LAB Sangre Grupo 2
LAB Sangre Grupo 2
LAB Sangre Grupo 2
06/11/24 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: If the patient's blood type is AB- , what would be the appearance of the A, B, and Rh samples?
Your answer : b. A, clumped; B, clumped; Rh, unclumped
Experiment Data:
Blood sample Agglutination with Agglutination with Agglutination with Blood Type
Anti-A Serum Anti-B Serum Anti-Rh Serum
1 positive negative positive A+
2 negative positive positive B+
3 positive positive negative AB-
4 negative negative negative O-
5 positive positive positive AB+
6 negative positive negative B-
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06/11/24 page 3
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.
1. To determine an individual's blood type, drops of the blood sample are mixed
You correctly answered: a. separately with antiserum containing antibodies that recognize either type A antigens, type B
antigens, or Rh antigens.
2. Agglutination
You correctly answered: d. All of these answers are correct.
3. Antigens
You correctly answered: b. are present on all cells.
06/11/24 page 4
Review Sheet Results
1. How did the appearance of the A, B, and Rh samples for the patient with AB- blood type compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Nuestra predicción fue correcta, porque al presentar antigenos A y B en su membrana, se genera una algutinacion ante el
suero Anti-A y Anti-B, por lo que se glutinó tanto en A como en B. En cambio, al ser RH negativo, no se aglutinó, porque la
sangre no presenta antigeno RH (no reacciona ante suero ANTI-RH).
5. Which blood sample did not agglutinate with any of the antibodies tested? Why?
Your answer:
La muestra 4 no se aglutinó con ninguno de los sueros de anticuerpos, ya que ninguno de los antigenos estaba presente en
la muestra.
7. When transfusing an individual with blood that is compatible but not the same type, it is important to separate packed
cells from the plasma and administer only the packed cells. Why do you think this is done? (Hint: think about what is in
plasma versus what is on RBCs.)
Your answer:
Es crucial separar las celulas empaquetadas del plasma porque el plasma contiene anticuerpos que pueden reaccionar con
los antígenos presentes en los glóbulos rojos del receptor.
8. List the blood samples in this activity that represent people who could donate blood to a person with type B+ blood.
Your answer:
O negativo muestra 4.
B positivo muestra 2.
B negativo muestra 6.
Benjamin Araya
Alicia Arevalo
Pasvalentina Canivilo
Renata Cornejo
Kiara Pizarro
06/11/24 page 5