Analysis of Geocell Reinforced
Analysis of Geocell Reinforced
Analysis of Geocell Reinforced
Received: 31 December 2023 / Accepted: 12 March 2024 / Published online: 3 May 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024
This study aims to comprehensively analyse the behaviour of geocell-reinforced pavement and discern the key factors affect-
ing its performance through a combined approach of experimental and numerical analyses. It begins with full-scale model
testing of reinforced and unreinforced sections, followed by numerical analysis conducted using the three-dimensional finite
element program PLAXIS 3D. The numerical models were calibrated against the results obtained from the experimental
study. The numerical investigation primarily focuses on evaluating how different parameters, including base material, diam-
eter of wheel contact area, and subgrade conditions, impact the performance of geocell-reinforced pavement sections. The
incorporation of geocells in the base layer has shown a marked reduction in both permanent deformation and concentration
of subgrade pressure compared to unreinforced sections across all pavement sections. The rut depth reduction value is found
to be influenced by the subgrade strength and the diameter of the wheel contact area. However, the study highlights a more
significant decrease in rut depth and subgrade vertical stress in reinforced pavement sections constructed with a base material
of fly ash compared to the sections with bases made of wet mix macadam (WMM) and sand materials. The study emphasizes
fly ash as an optimal infill material choice, demonstrating minimal rut depth and lower pressure values at the subgrade level.
Keywords Fly ash · Wheel contact area · Geocell · Rut depth · Pressure distribution
Introduction and rigidity of the base course are critical factors that signifi-
cantly impact the longevity of the road. Nevertheless, it is
Roads play an essential role in the transportation infrastruc- important to note that the majority of unpaved roads tend to
ture by facilitating connectivity between various cities, sup- undergo rapid deterioration, resulting in a reduced lifespan
porting economic endeavours, and contributing to the overall compared to their intended design lifespan. The most com-
growth of a nation. Roads can be categorised into many clas- mon problem in unpaved roads is permanent deformation, or
sifications, such as highways, expressways, arterial roads, rutting, often associated with excessive lateral displacement
local roads, and rural roads. A significant proportion of the in unbound aggregate bases under repetitive traffic load. To
worldwide road infrastructure consists of rural and local mitigate pavement deformation caused by the substantial
roads, with the majority of these roads being unpaved and increase in traffic volume, researchers are actively inves-
having low traffic volume. Typically, unpaved roads consist tigating alternative approaches for road construction and
of granular bases that are laid on a properly prepared sub- rehabilitation works.
grade. Therefore, in low-volume unpaved roads, the strength Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest
in the application of geosynthetics to enhance the perfor-
* Sayanti Banerjee
mance of paved roadways and reduce pavement deforma-
[email protected] tion. The incorporation of geosynthetic reinforcement has
Bappaditya Manna
led to a notable enhancement in both the load-carrying
[email protected] capacity and the design lifespan of pavements [1–12]. A
J. T. Shahu
more recent and advanced reinforcement technique, known
[email protected] as Geocell, has been introduced [13]. Geocell is designed
to provide three-dimensional confinement to the aggregate
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute layer, effectively mitigating lateral movement within that
of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India
34 Page 2 of 17 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:34
layer. Numerous researchers [14–21] have explored the permanent deformation value at the pavement surface and
advantageous effects of employing geocell to enhance the the subgrade stress distribution profile are obtained from
load-bearing capacity of soil and reduce subgrade settle- finite element analyses. Also, the benefit of geocell has been
ment. According to Pokharel et al. [22] and George et al. quantified in terms of rut depth reduction ratio (RDRR).
