Bob Starkey-Things I've Learned Along My Journey
Bob Starkey-Things I've Learned Along My Journey
Bob Starkey-Things I've Learned Along My Journey
“It’s not what you say, it’s what they hear.”- Don Meyer
Tim Elmore: “Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future”
Look at how you communicate, motivate, and inspire this particular generation.
Small “i” (iPhones, iPads)
How are you utilizing those things? Take advantage of them.
Coach Starkey sends their players a text with a graphic of the defensive emphasis for the
Visually teach them
Visually information is going to stick with them a little longer.
Do a little video every day with players
2. Thinking:
Disadvantage Drills
Don’t always stop and teach/correct.
Allow players to figure it out for themselves and THINK!
When you make them think, they start talking to each other.
Create a little chaos in practice and create problems and adversity for them.
That is exactly what games are.
Practice Thoughts:
Great time right now to do a serious review of how you play and how you practice.
o This is a great time to eliminate stuff.
o We tend to add too many layers. ”Do you want better plays or better players?”-
Don Meyer
Coach Knight was asked this question in a clinic:
“Coach what do you think is the best zone defense to play?
His Answer: “We don’t believe in zone defense and believe in individual responsibility”
Asked again: If you were to play zone, what zone would you play?
His Answer: “I don’t like any of them, that’s why we don’t play them.”
(Same person raises hand a third time)
Coach Knight: “What?!”
“If the NCAA passed a rule that you had to play zone, what defense would you play”
His Answer: I would freakin quit! Now don’t put your hand up again!”
The Process:
Nick Saban:
The process is being able to control the things you can control, and not worry about the
things you can’t.
Unless you are the quarterback, you have absolutely no reason to look at the
o It has nothing to do with the job in front of you
o Concentrate on that particular play, then turn around and do it again.
Did not have or talk about numerical goals for the season (# of wins) or championships.
o Can get in the way of you being successful
Be the best at that particular time and moment.
At LSU, they challenged their captains on the basketball team to come up with a goal for
the season
Their Goal: Be the best practice team in the country.
Made a list of what that looks like, sounds like, feels like.
Be an NBA player: Next. Best. Action
It is the only thing you are responsible for
o If you get beat, have the best next possession you can.
o Same if you make a great play on offense. Don’t celebrate.
“Just want to have a good practice today”-BILL BELICHICK
Player Notebooks:
Before practice, have players fill out one goal they have for that day and put it in a box.
Discuss later with players
There are going to be times when the shots are not falling, so you have to be able to
play inside.
You can have a great paint game with 4 and 5 out offenses. Transition can be a part of
your paint game.
Lebron James: After they lost to Dallas in the Finals, he spent time with Hakeem to work
on his paint game/post ups.
Pat Summitt would not sign a recruit until they came and watched practice. She
wanted the players to see what they did day-in and day-out.
*If you stop and correct your players in a drll, you have 7 seconds.
Sandwich Technique: Positive-Negative-Positive
5 Laws of Teaching:
Do you think there is such a thing as over thinking?
Yes. The more you think, the slower your feet get.