Structure and Tectonics of The Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies Harish C Tewari All Chapters Instant Download
Structure and Tectonics of The Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies Harish C Tewari All Chapters Instant Download
Structure and Tectonics of The Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies Harish C Tewari All Chapters Instant Download
Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Plasma Turbulence From
Compressible MHD to Collisionless Plasma Yan Yang
Deep Seismic Studies
Deep Seismic Studies
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Five billion years ago the planet Earth was formed as a large conglomerate.
The immense amount of heat energy released by massive high-velocity
bombardment of meteorites and comets melted the entire planet. Since
then, the planet has been cooling off and the process continues even today.
During the cooling process, denser materials, such as iron from meteorites,
sank into the core of the Earth while lighter material, e.g., silicates, oxygen
compounds and water from comets, rose near to the surface.
Studies of the Earth’s structure over the last 100 years have proven that
the Earth consists of several layers. Characteristic properties of each layer are
different in terms of physical and chemical parameters. The chemical
parameters, e.g., alkalinity, acidity, salinity, etc., and the physical
parameters, e.g., pressure, temperature, density and elasticity, vary from
layer to layer. The parameters of elasticity and density determine the seismic
wave velocity, which normally is different for each of these layers.
From the study of the seismic wave velocity and density, the Earth has
been subdivided into four main units (Fig. 1.1): the inner core, outer core,
mantle and crust (Ritter Michael, 2006). The equatorial radius of the Earth is
6378 km, out of which the inner core is about 1250 km, the outer core
2200 km and the mantle 2900 km thick, respectively. The core is composed
mostly of iron and is so hot that its outer part (outer core) is molten, with
about 10% sulfur. The inner core is under extreme pressure and remains
solid. Most of the Earth’s mass is in the mantle, which is composed of iron,
magnesium, aluminum, silicon and oxygen compounds. At over 1000°C,
the mantle is solid but can deform slowly in a plastic manner. The crust is
composed of the least dense calcium and sodium/aluminum-silicate
minerals. Being relatively cold, the crust is rocky and brittle and therefore
is easier to fracture.
Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region © 2018 BSP Books Pvt Ltd. 1 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Harish C. Tewari, B. Rajendra Prasad, and Prakash Kumar
Ocean Continent
Crust Crust
(6–8 km) (30–40 km)
Lithosphere Upper
Asthe Lithosphere
(70–100 km) mantle nosp (100–150 km)
400 Lower
mantle Transition
5150 Inner
Fig. 1.1 Generalized structure of the Earth. Depths to major boundaries are given.
quickly. The grains are so small that they are only visible under a micro-
scope. The average density of the oceanic crust is 3000 kg m3.
The crust under the continents and areas of shallow seabed close to their
shores (continental shelves) is called the continental crust. It covers more
than one-third of the Earth’s surface. It is thicker than the oceanic crust,
35–40 km thick under the stable areas and 50–80 km under the young
mountain ranges, and mainly consists of igneous rocks. It is divided into
two layers. The upper crust mainly consists of sediment, gneiss, granite
and granodiorite rocks, while the lower crust consists of basalt, gabbros,
amphibolites and granulites. The average density of the upper crust is
2700 kg m3 while that of the lower crust is 2850 kg m3. It is older than
the oceanic crust; some rocks are as old as 3800 million years. When active
margins of the continental crust meet the oceanic crust in subduction zones,
the oceanic crust is subducted due to relatively lower density of the former.
The lower density does not allow the continental crust to be subducted or
recycled back into the mantle. For this reason, the oldest rocks on the Earth
are within the cratons or cores of the continents, rather than in the repeat-
edly recycled oceanic crust. Increasingly younger units surround the older
cores in the center of the continents.
Six principal types of crust are identified based on the sedimentary thick-
ness, crustal thickness and mean seismic velocities (Beloussov and
Pavlenkova, 1985). Type I, in the regions of the most recent mountains
where high relief is accompanied by mountain roots, is 50–70 km thick.
