(Ebooks PDF) Download Advancing Surgical Education Theory Evidence and Practice Debra Nestel Full Chapters
(Ebooks PDF) Download Advancing Surgical Education Theory Evidence and Practice Debra Nestel Full Chapters
(Ebooks PDF) Download Advancing Surgical Education Theory Evidence and Practice Debra Nestel Full Chapters
Management of complex cardiovascular problems 4th Edition
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Edition Naomi Waltham-Smith
Innovation and Change in Professional Education 17
Debra Nestel
Kirsten Dalrymple
John T. Paige
Rajesh Aggarwal Editors
Theory, Evidence and Practice
Innovation and Change in Professional
Volume 17
Series editor
Associate editors
L.A. Wilkerson, Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
H.P.A. Boshuizen, Center for Learning Sciences and Technologies,
Open Universiteit Nederland, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Editorial Board
Eugene L. Anderson, Anderson Policy Consulting & APLU, Washington, DC, USA
Hans Gruber, Institute of Educational Science, University of Regensburg,
Regensburg, Germany
Rick Milter, Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Eun Mi Park, JH Swami Institute for International Medical Education,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
The primary aim of this book series is to provide a platform for exchanging
experiences and knowledge about educational innovation and change in professional
education and post-secondary education (engineering, law, medicine, management,
health sciences, etc.). The series provides an opportunity to publish reviews, issues
of general significance to theory development and research in professional education,
and critical analysis of professional practice to the enhancement of educational
innovation in the professions.
The series promotes publications that deal with pedagogical issues that arise in the
context of innovation and change of professional education. It publishes work from
leading practitioners in the field, and cutting edge researchers. Each volume is
dedicated to a specific theme in professional education, providing a convenient
resource of publications dedicated to further development of professional education.
Advancing Surgical
Theory, Evidence and Practice
Debra Nestel Kirsten Dalrymple
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Faculty of Medicine
Sciences, Monash Institute for Health Imperial College London
and Clinical Education London, UK
Monash University
Clayton, VIC, Australia Rajesh Aggarwal
Department of Surgery, Sidney Kimmel
Faculty of Medicine Dentistry & Health
Medical College
Sciences, Department of Surgery,
Thomas Jefferson University
Melbourne Medical School
Philadelphia, PA, USA
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Australia Jefferson Strategic Ventures
Jefferson Health
John T. Paige Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Surgery
Louisiana State University School
of Medicine
New Orleans, LA, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721,
Foreword by Richard Canter
This book is a timely and exciting addition to the surgical education literature. Let
me explain why. The last 30 years or so has seen a transformation in surgical educa-
tion with three distinct elements of change: organisational to university-based sys-
tems of quality, provider to demand-led delivery of service and surgeon to
surgeon-educator. Arguably the most important of these has been surgeon to
surgeon-educator because of the ability to scale up excellence. A highly skilled
surgeon may, for example, complete 10,000 operations in a career and hopefully
bring improvements to 10,000 patients. If at the same time they develop 20 surgical
trainees to the same level of excellence, who themselves go onto complete 10,000
operations, then the spread of excellence is exponentially increased. The point is
rapidly approaching when surgeons not only develop other surgeons to a standard of
excellence but also pass on the educational skills for them to do the same. This
means that there is the potential over a surgical generation or two for the excellent
practice of a single surgeon to influence thousands or even millions of patients. So
far, so good. Unfortunately, the same argument can be applied to the spread of poor
practice and the capacity to do harm. This is the reason why research into surgical
education, and how to develop excellence in yourself and others, is so important.
This book is not only timely but also important for patient welfare.
The discipline of surgical education has spawned a real and increasing interest in
education theory, practice and research with many choosing to adopt significant
roles as educators in their institutions. The four editors have identified expertise
from experienced researchers and brought together a set of fascinating chapters
linking practice, theory, evidence and research methods. For anyone interested in
surgical education, and in particular in education research, this has got to be a first
choice book to read. Why? Because the breathtaking range of topics that now cover
the field of surgical education will disturb some basic assumptions about relevant
topic, what constitutes evidence, the choice of research paradigm, the selection of
methodology and relevant literature so will encourage you to go on an intellectual
vi Foreword by Richard Canter
journey of discovery. Don’t be surprised if one evening you find yourself reading
philosophers like Foucault and others and enjoying the challenge of new unexpected
ideas that are relevant to surgery. Surgery, surgical education and surgeons have all
changed so much in such a short time, and yet this is only the beginning.
The concept and the need of a textbook specifically on surgical education was envis-
aged and developed following the recognition of the global and broader need for
professional development in health professions education.
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the University of Melbourne’s
Department of Surgery have implemented the highly successful graduate pro-
grammes in surgical education, initiated by Prof. John Collins and implemented by
one of the editors of this book – Prof. Debra Nestel. This book is a logical sequela
to these programmes and makes compelling reading for any person committed to
surgical education and aspires to leadership in this rapidly expanding field. The edi-
tors have brought together an outstanding group of contributors comprising experi-
enced, internationally recognised authors and national contributors comprehensively
addressing concepts and topics pertaining to surgical education.
