Adobe Scan 2024年12月02日
Adobe Scan 2024年12月02日
Adobe Scan 2024年12月02日
- & (l <Sb 岳) 0 区行]
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~ I he、 11111c thnt c, 、 llcgc students spend stu<lyinH per week hns o dis tribution thnt 1s
,l-.c\\ l"ll to II 止, illht with n mcnn o f 8 4 hours nnd n stondM<l dcvint,un of 2 .7
hours. For n rnnllom snmplc of 45 11tu<lcnt!I, find the prohnbility thot the mean
, imc s1,,c11t stud yint,J per week 1s
n) I、ctwccn >(nnd 9 hours,
h) less thnn 8 tu、urs .
6. lndicntc in which of the following cases thnl the Centrnl Limit Theorem will apply
to describe the sampling distribution of lhe sample proportion .
u) n = 400 and p = 0 .28. c) " = 60 und p = 0 .12.
b) n = 80nndp = 0 .05 . d) t1 = 100nndp = 0 .035 .
7. ABC manufactures computer diskettes. The machine that is used to make these
diskettes is known to produce 6% defective diskettes. The quality control
inspector selects a san1plc of I 00 diskettes every week and inspects them for
being good or defective. If 8% or more of the diskettes in th e sample. arc
defective, the process is stopped and the machine is readjusted. What is the
probability that based on a sample of I 00 diskettes the process will be stopped to
r凹djust the, machine?
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沁I J 30, 二 0. 心lS~
/ (.) n~ 匀. :,\ ~) n~= 3 .5
Qlrc 1 女王" q) 叫二 S).~ n'\.: . Of6 .s
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a. 乏—
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0. 勹. p=0.06~ 二 o . q 斗
: (-o. 41q 女工仑 I. ~C\)
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