It has generally high-heat flow values and mean velocities are in the range
of 6.4–6.5 km s1, but in some subtypes velocities as high as 7.0 km s1 are
also seen. Type II crust covers almost half the area of the continents and is
common to areas with thin (<3 km) sedimentary cover and also crystalline
shields. It is about 40-km thick, mean seismic velocity in the consolidated
part is around 6.5 km s1, and has low heat flow values. Type III is an atten-
uated, low-velocity crust in exterior parts of the continents, e.g., West Euro-
pean platform. It is 25–30 km thick, has an inconsistent heat flow and a mean
seismic velocity of 6.1–6.3 km s1. Type IV is the transitional crust between
the continents and oceans and is similar to Type III but with higher mean
seismic velocity of about 6.6 km s1. It is observed in continental margins.
Type V crust varies in thickness between 15 and 40 km and is associated with
deep basins. It has large thickness of the sediments (5–15 km). The heat flow
values are generally high and determination of its mean velocity is not pos-
sible. A typical feature of this type is the presence of the high-velocity lower
crustal layers (>6.8 km s1) and a lower thickness to the crust-mantle
boundary. Type VI is the crust of oceanic basins where the crustal thickness
Overview of Crust and Introduction to Seismic Observations on Indian Plate 5
is small and the upper part of the crust (granitic crust of velocity
6.0–6.3 km s1), whose thickness in the continental crust is in excess of
10 km, is absent.
The crust itself has no influence on the Earth but constant movement of
the lithospheric plates (crust + uppermost part of the mantle), better known
as the plate movement caused by influence of the convection current in the
asthenosphere, does. To be more precise, the convection currents actually
cause the Earth’s plates to move and sometimes collide with each other.
These movements cause earthquakes and at weak zones of the Earth’s crust
volcanoes can erupt. Because of ongoing plate movement in the last several
millions of years, mountains and valleys have been formed, and that is why
the surface of the Earth looks as it does now. Knowledge of characteristic
features of the continental crust, therefore, is very important to an under-
standing of the relationship between the processes in the Earth’s mantle
and the geological and geomorphological phenomena observed on the sur-
face, as the present-day configuration of the continental crust is mostly an
outcome of lithospheric evolution and crust-mantle interaction. This
knowledge, together with that of the physical and chemical properties of
the crust, is also vital for understanding the mechanism of crustal evolution
and tectono-thermal processes in the Earth’s interior. It is also important for
understanding characteristics of earthquakes and other natural hazards, for-
mation/distribution of the natural resources, and evolution of various struc-
tural features present on the Earth’s surface, as deep-seated structural
variations in the crust are manifested in near-surface geological patterns of
direct human socioeconomic interest.
Archean Proterozoic
Kimberlite Kimberlite
with diamond Flood basalts without diamond
35 km
45 km
Depleted Fertile
(low FeO) (normal FeO)
Partial melting
Fig. 1.2 A schematic diagram showing the Archean and Proterozoic crustal evolution.
(After Durrheim, R.J., Mooney, W.D., 1991. Archcan and Proterozoic crustal evolution:
evidence from crustal seismology. Geology 19, 606–609.)
Depleted ultramafics
been advocated for the crustal formation: horizontal accretion of island arcs
or vertical accretion due to differentiation of magmatic material above hot-
spots (Hoffman, 1988; Percival, 1989; Kroner, 1984). It implies that the
composition of the crust may either be andesitic (Taylor and McLennan,
1985; Rudnick and Gao, 2003) or basaltic (DeBari and Sleep, 1991;
Davidson and Arculus, 2006) and is different from the single dominant
crust-forming process, i.e., basaltic volcanism throughout Earth’s history
(Ashwal, 1989; Turcotte, 1989). As the fundamental process is different
for Proterozoic and Phanerozoic crusts, the seismic characteristics of the
crust are expected to be different at different geologic provinces
(Drummond and Collins, 1986).