Apart from being a knowledge and reference resource, this pioneering book is
global in perspective, provocative and challenges established dogma. It is divided
into five sections and follows a sequence initially addressing governance and theo-
ries of surgical education and the practical aspects faced by those at the coalface of
this specialty. It concludes by addressing research aspects and the future
This book will prove to be an indispensable armamentarium to those involved in
this evolving field and reflects the expertise and enthusiasm of the editors and
Foreword by Carlos Pellegrini
x Foreword by Carlos Pellegrini
provides a “destination postcard” for 2030. All in all, this book provides a plethora
of information and guidance that will serve surgeon-teachers around the world in
the years to come.
xii Contents
Index.................................................................................................................. 483
Chapter 1
Celebrating Surgical Education
Overview The surgeon as educator faces the challenges of adequately preparing the
next generation of surgeons while maintaining a busy practice and keeping up with
the latest developments and innovations of the field through familiarity with best
evidence in literature. This book helps with keeping up with the latest best evidence
in education research and theory. As surgical care has a universal component related
to the responsibility entrusted to the surgeon and the healing through combination of
mind and hand, so too surgical education involves disseminating knowledge as well
as skill. This book aims to address knowledge of surgical education. In this chapter,
we share drivers for the book and personal perspectives that inform its shape. We
also acknowledge the many influences on our own thinking and practices.
1.1 Introduction
Surgical education is in an exciting phase. This book celebrates some of its many
achievements. In this chapter, we summarise key influencing factors in the develop-
ment of this book, and we share personal perspectives and orientate readers to the
D. Nestel (*)
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash Institute for Health and Clinical
Education, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Faculty of Medicine Dentistry & Health Sciences, Department of Surgery, Melbourne
Medical School, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
K. Dalrymple
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
J. T. Paige
Department of Surgery, Louisiana State University School of Medicine,
New Orleans, LA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Several factors influenced the initiation and development of this book. The shift-
ing orientation of surgical education from an apprentice-based model to a
competency-based one with interim variations has created an opportunity for the
discipline to grow. This has occurred at a time with parallel development in theories
that inform educational practice. These theories offer frameworks to make meaning
of and guide educational program design, implementation and evaluation. During
the last 30 years, there has been significant development in educational theories and
practices, many of which have been ‘overlooked’ by surgical educators who have
remained rooted solely in an apprenticeship model.
This book provides opportunities to access a broad range of theories – some
theories enable us to take a macro view of practice (social/cultural/political), while
others focus on the micro (individual as learner and/or teacher). We include offer-
ings across this spectrum. These new opportunities to view surgical education as
something amenable to structure, measurement, standardisation and examination
through educational theory have moved the field forward. It has become fairer, safer
and more knowledgeable of itself, in many regards, but these advances have some-
times come with costs and a realisation of the limitations of, for example,
competency-based education. There is a growing recognition, and some might
rightly call a reassertion of the importance of fostering meaningful, trusting, social
relationships between learners and teachers as a basis for growing trainee surgeons’
surgical judgement and skill and for considering their progress. Taking more holis-
tic views of expertise, of what constitutes surgical ‘community’, and of surgery’s
end goal of improving the health and well-being of patients brings us back to con-
sidering the role of trust, not only as a facet of professional practice but of educa-
tional practice. If we subscribe to the argument that this is where significant
development happens, for both educators and trainees, our efforts to understand and
improve our practice as educators must also embrace the social, the cultural and the
individual as a person. That this parallels arguments around the care of patients is
not coincidental.
Being a surgical educator today affords new opportunities to develop an identity
that goes beyond what it did in the past. It adds a knowledge-based, skill-based and
the critical judgement of another professional practice to surgery’s existing training
traditions – it adds the field of education. Bringing the field of education to the sur-
gical educator provides a wider repertoire of tools with which to examine difficult
and complex educational problems.
With the professionalisation of surgical education comes greater acknowledge-
ment and recognition of its expertise. This has become more evident through the
development of standards for practice such as those published by the Faculty of
Surgical Trainers in Edinburgh in 2014 [1]. In Australia, the Academy of Surgical
Educators was launched in 2013 and seeks to ‘foster excellence’ [2]. In 2017, the
American College of Surgeons established the Academy of Master Surgeon
Educators which will function as a ‘think tank’ seeking to improve the quality of
surgical education. Annual and biannual conferences in surgical education are focal
events for surgical education scholars and educators – the International Conference
on Surgical Education and Training (ICOSET) and the United States-based
1 Celebrating Surgical Education 3
This book sits in the Springer series: Innovation and Change in Professional
Education. This is a logical home for several reasons. At its heart, the book is about
innovation. Authors have been invited to contribute because of their innovative and
often critical positioning and philosophising about ways to support the next genera-
tion of surgeons. The landscape of surgical practice and education is a dynamic one.
This sort of change is inevitable and welcomed, as the community whose needs are
to be met by the profession, and those who are to meet them also change. And,
although surgery is a professional practice, the education of surgeons has often been
of low value in departments of surgery. Surgical education has not been seen as
requiring the development of educational expertise. This aligns with privileging the
language of surgical training over surgical education in common parlance. Our posi-
tion is that the responsibility of those charged with supporting the development of
the next generation of surgeons needs more than a training focus. They also require
a deep and deliberate consideration of values about teaching and learning. This
book provides an opportunity to prompt critical reflection on the values and prac-
tices associated with surgical education.
In its very construction, the book attempts to model the bringing together of
surgical education perspectives and the nurturing of a new generation of surgical
education scholars. The authors are drawn from various parts of the globe and are
comprised of teams of surgeons and academics from education, the social sciences
and more. With their different backgrounds and perspectives come forms of writing
and argument that may vary from those with which you are more familiar. We invite
you to explore these varied ways of communicating knowledge and challenge you
to make links with more familiar approaches. We believe that this book goes beyond
those before it in its breadth, depth and examination of surgical education practices
and the ways in which they are communicated.
