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SRC Rule 68
A. Small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are those that meet all of the following criteria:
(1) Total assets of between P3M to P350 Million or total liabilities of between P3M to P250 Million. If the entity is a parent company, the said
amounts shall be based on the consolidated figures;
(2) Are not required to file financial statements under Part II of SRC Rule 68;
(3) Are not in the process of filing their financial statements for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market; and
(4) Are not holders of secondary licenses issued by regulatory agencies.
B. SMEs shall use as their financial reporting framework the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs (“PFRS for SMEs”) as adopted by the
Commission. However, the following SMEs shall be exempt from the mandatory adoption of the PFRS for SMEs and may instead apply, at their option, the
C. An SME availing of any of the above-mentioned grounds for exemption shall provide a discussion in its notes to financial statements of the facts supporting
its adoption of the PFRS instead of the PFRS for SMEs.
D. If an SME that uses the PFRS for SMEs in a current year breaches the floor or ceiling of the size criteria at the end of that current year, and the event that
caused the change is considered “significant and continuing”, the entity shall transition to the applicable financial reporting framework in the next accounting
period. If the event is not considered “significant and continuing”, the entity can continue to use the same financial reporting framework it currently uses.
E. The determination of what is “significant and continuing” shall be based on management’s judgment taking into consideration relevant qualitative and
quantitative factors. As a general rule, 20% or more of the consolidated total assets or total liabilities would be considered significant.
Small Entities
Small Entities are entities with total assets between P3,000,000 and P100,000,000 or total liabilities between P3,000,000 and P100,000,000. Small entities shall
apply the PFRS for Small Entities beginning on or after January 1, 2019.
The PFRS for Small Entities was approved by the FRSC on December 31, 2017 and by the Board of Accountancy and PRC on February 20, 2018.
Micro-business Entities
Microbusiness entities are entities whose total assets or total liabilities are below the P3,000,000 floor threshold. Micro-business entities have the option to use
any of the following bases of accounting in the preparation of financial statements:
a. Full PFRS
b. PFRS for SMEs
c. Another acceptable basis of accounting
Qualitative characteristics
The qualitative characteristics of financial statements listed in the
standard are:
• Understandability
• Relevance
• Materiality
• Reliability
• Substance over form
• Prudence
• Completeness
• Comparability
• Timeliness
• Balance between benefit and cost.
Recognition of elements
The underlying recognition criteria of the elements of financial statements are that:
• It is probable that any future economic benefit associated with the item will flow to or from the entity
• The item has a cost or value that can be measured reliably.
The standard further considers the probability of future economic benefit and reliability of measurement. Thereafter, the recognition of assets, liabilities,
income, expense and total comprehensive income/profit and loss is considered.
Accrual basis
An entity must prepare its financial statements, except for cash flow information, using the accrual basis of accounting.
Entities that apply this standard must claim compliance with IFRS for SMEs. In extremely rare circumstances when management concludes that compliance
with the standard would be so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements of SMEs, they must depart from the standard. Special
disclosures are required.
Going concern
Entities are required to make an assessment as to whether they are a going concern. Any material uncertainties regarding going concern need to be disclosed.
If the financial statements are not prepared on a going concern basis, this fact and the basis of preparation needs to be disclosed.
PFRS for SMEs vs. Full PFRS
1. Cost Model
2. Equity Model
3. Fair Value Model
Subsequent An entity must measure all items of property, plant and equipment after Property, plant and equipment may be valued using
measurement initial recognition at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any either:
accumulated impairment losses. a) The cost model (cost less accumulated amortisation
and impairment losses)
Amendment or
However, it has been amended Par. 17.5, it permits PFRS for SMEs to use b) The revaluation model (revalued amount less
cost model or revaluation model. accumulated amortisation and impairment losses).
An entity must apply that policy to an entire class of
property, plant and equipment.
Factors such as a change in how an asset is used, significant unexpected wear The residual value and the useful life of an asset must be
and tear, technological advancement and changes in market prices may reviewed at least at each financial year-end.
indicate that the residual value or useful life of an asset has changed since
the most recent annual reporting date. If such indicators are present, an
entity must review its previous estimates and, if current expectations differ,
amend the residual value, depreciation method or useful life.