The configuration of continental crust is mostly an outcome of litho-
spheric evolution and crust-mantle interaction. This knowledge, together
with that of the physical and chemical properties of the crust, is also vital
to understand the mechanism of crustal evolution and tectono-thermal pro-
cesses in the Earth’s interior. It is also important for understanding charac-
teristics of earthquakes and other natural hazards, formation/distribution of
the natural resources, and evolution of various structural features present on
the Earth’s surface, as deep-seated structural variations in the crust are
manifested in near-surface geological patterns of direct human socioeco-
nomic interest.
The Pg wave follows the top of granitic crystalline basement below the
sediments, the PmP wave appears as a critical or postcritical reflection from
the Moho and the Pn wave is supposed to run along the top of mantle. In
addition to these, other P-wave phases were also identified from various layers
within the crust.
Earlier, the detection of Moho and its nature were determined by the
explosion seismic and travel time observations from earthquake data. How-
ever, since the 1980s, converted wave techniques in passive source seismol-
ogy have become robust tools to map the crust-mantle discontinuities and
thereafter an enormous amount of work has been published about the mea-
surements and nature of the Moho. Nevertheless, its genesis has remained a
subject of controversy. Based on seismic wave propagation, the Moho has
been defined as the change in P-wave velocity (Vp > 7.6 km s1) and density
(Oliver, 1982; Prodehl et al., 2013; Rabbel et al., 2013; Jarchow and
Thompson, 1989; Steinhart, 1967; Hammer and Clowes, 1997). Sometimes
changes in anisotropic direction ( Jones et al., 1996) and also the scale lengths
of heterogeneity may occur across this boundary (Enderle et al., 1997). In
seismic sections, the depth of the Moho typically coincides with the bound-
ary between the reflector-rich crust and the reflector-poor uppermost man-
tle (Cook, 2002; Cook et al., 2010; Mooney and Brocher, 1987; Carbonell
et al., 2013). It is unquestionably a geophysical boundary where a change in
elastic properties takes place, and this leads to the conversion of
seismic waves.
The Moho can thus be characterized as noted here:
(1) It is an interface that separates the Earth’s crust from the underlying
(2) It is a first-order discontinuity based on velocity and composition.
(3) Compressional-wave velocity increases to 7.6 km s1 at the Moho.
(4) Petrologically, the Moho is the boundary between homogeneous layers
of mafic (above) and ultramafic (below) rocks.
(5) The Moho subsists worldwide with laterally variable depth on broad
(6) Its sharpness and reflectivity vary from region to region. Here, by sharp-
ness we mean that the crust-mantle transition occurs over a vertical dis-
tance of less than 2 km ( James et al., 2003).
Although the Moho is a seismic definition, petrologically it is a transition
from spinel lherzolite to garnet lherzolite (Griffin and O’Reilly, 1987;
O’Reilly and Griffin, 1985), where a marked increase in seismic velocity
exists in the lower crust. The seismic Moho is a phase change within the
Overview of Crust and Introduction to Seismic Observations on Indian Plate 11
upper mantle (Griffin et al., 1987; Griffin and O’Reilly, 1986; O’Reilly,
1989; O’Reilly and Griffin, 1991) and is related to the pressure and temper-
ature histories. Therefore, it is associated with a boundary, which separates
the mafic lower crust (gabbros for the oceanic crust and mafic granulites for
the continental crust) from the ultramafic upper mantle (e.g., Christensen,
1996; Christensen and Mooney, 1995; Gao et al., 1998; Mengel and Kern,
1992; Rudnick and Fountain, 1995; Jarchow and Thompson, 1989). An
electrical Moho has also been defined as the bottom of the relatively con-
ductive continental lower crust (104–101 S m1) and is often not coinci-
dent with the seismic Moho (Wang et al., 2013; Mengel and Kern, 1992).