Our editorial team came together through our links with Imperial College London,
three of us (DN, KD, RA) having worked at Imperial for extended periods, and JP
has undertaken research with colleagues based at Imperial. Collectively, we have
expertise in various facets of education and surgical knowledge and practice. During
the development of this book, we have been living and working across four coun-
tries – Australia (DN), the United Kingdom (UK) (KD), Canada (RA) and the
United States of America (USA) (JP and RA) – and we are all actively involved in
surgical education.
Debra Nestel PhD FSSH has worked in surgical education for about 10 years and
broader health professions education for over 30 years, in Hong Kong, London and
Melbourne. Currently Professor of Surgical Education, Department of Surgery,
University of Melbourne, and Professor of Simulation Education in Healthcare,
Monash University, Australia, Debra spends her time approximately equally in edu-
cation research and practice. She is Co-Director of the Graduate Programs in
1 Celebrating Surgical Education 5
Surgical Education and the Graduate Programs in Surgical Science. After Professor
John Collins, then Dean of Education, RACS, had a proposal for post-graduate
qualifications in surgical education approved, Debra was tasked with its implemen-
tation. A core reference book was an important driver for this project. Debra’s first
degree was in sociology, and this seeps through much of her current practice. She
has a strong interest in simulation, especially simulated patient methodology and in
faculty development. Debra mainly conducts qualitative research while appreciat-
ing the role of all research paradigms to address the broad range of questions rele-
vant to surgical education. She has also edited books on simulated patient
methodology and healthcare simulation and is editor-in-chief of the open access
journal, Advances in Simulation, the journal of the Society in Europe for Simulation
Applied to Medicine. She holds service roles in many professional organisations.
Kirsten Dalrymple, PhD, is Principal Teaching Fellow and Course Co-Director,
Master’s in Education in Surgical Education, Department of Surgery and Cancer,
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London. She has worked in health profes-
sions education for over 15 years, having trained initially as a biomedical scientist.
Before working in the United Kingdom, Kirsten played a lead role in major curricu-
lar changes and faculty development at the University of Southern California’s
School of Dentistry. She has been a key figure in the execution and ongoing devel-
opment of Imperial’s Master’s in Surgical Education since 2008, having had the
opportunity to work closely as tutor and research supervisor for surgeons from dif-
ferent countries, specialties and at different stages of their careers. Her work with
clinical colleagues and her own scientific background have shaped her interest in
how values and views of knowledge impact educational practice and have provided
her with motivation to build links between education and surgery. She is currently
working on a pedagogic project exploring how failure and mistakes are perceived
by different disciplines, including surgery, and the impact this has on professional
development. She serves on two of Imperial’s educational research ethics
John Paige MD, FACS, joined the Department of Surgery at Louisiana State
University (LSU) School of Medicine in New Orleans in 2002 where he has prac-
ticed general and minimally invasive surgery. Currently, he is Professor of Clinical
Surgery with additional appointments in the Departments of Anesthesiology and
Radiology. He serves as both overall and surgical director of the American College
of Surgeons Accredited Comprehensive Education Institute, the LSU Health New
Orleans School of Medicine Learning Center. John has dedicated his academic
career to surgical education and research. His published work in simulation and
surgical education related to skills acquisition and interprofessional team training
has led him to present nationally and internationally. He is an active member of
several national surgical society simulation, education and faculty development
committees, holding leadership positions. He is coeditor of a book on simulation in
radiology. He has been a coinvestigator on federally funded grants exploring team
training. John’s areas of interest include simulation-based skills training, interpro-
fessional education, team training, human factors, patient safety and debriefing.
6 D. Nestel et al.
1.3 Conclusion
In closing this chapter, we acknowledge many of those who have influenced our
thinking and practices, some of whom are contributors to this book. The five sec-
tions of the book commence with orientation notes offering linkages between the
varied contributions. We hope you enjoy the contents of this book as much as we
have in working with our colleagues from around the world in assembling examples
of their scholarship. Time to celebrate.
1. McIlhenny, C., & Pitts, D. (2014). Standards for surgical trainers Edinburgh: Royal college
of surgeons Edinburgh. Available from: https://fst.rcsed.ac.uk/standards-for-surgical-trainers.
2. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. (2017). Academy of surgical educators. [Cited
2017 November 11]. Available from: https://www.surgeons.org/for-health-professionals/
3. Fry, H., & Kneebone, R. (2011). Surgical education: Theorising an emerging domain. London:
4. Pugh, C., & Sippel, R. (2013). Success in academic surgery: Developing a career in surgical
education. London: Springer.
5. Imperial College London. MEd surgical education. [Cited 2017 November 11]. Available
from: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/study/postgraduate/masters-programmes/
6. University of Melbourne and Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Master of surgical
education. [Cited 2017 November 11]. Available from: https://coursesearch.unimelb.edu.au/
7. Kneebone, R. (2002). Total internal reflection: An essay on paradigms. Medical Education,
36(6), 514–518.