[23], the geocell mattress acts like a large slab that transfers
the pressure from the footing to the soil layer below and
spreads it over a wider area. The inclusion of the geocell
mattress results in a 2.5–3.3 times increase in the stiffness Laboratory Model Test
of the geocell-reinforced section. Furthermore, the impact
of many aspects of geocell reinforcement, such as its dimen- Material Properties
sions (height, width, and pocket size), pattern of formation,
and placement position, on the performance of the founda- The pavement section in this study comprises three differ-
tion bed has been thoroughly examined in previous stud- ent layers, namely the subgrade, subbase, and base layer.
ies [24–26]. Suku et al. [27] examined the performance of The subgrade layer utilises locally available riverbed sand,
geocell-reinforced granular bases subjected to repeated load- constructed at a 60% relative density. The Cu (coefficient
ing in unpaved roadways. The study demonstrated that the of uniformity) and Cc (coefficient of curvature) were deter-
resilient modulus is enhanced as a result of the inclusion of mined to be 2.29 and 1.18, respectively. According to the
reinforcement. Unified Soil Classification System, the sand was categorised
Hegde [28] and Banerjee et al. [29] provided a thorough as SP (poorly graded sand) [30]. A direct shear test was
overview of the current and previous research on geocell, performed on sand with a relative density of 60% according
presenting significant findings. It is important to high- to the ASTM standards [31]. The measured friction angle
light that most previous studies on geocells have focused was determined to be 40.85°. The dilation angle, calculated
on conducting static tests on a small scale. Moreover, lim- by subtracting the residual friction angle from the peak fric-
ited research has been conducted on the performance of tion angle, was determined to be 4°. In addition, the selec-
geocell-reinforced pavement subjected to repeated loading tion of the aggregate layer for the base (Wet mix macadam)
conditions. However, these studies did not utilise factory and subbase layers of the pavement sections was based on
manufactured geocells, which are predominantly employed the requirements provided by MORTH specifications. The
in real-world applications. Furthermore, it was noted that optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit weight
conventional materials, such as aggregate, crushed rock, and of granular subbase (GSB) and wet mix macadam (WMM)
sand, were mostly utilized as infill material for construct- were determined by conducting modified Proctor compac-
ing the geocell-reinforced base layer. Prior research failed tion tests in accordance with IS 2720 Part 8 [32]. The GSB
to investigate the effects of different waste materials used material exhibited a maximum dry density of 21.65 kN/m3
as infill in the geocell-reinforced pavement under repeated at an optimum moisture content of 6%. Similarly, the WMM
loading conditions. Also, the diameter of the wheel con- material showed a maximum dry density of 22.85 kN/m3 at
tact area played a significant role in the failure profile of an optimum moisture content of 5.95%. The granular sub-
the pavement section, which was not addressed in the prior base (GSB) layer was constructed with a moisture content of
study. Furthermore, previous studies conducted a very lim- 6%, which corresponds to a CBR value of 85%. Additionally,
ited numerical investigation that considered the real cur- the Wet mix macadam (WMM) layer was constructed with
vature and dimensions of the geocell layer. Therefore, it is a moisture content of 5.95%, resulting in a CBR value of
essential to perform three-dimensional numerical modeling 98.6%. The friction angles for the base and subbase layers
that considers the actual curvature and size of the geocell are 48 and 43°, respectively, as adapted from the study of Pai
layer to comprehensively understand the effects of geocells et al. [33]. The same procedure and compaction energy were
on pressure redistribution and surface settlements under used to prepare both unreinforced and reinforced pavement
repetitive loading conditions. sections. Moreover, during the construction of each pave-
Therefore, the current study conducted extensive full- ment layer, a density check has been carried out. This study
scale model testing on both reinforced and unreinforced uses a reinforced layer composed of High-Density Polyeth-
pavement subjected to repeated loading conditions to ylene (HDPE) polymeric sheets, known as a geocell. When
ascertain the advantageous impact of geocell on pavement the geocell layer expanded to its maximum size, the pockets
sections. In addition, a comprehensive investigation was formed a honeycomb shape. These pockets are connected to
conducted in numerical simulations using the finite ele- neighbouring pockets through ultrasonically welded joints.
ment package PLAXIS 3D by varying the parameters of the The height and weld spacing of the geocell layer are 150 and
base material, the diameter of the wheel contact area, and 330 mm respectively. According to the stress–strain char-
the strength properties of the subgrade layer. Finally, the acteristics of the geocell material, the tensile strength was
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:34 Page 3 of 17 34
determined to be 19.04 kN/m at an axial strain of 10%, using of the subbase, and each geocell pockets were filled with
the ASTM standard [34]. a certain quantity of aggregate. To prevent direct contact
between the loading plate and geocell walls, a 100 mm-thick
Preparation of Model Pavement Sections aggregate cover was provided over the base layer.