The seismic and petrological Moho are generally noncoincident, as the
temperature regime plays an important role in determining the depth of the
petrological Moho. Griffin and O’Reilly (1987) argue that the Moho in a
lithologic column is determined by the temperature regime, as the tectonics
and the temperature regime modify the lower crust and/or the upper man-
tle. These processes act on the rocks overprinting a series of additional factors
that affect the seismic signature: for example, rock fabrics and anisotropy. In
this sense, the seismic and the petrological Moho can be placed at different
levels. However, Brown et al. (2009) suggest that the petrological Moho is
somewhat deeper than the seismic Moho. In the petrological Moho, the
transition from granulites to ultramafic rock (considered to be mantle lithol-
ogies) would be located slightly deeper in the column. The seismic Moho
has been considered to correspond to the lithological contact between
gabbros and rocks with ultramafic compositions (harzburgites), and the pet-
rological Moho has been correlated with the deeper structures/fabrics and
lithological contrasts within the ultramafics (e.g., peridotites, dunites, etc.).
velocity, reflectivity and thickness. These parameters are also related to the
heat flow, temperature and viscosity at various depths in the crust. The con-
trolled source seismic study (5–30 Hz) effectively bridges the gap (Fig. 1.4)
between the high-frequency conventional exploration for hydrocarbon
(30–100 Hz) and low-frequency passive source seismological studies
(0.1–5 Hz). For finding out the crustal structure it can be divided into two
broad groups: (1) the refraction/postcritical (wide-angle) reflection also
known as refraction seismology, and (2) the deep continental reflection study.
The most reliable information on velocity variation in the continental
crust comes from the seismic refraction profiles. Though the variation of
seismic velocity with depth can be fitted into five broad ranges (Meissner
Displacement (cm)
Deep seismic
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.1.4 Schematic diagram showing the frequency range used in different seismic
Overview of Crust and Introduction to Seismic Observations on Indian Plate 13
and Weaver, 1989), it differs according to the geology and tectonic config-
uration of a region (Table 1.1). Studies of the continental crust and subcrustal
lithosphere using seismic refraction/postcritical reflection measurements are
of first-order importance for determining reliable models of the seismic
velocity structure and physical properties of the lithosphere. The Eastern
block of the European countries, led by the erstwhile USSR, made major
contributions to our understanding of the chemical and physical properties
of the Moho through large-scale refraction/postcritical reflection studies.
The crust-mantle boundary (referred to as the Moho in forthcoming text)
is regarded as the most important velocity boundary in crustal seismic obser-
vations. The general model of the continental Moho is a variable thickness
transition zone, composed of layers progressing from mafic to ultramafic
rocks with increasing depth ( Jarchow and Thompson, 1989).
The deep reflections (near-vertical incidence) from the Moho boundary
were reported as early as the late 1950s but it took almost two decades to
substantiate them through deep continental reflection studies. The
COCORP (Consortium for Continental Reflection Profiling, United
States) studies paved the way in recognizing the velocity layers as reflecting
horizons and hence identifying the reflectivity patterns that determine struc-
tural variations in the crust of different geological terranes. Major deep seis-
mic reflection study groups and consortia, e.g., BIRPS (United Kingdom),
DEKORP (Germany), ECORS (France) and LITHOPROBE (Canada),
followed it. High-resolution seismic reflection and refraction programs were
also launched over the subduction zones (ANCORP Working Group,
1999), the arc-continent collisions along the continental margins
(Lundberg et al., 1997), the convergent plate boundaries (Davey and
Stern, 1990), and the orogenic belts (Snyder et al., 1997).