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Part I
Overview: Foundations of Surgical
The first part of this book explores foundations of surgical education from its his-
torical roots in apprenticeship to its transformation over time to address changes to
medicine, surgery, and wider society. As noted in the introduction to the book, con-
temporary surgical practice and education are dynamic entities that interact with
one another. In his historical perspective, Kneebone considers the relative certain-
ties of surgical education over the last century and how recent practices have resulted
in the current state of “fluidity and instability” (Chap. 2). He concludes this chapter
“reflecting on the continual process by which innovation becomes established as a
‘new normal,’ only to be overtaken in its turn by continuing change.” This offers
further justification for this book to be located in the series: Innovation and Change
in Professional Education.
Anthony and Muralidharan examine the shift to competency-based surgical
education from the long history of apprenticeship (Chap. 3). Using the context of
surgical training in Australia and New Zealand, they describe the Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons (RACS) and other institutional approaches to developing an
educationally aware community of surgical educators, essential to address contem-
porary drivers for surgical education. One important challenge is to balance the
increasing demands on the surgical education workforce while delivering an
expanded surgical curriculum that best serves the modern community. The authors
acknowledge an orientation to actively develop well-rounded surgeons, where the
“nontechnical” skills are valued alongside conventional and other characteristic
skills of operating. For many issues, they consider its impact at macro-, meso-, and
microlevels. Although their work has a regional context, many of the issues have
relevance globally.
From Gogainaceu et al., we learn of the support of leadership development in
surgical training (Chap. 4). This is an element of professional practice that has often
not formed part of traditional curricula. The authors describe how leadership and
education are similar transformative processes that “facilitate growth, foster
collaborations and increase scientific knowledge, innovation and enterprise.” They
also explore the role of academy in the development of leaders and educators and,
indeed, educational leaders.
8 I Overview: Foundations of Surgical Education
Quality in surgical education must have a central role and one manifestation is
governance. From a United Kingdom perspective, Eardley reviews the place of the
Surgical Royal Colleges in the governance of surgical training – in curriculum
development, assessment, selection, certification, quality assurance, and trainee
support (Chap. 5). Additionally, the chapter describes the complex and changing
relationship of the colleges with the regulator, the funder, and the education
In summary, this part offers a status check on where we have been and where we
are. Two focused topics that must be considered for developing excellence in
surgical education – leadership and governance – illustrate essential foundations for
change and quality.
Chapter 2
Surgical Education: A Historical
Roger Kneebone
Overview This chapter considers how the landscape of surgical education has
changed over the past century and how the educational certainties of an earlier gen-
eration have been supplanted by fluidity and instability. After outlining the estab-
lishment of open surgery in the first half of the twentieth century, the chapter uses
the introduction of minimally invasive (keyhole) surgery in the 1980s as a lens for
examining the educational implications of surgical innovation and the processes by
which such innovation can trigger educational change. At the same time, the discus-
sion charts the emergence of professionalism of surgical education, shaped by
expert perspectives from outside medicine. This has led to a broadening of method-
ological approaches to the investigation of educational questions and the establish-
ment of surgical education as a scholarly field with its own identity. The chapter
concludes by reflecting on the continual process by which innovation becomes
established as a ‘new normal’, only to be overtaken in its turn by continuing change.
This chapter surveys how the landscape of surgical education has changed over the
past century and how contemporary challenges have been shaped by the past. In that
time, the surgical world – together with the sociopolitical world it responds to and
reflects – has become increasingly fluid and unstable. Disciplinary boundaries are
becoming blurred, and new technologies are overturning previously settled ways of
knowing and of doing. The focus of surgical education has shifted from learning
how to do things as they are already done to responding to (and moulding) a surgical
world that is in continual flux. A professionalisation of education has taken place
which has moved beyond the frame of surgical practice to include expert perspec-
tives from outside medicine. This has profound implications for what it means to be
a surgeon and a surgical educator.
R. Kneebone (*)
Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
experience in operative surgery. The ‘firm’ system ensured continuity of care for
patients and offered a supportive and collegiate milieu for clinicians but required
high levels of commitment and exceptionally long hours of work. An important
effect of this demanding training was to develop a surgical identity amongst those
who underwent it – a shared sense of what it meant to ‘be’ a surgeon as well as to
do surgical work, as much about who a surgeon became as what he or she could do.
In contrast to undergraduate medical education, with its focus on curriculum and
formal learning, postgraduate surgical learning was assumed more than designed or
prescribed. Assessment of fitness to progress within the system was unsystematic,
opaque and based on the personal judgment of senior clinicians.
By the mid-twentieth century, surgery seemed to have reached a steady state. A
stable social structure for interaction between patients and professionals was taken
for granted, and – as with education in schools and universities more generally –
what was to be learned appeared fixed and unchanging. This approach represented
the wider sociopolitical context of the time, with its climate of deference and
confidence in authority in general and in the medical profession in particular.
Publics and politicians trusted clinicians to design and oversee their own educa-
tional as well as clinical practice, and post-war social assumptions were clearly
By this time, surgical training had become well-established, with education
accepted as a by-product of clinical care. The assumption was that by working
within the healthcare system for long enough, a learner would eventually become
expert. The extended apprenticeship system provided enormous experience in the
skills of operating, while the ‘firm’ structure ensured that trainee surgeons became
versed in all aspects of patient care (including continuity between ward and theatre)
and became part of a close-knit (if closed and often inward-looking) professional
community. For surgeons, therefore, education and clinical care were inseparable.
