts. In many of these fields,
image classification plays an important role.
When seeking to obtain convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification
that fit the aforementioned constraints, CNNs for high-end edge devices are often ported
to MCUs by reducing the input channels from RGB to grayscale [9], reducing the input
resolution [9,18], or by drastically decreasing the default model architecture scaling factor
of the model, such as the width multiplier α in MobileNets [11–13]. However, our analysis,
which we will present in Section 6.2.1, shows that the naive approach of reducing the
default model scaling factors leads to suboptimal results when substantially scaling down
the model architecture.
Consequently, in this study we elaborate a systematic strategy to efficiently optimize
CNN model architectures for running image classification on MCUs. Our goal was to
optimize tiny models that fit the following MCU constraints, which are also recommended
in the TinyML literature [18]:
• ≤250 KB RAM
• ≤250 KB ROM
• Inference cost ≤60 M multiply–accumulate operations (MACs)
For our experiments, we used the Visual Wake Word (VWW) dataset [18] with a
resolution of 96 × 96 × 3 pixels. The VWW dataset was specifically designed for the MCU
use case of classifying whether a person is present in an image and is an important part of
the MLPerf Tiny Benchmark [19].
We developed our CNN Analyzer, a dashboard-based tool, to gain layer-by-layer
insights into the model architecture scaling factors that have the potential to minimize
model size, peak memory, and inference time. Using our strategy together with our CNN
Analyzer, we were able to (1) locate the bottlenecks of the model; (2) introduce new model
architecture scaling factors for MobileNet v1 [11], MobileNet v2 [12], MobileNet v3 [13],
and ShuffleNet v2 [15]; and (3) optimize these model architectures. This would not have
been possible with a neural architecture search (NAS) approach, as in [9,20–22], since NAS
requires the definition of the search space in advance and does not provide layer-by-layer
insights. In summary, our contributions are as follows:
• We investigated and developed a strategy to optimize existing CNN architectures for
given resource constraints.
• We created the CNN Analyzer to inspect the metrics of each layer in a CNN.
• Our model implementations use the TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers inference
library, as it can run on almost all available MCUs [23].
• We introduced new model architecture scaling factors to optimize MobileNet v1,
MobileNet v2, MobileNet v3, and ShuffleNet v2.
• We have published the CNN Analyzer and its related code on our GitHub repository: (accessed on 3 June 2024)
Our findings and developed tools are portable to other network architectures and can
be combined with NAS approaches. While the goal of this paper is to increase performance
of models that already fit the aforementioned MCU constraints, our strategy and the
developed CNN Analyzer can also be applied to fit models into MCU constraints that
originally require more resources.

2. Resource Constraints of Microcontroller Units

As recommended in the TinyML literature [18], our goal was to optimize tiny models
that fit into 250 KB RAM and 250 KB ROM while having inference costs of less than 60 M
MACs, as this would lead to inference times of less than 1 s.
Computers 2024, 13, 173 3 of 18

Examples for high-end MCUs which require those constraints are ESP32 Xtensa LX6
(4 MB ROM, 520 KB RAM), Arduino Nano 33 Cortex-M4 (1 MB ROM, 256 KB RAM),
Raspberry Pi Pico Cortex-M0+ (16 MB ROM, 264 KB), and STM32F746G-Disco board
Cortex-M7 (1 MB ROM, 340 KB RAM), which we used for our experiments described in
Section 6. Although the available ROM of these MCUs exceeds the 250 KB required to store
the model, the storage overhead for the entire application utilizing the model must also be
taken into account. Furthermore, these high-end MCUs “Are used in a huge range of use
cases, from sensing and IoT to digital gadgets, smart appliances and wearables. At the time
of writing, they represent the sweet spot for cost, energy usage, and computational ability
for embedded machine learning” [16].
For running inference of neural networks on MCUs, all static data, including program
code and model parameters, have to fit into the ROM, while temporary data such as model
activations must fit into the RAM. The RAM required for neural network inference varies
throughout the layers, and is determined by intermediate tensors that must be stored for
data transfer between layers. The largest sum of input and output tensors of an operation
plus all other tensors that must be kept in the RAM for subsequent operations [24], is
known as the peak memory. The amount of ROM needed for an application is the sum of the
operating system size, the machine learning framework size, the neural network model
size, and the application code size. The number of MACs or floating point operations
(FLOPs) is used to measure the inference cost.
While the number of MACs and FLOPs has an impact on accuracy, inference time,
and energy consumption, storage-related metrics such as the number of model parameters,
which impacts the model size, and the peak memory, which determines the RAM require-
ments, are crucial metrics for running neural networks on resource-constrained MCUs.
Consequently, it is relevant to achieve a trade-off between high accuracy, low inference
time, minimal storage requirements, and low energy consumption. The authors of [18]
used the number of model parameters as a proxy for model size, which requires 1 byte
storage for each parameter using int-8 quantization. However, this neglects the additional
storage requirements for metadata, computation graphs, and other information necessary
for training and inference. Due to this relationship, models with fewer model parameters
may have a higher model size than models with more model parameters. For example,
the MLPerf Tiny Benchmark model of MobileNet v1 with scaling factor α = 0.25 requires
a total memory which is 1.36 times larger than the size for storing the model parameters
alone. Consequently, in our strategy for optimizing CNN model architectures, we intro-
duce the bytes/parameter ratio as a new evaluation metric to estimate the number of model
parameters that have to be reduced to fit a model into the given constraints. For example,
bytes/parameter ratio = 1.3 indicates that in order to reduce the model size by 1000 bytes, we
need to reduce it by approximately 1300 model parameters.
As we will explain in Section 5.3, we capture the aforementioned metrics in our CNN
Analyzer to derive optimization strategies.