Fig. 3 Three-dimensional complete mesh geometry of finite element model, a Unreinforced pavement section; b Reinforced pavement section; c
Sigle geocell pocket
all the input parameters of clay are taken from the study Modelling Details for Geocell Layer
of Liu et al. [43], as given in Table 2. Moreover, for the
parametric study, three different materials were used for Modelling the precise curvature of the geocell is chal-
the base layer, namely wet mix macadam (WMM), sand, lenging due to the honeycomb structure of the expanded
and fly ash. For all three types of base materials, the geocell pockets. Furthermore, it cannot be accurately
MC model was considered. The material properties of the described using basic curves or trigonometric functions.
WMM layer and sand are given in Table 1. Furthermore, Therefore, the decision was made to convert an image
the material properties of fly ash were taken from the of a quarter section of an enlarged geocell pocket into a
study of Sarkar and Dawson [44], as given in Table 2. digital format and utilise the coordinates to create a single
geocell pocket within an AutoCAD program. After the
34 Page 6 of 17 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:34
and 128 GB RAM. Therefore, the numerical analysis has Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Additionally, the current study
been carried out for a total of 1000 cycles. The accuracy compares the deformation profile at the base layer for both
of the results has been validated upto 1000 loading cycles reinforced and unreinforced sections with the results of
through comparison with experimental data. The defor- experimental investigations for various loading cycles, as
mation profiles, obtained through both experimental and illustrated in Fig. 7. From Fig. 7, it can be concluded that
numerical analyses, for unreinforced and reinforced pave- the numerical results demonstrate satisfactory agreement
ment sections at the end of 1000 cycles are depicted in with the experimental findings, showing variations of less
Fig. 5 Deformation profile for unreinforced pavement sections at the end of 1000 cycles, a Experimental analysis; b Numerical analysis
than 10%. As a result, the validated Finite Element (FE) permanent deformation (or rut depth) of the unreinforced
model is now utilized for the parametric study. layer (du) and the permanent deformation of the reinforced
layer (dr) to the permanent deformation of an unreinforced
layer at a specific repeated load cycle. The mathematical
Parametric Study representation is denoted as Eq. (1).
du − dr
To study the behaviour of geocell layer, a series of three- RDRR = × 100 (1)
dimensional FE analyses was carried out using the validated du
FE model. The primary aim of this parametric study is to
assess the influences of significant geometric parameters,
i.e., type of base material (B), strength of subgrade, diameter Effect of Different Base Material
of the wheel contact area (D) on the settlement response
and vertical stress distribution at the subgrade layer for The investigation involved varying the base material
both reinforced and unreinforced sections. Moreover, the (WMM, fly ash, and sand) while keeping the diameter of
effects of these parameters on the rut depth reduction ratio wheel contact area constant (D = 300 mm). The aim was to
(RDRR) are evaluated as well. The height and weld spacing evaluate the influence of the base material on the permanent
of the geocell used in this entire parametric study is kept deformation behaviour of both reinforced and unreinforced
constant, i.e. 150 and 330 mm respectively, which is used pavement. This study also intends to investigate the influ-
in the experimental study. The different cases considered in ence of different base materials on various subgrade condi-
the parametric study are presented in Table 3. The material tions. The impact of various base materials on the permanent
properties of subgrade and base materials are depicted in deformation value for different numbers of loading cycles
Tables 1 and 2. The analysis has been carried out for repeti- and pavement sections overlying different subgrade condi-
tive loading conditions with a frequency of 1 Hz and loading tions (namely, sandy and clayey subgrade) is illustrated in
amplitude of 40 kN. Figs. 8a–c.