There were few specific courses or programmes, and surgical learning took place
from within, as part of being a practitioner. Senior surgeons were expected to teach
in every aspect of their practice, from outpatient clinic and ward to operating theatre
and emergency room, but there was no overt surgical curriculum. Learning took
place by absorption, underpinned by an assumption that by the end of training,
trainees would have been exposed to sufficient breadth and depth of experience to
undertake full responsibility when they became consultants themselves. Professional
examinations were more about factual knowledge than practical skill.
By the 1980s, all this began to change. Part of this disruption was technological.
Discoveries and developments in areas such as imaging, energy sources, fibre optics
and miniaturisation led to new opportunities within operative surgery and medicine
as a whole. The power of surgery (until then confined to what could be done with
relatively simple instruments) became enormously enlarged. At the same time, a
shift from diagnosis to intervention meant that previously sharp distinctions between
surgery, medicine, radiology and other disciplines started to become smudged.
Intestinal endoscopy, for example, was developed by gastroenterologists and radi-
ologists, and surgeons were no longer the only group who carried out delicate inva-
sive procedures on patients.
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The first iron steamer built by the Cunard Company was the
Persia, and she deserves more than a passing mention because of
the association with her of David Kirkaldy, Napier’s draughtsman, to
whom modern steel shipbuilding owes the discovery of the way to
toughen steel and remove its brittleness. Kirkaldy’s drawings of the
Persia are stated to have been the only steam-ship designs ever
exhibited at the Royal Academy. He was also the first on the Clyde to
give the question of trial performances the attention it deserved. The
first trial trips recorded by him, on the Larriston, on September 22
and October 18, 1852, were printed when the Admiralty asked for
particulars of the respective behaviour of a Smith’s and a Griffith’s
propeller. But he was not allowed to continue his researches in this
direction, and even the Persia left the Clyde without a single diagram
having been taken, for although Kirkaldy was in the engine-room
during the entire trial, he had not permission to record her
performances. He obtained data concerning many vessels “so as to
be able to deduce the variations of behaviour and relative economy,
and trace such to their respective origins, e.g., whether any variation
was due wholly or in part to the difference in the shape of the
vessels, in the propellers, in the engines, or in the boilers. The utility
of these investigations was signally demonstrated in the case of two
vessels, Lady Eglinton and Malvina ... the former proved a great
success on her trial trip, and the latter a comparative failure. He was
able to trace the cause of the failure and in great measure to rectify
it. He clearly foresaw that the time was surely approaching when his
employers would require to estimate for and construct vessels to
fixed requirements as to draught, speed, and economy of
[87] “Illustrations of David Kirkaldy’s System of Mechanical
Testing,” by Wm. G. Kirkaldy.
The drawings of the Persia were made for his own pleasure, and
the first intimation of their existence was the announcement in the
papers that they had been admitted to the Academy. By Napier’s
instructions they were exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1855
together with drawings of the steam-ships Europa, America, Niagara,
and Canada. Napier received a gold medal and the Legion of Honour
as exhibitor, and Kirkaldy received a medal as draughtsman. The
drawings of these four ships were placed in the Louvre Museum
after being presented to the Emperor Napoleon.
The Scotia, the second and last of the Cunard iron paddle-
steamers, followed in 1862. She was 379 feet in length, of slightly
greater beam and depth than the Persia, and of 3671 tons, and her
engines of 4900 indicated horse-power gave her a speed of nearly
14¹⁄₂ knots. The Persia was sold in 1868, and was converted into a
sailing ship. The Scotia was kept in the service as long as possible,
as she was a favourite with the public, but her very limited cargo
space and her immense consumption of coal made it impossible to
run her except at considerable loss. She was consequently
withdrawn in 1875, and sold to the Telegraph Construction and
Maintenance company, which had her re-engined and turned into a
twin-screw boat. She remained in the service of this company for
many years, and was used for cable-laying purposes. These were
not, however, the Cunard Company’s first iron steamers, as they had
already had for some time two smaller vessels of iron in their
Liverpool and Continental service.
By this time the Cunard directors were convinced, by the success
of the Inman steamers, and by the advice of the engineers whom
they consulted, that the paddle-steamer had reached its utmost
point of development. Henceforth they built screw steamers, the first
being the China, launched in 1862, and followed by the Java in
1865, and the Russia in 1867.
The Russia, and the Inman steamer City of Paris, the finest
commercial vessels afloat, left New York on the same day in
February 1869, within about an hour of each other and arrived at
Liverpool with only thirty-five minutes difference between them.
They made the run across the Atlantic, with the twenty minutes’
stop at Queenstown, in about eight days, eighteen hours. The City
of Paris started first, and got in at 3.45 a.m., and the Russia at 4.20.
The vessels were in company for four days. Once the Russia passed
the City of Paris, but the Inman liner took the lead again, and at
another part of the voyage the Cunarder recovered her lost ground.
As racing, however, was strictly forbidden by the rules of the two
companies, and the ships’ logs showed that no extra pressure of
steam was used, it is supposed that in this, as in many other cases
of supposed ocean racing, the race existed mainly in the imagination
of the passengers, who for lack of anything else to do worked
themselves up into a frenzy of excitement about it. The captains, of
course, merely concerned themselves with putting in all the
seamanship they knew. Pictures published at the time show that
both vessels were under full sail, and even carried stunsails.
The China, after some years’ service, was sold and converted into
the sailing ship Theodor, and proved as fast after the change as
when a steamer. She foundered at sea in 1908.
