Cy To Taxonomy
Cy To Taxonomy
Cy To Taxonomy
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Karyotypes
and they are not separated from their control regions. However,
chromosomal rearrangements can have a profound influence on the
fertility of offspring resulting from crosses between individuals of
different karyotypes, and therefore they have considerable evolutio-
nary significance (Jackson. 1976, 1982; Maynard Smith, 1989).
Furthermore, karyotypic information effectively forms an independent
data set for phylogenetic analysis and has probably been most useful in
the investigation of groups of closely related and morphologically
similar organisms.
The interpretation, characterization and identification of a cell's
complete chromosome set is referred to as karyotyping and is the first
stage in the process of using chromosomal characters for systematics.
For many organisms karyotyping is relatively easy if an appropriate
protocol is followed, however, in some groups the presence of large
numbers of small chromosomes or of generally very small cells can
make this a more complicated process. For example, most birds have a
small number of normal sized chromosomes but also have a large
number of microchromosomes which may be extremely difficult to
count, let alone identify.
Probably because of the widespread occurrence of reduced fecundity
in crosses between individuals of different karyotype (hybrid disadvan-
tage), karyotypes within interbreeding populations of a species are
usually remarkably constant although a few marked exceptions occur.
However, it is apparent that at least in small isolated populations,
modified karyotypes may become fixed with apparent ease (see
below), and therefore karyotypes can provide much useful information
about the evolution of a group, the more so as geographic isolation is
probably the most important mode of speciation.
Karyotypic variation may involve several types of change. Whole
chromosome sets may be gained through polyploidy events (which
themselves can take several forms). Rearrangements of chromosome
sections can occur (e.g. translocations and inversions; see section 7 .5)
or individual chromosomes may be lost or gained either by errors in
their migration to daughter cells during meiosis or, probably more
important, the fusion of one chromosome with another (combined with
subsequent loss of the extra centromere) or, less commonly, chromosome
The degree of variation in chromosome number between closely
related species is subject to great variation. In some groups even
closely related species can be widely dissimilar as epitomized by the
are found which have a natural banding pattern that can enable
recognition not only of individual chromosomes but also of small
segments of chromosomes. In many other species, differences in the
densities of chromatin and heterochromatin along chromosomes and
differences in the relative amounts of A-T (adenine-thymine) rich or
C-G (cytosine-guanine) rich DNA along chromosome arms can be
revealed by appropriate staining procedures, again permitting the
recognition of particular chromosomes or parts of chromosomes.
A cursory consideration of the karyotypes of a few different
organisms will soon show that while some are dominated by
metacentrics others have high proportions of acrocentrics and/or
telocentrics (Figure 7.1). Such differences are often apparent even
between quite closely related taxa such as species within a genus or
genera within a tribe. Unfortunately, changes in chromosome number
or, in the case of plants, ploidy level may make it effectively
impossible to score the character state of homologous chromosomes in
the different taxa and therefore if this variation is to be used for
taxonomic purposes it is frequently necessary to obtain an index of
chromosome arm asymmetry. An appropriate measure is the intra-
chromosomal asymmetry index, A 1 (Zarco, 1986), where
where bi and Bi are the lengths of the shortest and longest arms of the
n chromosomes in the karyotype. This index is framed so as to be close
to zero if all the chromosomes are metacentric and near one if all are
Figure 7.2 Diagrams showing the difference between two forms of chromosomal
inversion and a translocation.
true at the molecular leveL there is still the practical problem of being
able to recognize the difference between two different chromosomal
rearrangements that involve similar but non-identical transformations.
Nevertheless. the proposed uniqueness of any particular inversion
appears to be largely supported by other evidence although there may
be occasional exceptions. As explained by Farris (197R), unique
acquisition of an inversion does not rule out reversal because while the
back inversion may be extremely unlikely, a population could be
polymorphic for the inversion and from this situation the new inversion
could either become fixed or could be selected against and ultimately
eliminated. Phylogenetic analysis of chromosomal rearrangements
might therefore be better conducted under the polymorphism par-
simony criterion rather than with the assumption that chromosomal
rearrangements arc irreversible (see chapter 2 and Figure 2.10).