By comparing Figs. 8a–c, it is evident that the base layer
built with sand material exhibits a larger permanent defor-
Results and Discussion mation value of approximately 35% than the deformation
value of the pavement sections constructed using wet mix
Vertical Deformation Profile at the Base Layer macadam (WMM) and fly ash. This is likely due to the infe-
rior mechanical properties of sand, such as lower modu-
This section explains the vertical settlement profile for the lus value. Additionally, Fig. 8c reveals that the base layer
pavement, both with and without reinforcement, along with constructed with sand material experienced rutting failure
the corresponding number of cycles. This study comprehen- (rutting greater than or equal to 20 mm, as per IRC 37 guide-
sively investigates the impact of subgrade condition, base line) by the end of 1000 cycles for the unreinforced section
material type, and diameter of wheel contact area (loading overlying clayey subgrade. Conversely, the base layer built
plate diameter) on the settlement response of pavement. The with WMM and fly ash (Figs. 8a and b) exhibited rut depths
enhancement in the efficiency of geocell-reinforced pave- of approximately 13 and 16 mm, respectively, at the end of
ment is quantified by one non-dimensional factor, i.e., the 1000 cycles for the unreinforced section overlying clayey
rut depth reduction ratio (RDRR). RDRR, as defined by subgrade. Furthermore, the base layer built with WMM, fly
Saride et al. [51], is the ratio of the difference between the ash, and sand exhibited rut depths of approximately 8, 10,
Table 3 The different case Analysis Reinforcement type Subgrade Variable parameters No of analysis
for numerical analysis of sequence material
unreinforced and reinforced
sections 1 Unreinforced Sand B = WMM, sand, fly ash 18
D = 150,300, 400
Clay B = WMM, sand, fly ash
D = 150,300, 400
2 Geocell reinforced Sand B = WMM, sand, fly ash 18
D = 150,300, 400
Clay B = WMM, sand, fly ash
D = 150,300, 400
Fig. 8 Permanent deformation versus number of loading cycles for different pavement sections, a WMM; b Fly ash; c Sand
sections constructed with base materials of WMM and are prevalent choices for infill material, the findings pro-
fly ash. The study suggests that employing fly ash as an pose that fly ash can be a viable alternative in achieving
infill material in reinforced pavement results in a more similar or improved performance.
effective confinement effect, leading to a reduction in
permanent deformation values. While WMM and sand
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:34 Page 11 of 17 34
Effect of Different Subgrade Material Furthermore, the beneficial effect of geocell reinforce-
ment is quantified in terms of rut depth reduction ratio
To evaluate the effect of the subgrade condition on the per- (RDRR) and the effect of subgrade condition on RDRR
manent deformation response of both reinforced and unre- value for different loading cycles is shown in Fig. 13.
inforced pavement, the subgrade condition was varied while Figure 13 demonstrates that the rut depth reduction value
maintaining the type of base material (i.e., sand) constant. decreases as the number of loading cycles increases. This
This study also aims to examine the impact of subgrade suggests that there is a greater amount of permanent defor-
conditions on different diameters of wheel contact areas. mation during the early loading cycles. However, as the
Increasing the modulus value of the subgrade layer can lead number of cycles increases, the permanent deformation
to a reduction in permanent deformation for both pavement values decrease for various subgrade conditions. Moreo-
sections, with and without the geocell layer, as depicted ver, it has been noted that the RDRR value is higher for the
in Fig. 12. For all pavement sections, the clayey subgrade clayey subgrade (as shown in Fig. 13b) compared to the
layer (as shown in Fig. 12b) exhibits approximately 50% RDRR values for the sandy subgrade (as shown in Fig. 13a).