The seismic studies are capable of resolving shallow as well as deep struc-
tures in the crust by acquiring suitable refraction and postcritical reflection
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14 Harish C. Tewari, B. Rajendra Prasad, and Prakash Kumar
data sets and also near-vertical reflections. Advances over the past 20 years,
both in the areas of seismic data acquisition as well as processing and model-
ing techniques, offer wide-ranging possibilities for exploring complex sub-
surface structures that may be heterogeneous and anisotropic. At present it is
believed that combined refraction and deep reflection experiments (also
known as coincident reflection studies) supported by the other geophysical,
geological and geochronological studies on selected geo-transects provide
the most reliable seismic images of the continental crust and uppermost man-
tle. The two seismic techniques are complementary to each other and, when
used together, are capable of resolving the structural and physical property
variations in the Earth. The refraction/postcritical reflection data sets pro-
vide viable models of the velocity distribution required to infer the petro-
logic composition, grade of metamorphism and material properties such as
brittle/ductile regimes. These lead to consistent interpretation of the reflec-
tivity patterns obtained through deep continental reflection studies and pro-
vide necessary clues for understanding the complex geodynamic processes
that might be operative during the evolution of various geological prov-
inces. In the tectonically active regions accurate mapping of the intracrustal
boundaries, including the Moho, and delineation of the deep penetrating
steep/low-angle faults reveal various blocks in the crust that may have been
relatively displaced due to movements along these faults.
in r
rra a
Te arw
24° elk VB
KB n d
SC Kolkata
Mumbai Bh
16° Himalayas
CuB Bay
of Deccan Traps
acquisition was achieved when wireless telemetry systems replaced the dig-
ital units in the year 1998. This made acquisition of crustal seismic data pos-
sible even in areas with difficult topography (e.g., the Himalayan region).
Since the data acquisition process for all types of seismic data is more or less
similar and can be found in several textbooks, it is not discussed here.
Overview of Crust and Introduction to Seismic Observations on Indian Plate 17
Under the program to study the continental crust of India, seismic refrac-
tion and postcritical reflection data sets were acquired along various profiles
in different geological and tectonic provinces in the Indian shield (peninsular
shield, Southern Granulite Terrane, Aravalli-Delhi fold belt in the
northwest), Narmada-Son Lineament in central India, Deccan Trap covered
regions in the west, the sedimentary basins (Cambay, West Bengal,
Mahanadi, Godavari) and the Himalaya (Fig. 1.6). In some of the terranes
9 5 5 9
15 93
97 9
5 3
9 3
2 7 5 9 3 5
7 3
32° 9
2 5
an 6
k ist 2 3
Pa 1 Delhi 2 Tibet 7
Ne 2 7
3 6 pal
8 1
1 2
3 6
9 8
6 1 1 9 2
9 1 8 1 8 97
9 7 1 9
6 6 7 Bangladesh
24° 1 6 8 8 2
10 7 8 4 4
3 1 7 6 4 1
6 8
3 10 8 7 Kolkata
10 8 10 6 4 4 7
1 8 7 6 7 9 1
1 8 7 8 8
10 11 1
10 9
8 8 78 1
4 6
8 8 8
10 7 1 Quaternary
16° 1 8 2 Tertiary
6 6
8 7
7 6 3 Mesozoic
8 4 U.Carboniferous–L.Cretaceous
7 8 5 Paleozoic
8 9 6 Middle–Upper Precambrian
7 Lower–Middle Precambrian
1 8 Lower Precambrian
8 1
9 Precambrian
8° 10 Cretaceous–Deccan Traps
11 Basic intrusives and effusives
seismic profiles
Hippopus maculatus.
Each polyzoon begins with a single ovum. The original or seminal cell of
a flustra or lepralia has no sooner fixed itself upon some stone, shell, or
alga, than new buds begin to shoot forth, which in their turn produce
others from their unattached margins, so as rapidly to augment the
number of cells to a very large amount. Thus a common specimen of
Flustra carbasea presents more than 18,000 individual polyzoa, and as
each of these has about twenty-two tentacula, which are again furnished
with about a hundred ciliæ a piece, the entire polyzoary presents no less
than 396,000 tentacula and 39,600,000 ciliæ. The Rev. David
Landsborough calculated that a specimen of Flustra membranacea five feet
in length by eight inches in breadth had been the work and the habitation
of above two millions of inmates, so that this single colony on a submarine
island was about equal in number to the population of Scotland. As the
tentacula are numerous in this species, four thousand millions of ciliæ must
have provided for its wants, about four times the number of the inhabitants
of this globe!