3. Related Work
In this section, we will first describe techniques for reducing the size of neural networks
and designing CNNs that require low computational resources (so-called efficient CNNs).
Then, we will present efficient CNN architectures designed for mobile devices and MCUs.

3.1. Techniques for Reducing the Size of Neural Networks

Neural networks are usually highly over-parametrized, containing many redundant
model parameters that do not contribute to the accuracy of the network [25]. Therefore,
pruning [26–28] is used to remove less relevant model parameters. This reduces model
size while preserving accuracy. However, the drawback of pruning is that it has the
effect of creating a sparse model, and currently there are very few edge AI hardware and
open-source software options that support the use of sparse models [16,29].
Computers 2024, 13, 173 4 of 18

Another approach for reducing model size is quantization. Quantization maps high-
precision weight values to low-precision weight values, reducing the number of bits
needed for storing each weight. For example, [30] proposed full-integer quantization (int-8
quantization) of weights and activations to leverage integer-only hardware accelerators,
which can improve inference time, computation, and power usage. The authors of [31]
suggested knowledge distillation, which transfers knowledge from a large teacher model
to a smaller student model by learning mappings from input to output vectors.

3.2. Techniques for Designing Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional layers are the core components of CNNs. These layers extract features
from an input image using convolutional filters, which are small matrices that slide over
the input image one patch at a time. Each filter performs an element-wise multiplication
with the corresponding patch and sums the results to produce a single output value.
In comparison to fully-connected layers, in convolutional layers each neuron only connects
to the small rectangular input patch of the previous layer, which reduces the number of
model parameters in the layer and makes them more efficient for image processing.
When developing efficient CNN architectures for edge devices from scratch, the
standard convolutional layers can be replaced by less computationally complex convo-
lutional layers, such as the depthwise separable convolutions [32] in [11–13], grouped
convolutions [1] in [14,15], and factorization of convolutions [33,34].
Moreover, approaches that were originally designed to increase accuracy by increasing
model size can also be used for model size reduction. The authors of [4] added additional
layers to increase the model’s depth. Other approaches introduce model architecture scaling
factors, which impacts the model’s width by increasing the number of channels [5,11–13]
(e.g., the width multiplier α in MobileNets), increasing the image resolution [11–13] (e.g., the
resolution multiplier ρ in MobileNets), or increasing all three dimensions (model depth,
number of channels, and image resolution) [35].

3.3. Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks

In the following section, we will present CNN architectures have been developed using
the techniques mentioned in Section 3.2 to specifically run on mobile devices and MCUs.

3.3.1. Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Mobile Devices

The first model specifically designed for image classification on mobile and edge
devices was MobileNet v1 [11]. It uses depthwise separable convolutions instead of
standard convolutional layers, thereby drastically reducing both computation and model
size. MobileNet v2 [12] introduced inverted residuals and skip connections to improve
accuracy while maintaining similar inference time and model size. MobileNet v3 [13]
was further optimized through the use of neural architecture search, and introduced the
efficient activation functions hard-swish and hard-sigmoid. All MobileNet architectures offer
the width multiplier α and resolution multiplier ρ as hyperparameters, which can be used
to balance the trade-off between accuracy, model size, and inference time.
ShuffleNet v1 [14] replaces the standard convolutional layers with pointwise group
convolution and channel shuffle, two operations that greatly reduce the computation cost
while maintaining accuracy. ShuffleNet v2 [15] introduced a channel split operation, and
adheres to design guidelines that promote equal channel width while avoiding excessive
group convolution, network fragmentation, and element-wise operations.
As we decided to experiment with models which are originally smaller than 250 KB,
as explained in Section 5.1, we did not consider the following model architectures for the
experimental part of our research: SqueezeNet [10], SqueezeNext [36], CondenseNet [37],
NASNet-A [20], PNASNet [38], MnasNet-A1 [39], EfficientNet-B0 [35], AmoebaNet-A [40],
DARTS [41], FBNet-A [42], and GhostNet [43]. Additionally, our analyses of vision trans-
formers demonstrated that even those optimized for mobile devices exceed the MCU
constraint of 250 KB model size. For example, MobileViT-XXS [44] has 1.9 M model param-
Computers 2024, 13, 173 5 of 18

eters leading to a model size of more than 1.9 MB, as each model parameter uses 1 byte of
storage using int-8 quantization, as described in Section 2.