higher deformation compared to the sandy subgrade layer Furthermore, Figs. 13a and b demonstrate that, in all pave-
(as shown in Fig. 12a). The research findings indicate that ment sections, the RDRR values increase when the size of
rut depth escalates with an increasing number of loading the wheel load area decreases, irrespective of the subgrade
cycles. Nonetheless, the incorporation of geocell leads to conditions. These findings suggest that the RDRR values
a substantial reduction in rut depths, approximately 89% exhibit an inverse correlation with the subgrade strength and
less compared to the unreinforced section. The geocell the diameter of the wheel contact area. It implies that as
with encapsulated soil layer functions like a mattress and the subgrade strength decreases, the rut depth in the unre-
reduces the overall deformation value of the reinforced sec- inforced section tends to increase. This is because a weaker
tion. Moreover, the impact of the diameter of the wheel load subgrade is more prone to deformation under traffic loads.
area is evident across all pavement sections, regardless of the On the other hand, the geocell-reinforced section experi-
subgrade conditions. ences a reduction in rut depth due to the confinement and
stabilization provided by the geocells. This reduction is more highlights the crucial role of the diameter of wheel contact
pronounced in weaker subgrade conditions. Similar find- area in distributing the load imposed by a vehicle onto the
ings in RDRR values at the base layer for geogrid-reinforced pavement. A larger diameter of wheel contact area contrib-
pavement were observed by Baadiga et al. [52] in their study. utes to distributing the load over a larger surface, thereby
reducing stress concentration and the deformation value of
Effect of the Diameter of Wheel Contact Area the pavement. Also, Fig. 14 depicts that the influence of sub-
grade conditions is apparent across all pavement sections,
In this study, the diameter of wheel contact area (loading regardless of the diameter of wheel contact area.
plate diameter) was varied at three different sizes (D = 150, Moreover, the beneficial effect of the geocell layer on
300, and 400 mm) while maintaining a consistent base mate- reducing permanent deformation is evident when compar-
rial type (WMM). The objective was to evaluate the impact ing the deformation values of sections without reinforce-
of the wheel contact area on the permanent deformation ment, regardless of the diameter of wheel contact area. The
response of both reinforced and unreinforced pavement. This advantageous effect of geocell reinforcement is quantified
study also aims to examine the impact of various diameters in terms of the rut depth reduction ratio (RDRR), and the
of wheel contact areas on different subgrade circumstances. results for different loading areas are presented in Fig. 15.
The impact of different diameters of wheel contact area on Figure 15 depicts that the pavement sections correspond-
the permanent deformation values for various numbers of ing to a 150 mm loading plate diameter exhibit a higher
loading cycles and pavement sections over different sub- RDRR value, approximately 2% more than the RDRR value
grade conditions (sandy and clayey subgrade) is depicted in of the same pavement sections corresponding to 300 and
Figs. 14a–c. Upon comparing these Figs. 14a–c, it becomes 400 mm loading plate diameter. When the loading plate is
evident that the unreinforced and reinforced sections corre- relatively small compared to the geocell pocket diameter,
sponding to a 150 mm loading plate diameter exhibit a larger the load is concentrated over a smaller area. This can lead
permanent deformation value, approximately 43% more than to higher stresses being applied to the soil within the geocell
the deformation value of the same pavement sections cor- pockets directly beneath the loading plate. As a result, the
responding to 300 and 400 mm loading plate diameter. This geocells in that area experience greater confinement, which
Fig. 14 Permanent deformation versus number of loading cycles for different pavement sections, a D = 150; b D = 300; c D = 400 mm
enhances their effectiveness in distributing the load and diameter of wheel contact area on the pressure distribution
reducing vertical deformation. Conversely, when the load- profile at the subgrade layer is elaborately discussed.