The Tunicata
are so called
because their soft
parts are not
enclosed in a
calcified shell such
as invests the
majority of their
class, but in a
more or less
envelope or tunic
which is either
bag-shaped, and
provided with two
apertures, or
tube-shaped, and
open at the ends.
They present a
resemblance to
the Polyzoa, not Ascidia mammillata.
merely in their a. Branchial orifice,
general plan of open. b. Anal orifice,
conformation, but
also in their
tendency to
produce composite structures by gemmation;
Clavellina producta. Group of they may, however, be at once distinguished
two adult and several young from them by the absence of the ciliated
individuals, magnified about tentacula which form so conspicuous a
five times.
c. Branchial orifice. e.
feature in the external aspect of a flustra or a
Branchiæ. retepore. Their branchiæ, which have
i. Anal orifice. l. Stomach. generally the form of ridges (e), occupy a
o. Heart. u, u′, u″. large sac, forming, as it were, the
Reproductive antechamber of the alimentary canal, which
buds, springing from the is barely distinguishable into gullet, stomach,
abdomen of the adults. and intestine, and always convoluted or
folded once on itself. The Tunicata are
exclusively marine, and widely spread from
the arctic to the tropical seas. All of them are free during the earlier parts
of their existence; some remain permanently so (Pyrosomidæ, Salpæ), but
the generality (Ascidiæ, Botrylli) become fixed to shells and other marine
bodies; some exist as distinct individuals (Ascidiæ, Cynthia), whilst various
degrees of combination are effected by others (Botryllus, Clavellina,
Pyrosoma), and some are simple in one generation and combined in the
next (Salpæ).
Thus the whole family is divisible into two groups, the simple and the
aggregate; both branching out into numerous genera, of which my limits
only allow me to mention some of the most remarkable. The simple
Ascidiæ, or Sea-Squirts, are very common on our shores. "Rarely," says
Forbes, "is the dredge drawn up from any sea-bed at all prolific in
submarine creatures without containing few or many of their irregularly
shaped leathery bodies, fixed to sea-weed, rock, or shell, by one extremity,
or by one side, free at the other, and presenting two more or less
prominent orifices, from which, on the slightest pressure, the sea-water is
ejected with great force. On the sea-shore, when the tide is out, we find
similar bodies attached to the under surface of rough stones. They are
variously, often splendidly, coloured, but otherwise are unattractive or even
repulsive in aspect. Some are of a large size, several inches in length. As
may easily be imagined, they lead a very inactive life, except in the young
state, when by means of a long tail they rapidly swim about, until finally
settling in some convenient spot, they gradually assume the form and
adopt the quiet life of the parent from which they sprang."
To the simple Tunicata belong also the Chelyosomata, whose coriaceous
envelope, consisting of eight somewhat horny angular plates, reminds one
of the carapace of the turtle. Their small and prominent orifices,
perforating the plated surface, are each surrounded by six triangular
Some species of simple Ascidians on the coasts of the Channel and the
Mediterranean are valued as articles of food. At Cette sea-squirts are taken
regularly to market, and Cynthia microcosmus, although so repulsive
externally, furnishes a very delicate morsel.
Chelyosoma Macleayanum.
a. Branchial orifice. b. Anal orifice.
c. Coriaceous envelope of the sides.
d. Stone to which the animal is fixed. Botryllus violaceus. Two of the stems
a. Common test. b. Some of the
branchial orifices.
c. The common anal orifice of one of
the systems.
Diazona violacea (magnified).