3.3.2. Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Microcontrollers

The first efforts to use existing efficient CNN architectures on MCUs were conducted
by [18]; they reported an accuracy of less than 80% with 208 K model parameters (Mo-
bileNet v1 [11]) and less than 85% with 290 K (MobileNet v2 [12]) and 400 K (MnasNet [39])
model parameters on the VWW dataset with a resolution of 96 × 96 × 3. In all three cases,
they did not report the model sizes; however, if we use the number of model parameters as
a proxy for model size, which requires 1 byte of storage for each model parameter using
int-8 quantization, only MobileNet v1 fits our model constraint of model size <250 KB.
However, it does not reach a minimum accuracy of 80%.
Several efficient CNN architectures have been explicitly designed to run on MCUs.
For example, in order to reduce computational complexity, Effnet [33] separates 3 × 3
kernels into depthwise kernels and introduces separable pooling. The model architecture
is designed for an input resolution of 32 × 32 × 3 pixels, which does not match our use
case of 96 × 96 × 3 pixels, as explained in Section 5.1. Therefore, we omitted EffNet from
our experiments.
IoTNet [34] is another CNN architecture specifically designed for IoT devices. Unlike
EffNet, IoTNet uses a sequence of 1 × 3 and 3 × 1 standard convolutions instead of
depthwise convolutions. As this model is also only designed for a small input resolution of
32 × 32 × 3 pixels, and no code implementation is provided, we excluded IoTNet from
our experiments.
MicroNets [9] were developed by combining differential architecture search (DARTS) [41],
quantization-aware training [45], and knowledge distillation [31]. The authors used a Mo-
bileNet v2 backbone [12] and the VWW dataset [18], the same dataset that we used to optimize
CNNs on MCUs in our experiments (see Section 5.1). Unfortunately, their paper [9] provides
neither the model nor details about the MicroNet model architecture; hence, we could not
include the MicroNet architectures in our experiments.
Another method to produce efficient CNNs for MCUs is Sparse Architecture Search
(SpArSe) [21]. SpArSe uses a combination of neural architecture search, pruning, and net-
work morphism. Currently, very few edge AI hardware and open-source software options
support sparse models generated by pruning [16,29]. Therefore, we did not use SpArSe or
other methods for pruning in our experiments.
The model parameters of MCUNet v1 [22] are determined using a two-stage neural
architecture search method (TinyNAS) that first optimizes the search space based on
MnasNet [39] according to the MCU constraints, then trains a super network that contains
all the possible sub-networks through weight sharing. To run the resulting MCUNet v1
models on MCUs, [22] developed the specific memory-efficient TinyEngine inference library.
MCUNet v2 [46] extended the work of MCUNet v1 and introduced patch-based inference
and receptive field redistribution for the memory-intensive layers to overcome the RAM
bottleneck in the first layers. Although MCUNet v1 and MCUNet v2 reach more than
90% accuracy on the VWW dataset, they do not meet our model size constraints, as they
require significantly more than 250 KB ROM; specifically, MCUNet v1 requires 1007 KB,
and MCUNet v2 requires 1010 KB. Furthermore, our goal was to use the TensorFlow Lite for
Microcontrollers (TFLM) inference library, which runs on most MCUs [23]; however, these
models are not compatible with TensorFlow.
µNAS [47] is a neural architecture search method that uses aging evolution and dy-
namic model pruning to find network architectures with low computational requirements
of up to 64 KB of ROM and RAM. However, the model search was computationally too
expensive for our use case of 96 × 96 × 3 pixels; for instance, finding an optimal model
with µNAS took [47] 23 GPU days on CIFAR10 with a 32 × 32 × 3 pixels image resolution.
Computers 2024, 13, 173 6 of 18

3.3.3. Comparison to Our Work

As described above, many recent papers on optimizing CNNs for image classification
on MCUs have applied a combination of (1) the creation of a CNN architecture (e.g., a
specialized model architecture [33,34] or neural architecture search [9,21,22,46,47]) and
(2) optimization steps, e.g., a unique training procedure [22,46], model compression tech-
niques such as quantization [9,22,46] and pruning [21,47], and sometimes even a specialized
inference framework [22,46].
In contrast, our focus was to find a solution for the first issue, i.e., optimal CNN model
architectures for the MCU use case. Consequently, we did not apply any of the optimization
steps from (2) apart from int-8 quantization. However, the model variations created
through our optimization strategy can be further enhanced through the aforementioned
optimization steps.

4. Our Strategy for Optimizing CNNs on MCUs

To compare and optimize CNNs on MCUs, we developed a strategy by which each
model architecture is evaluated according to the process depicted in Figure 1. In the next
subsections, we will describe the steps of our strategy in detail.

Figure 1. Our strategy for optimizing CNNs on MCUs.

4.1. Step 1: Create Model Variations

We create model variations in two ways: (1) We create untrained model variations us-
ing default model architecture scaling factors (e.g., different values for the width multiplier
α used in MobileNet v1 [11]). (2) If we find new model architecture scaling factors in step 2,
we create new model variations using the new model architecture scaling factors.

4.2. Step 2: Analyze Model Variations with CNN Analyzer

(1) We use our CNN Analyzer to check whether the model variations fit our constraints.
A model variation that fits the constraints is sent to step 3 for training. (2) If the distance
between at least one model metric and constraint is above a threshold, that model variation
Computers 2024, 13, 173 7 of 18

is discarded. (3) For each of the remaining model variations, we investigate how to make the
model variation fit our constraints by changing the model architecture scaling factors. Then,
we proceed to step 1 to build a new model variation with these new model architecture
scaling factors.

4.3. Step 3: Train and Evaluate Model Variations

(1) We train all remaining model variations on our dataset using the same setup for
training. (2) We evaluate them on the same test set. (3) From each model architecture, we
select the five best-performing model variations that exceed an accuracy of 80% on the test
set to proceed to step 4.

