120-Article Text-269-1-10-20221211
120-Article Text-269-1-10-20221211
120-Article Text-269-1-10-20221211
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Emerging Technology, Vol. 05, No. 02, DEC 2022, pp 11-14
authorized person. Microcontroller will collect all data from Detailed methodology for our project is to gain our
sensor and send input to LCD. Once oil temperature increases objectives of research under as:
above the limit value it will send signal to automatic circuit It consists of power transformer, thermistor, oil sensor,
breaker which will trip shortly [3]. microcontroller ATmega328 (Arduino Nano)’ converter, LCD
monitor, GSM modem and Automatic Circuit breaker.
IV. WORKING OF OTHER MAJOR COMPONENTS Generally, transformers will fail due to voltage and current
A. Arduino Nano fluctuations, overheating, oil level changes, etc. In this task,
we use microcontroller, temperature sensors, oil level sensors,
Due to its versatility, this device uses an AVR ATmega328
(Arduino Nano 3) [4]. It is a high performance low-power etc. to sense these faults.
computer with RISC architecture. It is faster than PIC and Both sensors are connected to the converter, and the
8051. The microcontroller device interfaces with temperature microcontroller ATmega328 (Arduino Nano) receives the
sensors 10k thermistor, LCD, oil level sensors, GSM modules, digital output from the converter. Microcontroller ATmega328
reed switches, and voltage sensors [5]. (Arduino Nano) has four ports: viz. We will connect to P1, P2,
P3 and P0 of the address block, GSM model and LCD,
B. Micro-switches respectively. If a malfunction occurs due to the above reasons,
When the transformer runs beyond its maximum rating, the oil the change in the rated value will be displayed on the LCD
temperature starts to rise, which will expand the oil volume. screen, and via the GSM modem, a fast SMS will enter the
Expansion will cause the oil to reach its maximum limit. The control room or to the specific person [6]. If temperature
proposed monitoring system will send an SMS to WAPDA increase continuously due to unavailability of person, it will
engineers on first limit to warn them. When second limit send signal to circuit breaker to cut the transformer from load
exceeds which is maximum value it will send SMS to concern to avoid the severe loss.
and open the switch to cut the transformer from load.
B. Flow Chart of working of the circuit
C. Bascom
Bascom-AVR is the original Windows Basic compiler for the
AVR microcontroller series [7]. It is a compiler built by
Atmel, powerful and easy to use. Bascom-AVR has four
programs in one toolkit, called Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). They all include program editors,
compilers, programmers and simulators. Such a development
environment facilitates the entire process from coding and
testing programs to programming the microcontroller used.
This article writes and burns Bascom commands into the
microcontroller flash memory so that the built-in circuit can
complete its tasks and achieve goals
A. Block Diagram
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Emerging Technology, Vol. 05, No. 02, DEC 2022, pp 11-14
Ahsan Rasheed et al., Transformer Oil Temperature Monitoring with Automatic Circuit Breaker Operation with SMS Alert
C. Components of Project
The components used in this project are following given
1. AURDUINO NANO (ATmega328)
2. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
3. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
4. ZMPT101B AC Voltage Sensor
5. Magnetic oil level indicator
6. NTC Thermistor 10k
7. Bascom
8. Buck Converter
9. Relay Module
10. 220AC to 5DC Inverter
11. Battery
12. Connecting wires
13. Wires connector
D. Prototype Model
Fig.4. Fig of low oil level
B. Case 02: High Oil Level
If the oil level of the transformer is high, the high-level
sensor represented by the high-level button in the circuit will
feel it. The text message is " Oil Level is High in Tran ", and
"O: High" and reduce the load is displayed on the LCD
screen as shown in figure 5.
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Emerging Technology, Vol. 05, No. 02, DEC 2022, pp 11-14
Ahsan Rasheed et al., Transformer Oil Temperature Monitoring with Automatic Circuit Breaker Operation with SMS Alert
A very critical engineering concept is transformer protection.
Obviously, with population growth and economic growth,
electricity demand is increasing rapidly. This requires the use
of more advanced transformer safety methods in the future to
ensure the reliable power supply needed for economic growth.
Based on the work carried out in this project, some
adjustments will be required in the future.
i. A current sensor can be added to further extend the design
to calculate the current of the transformer and then measure
its overload value.
ii. In any ab normal situation that requires quick response from
the controller, this design can be enhanced by incorporating
control behaviors.
Fig.6. High Oil Temperature iii. Linking all transformers to the SCADA system may be an
If the oil temperature in the transformer is higher than 65°C, acceptable option in order to display its parameters in the
the Thermistor 10k will feel it, and the temperature is human machine interface (HMI).
expressed by temperature, Online sensor. As shown in fig 6 REFERENCES
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International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Emerging Technology, Vol. 05, No. 02, DEC 2022, pp 11-14