ing plate is larger relative to the geocell pocket diameter, the
load is distributed over a larger area. Due to the interference
to a greater number of geocell pockets for larger loading Pressure Distribution Profile at the Subgrade Layer
areas, lower stresses are being applied to the soil within each
geocell pocket, reducing the degree of confinement. As a For both reinforced and unreinforced pavement sections,
result, the geocells may be less effective in restraining lateral it is essential to obtain the maximum induced vertical
deformation and redistributing loads compared to the case stresses at the interface of the subgrade and subbase lay-
of a smaller loading plate. Similar results were observed ers. It is critical because the stresses that exceed the elastic
by Rajagopal et al. [53]. Also, it was observed that as the limit can cause significant deformation at the subgrade,
number of cycles increases the RDRR value also increases, which may result in shear failures. Therefore, in this sec-
regardless of the diameter of the wheel contact area. Con- tion, the pressure distribution profile at the subgrade layer
sequently, the pressure distribution value at the subgrade is obtained for the pavement, both with and without rein-
layer also increases with the number of cycles, as shown in forcement, along with the corresponding number of cycles.
Fig. 16. Figure 16 shows the pressure distribution profile Also, the study comprehensively investigates the impact of
for the different numbers of cycles for both the reinforced subgrade condition, base material type, and wheel contact
and unreinforced pavement with WMM base layer overlying area (loading plate diameter) on the subgrade pressure dis-
sandy subgrade. Furthermore, in the subsequent section, the tribution profile of pavement.
effect of different base materials, subgrade conditions, and
Fig. 17 Subgrade pressure distribution for different pavement sections at the end of 1000 loading cycles, a WMM; b Fly ash; c Sand
34 Page 14 of 17 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:34
In this study, to evaluate the pressure distribution at the In this case, the vertical pressure distribution at the subgrade
subgrade layer, vertical pressure is obtained along the layer is determined for both reinforced and unreinforced
loading axis and away from the loading axis, specifically pavement sections lying over different subgrade conditions,
at 0, 300, and 600 mm. Figure 17 illustrates the verti- specifically clayey and sandy. Furthermore, this study has
cal pressure distribution at the subgrade layer for sev- been conducted for various diameters of wheel contact areas
eral pavement sections constructed using different base while maintaining a consistent base material (i.e., sand). Fig-
materials, namely WMM, fly ash, and sand. This study ure 18 depicts the impact of different subgrade conditions on
investigates various subgrade conditions, including sand the pressure distribution for various pavement sections after
and clay, while maintaining a constant diameter of wheel 1000 loading cycles. Figures 18a and b reveal that the pave-
contact area of 300 mm. Figures 17a–c show that the ment sections built over the clayey subgrade layer exhibit a
sand material used in the base layer leads to a higher higher pressure value at the subgrade layer, approximately
pressure at the subgrade, roughly 23%, compared to the 34% more than that observed for the pavement section over-
vertical pressure values of pavement sections built with laying the sandy subgrade. Also, the incorporation of geo-
wet mix macadam (WMM) and fly ash. Conversely, the cell leads to a substantial reduction in pressure distribution
study highlights that the base layer constructed with fly at the subgrade, approximately 45% less compared to the
ash exhibits a lower vertical pressure at the subgrade unreinforced section. Moreover, it has been noted that the
layer, roughly 15%, compared to the vertical pressure reduction in localized pressure value is higher for the clayey
values of pavement sections constructed with base mate- subgrade (as shown in Fig. 18b) compared to the pressure
rials of sand. Also, among the unreinforced section, it values for the sandy subgrade (as shown in Fig. 18a). Due
was observed that the base layer constructed with WMM to the flexural rigidity and confinement effect, the geocell
exhibits a lower vertical pressure at the subgrade layer, layer effectively distribute the vertical pressure over wider
compared to the vertical pressure values of pavement sec- area and reduce the stress concentration at a specific point
tions constructed with base materials of sand and fly ash. of pavement section.