4.4. Step 4: Evaluate Model Variations on MCU

(1) We convert the model variation to a c-byte array, (2) compile the model and
evaluation code, (3) flash the resulting compiled code on the MCU, and (4) measure the
inference time on the MCU.

5. Experimental Setup
In this section, we will first introduce the dataset we used to optimize and test our
model variations. Second, we will explain how we used TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite and
TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers to transfer CNN models on an MCU. Then, we will
present the CNN Analyzer which we implemented to determine the optimal CNN model
architecture scaling factors for our down-scaling strategy. Finally, we will describe how we
tested our best models on a real MCU.

5.1. Dataset
Commonly used datasets for image classification include ImageNet [48] and CI-
FAR10 [49]. However, ImageNet [48], with 1000 classes, is not an appropriate dataset
for our MCU use case [18]. Furthermore, the resolution of the CIFAR10 images [49]
(32 × 32 × 3 pixels) is too small for most real-world IoT use cases [18].
Consequently, for our experiments we used the VWW dataset [18], which consists of
109,620 images (80% training, 10% validation, 10% test) with a resolution of 96 × 96 × 3 pix-
els. The VWW dataset was specifically designed for the MCU use case of classifying
whether a person is present in an image, and is an important part of the MLPerf Tiny
Benchmark [19]. Following this benchmark, we used the constraints defined in Section 2
and a minimum accuracy of 80%. Our goal was to find a model variation that reaches
maximum accuracy on the VWW test set while staying within these resource constraints.

5.2. Running CNNs on MCUs

To keep our research platform-independent, we use the open source TensorFlow frame-
work for model creation, TensorFlow Lite for optimization, and the TensorFlow Lite for
Microcontrollers inference runtime [23] for running the models on the MCU. Consequently,
our work is not restricted to a specific MCU type and allows for a portable deployment
of models across different hardware platforms. To implement a CNN model that runs on
MCUs, we need to apply the following steps:
1. Build a TensorFlow model representation: To build the model variation with our model
architecture scaling factors, we used the TensorFlow framework.
2. Convert to TensorFlow Lite model representation: To optimize the model for inference
on mobile devices.
3. Convert to TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers model representation: The optimized
TensorFlow Lite model representation is compiled to a c-byte array, which is necessary
in order to run it on MCUs.
In each of the three steps, we retrieve metrics and tabular data for further analysis in
the CNN Analyzer, as described in Section 5.3.2.
Computers 2024, 13, 173 8 of 18

5.3. CNN Analyzer: A Dashboard-Based Tool for Determining Optimal CNN Model Architecture
Scaling Factors
To determine optimal model architecture scaling factors for given constraints such as
accuracy, model size, peak memory, and inference time in steps 1–3 of our optimization
strategy (described in Section 4), we developed the CNN Analyzer. This toolkit allows
TensorFlow models to be built with different model architecture scaling factors, and enables
the storage, analysis, visualization, comparison, and optimization of the model variations.

5.3.1. Model Scorecard

As shown in Figure 2, CNN Analyzer displays metrics, layer-wise visualizations, and
tabular data in a scorecard. Example metrics include the number of model parameters,
model size, peak memory, inference time, and accuracy. Layer-wise visualizations display
the input height, number of output channels, model parameters, and number of MACs
and FLOPs. The layer-wise visualizations are based on the tabular data, which are also
displayed for more detailed exploration.

Figure 2. Model scorecard from our CNN Analyzer.

5.3.2. Implementation
CNN Analyzer is powered by a collection of existing and self-developed analytical
tools that analyze and benchmark the model representations created for each model varia-
tion. In an interactive Jupyter notebook, the user can choose the model architecture, define
the model architecture scaling factors, and begin building, conversion, and analysis of
model variations. The extracted information of the different model variations, including its
compound model name, is logged in the model database of CNN Analyzer to keep track of
Computers 2024, 13, 173 9 of 18

all the different model architectures and model architecture scaling factors. The machine
learning operations (MLOps) tool Weights & Biases (, accessed
on 4 July 2024) is used to log all model architecture scaling factors as well as to track and
visualize all model training runs. All metrics and tabular data of each model variation
are retrieved from the TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, and TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers
representations, which are described in Section 5.2.
TensorFlow provides the tf.model.summary method (
docs/python/tf/keras/Model#summary, accessed on 4 July 2024) for generating a layer-
wise summary report with layer names, layer types, number of channels, output shape,
and number of model parameters, as well as a summary of the total MACs and FLOPs of
the model variation.
To capture the layer-wise RAM requirements and peak memory of the model varia-
tion, we used tflite-tools (, accessed on 4 July 2024)
created by [24] to analyze the TensorFlow Lite model representations. Additionally, we
utilized the TensorFlow Lite native benchmarking binary (
performance/measurement#native_benchmark_binary, accessed on 4 July 2024), which can
run on Linux, Mac OS, and Android devices and creates a report with average inference
time on the CPU and a breakdown of the inference time per layer.
To measure the inference time on MCUs, the TensorFlow Lite model representation has
to be compiled into a c-byte array. Since compiling the model representation together with
its corresponding runtime code and uploading it to the MCU for inference time profiling
requires many manual steps, we first simulated the inference using a hardware simulator.
To simulate the inference, we used the Silicon Labs Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) (https:
//, accessed on 4 July 2024), which provides a model profiler that
uses a hardware simulator to estimate the inference time and CPU cycles per layer (based on
the ARM Cortex-M33). To compile the model and flash it on the MCU for the final inference
time evaluation, we used STM32.Cube.AI (, accessed
on 4 July 2024). The STM32.Cube.AI software framework supports profiling of TensorFlow
Lite models on locally connected hardware such as the STM32F746G-Disco board, which we
used for our experiments. STM32.Cube.AI creates detailed reports including the model size,
peak RAM, and inference time as well as a layer-wise breakdown of the MACs, number of
model parameters, and inference time on the MCU.

