Las W5 Q1 Sci4
Las W5 Q1 Sci4
Las W5 Q1 Sci4
Learning Area: Science 4 3rd Quarter
Lesson No.: 2 Date:
Lesson Title/ Topic: Describing Motion Using Distance, Time, and Speed
Grade &
II. Objective(s): At the end of the activity, the learners are expected to:
1. familiarize oneself with simple equipment to measure distance and time, like a meter
stick, ruler, measuring tape, and stopwatch;
2. measure an object’s distance and time of travel;
3. calculate the speed of a moving object;
4. determine which object was the fastest; and
5. recognize the importance of having accurate measurements in describing motion. III.
Materials Needed: toy car (the same model/type for each group) or any available
object that can be moved; measuring tape or rules; stopwatch or times; markers;
racetrack; scoreboard
IV. Instructions: For this activity, you need to work in groups of five members. You will
conduct a race against the other groups using a toy car. Make sure that group members have
a role to play. Before conducting the race, predict whether your toy car will go fast and win the
race. During the race, write down your observations and record the distance and travel time of
all toy cars.
Role Description
Recorder Takes notes and records the toy car’s distance and
time of travel.
Toy car in-charge Responsible for handling and releasing the toy cars
at the starting line.
B. Observations:
Trial 1
Toy Car Distance Time of Travel Speed
Traveled (seconds) (meters/second)
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Trial 2
Toy Car Distance Time of Travel Speed
Traveled (seconds) (meters/second)
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Trial 3
Toy Car Distance Time of Travel Speed
Traveled (seconds) (meters/second)
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Process questions:
1. What factors might affect the speed of your toy car?
2. Which toy car has the shortest travel time?
3. Who wins the race? Why?
3. Why is it important to have accurate measurements when describing motion?
4. How did you ensure a fair and accurate race?
Extended Practice:
● Try another race with modified cars (e.g., add weight or change wheels) and see how
modifications impact speed.