In 1866 another competitor appeared on the North Atlantic. The
fate of the Collins and Galway Lines did not deter Mr. S. B. Guion
from inaugurating a rival service to that maintained by the Cunard
and Inman Lines, and for a time it seemed as if he would be
successful in wresting from the splendid vessels of these companies
the premier position on the Atlantic. The steamships which he placed
on the service between Liverpool and New York were at that period
superior in size, speed, and luxury to any of their competitors. He
started the service with the Manhattan, and thus inaugurated in
1866 what may be called the great race of the greyhounds of the
Atlantic. The Manhattan was built by the Palmer Company of
Newcastle-on-Tyne, and was the first of seven steamers comprising
the line. Her length was 343 feet, her beam 42 feet 6 inches, and
her depth 28 feet, and her register was 2866 tons. She had
accommodation for 72 passengers in the first class, and 800 in the
second class, and besides taking 1000 tons of coal could carry 1500
tons of cargo. A feature of this vessel was the attention paid to the
comfort of the second-class passengers, the cabins for this class
being on the main deck and thoroughly ventilated, wherein they
showed a marked improvement on the many other vessels carrying
emigrants. She was fitted with low-pressure inverted direct-acting
surface condensing engines, designed by Messrs. J. Jordan and Co.
These had cylinders of 60 inches in diameter, with a piston stroke of
42 inches. The Chicago and the Merrimac, sister ships, followed from
the same builders. The Chicago was wrecked in a fog on the rocks
near the entrance to Cork Harbour, and, a contrast to some of the
disasters to Atlantic liners, not a life was lost, the whole of the
passengers and crew, numbering 130, being landed by the ship’s
boats within an hour of the accident. The earlier Guion liners were
brig-rigged steamers, and some of them carried the new American
double topsails on both masts. Other boats which formed a part of
the earlier fleet of the Guion Line were the Nebraska, Minnesota,
Colorado, Idaho, and Nevada. In 1870 these were augmented by the
Wyoming and Wisconsin, also built and engined by Messrs. Palmer.
These were each 366 feet long, 43 feet broad, 34 feet deep, and of
3238 tons register. Among other distinctive features they had the
first compound engines on the transatlantic route. These had one
vertical high-pressure cylinder of 60 inches in diameter, and one
double-trunk horizontal low-pressure cylinder of 120 inches in
diameter, both working on the same crank, and having a stroke of
42 inches. Great expectations as to speed were entertained when
the Montana and Dakota, from the Palmer yards, were brought into
the service in 1872. They exhibited a new design in hull and
machinery as they had an abnormal slope of side, flush steel plating,
and water-tube boilers. These vessels each had a length of a little
over 400 feet, with a breadth of 43³⁄₄ feet and a depth of 40³⁄₄
feet. Like the Wyoming and Wisconsin, they had compound engines,
one high-pressure cylinder of 60 inches diameter, working inverted
on a forward crank, and two low-pressure cylinders working
horizontally on the after crank. The Montana’s boilers were
constructed of a series of cross-tubes 15 inches in diameter and
were intended to carry a head of 100 lb. of steam, but in
consequence of an explosion when at 70 lb. pressure, they were
replaced by ordinary tubular boilers with a pressure of 80 lb. of
steam. The Dakota was wrecked on the Welsh coast in May 1877,
and a similar fate befell the Montana three years later. Seven years
passed and then the Arizona was brought into the Guion service.
She was of iron and was built and engined by Messrs. John Elder
and Co. of Glasgow. Her dimensions were: 450 feet long, 45¹⁄₈ feet
broad, 35³⁄₄ feet deep, with a register of 5147 tons. She differed
from the earlier boats of the line by being four-masted, carrying
square sails on the fore and main masts, having two funnels, and
having her saloon accommodation amidships; in all these particulars,
as well as in the straight cutwater, she bore a strong resemblance to
her rivals of the White Star Line.
Model of the “City of Paris,” 1866.
Although there was no deviation in her hull from the existing type,
her machinery displayed some novel features. Her engines were
compound with three crank shafts, each having one cylinder. The
high-pressure cylinder was 62 inches in diameter, and was placed in
the centre, between the low-pressure cylinders each of 90 inches,
and all had a piston stroke of 66 inches. Steam was generated in
seven boilers capable of withstanding 90 lb. pressure, and furnished
with thirty-nine furnaces, which had an average coal consumption of
125 tons per day, or in round figures 25 per cent. in excess of her
fastest rivals, which were then in the White Star Line. On her
homeward voyage from New York in July 1879, the Arizona
succeeded in breaking the record, and repeated the feat on her
outward passage in May 1880, when she made the passage from
Queenstown to New York in 7 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, thus
proving herself for two years in succession the fastest boat on the
Atlantic. While on her homeward passage in November 1879, the
Arizona collided at full speed with an iceberg. Although she gave the
berg a direct blow she is one of the few vessels that have managed
to survive after such an experience. It was stated at the time that
there was a projecting spur of ice from the berg under water, and on
this the ship slid. Her weight caused the berg to rock, and it was to
this circumstance alone that she owed her safety, for the rocking of
the huge mass of ice enabled her to slip off the spur into deep water
again. A tremendous quantity of ice, dislodged by the shock, crashed
down upon her deck, doing a considerable amount of damage, and
she had only drifted a few hundred yards from the berg, after the
impact, when an immense portion of it fell at the spot where only a
few moments previously the ship had rested. This is one of the
narrowest escapes recorded in the annals of the sea. Fortunately,
her collision bulkhead withstood the enormous strain, and the vessel
received a magnificent, though entirely undesired, testimonial to the
soundness and stability of her construction. She put into St. John’s,
Newfoundland, and was found to be so badly damaged that she had
to have entirely new bows. The success of the Arizona led to the
building of the Alaska, which proved another triumph for Messrs.