5.3.3. Naming Conventions for the Analyzed Models

Within our CNN Analyzer, all model variations are named according to the follow-
ing scheme: <base model> <α> <image resolution> c<input channels> o<classes>
<variation code>. The <variation code> combines a short code (l for loop_length, ll for
last_layer_channels, pl for penultimate_layer_channels and b for β) and the corresponding
value for the model architecture scaling factor.

6. Experiments and Results

Based on the literature review in Section 3, we identified MobileNet v1 [11], Mo-
bileNet v2 [12], MobileNet v3 [13], ShuffleNet v1 [14], and ShuffleNet v2 [15] as suitable
candidate architectures to optimize for running on MCUs within our constraints. In total,
we created 397 different model variations, of which 269 were trained and 63 were deployed
to our MCU (STM32F746G-Disco board (
f746gdiscovery.html, accessed on 4 July 2024) for inference time profiling (step 4). In the
following subsections, we present examples describing our optimization strategy with
MobileNet v1 [11]. The process is similar for other models.

6.1. Benchmark Model

First, we used the original MobileNet v1 [11] implementation code from the MLPerf
Tiny Benchmark [19] repository to create a model variation with the benchmark’s scaling fac-
tor of α = 0.25, which scales the model width, and trained it once for 50 epochs on the VWW
Computers 2024, 13, 173 10 of 18

dataset [18] with an image resolution of 96 × 96 × 3 pixels (mobilenetv1_0.25_96_c3_o2).

This model, which serves as our benchmark model, has an int-8 quantized model size of
293.8 KB, uses 54.0 KB peak memory, requires 66.4 ms for inference on the MCU, and reaches
85.4% accuracy.

6.2. Optimization of MobileNet v1 in Detail

In the following subsections, we will provide an example describing our optimization
strategy with MobileNet v1. We will first delineate the optimization with the default
model architecture scaling factors, followed by the optimization by introducing new model
architecture scaling factors.

6.2.1. Optimization with Default Model Architecture Scaling Factors α and l

The MobileNet v1 model architecture consists of several stacked MobileNet blocks
that replace the standard convolutional layers. The width multiplier α uniformly thins each
network layer by multiplying the number of output channels with α, if α<1.
As the architecture repeats a MobileNet block with identical input and output di-
mensions five times, it is possible to vary this number of repetitions without breaking
the architecture, which is displayed in Table 1. The authors of [11] experimented with
this part of the model architecture for model optimization. Therefore, we implemented a
model architecture scaling factor, which we name loop_length (l) (default value: l = 5), for
fine-tuning the architecture.

Table 1. MobileNet v1 architecture and optimizations.

Input Operator Scaling Benchmark Optim. 1 Optim. 2 Optim. 3

VWW Factors α = 0.25 α = 0.25 α = 0.3 α = 0.7
(Our Use Case) l=3 l=5 l=5
pl = 256 pl = 64
ll = 32 ll = 32
β = 0.3
Channels: Channels: Channels: Channels:
96 × 96 × 3 conv2d 3 × 3 α 8 8 9 22
48 × 48 × 32 mobilenet/s1 α 16 16 19 44
48 × 48 × 64 mobilenet/s2 α 32 32 38 89
24 × 24 × 128 mobilenet/s1 α 32 32 38 89
24 × 24 × 128 mobilenet/s2 α 64 64 76 179
12 × 12 × 256 mobilenet/s1 α 64 64 76 179
12 × 12 × 256 mobilenet/s2 α×β 128 128 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s1 α×β 128 128 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s1 α×β 128 128 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s1 α×β 128 128 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s1 α×β 128 — 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s1 α×β 128 — 153 107
6 × 6 × 512 mobilenet/s2 pl 256 256 256 64
3 × 3 × 1024 mobilenet/s1 ll 256 256 32 32
3 × 3 × 1024 global avgpool 256 256 32 32
1024 dense (k) 1 1 1 1
k (k = 2) softmax — — — —
Acc (%) 85.4 85.1 86.1 88.8
Model Size 293.8 KB 244.6 KB 243.4 KB 243.9 KB
<250 KB X ✓ ✓ ✓
Computers 2024, 13, 173 11 of 18

To understand the impact of the width multiplier α for small numbers, we created
model variations with α ∈ {0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35} and l ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and evaluated the impact
of these model architecture scaling factors on the int-8 quantized model size and accuracy.
The model size in KB for the model variations with different α and l are displayed in
Figure 3, sorted by α and l. The figure consolidates the data stored in our CNN Analyzer.
The horizontal line marks the model size constraint of 250 KB. It can be observed that the
model size expands with increasing α and l. α significantly effects the model size, as more
channels per layer require more model weights, which increases the storage requirements.
The model with the highest accuracy (85.1%) that fits into our peak memory constraint is
MobileNet v1, with α = 0.25 and l = 3 (mobilenetv1_0.25_96_c3_02_l3).