While the sessile Ascidiæ remind one of the polyps, the transparent
Salpæ, freely swimming in the sea, bear a great resemblance to the
pellucid jelly-fishes. Each resembles a crystalline tube, through which one
can distinctly see the internal coloured parts. Sometimes these animals,
which abound in the warmer seas, are found solitary, at other times
associated in circular or lengthened groups, termed garlands, ribands, and
chains; but, strange to say, these two forms so different in outward
appearance are only the alternating generations of one and the same
animal. The chained Salpæ produce only solitary ones, and the latter only
chains, or, as Chamisso, to whom we owe the discovery of this interesting
fact, expresses himself, "a salpa mother never resembles her daughter, or
her own mother, but is always like her sister, her grand-daughter, or her
grand-mother." When Chamisso first made known his discovery, he was
laughed at as a fanciful visionary, but all later observations have not only
fully confirmed his statement but also discovered similar or even more
wonderful metamorphoses among the jelly-fish, polyps, crustacea, sea-
urchins, and other marine animals. Thus Chamisso gave the first impulse to
a whole series of highly interesting observations, and his rank is now as
well established among naturalists as it has long been among the most
distinguished poets of Germany. The Salpæ progress by the alternate
contractions and dilatations of their tubular body. In this manner the
chains, as if obeying a common impulse, glide along with a serpentine
movement, and are often regarded by sailors as sea-snakes.
Before quitting the Tunicata, a
few points of interest in their simple
history remain to be noticed.
Despite their humble organisation,
they have a heart which, as may
easily be ascertained in the
transparent species, is subject to
strange alternations of action. For
after having received for a minute
or two the blood from the branchiæ,
and propelled it to the system at
large, it will at once cease to
pulsate for a moment or two, and
then propel the blood to the
branchial sac, receiving it at the
same time from the system
generally. After this reversed course
has continued for some time,
another pause occurs, and the first
course is resumed. It is very
probable that many of the Tunicata
Inner or under side of the superior plated
are able to hear and to see. In surface of Chelyosoma Macleayanum.
Chelyosoma, organs have been a. Branchial orifice. b. Anal orifice.
discovered whose structure seems c. Muscles bordering the carapace-
to indicate that they are destined plates. d. Central hexagonal plate.
for the transmission of sound, and e. Surrounding plates. f. The nerve-
ganglion and nerve-fibres. g, h.
the Ascidiæ have frequently around Auditory apparatus. i. Row of
the extremity of their tubes a row of tentacles, anterior to the œsophagus.
coloured points similar to the j. Stomach. k. Part of the intestine.
imperfect organs of sight present in
the majority of the bivalve
Acephalans. Thus a closer examination of the lower animals is constantly
bringing new faculties to light, and the further we penetrate into the
secrets of their life the more we find occasion to admire the power and
wisdom of their Maker!
The Echinidæ move forward by means of the joint action of their suckers
and spines, using the former in the manner of the true star-fishes, and the
latter as the snake-stars. They also make use of the spines, which move in
sockets, to bury themselves in the fine sand, where they find security against
many enemies.
Some species even entomb themselves pholas-like in stone, inhabiting
cavities or depressions in rocks, corresponding to their size, and evidently
formed by themselves. Bennett describes each cavity of the edible Echinus
lividus as circular, agreeing in form with the urchin within it, and so deep as to
embrace more than two-thirds of the bulk of the inhabitant. It is large enough
to admit of the creature's rising a little, but not of its coming out easily. The
echinus adheres so firmly to this cavity by its suckers, as to be forced from it
with extreme difficulty when alive. On the coasts of the county of Clare
thousands may be seen lodged in the rock, their purple spines and regular
forms presenting a most beautiful appearance on the bottoms of the grey
limestone rock-pools. How the boring is performed has, like many other
secrets, not yet been settled by naturalists. The first perforation is most likely
effected by means of the teeth, and then the rock softened by some secreted
Sea-urchins are found in all seas, but as they are extremely difficult to
preserve, and many of them have such long and delicate spines that it is