Epc Valve

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7 Apr 2011
MTT to Truck Mating

d. Locate and secure tank lock back pins i. Ensure the hoist cylinder raise supply hose
or restraining device. is connected to the open port of the dual
flange blanking plate on the hoist valve.
e. Ensure the 40 pin electrical cable
connector (truck to forward MTT
Hoist Raise
control box) is disconnected and Supply to
removed from the forward control box Open Port
and MTT.

f. Ensure the 2 conductor hoist valve

control cable (MTT forward control box
to hoist valve) is disconnected and
Typical Hydraulic Connection
removed from the hoist valve control
and MTT.
j. Restore electrical power to chassis.
g. Ensure the OEM hoist control is
configured to hoist the tank. k. Start engine and hoist tank.

h. Ensure the MTT water pump pressure

hydraulic hose is connected to the
Ensure all proper hoisting procedures are
blank port of the dual flange blanking
followed. Failure to use a spotter to observe
plate as shown below.
and correct any clearance issues may result
in damage to MTT or truck while hoisting.

l. Raise tank slowly until tank lock back holes

Ensure all hydraulic pressure has been
removed from hydraulic circuit prior to
removing hoses. Removing pressurized
m. Insert and secure lock back pins or
hoses may result in personnel injury or
restraining devices in the provided holes or

n. Remove electrical and hydraulic power

from unit.
Use care when removing and installing
hoses. Unclean handling will induce
dirt and debris resulting in possible
o. Restore electrical and hydraulic power to
damage to hydraulic components.
Pressure p. Raise MTT to remove lock back pins or
Hose to
Blank Port restraining devices.

Typical Hydraulic Connection

7 Apr 2011

MTT to Truck Mating
q. Lower MTT to chassis. 2. Install return hose from MTT torque tube
manifold to the hydraulic tank return
manifold fitting as shown below and in
Section 10-Hydraulic System.
Ensure all proper hoisting procedures are
followed. Failure to use a spotter to
observe and correct any clearance issues
may result in damage to MTT or truck
while hoisting.

r. When tank is lowered and resting on

chassis frame rails, remove electrical and
hydraulic power from unit.

s. Place lock back pins or restraining devices

in proper holding fixtures.

t. Reconfigure MTT for water truck


1. Install case drain hose from the MTT

torque tube manifold to the hydraulic tank
cover as shown below and in Section 10-
Hydraulic System.



Case Drain Case Drain


7 Apr 2011
MTT to Truck Mating

3. (Hoist Compatible Only) Disconnect the

existing hoist raise hose from the lower
manifold block and reposition hose to the
blank port. Install pressure hose form the
MTT torque tube manifold to the MEGA
hoist manifold block located on the hoist
raise hard line as shown below and in
Section 10-Hydraulic System (Hoist




7 Apr 2011

MTT to Truck Mating
CONTROL BOX INTEGRATION Ensure hydraulic hosing and electrical
MEGA hydraulic control spray systems use the cabling fabrication is measured, fabricated,
PPC (Pilot Pressure Control) pilot pressure to routed and secured with vehicle operation
supply hydraulic pressure to control the in mind. Failure to do so will result in
sprayhead operation, hydraulic monitor and damage to hosing and cabling assemblies.
butterfly valves. The PPC supply pressure
offers a consistent hydraulic pressure source to 3. Install and secure pressure hose from the
the spray system when the engine is running. inlet side of the spray system hydraulic
By using this pressure source, the operation of filter. (refer to Section 10-Hydraulic
the spray head will be slowed down from System)
previous models offering about a 2 second
delay from the sprayhead ON to the sprayhead
OFF operation time.

PPC Supply
Pressure To
Due to the nature of the sprayhead closing Hydraulic
delay, it is important to educate the operators Filter
about this feature. Failure to take into account
the delay in the operation of the sprayheads
will result in the discharge of water potentially
damaging objects or injuring persons with
water being sprayed from the system.
4. Install and secure adapter fitting on the
1. Identify the PPC pump and adapter fittings. discharge fitting of the PPC pump. (refer to
Section 10-Hydraulic System )

PPC Supply
Pressure Adapter

PPC Pump

2. Measure and fabricate a hydraulic hose to

fit between the PPC pump and the hydraulic 5. Route and secure the spray system supply
filter. pressure hose to adapter fittings.

7 Apr 2011
Final Assembly

Electrical/Controls ……………………... 8-1 Spray Bar ……………………………... 8-5
Forward Mounting Bolts ……………….. 8-3 Dump Bar …………………………….. 8-5
Mud Flaps ……………………………… 8-3 Conical Fill …………………………… 8-5
Decals ………………………………….. 8-4 Work Lights ………………………….. 8-5
Suction Loading Station ………………. 8-4 Ground Fill …………………………… 8-6
Ladders ………………………………... 8-4 Quick Drain …………………………… 8-6
Hose Reels ……………………………. 8-5


EPC Valve
1. (After MTT Hoisting Check) Remove the
coil from the directional control solenoid
located on the EPC valve as shown below Directional
and in Section 10-Control System (Hoist Control Coil
EPC Controls). Secure the coil to a stand-
off with a bolt and torque to 5 inch pounds.
DO NOT disconnect the 3 pin Deutsch
connector from the vehicle wire harness.

2. Disconnect the 2 pin Deutsch connector

from the EPC cut-off/dump solenoid as
shown below and in Section 10-Control
System (Hoist EPC Controls).

Directional Control Coil

Cut-off/Dump Solenoid Coil

7 Apr 2011
Final Assembly
3. Connect the MEGA supplied dummy coil Controls
to the vehicle 2 pin Deutsch (EPC cut-
off/dump) connector and secure the MEGA 1. Connect the 40 pin cab control cable from
dummy coil to a stand-off with a bolt. the MTT forward junction box to the
Torque bolt to 5 inch pounds. passenger side cab floor as shown below
and in Section 10-Control System. Route
and secure cable as required.

2. Install the grounding cable between the

MTT and chassis as shown in Section 10-
Control System (Cab Control & Cabling).

3. (If equipped) Install the water level sensor

2 Pin Deutsch Connector and cabling as shown in Section 10-Control
System (Water Level).

4. (If equipped) Mount and connect the foam

concentrate shut-off valve/cabling as shown
in Section 10-Fire Suppression System.
5. Wire tail lights, backup alarm and clearance
lights as shown in Section 10-Lights.

6. Install hoist lever lock out as shown below

and in Section 10-Bolt on.
MEGA Dummy Coil

4. Connect the MTT forward junction box

PUMP cable to the EPC Cut-off/Dump
valve solenoid as shown below and in
Section 10-Control System (Hoist EPC

Hoist Lever Travel Limit Bracket

Cut-off/Dump Solenoid


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