Figure 3. MobileNet v1 model size in KB for different α and l.

Figure 4 shows the accuracy of our model variations. The horizontal line marks our
80% accuracy threshold. It demonstrates that the accuracy significantly decreases with
decreasing α. As our goal was to reduce model size while maintaining high accuracy, we
looked for other methods to reduce the number of model parameters and introduced new
additional model architecture scaling factors.

Figure 4. MobileNet v1 test accuracy for different α and l.

6.2.2. Layer-Wise Optimization with New Model Architecture Scaling Factors pl and ll
Figure 5 shows (in blue) the layer-wise visualization of the number of model parame-
ters in MobileNet v1 with α = 0.25. It can be observed that the penultimate convolutional
layer (consisting of 33 K parameters) and the last convolutional layer (consisting of 66 K pa-
rameters) are the biggest model parameter contributors, leading to a model size of 293.8 KB,
Computers 2024, 13, 173 12 of 18

which exceeds our 250 KB constraint. The MobileNet v1 [11] architecture was designed for
ImageNet [48] classification with 1000 classes, unlike our use case with only two classes.
Therefore, we hypothesized that the model size could be significantly reduced by lowering
the number of model parameters in the penultimate and last convolutional layers without
incurring a significant negative impact on accuracy.

Figure 5. MobileNet v1: Benchmark vs. Optimization with pl and ll.

To test this hypothesis, we introduced our two new model architecture scaling factors:
penultimate_layer_channels (pl) determines the number of channels in the penultimate
convolutional layer, while last_layer_channels (ll) specifies the number of channels in the
last convolutional layer. We investigated the impact of varying these model architecture
scaling factors. For our best MobileNet v1 variation (mobilenetv1_0.3_96_c3_o2_l5ll32pl256),
the reduction of pl from 1,024 to 256 and ll from 1024 to 32 were optimal and decreased
the number of model parameters significantly. As illustrated with the red bars in Figure 5,
the number of model parameters in the penultimate convolutional layer dropped to 11.7k,
while the number of model parameters in the last convolutional layer dropped to 0.7k. This
reduced model size allowed us to increase the width multiplier α to 0.3. The resulting best
model variation uses width multiplier α = 0.3, has a 17.2% decreased model size of 243.4 KB
that fits the ≤250 KB ROM constraint, and even shows 0.8% increased accuracy of 86.1% in
comparison to the benchmark model.

6.2.3. Layer-Wise Optimization with New Model Architecture Scaling Factor β

As empirically shown in Section 6.2.1, a higher width multiplier α is highly correlated
with higher accuracy; thus, our design goal was to develop a model variation with the
largest α that could still fit into our 250 KB model size and 250 KB peak memory constraints.
The layer-wise visualization of model parameters in our CNN Analyzer, as shown
in Figure 6 with the red bars, reveals that our best optimized MobileNet v1 [11] model
variation mobilenetv1_0.3_96_c3_o2_l5ll32pl256 still has a high number of model parameters
in certain layers. The five convolutional layers that are repeated with the model architecture
scaling factor l and the preceding layer are the layers with the most model parameters
(the rectangle in Figure 6); therefore, we introduced our new model architecture scaling
factor β to control the number of channels in these layers in proportion to the overall
width multiplier α. Our new model architecture scaling factor β reduces the impact of
these six layers on the overall model size, allowing us to further increase α to 0.7 and
thereby increase the model’s accuracy to 88.8%, using a model size of 243.9 KB and a peak
memory of 148.5 KB. In total, we obtained a relative reduction in model size of 20.5% while
increasing relative accuracy by 4.0%.
Computers 2024, 13, 173 13 of 18

Figure 6. MobileNet v1 optimization with β.

6.3. Summary of Benchmark MobileNet v1 Optimization

Table 1 provides a layer-by-layer summary of the optimal MobileNet v1 model varia-
tions that we obtained by inducing and optimizing additional model architecture scaling
factors. The first two columns represent the input resolutions of each layer together with
the operators leading to the resolution of the next layer. The third column shows the model
architecture scaling factors that contributed to reductions in the number of channels in the
corresponding layer. The fourth column displays the number of channels of the benchmark
model from MLPerf Tiny Benchmark. The remaining columns show the optimizations,
which are explained in detail in Section 6.2.
While our benchmark model (Benchmark) did not fulfill the constraint on model size
of <250 KB, we were able to produce a model of 244.6 KB by retrieving optimal values for
the default model architecture scaling factors width multiplier α and loop length l (Optim. 1),
however with poorer accuracy (85.1%) compared to Benchmark (85.4%). Looking at the
channels (Channels), demonstrates that the model reduction was achieved by lowering the
number of channel repetitions from five repetitions to three repetitions without breaking
the architecture.
However, by introducing new model architecture scaling factors which reduce the
channels in the penultimate layer (pl) and the last (ll) convolutional layer (Optim. 2), we
were able to tackle the biggest model parameter contributors, which were located in the
last two convolutional layers. This allowed us to fit the model variation within the 250 KB
model size constraint even with ll = 5, leading to a higher accuracy of 86.1%.
With the help of CNN Analyzer’s visualizations of the number of model parameters
in each layer, we were able to induce a new width multiplier β and apply it to the six layers
with the highest number of model parameters (Optim. 3). Using β = 0.3 allowed us to reach
the 250 KB model size constraint despite significantly increasing α to 0.7. The best model
architecture was achieved with α = 0.7, l = 5, pl = 64, ll = 32, and β = 0.3, resulting in an
accuracy of 88.8%.

