Types of Market (2nd Quarter)
Types of Market (2nd Quarter)
Types of Market (2nd Quarter)
1.Explain the concept of market structure and;
2. Discuss the importance in understanding the behavior of firms in different industries.
3. Compare and contrast different market structures, understanding their characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages.
Market Structure is best defined as the organizational and other characteristics of market.
There are four basic types of market structures by traditional economic analysis:
1. Monopoly
2. Oligopoly
3. Perfect competition
4. Monopolistic competition
o Is a market structure in which there is only one producer/seller for a product.
o A government can create a monopoly over an industry that it wants to control, such as
1. Maximizes profits;
2. Decides the price of good or product to be sold, but does so by determining the quantity
in order to demand the price desired by the firm;
3. Other sellers are unable to enter the market of the monopoly;
4. There is one seller of the good that produces all the output. The whole market is being
served by a single company, and for practical purposes, the company is same as
5. A monopolist can change the price and quality of the product.
o There are only a few firms that make up an industry.
o This selects group of firms has control over the price, like monopoly, an oligopoly has
high barriers to entry.
o The products that the oligopolistic firms produce are often nearly identical.
1. Maximizes profits;
2. Price setters rather than price takers;
3. Barriers to entry are high
4. There are so few firms that the actions of one firm can influence the actions of the other
5. Oligopolies can retain long run abnormal profit. High barriers of entry prevent sideline
firms from entering the market to capture excess profits;
6. Product may be homogeneous or differentiated;
7. Oligopolies have perfect knowledge of their own cost and demand functions but their
inter-firm information may be incomplete.
o Is characterized by many buyers and sellers, many products that are similar in nature
and, as a result, many substitutes.
1. There is perfect knowledge, with no information failure or time lags in the flow of
2. Given that producers and consumers have perfect Knowledge, it is assumed that they
make rational decisions to maximizes their self-interest consumers look to maximize
their utility, and producers look to maximize their profits.
3. There are no barriers to entry into or exit out of the market.
4. Firms produce homogenous, identical, units of output that are not branded
5. No single firms can influence the market price, or market conditions.
6. There are many firms in the market
7. There is no need for government regulations
8. Firms can only make normal profit in the long run
o Is a type of imperfect competition such that one or two producer sell products that are
differentiated from one another as goods but not perfect substitute (such as from
branding, quality, or location)