Furthermore, the unreinforced sections exhibit a higher
vertical pressure at the subgrade, showing an approximate Effect of the Diameter of Wheel Contact Area
increase of 43% compared to the reinforced sections. This
outcome highlights the capability of geocell reinforce- The study was conducted to assess the influence of differ-
ment to mitigate stress concentration and uniformly dis- ent diameters of wheel contact areas (D = 150, 300, and
tribute vertical pressure in the subgrade layer. Addition- 400 mm) on the vertical pressure distribution at the sub-
ally, the inclusion of geocell results in a more significant grade layer. In this case, the type of subgrade layer is varied
reduction in subgrade stress observed in reinforced pave- (sandy and clayey subgrade) while keeping a consistent base
ment sections constructed with a base material of fly ash material type (fly ash). The impact of different wheel contact
compared to the sections with bases made of WMM and areas on vertical pressure distribution value for various pave-
sand materials. Based on the observed performance, fly ment sections over different subgrade conditions (sandy and
ash emerges as an optimized choice for an infill material, clayey subgrade) is depicted in Figs. 19a–c. Figures 19a–c
providing minimal pressure values at the subgrade. show that the unreinforced and reinforced sections cor-
responding to a 150 mm loading plate diameter exhibit a
Fig. 19 Subgrade pressure distribution for different pavement sections at the end of 1000 loading cycles, a D = 150; b D = 300; c D = 400 mm
larger subgrade stress value, approximately 15% more than of 43% compared to the reinforced sections. This out-
the stress value of the same pavement sections correspond- come highlights the capability of geocell reinforcement
ing to 300 and 400 mm loading plate diameter. Furthermore, to mitigate stress concentration and uniformly distribute
Fig. 19 clearly illustrates that the impact of subgrade condi- vertical pressure in the subgrade layer.
tions is evident in all pavement sections, irrespective of the 4. The sand material used in the base layer leads to a higher
wheel contact area. Also, the incorporation of geocell leads rut depth and maximum pressure at the subgrade com-
to a substantial reduction in pressure distribution at the sub- pared to the same for the pavement sections built with
grade, approximately 43% less compared to the unreinforced base material of wet mix macadam (WMM) and fly ash.
section. 5. However, the study highlights a more significant
decrease in rut depth and subgrade vertical stress in rein-
forced pavement sections constructed with a base mate-
Conclusions rial of fly ash compared to the sections with bases made
of WMM and sand materials. The study emphasizes fly
This study aims to comprehensively analyse the behaviour ash as an optimal infill material choice, demonstrating
of geocell-reinforced pavement and discern the key factors minimal rut depth and lower pressure values at the sub-
affecting its performance through a combined approach of grade level.
experimental and numerical analyses. The numerical models
have been validated using the laboratory test results, and
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the "Performance
further parametric assessments were conducted. The present Study of Geocell Reinforced Road Pavement at Dholera Activation
study yields the following conclusions. Area" project sponsored by Dholera Industrial City Development
Ltd., A Government of Gujarat Undertaking, under Sanction No.
1. The incorporation of geocell in the base layer led to a FT/05/299/2021.
reduction in permanent deformation values by approxi- Authors’ Contributions SB: study conceptualization, methodology,
mately 90%, as compared to the permanent deformation numerical analysis, writing original draft, BM: study conceptualiza-
values of the unreinforced section, across all pavement tion, supervision, writing review and editing. JTS: supervision, writing
sections. review and editing.
2. The rut depth reduction ratio (RDRR) value is higher for Funding Dholera Industrial City Development Ltd., A Government of
the clayey subgrade compared to the RDRR values for Gujarat Undertaking, FT/05/299/2021, Bappaditya Manna
the sandy subgrade. Also, for all pavement sections, the
RDRR values increase when the diameter of the wheel Data Availability All data, models, and code generated or used during
the study appear in the submitted article.
contact area decreases, irrespective of the subgrade con-
ditions. These findings suggest that the RDRR values Declarations
exhibit an inverse correlation with the subgrade strength
and the diameter of the wheel contact area. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
3. The unreinforced sections exhibit a higher vertical pres-
sure at the subgrade, showing an approximate increase
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