John Elder and Co., for the speed she developed won her the title of
the Atlantic Greyhound, her homeward passage in June 1882 being
less than seven days. This remarkable run was, however, eclipsed by
the Oregon, the last vessel added by the Guion Company prior to its
dissolution; she sailed from Liverpool to New York on October 6,
1883, and accomplished the passage from Queensland to Sandy
Hook in 6 days 10 hours 9 minutes. The Oregon was an iron vessel
built and engined by Messrs. John Elder and Co., on similar lines to,
but of greater dimensions than, the Arizona and the Alaska. She was
no less than 500 feet in length, 54 feet wide, 40 feet deep, and
registered 7375 tons. Her engines were compound and consisted of
one 70-inch high-pressure cylinder placed in the centre, and two
low-pressure 104-inch cylinders, with a 6-foot stroke; her boilers had
a steam-pressure of 110 lb., and her average daily consumption of
coal was 310 tons.
The “Oregon” (Cunard and Guion Lines, 1883).
From about this time the passenger service across the Atlantic
began to assume proportions and a degree of importance to which it
had never before attained. Hitherto the steamers engaged on the
transatlantic route had depended considerably on their cargo
capacity as a means of meeting expenses, but with the demand for
larger and faster vessels—and faster vessels could only be made
larger—there was developed an express passenger boat which
depended almost wholly on its passenger accommodation and
carried a much smaller amount of cargo than some of the older and
smaller vessels then engaged in the trade. The Guion Line did not
wholly meet these requirements, and on the death of Mr. S. B.
Guion, the line gradually dropped out of existence, the remaining
vessels of the famous fleet of steamers being dispersed in various
directions. Some years before this happened, however, the White
Star Line began to build steamers for the Atlantic.
The White Star Line has always been the line of big ships. In its
sailing-ship days it owned some of the finest wooden clippers afloat,
famous alike for their size and speed. When Mr. T. H. Ismay in 1867
took over the management of the line and formed with some friends
the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, there were already in
existence the Cunard, Inman, Guion, and National Lines, which had
secured such control of the Atlantic trade that it seemed almost
rashness for the new line to venture to compete with them. “Nothing
venture, nothing win”; the line now holds a position second to none
in the world for the magnificence and size of its steamers. All its
vessels have been built by Messrs. Harland and Wolff at Belfast. The
first of the fleet was the Oceanic, launched on August 27, 1870,
which started on her maiden voyage and the inaugural voyage of the
fleet on March 2, 1871. Several vessels of the same type followed in
rapid succession, all having the straight stem, four masts, and single
funnel which were the distinguishing marks of the White Star
steamers in those days. The Oceanic was 420 feet long, 41 feet
beam, 31 feet deep, and had a registered tonnage of 3707. These
steamers were somewhat differently designed from the other boats
on the North Atlantic. The high bulwarks and narrow wooden deck-
houses were dispensed with, and instead another iron deck was
added with open iron railings round it, there being thus nothing to
hold any water that might come on board. The saloons were
amidships and extended the entire width of the vessel, and the
staterooms were placed before and after the saloon and were better
lighted and ventilated than those of any other steamers. The
engines also were of a novel type; they were compound, four-
cylindered, and arranged tandem, with two high-pressure cylinders
each 41 inches diameter and two low-pressure each 78 inches in
diameter, working on two cranks and having a stroke of five feet.
The engines were arranged fore and aft, and each formed a
complete engine in itself, so that either could be worked in case of
accident to the other. The Oceanic inaugurated the era of the
modern type of express ocean liner. After a few voyages some
alterations were made in her, which added to her efficiency, her
masts being shortened, and a whaleback being built over her stern.
In 1875 she was transferred, together with her sisters the Belgic and
Gaelic, to the Pacific to inaugurate the White Star steam service
between Hong-Kong, Yokohama, and San Francisco.
Two famous sister ships the White Star Line had were the
Germanic and Britannic, built in 1875 and 1874 respectively; they
were each 455 feet long, 45 feet broad, 33 feet 9 inches deep, and
of 5004 tons register. The hulls were built at Belfast, but the engines
were by Maudslay, Sons and Field and similar to those of the
Oceanic. With a speed rather above 16 knots, they were the first to
reduce the passage to below seven days. Numerous experiments
were made with a lifting propeller in the Britannic, but they were not
a success and the principle was never tried in any more of the
company’s boats. The company sought also to improve the lighting
of their steamers. The old system of lighting a ship by candles was
seldom more than enough to make the darkness visible, and oil
lamps were not always much better; so an attempt was made to
install a gas-lighting apparatus. It worked very well while the vessel
was in port, the experiment being made on the Adriatic in 1872, and
the Celtic in 1873; but there was a certain amount of leakage
through the working of the ship in a sea-way and the experiment
was abandoned. Oil lamps were then installed in these steamers and
remained in use until superseded by electric light. Another White
Star experiment was with the oscillating saloon, intended to keep
berths and staterooms level while the ship was rolling, but this was
no more a success on the broad Atlantic than it was on the English
Channel when tried in the steamer Bessemer.
