Date: ______________
Vital Signs
Temperature : _______________________ Weight : ______________
Pulse rate : _______________________ Height : ______________
Respiratory rate : _______________________ Body Mass Index : ______________
Blood pressure : _______________________ SpO2 : ______________
Pain : _______________________
*Data can be written in bullet form, use red font for abnormal findings. (narrative)
1. General (Received)
▪ Physical development and body build
▪ Gender and sexual development
▪ Apparent age as compared to reported age
▪ Skin condition and color
▪ Dress and hygiene
▪ Posture and gait
▪ Level of consciousness
▪ Behaviors, body movements, and affect
▪ Facial expression
▪ Speech
2. Integumentary System
▪ Skin – general skin coloration, odors, color
variations, skin integrity, lesions, texture,
thickness, moisture, temperature, mobility and
turgor, edema
▪ Scalp and Hair – general color and condition,
cleanliness, dryness or oiliness, parasites,
lesions, amount and distribution of scalp,
body, axillae, and pubic hair
▪ Nails – nail grooming and cleanliness, nail
color and markings, shape, texture, capillary
refill in nail beds
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
4. Eyes
▪ Test distant visual acuity
▪ Test near visual acuity
▪ Test visual fields for gross peripheral vision
(confrontation test)
▪ Perform corneal light reflex test
▪ Perform cover test
▪ Perform the position test
▪ Inspect the eyelids and eyelashes
▪ Observe for redness, swelling, discharge, or
▪ Observe the position and alignment of the
eyeball in the eye socket
▪ Inspect the bulbar conjunctiva and sclera
▪ Inspect the palpebral conjunctiva
▪ Inspect and palpate the lacrimal apparatus
▪ Inspect the cornea and lens
▪ Inspect the iris and pupil
▪ Test pupillary reaction to light and
5. Ears
▪ Inspect the auricle, tragus, and lobule
▪ Palpate the auricle and mastoid process
▪ Perform the whisper test
▪ Perform the Weber’s test if the client reports
diminished or lost hearing in one ear
▪ Perform the Rinne test
▪ Perform the Romberg test
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
palates and uvula, tonsils, posterior pharyngeal
Nose – nasal color, shape, consisteny,
tenderness, patency of air flow through the
Sinuses – palpate, percuss the sinuses,
transilluminate the sinuses
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
▪ Palpate the apical impulse
▪ Auscultate heart rate and rhythm
▪ If irregular rhythm is detected, auscultate for
a pulse rate deficit
▪ Auscultate for extra heart sounds
▪ Auscultate for murmurs
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
▪ Auscultate for vascular sounds
▪ Listen for venous hum
▪ Auscultate for a friction rub over the liver and
▪ Perform blunt percussion on the liver and the
▪ Perform light palpation
▪ Deeply palpate all quadrants to delineate
abdominal organs and detect subtle mass
12. Musculoskeletal System
▪ Observe gait (base of support, weight-
bearing stability, foot position, stride and
length and cadence of stride, arm swing,
▪ Inspect and palpate the TMJ (test ROM)
▪ Inspect the sternoclavicular joint for location
in midline, color, swelling, and masses
▪ Observe the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
curves from the side, then behind.
(test ROM)
▪ Palpate the spinous processes and the
paravertebral muscles on both sides of the
spine for tenderness or pain
▪ Test for back and leg pain
▪ Measure leg length
▪ Inspect and palpate shoulders and arms
(test ROM)
▪ Inspect for size, shape, deformities, redness,
or swelling (test ROM)
▪ Inspect wrist size, shape, symmetry, color,
and swelling (test ROM)
▪ Perform Phalen’s test & Tinel’s sign (for
carpal tunnel syndrome)
▪ Inspect size, shape, symmetry, swelling, and
color of hands and fingers (test ROM)
▪ Inspect symmetry and shape of the hips
(with the client standing) (test ROM)
▪ Inspect symmetry and shape of the knees
(with the client standing) (test ROM). Palpate
for tenderness, warmth, consistency, and
▪ Palpate ankles and feet for tenderness, heat,
swelling, or nodules (test ROM)
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
References: 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
Evaluation Tool:
Physical Assessment and Review of 1-7 8-12 13-20
Systems Incomplete; majority of pertinent normal and Lacking some details but majority Complete; addressed all
abnormal findings are missing of pertinent normal and systems related to the
abnormal findings are noted chief complaint
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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
o Evaluate the past and present health state of each body system
o Double –check in case any significant data were omitted in the Present Illness section
o Items within each system are not inclusive, and only the most common symptoms are listed.
o When recording information, avoid writing “negative” after the system heading. You need to record the presence or absence of all symptoms;
o Avoid recording the word “normal” for normal findings. eg. do not record: “Liver palpation is normal” instead record: “Liver span 10 cm in right MCL and 4 cm in MSL. No tenderness on palpation”
o Use phrases instead of sentences to record data: ex: avoid “The client’s lung sounds were clear both in the right and left lungs” instead record: “Bilateral lung sounds clear”
o Record data findings, not how they were obtained: eg. do not record “Client was interviewed for past history of high BP and BP was taken” instead record: “Has 3-year history of hypertension treated with
medication. BP sitting right arm 140/86, left arm 136/86”
o A variety of systematic approaches may be used: head-to-toe, major body systems, functional health patterns, or human response patterns. No matter which approach is used, general rules apply”
o Avoid documenting with general nondescript or non-measurable terms such as normal, abnormal, good, fair, satisfactory, or poor, instead, use specific descriptive and measurable terms (eg. 3 inches in diameter,
red excoriated edges, with purulent yellow drainage) about what you inspected, palpated, percussed, and auscultated
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