6.4. Leveraging Visualizations to Find Optimal Model Architecture Scaling Factors

During our experiments, we observed that in order to achieve high accuracy it is
important to choose a large width multiplier α, as shown in Figure 4. However, this leads
to a higher number of model parameters, which increases the model size, as demonstrated
in Figure 3. As the relationships between the width multiplier α, the number of model
parameters, and the model size are not linear, the magnitude of increasing α is not intuitive.
For example, slightly increasing α for MobileNet v1 from 0.2 to 0.25 increases the model
size by 42%, from 207.5 KB to 294.2 KB.
For MobileNet v1 with α = 0.25, our layer-wise visualizations showed a peak in model
parameters in the penultimate layer (consisting of 33K parameters) and the last convolu-
tional layer (consisting of 66K parameters) (see Figure 5). These two layers contribute 45%
Computers 2024, 13, 173 14 of 18

of the 222K parameters of the model variation. Without the layer-wise visualization of our
CNN Analyzer, the introduction of new model architecture scaling factors to control these
layers would not have been possible.
Since the CNN Analyzer displays the number of model parameters, model size,
bytes/parameter ratio, and layer-wise visualizations of channels and model parameters side-
by-side, the user can derive ideas on how to optimize specific scaling factor values. These
visualizations are even more important when several model architecture scaling factors
influence the same layer and the model parameter distribution shifts.

6.5. Optimizations of Further Models

We used the same strategy for the other model architectures and adapted it for their
specific model architecture scaling factors.

6.5.1. MobileNet v2
MobileNet v2 [12] also provides a width multiplier α, which we varied in our ex-
periments. Additionally, we exposed the expansion factor t, which scales the number
of channels inside the bottleneck block, as a model architecture scaling factor (t ∈ [1, 6],
default value t = 6). In the default implementation, α does not scale the last convolutional
layer with 1,280 channels. Consequently, we also introduced our new model architecture
scaling factor last_layer_channels to control and significantly reduce the number of model
parameters in this layer.
Since the architecture contains only one convolutional layer after the bottleneck blocks,
we could not introduce penultimate_layer_channels for the MobileNet v2 architecture.
The best MobileNet v2 model variation (mobilenetv2_0.25_96_c3_o2_t5l256) uses
α = 0.25, t = 5, last_layer_channels = 256, has an int-8 quantized model size of 248.0 KB,
uses 56.3 KB peak memory, requires 59.5 ms inference time on the MCU, and reaches an
accuracy of 84.1%, which is below the accuracy of the benchmark model.

6.5.2. MobileNet v3
MobileNet v3 [13] extends the MobileNet v2 [12] block with an additional squeeze-and-
excitation module [50] that is used as an attention module inside the bottleneck structure.
The best architecture within our constraints uses α = 0.05, has an int-8 quantized model
size of 197.1 KB, peak memory of 75.3 KB, 41.7 ms inference time on the MCU, and reaches
83.5% accuracy, which is below the accuracy of our benchmark model.
Since model variations with higher width multipliers α exceeded our peak memory
constraint of 250 KB, we used the same approach as [18], who removed the squeeze-
and-excitation modules inside the MobileNet v3 architecture to lower the peak memory.
The model variations without the squeeze-and-excitation module are indicated by the
suffix NSQ (“no squeeze”). We also introduced our new model architecture scaling fac-
tors penultimate_layer_channels (pl) and last_layer_channels (ll) to significantly reduce the
number of model parameters in these layers.
Our best MobileNet v3 model variation without the squeeze-and-excitation module is
mobilenetv3smallNSQ_0.3_96_c3_o2_l32pl128. It uses α = 0.3, penultimate_layer_channels = 128,
last_layer_channels = 32, has an int-8 quantized model size of 172.8 KB, uses a peak memory
of 110.6 KB, requires 118.8 ms inference time on the MCU, and reaches an accuracy of 86.1%,
slightly outperforming our benchmark model’s accuracy of 85.4%.

6.5.3. ShuffleNet v1
The ShuffleNet v1 [14] architecture uses pointwise group convolutions instead of
costly 1 × 1 convolutions to reduce computational cost while maintaining accuracy.
The model can be scaled by controlling the number of groups in the pointwise con-
volutions with the ShuffleNet-specific default model architecture scaling factor g ∈ {1, 2,
3, 4, 8}, which controls the connection sparsity, and a ShuffleNet-specific default model
architecture scaling factor α ∈ {0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5}, which scales the number of channels per
Computers 2024, 13, 173 15 of 18

layer. Since the number of filters in each shuffle unit block must be divisible by g, only a
limited number of valid model variations can be created.
Due to architectural constraints and the downsampling strategy of ShuffleNet v1, we
could not introduce new model architecture scaling factors to further optimize the model.
The best model variation of ShuffleNet v1 (shufflenetv1_0.25_96_c3_o2_g1) with
α = 0.25 and g = 1 has an int-8 quantized model size of 175.2 KB, 81 KB of peak mem-
ory, 69.6 ms inference time on our MCU, and 85.1% accuracy, which is below the accuracy
of our benchmark model.