Other lines which have played a conspicuous part in the North
Atlantic trade are the State, the Beaver, and the National Lines, all of
which owned some very fine steamers. The last named was founded
to run a line between Liverpool and the ports of the Confederate
States when the war should terminate, but it proved a financial
failure and the promoters then decided to enter the Liverpool and
New York trade. Its three vessels, Louisiana, Virginia, and
Pennsylvania, were the largest cargo-carriers on the ocean, being of
nearly 3500 tons gross. Three larger steamers, The Queen, Erin, and
Helvetia, were added in 1864, and three more in the next two years.
The Italy, of 4300 tons, was regarded as a wonderful ship on
account of her size, and is stated to have been the first of her type
in which compound engines were fitted. Other and larger steamers
were added to the fleet to meet its extensive requirements, until it
sustained not only a weekly service each way between Liverpool and
New York, but also had regular sailings from London to New York,
calling at Havre. Its steamers were not beautiful or fast, but were
very steady, made cargo-carrying a feature, and conveyed a great
number of emigrants. Then the National Line surprised every one by
bringing out in 1884 one of the most beautiful and graceful steamers
ever seen on the Atlantic, and certainly the fastest of her day—the
America, which, as she was built of steel, belongs properly to a later
period of ship construction. She was 5528 tons gross, built and
engined by Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, and was sold in a few
months to the Italian Government. Some years later the line began
to decline and it is now a part of the “Combine,” only two or three
vessels being under its flag.
The first mail steam-ship line between Liverpool and Canada was
started by McKean, McLarty, and Lamont of Liverpool in 1852 under
contract with the Government, but the effort was a failure, and in
the next year H. and A. Allan undertook the work. Their first steamer
was the Canadian in 1853, followed by the Indian, North American,
and Anglo-Saxon, and as the Grand Trunk Railway was completed
next year to Portland, this town became the winter terminus of the
line and Montreal the summer terminus. Upon the completion of the
intercolonial railway in 1876, connecting Quebec with Halifax, the
Nova Scotian port became the winter terminus of the Allan Line. By
1882 the service had increased to such an extent that the sailings
were made weekly instead of fortnightly. In 1862 the Allans
established a line between Glasgow and Montreal; a few years
afterwards sailings were made between London and Canada, and
more recently still Continental calls were added.
The Donaldson Line, established in 1855, has for many years
maintained a service between Glasgow and Montreal, its vessels
ranging from sailers to some of the finest steamers entering the St.
Lawrence River. Its present service is performed with the twin-screw
steamers Athenia and Cassandra, and nine single-screw boats; and
another twin-screw boat, the Saturnia, is shortly to be delivered, and
will be of about 8000 tons, the largest in the company’s fleet. The
salient feature of the Donaldson Line passenger steamers is the
carriage of one class of cabin passengers only, called second cabin.
This enables travellers to enjoy the best the ships afford, the
accommodation being equal to that on many long-distance
steamers, such as those that go to Australia. Its first steamer to
Montreal was the Astarte in 1874, upon the withdrawal of the line
from the South American trade in which it had been engaged up to
then; and its Canadian service, fortnightly at first, became weekly in
1880. A line to Baltimore, Maryland, was established in the winter of
1886-7, and the winter service to Canada began with the Baltimore
boats calling at Halifax on their west-bound voyages.
No further attempt was made by the Americans to establish a line
of steamers across the Atlantic until 1871, but in that year Messrs.
Cramp of Philadelphia received orders for four large steamers of over
3000 tons each, and these with some English vessels maintained the
service of the American Line. In 1884 the Red Star Line took over
the line and ran the boats as cargo steamers. They were again
transferred in 1893 to another American Line which three years later
sold them. In the meantime, the later American Line ordered a
number of vessels and, besides buying up the Inman Line, absorbed
the Inman and International, which owned the steamers City of Paris
and City of New York. The new owners dropped the words “City of,”
and also had two steamers built in America to comply with the Act of
Congress under which the line was formed.
The screw propeller was naturally not long in commending itself to
the builders of ships for the long voyages to India and Australia.
Mr. John Dudgeon, in an article published in 1856 on steam
expansion and the suitability of expansion engines for long voyages,
was almost prophetic in his remarks on the relative value of the
screw propeller and the paddle-wheel. In the article he said:
“The application of this property in steam to Australian screw
steam navigation, would, if adopted, effect a radical change in the
whole question. When we find that vessels of the magnitude of the
Great Britain have to run thousands of miles out of their course to
get a fresh supply of coal, it becomes a question whether that state
of matters may not be amended. I therefore propose that vessels of,
say, 2000 tons be built and fitted with engines working up to 1100
horses actual power, which would ... consume 1609·5 lb. of coal per
hour, and with this power the vessel would steam at least 10 knots
an hour ... equal to 19 tons 4 cwt. per day and a speed of 240
knots; 500 tons of coal would therefore be enough for a run of
twenty-five days, and 6000 nautical miles. Should it be deemed
prudent to carry a reserve stock, coal for an additional 1500 miles
would still not seriously interfere with the carrying properties of a
large vessel, while it would obviate the necessity of having any
stoppage but the Cape between Great Britain and Port Phillip. A
vessel of 2000 tons builders’ measurement will carry at least 2000
tons dead weight, over and above her own weight of ship and
machinery. Presuming that she takes coal for 9000 miles, or 750
tons, we still have a balance of 1250 tons for cargo and, in a well-
arranged vessel, room for 350 passengers. Now I apprehend that as
regularity and multiplied means of communication are the prime