Section 16 Investment Property IAS 40 Investment Property
Scope Only investment property whose fair value can be measured This standard must be applied in the recognition,
reliably without undue cost or effort on an ongoing basis is measurement and disclosure of investment property.
accounted for in accordance with this section. All other
investment property is accounted for as property, plant and
equipment in accordance with Section 17 Property, Plant
and Equipment.
Subsequent Investment property whose fair value can be measured reliably Investment property may be carried at either:
measurement without undue cost or effort must be measured at fair value at
each reporting date with changes in fair value recognised in profit • Cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment
or loss. losses or
• Revalued amount less accumulated amortisation and
impairment losses.
The investment property whose fair value cannot be measured reliably on
an ongoing basis is presented as a separate line item investment property
carried at cost less accumulated deprecation and impairment losses.
Initial Measurement For Section 11, the PFRS for SMEs provides that basic financial instruments
are initially measured at the transaction price, including transaction costs.
However, the transaction costs are expensed immediately if the instrument
is subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss.
For Section 12, nonbasic financial instruments, the PFRS for SMEs provides
that at initial recognition all financial instruments not qualifying as basic
financial instruments are measured at fair value, which is normally the
transaction price.
Subsequent Basic debt instruments are measured at amortized cost using the effective
measurement of interest method.
basic financial
instrument Investments in nonputtable ordinary shares and investments in
nonconvertible and nonputtable preference shares are measured at fair
value through profit or loss if the shares are publicly traded or if the fair
value can be measured reliably without undue cost or effort.
If the share are not publicly traded or if the fair value cannot be measured
reliably without undue cost or effort, such investments are measured at cost
less impairment.
Impairment of basic All amortized cost instriments must be tested for impairment Under FULL PFRS the impairment loss is the difference
financial between the carrying amount and the present value of
instruments The PFRS for SMEs provides that for a basic financial instrument measured estimated future cash flows discounted at market rate of
at cost less impairment, the impairment loss is the differenc between the interest for similar asset.
carrying amount of the asset and the best estimate of the amount that would
be received if the asset were sold.
Section 28 Employee Benefits IAS 19R Employee Benefits
Defined benefit • Same principles
plans 1. Recognition and measurement of short-term employee benefits, defined contribution plans, other long-term employee
benefits and termination benefits
2. Many principles for the recognition and measurement of defined benefit plans
3. All past service costs are now recognized as expense immediately regardless of vesting
4. The defined benefit of liability is the net total of:
4.1 present value of benefit obligation at year-end
4.2 minus the fair value of plan assets at year-end
5. there is no more concept of expected return
• Different
1. Under full PFRS, all remeasurement of defined benefit plan are recognized through other comprehensive income
Under PFRS for SMEs, actuarial gain and loss are: recognized immediately in profit or loss; recognized immediately in other
comprehensive income. If the SME elected to recognize such actuarial gain and loss in other comprehensive income, the
amount is not subsequently recycled to profit or loss but transferred to retained earnings.
2. Under full PFRS, projected unit credit method must be used in measuring the defined liability
Under PFRS for SMEs, the projected unit credit method is used in measuring the defined benefit liability if the information
that is needed to make such a calculation is already available or can be obtained without undue cost or effort. If this is not
the case, an alternative method is permitted in which future salary, future service and possible mortality between the reporting
date and the date employees are expected to begin receiving postemployment benefits are s
While for an intangible asset, you can only use cost model
Grants are measured at the fair value of the asset received or receivable. A government grant that becomes receivable as
compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or
PFRS for SMEs does not allow an entity to match the grant with the expense for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to
it is intended to compensate or the cost of the asset that it is used to finance the entity with no future related costs shall be
recognised in profit or loss of the period in which it
Under PFRS for SMEs, the grant is a deferred income until the conditions becomes receivable.
are actually satisfied.
Grants in the form of the transfer of a non-monetary
asset can be measured either at the fair value of the asset
received or at nominal amount.