6.5.4. ShuffleNet v2
In ShuffleNet v2 [15], the number of channels c in the first ShuffleNet v2 block is
controlled by the ShuffleNet-specific default model architecture scaling factor α ∈ {0.5,
1, 1.5, 2}. We extended the range of α to also include α ∈ {0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35}. It is
important to take into account that the number of output channels of the first block must
be an even number in order to allow for the channel split operation.
To further optimize the ShuffleNet v2 architecture, we introduced our new model ar-
chitecture scaling factor last_layer_channels to significantly reduce the model parameters in
this layer. Since the architecture contains only one convolutional layer after the ShuffleNet
blocks, we could not introduce penultimate_layer_channels for the ShuffleNet v2 architec-
Our best ShuffleNet v2 model variation (shufflenetv2_0.1_96_c3_o2_l128) with α = 0.1
and last_layer_channels = 128 achieved 83.3% accuracy using 78.8 KB of peak memory and
had a model size of 167.8 KB. This optimized architecture does not reach the accuracy of
our benchmark model.

6.5.5. Summary of Model Optimizations

Table 2 lists the best results of our five examined model architectures MobileNet v1,
MobileNet v2, MobileNet v3, ShuffleNet v1, and ShuffleNet v2, plus the MLPerf Tiny
Benchmark [19] inference model (mobilenetv1_0.25_96_c3_o2), sorted by accuracy. Using
our strategy and the CNN Analyzer, we were able to obtain two models that significantly
outperformed the MLPerf Tiny inference benchmark model. The MobileNet v1 model
architecture with variation mobilenetv1_0.7_96_c3_o2_l5ll16pl32b0.25 outperformed all other
evaluated architectures for our model constraints.

Table 2. Comparison of model optimizations.

Model Acc. Model Peak Inference MACs Params Bytes/

Size Memory on MCU Param
(%) (KB) (KB) (ms)
mobilenetv1_0.7_96 88.8 243.9 148.5 181.7 21,893,563 171,743 1.454
mobilenetv3smallNSQ_0.3_96 86.1 172.8 110.6 118.8 6,191,720 78,664 2.249
mobilenetv1_0.25_96 85.4 293.8 54.0 66.4 7,489,664 221,794 1.356
_c3_o2 (benchmark)
shufflenetv1_0.25_96 85.1 175.2 81.0 69.6 3,184,560 71,030 2.526
mobilenetv2_0.25_96 84.1 248.0 56.3 59.5 3,886,352 138,366 1.835
shufflenetv2_0.1_96 83.3 167.8 78.8 57.4 2,741,080 56,058 3.065

All models were developed and employed using the following downscaling and
optimization processes to optimize our candidate CNN model architecture:
Computers 2024, 13, 173 16 of 18

• Build model variations with different width multipliers α and check the model size
and peak memory. Find a model variation where only one of those constraints is not
• If the peak memory constraint is not met, choose a smaller width multiplier α.
• If the model size requirement is not met, create a layer-wise visualization of the model
parameters and identify the layers with the most model parameters.
• Reduce the number of channels in the layers that have the most model parameters.
• Finally, try to increase the width multiplier α as much as possible while keeping the
model variation within the constraints.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

Our research focused on optimizing CNN architectures for MCUs by systematically
scaling down the architectures with (1) existing model architecture scaling factors and
(2) new model architecture scaling factors, which we induced with the help of our op-
timization strategy and our developed CNN Analyzer. Our experiments revealed that
using the original default model architecture scaling factors leads to suboptimal results
when significantly scaling down models, as this approach is too coarse and detrimental
to accuracy. Our research also considered the actual model size, which accounts for the
overhead required to store the model architecture. Furthermore, to estimate the number of
model parameters needed to fit a model within the given constraints, we introduced the
bytes/parameter ratio as a new evaluation metric.
By applying our model optimization strategy, we successfully enhanced the perfor-
mance of established efficient architectures such as MobileNet v1 [11], MobileNet v2 [12],
MobileNet v3 [13], and ShuffleNet v2 [15]. Our model variations outperformed the bench-
mark model from the MLPerf Tiny Benchmark [19], reducing the relative model size by
20.5% while increasing relative accuracy by 4.0%. The CNN Analyzer and its related code
are available on our GitHub repository, allowing the research community to further develop
and improve CNN model optimization for resource-constrained MCUs. While we applied
CNN Analyzer for a specific MCU use case where extreme constraints had to be met, it is
generally applicable for scenarios with less strict constraints as well, e.g., microprocessor
units that require the adaptation of CNN model architectures to hardware constraints.
For future work, we suggest increasing the accuracy of the best model variations
through knowledge distillation [31]. Since the VWW training set consists of less than
100,000 images, we recommend pretraining the model variations on a larger dataset, then
fine-tuning the model variations on the VWW dataset. Additionally, the best model varia-
tions can be trained for other binary classification tasks with a resolution of 96 × 96 × 3 pix-
els. Our findings and developed tools are portable to other network architectures, and can
be combined with state-of-the-art NAS approaches.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, resources, writing, vi-

sualization: S.B. and T.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: We have released our CNN Analyzer and all related code open-source
on our GitHub repository, empowering the research community to explore and build upon our work
and fostering further advancements in the field of CNN model optimization for resource-constrained
MCUs: (accessed on 1 July 2024).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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