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Survey - Im 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-CE 1-1STSEM-2020-2021

Bayombong Campus




Unit 1


Introduction to Surveying


Definition of Surveying. Types of Surveying and their applications. Surveying Techniques. Surveying
Instruments and their uses. Errors in measurement


1. Identify the different types of surveying and their applications
2. Understand the different surveying techniques
3. Identify the appropriate surveying instruments to be used in the different types of surveying and
surveying techniques.
4. Describe the types of errors in measurement and their differences
5. Know the difference between accuracy and precision
6. Correct and adjust surveying measurements

Definition of Surveying
Surveying is the art and science of taking field measurements on or near the surface of the Earth.
Survey field measurements include horizontal and slope distances, vertical distances, and horizontal
and vertical angles. In addition to measuring distances and angles, surveyors can measure position as
given by the northing, easting, and elevation of a survey station by using satellite-positioning and
remote-sensing techniques. In addition to taking measurements in the field, the surveyor can derive
related distances and directions through geometric and trigonometric analysis.

Surveying also includes the technique of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear
measurements. From the plans, sections, and maps prepared by surveying, the area and volume of a
particular plot of land can be calculated. A map represents the horizontal projection of the area
surveyed and not the actual area. But the vertical distance can be represented more correctly by
drawing sections.

During a survey, surveyors use various tools to do their job successfully and accurately, such as total
stations, GPS receivers, prisms, 3D scanners, radio communicators, digital levels, dumpy level and
surveying software etc.

Primary Types of Surveying
1. Plane surveying is conducted by state agencies as well as private agencies. As we know earth is
spherical in shape but its diameter is big enough to consider plane in small dimensions. It is that
type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane and the
spheroidal shape is neglected. All triangles formed by survey lines are considered as plane
triangles. The level line is considered as straight and plumb lines are considered parallel. Plane
surveying is done of the area of survey is less than 250 km2.
2. Geodetic survey is conducted by survey department of the country. It is that type of surveying in
which the curved shape of the earth is taken in to account. The object of geodetic survey is to
determine the precise position on the surface of the earth, of a system of widely distant points which
form control stations in which surveys of less precision may be referred. Line joining two points is
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IM No.: IM-CE 1-1STSEM-2020-2021
considered as curved line and angles are assumed as spherical angles. It is carried out if the area
exceeds over 250 km2.

Secondary Classification of Surveying Based on Nature of Survey

1. Topographic Surveys. They are carried out determine the position of natural features of a region
such as rivers, streams, hills etc. and artificial features such as roads and canals. The purpose of
such surveys is to prepare maps.
2. Hydrographic Survey is carried out to determine M.S.L. (Mean Sea Level), water spread area,
depth of water bodies, velocity of flow in streams, cross-section area of flow etc.
3. The Astronomical Survey is carried out to determine the absolute location of any point on the
surface of earth. The survey consists of making observations to heavenly bodies such as stars.
4. Route Surveys – necessary for the location and construction of lines of transportation or
5. Photographic Survey. In this type of survey, information is collected by taking photographs from
selected points using a camera.
6. Aerial Survey. In this type of survey data about large tracks of land is collected by taking
photographs from an aero-plane.
7. Reconnaissance Survey. In this type of survey, data is collected by marking physical observation
and some measurements using simple survey instruments.
8. Cadastral Surveying. Surveys are carried out to define land ownership and boundaries.
9. Construction Surveys provide the horizontal location and the height above sea level (also known
as the provision of line and grade) for all component of a wide variety of construction projects—for
example, highways, streets, pipelines, bridges, buildings, and site grading. Construction layout
marks the horizontal location (line) as well as the vertical location or elevation (grade) for the
proposed work. The builder can measure from the surveyor’s markers to the exact location of each
component of the facility to be constructed.

Secondary Types of Surveying Based on Surveying Instrument Used

1. Chain surveying is the basic and oldest type of surveying. The principle involved in chain survey is
of triangulation. The area to be surveyed is divided into a number of small triangles. Angles of
triangles must not be less than 30 degrees and greater than 120 degrees. Equilateral triangles are
considered to be ideal triangles. No angular measurements are taken, tie line and check lines
control accuracy of the work. This method is suitable on level ground with little undulations and area
to be survey is small.
2. Compass surveying uses the principle of traversing. This method does not require the need to
create triangles. It uses a prismatic compass for measuring magnetic bearing of line and the
distance is measured by chain. A series of connecting lines is prepared using compass and
measuring distances using chain. Interior details are located using offset from main survey lines.
They suitable for large area surveying crowded with many details. It can be used to survey a river
3. The principle of plane table surveying is parallelism. They are plotted directly on paper with their
relative position. The rays are drawn from station to object on ground. The table is placed at each of
the successive station parallel to the position of the last station. They are basically suitable for filling
interior detailing and is recommended when great accuracy is not required.
4. Theodolite Surveying. The theodolite is an instrument used mainly for accurate measurement of
the horizontal and vertical angles. They are accurate to measure up to 10″ or 20″ angles. Theodolite
can be used to measure: Horizontal angles, Vertical angles, Deflection angle, Magnetic bearing,
Horizontal distance between two points, Vertical height between two points, Difference in elevation.
Nowadays theodolite is shadowed and replaced by the use of Total Station which can perform the
same task with greater ease and accurate results.
5. Tacheometric Surveying. Tacheometry is a branch of surveying in which horizontal and vertical
distances are determined by taking angular observations with an instrument known as a
tacheometer. Tacheometer is nothing but a transit theodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm and an
anallatic lens. There is no need for chaining in such survey. The principle of Tacheometer is based
on property of isosceles triangle, where ratio of the distance of the base from the apex and the
length of the base is always constant.
6. Photographic Surveying is based on technique of taking photographs from different angle to
prepare topographic details with relative high speed. It is either Terrestrial or aerial
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1. Triangulation and Trilateration. In this technique numerous triangles are inter-connected and
overlapped to measure angles from a surveying station.
2. Traverse. In this technique multiple lines of pre-measured lengths are inter-connected to measure
angles and distances.
3. Levelling. In this technique the difference in heights in a terrain are measured with the help of
graduated rods.

1. Level and rod is used to determine differences in elevation and elevations in a wide variety of
surveying, mapping, and engineering applications.
2. Steel tapes are relatively precise measuring instruments and are used mostly for short
measurements in both preliminary and layout surveys.
3. Theodolites are instruments designed for use in measuring horizontal and vertical angles and for
establishing linear and curved alignments in the field.
4. Total station. This instrument combines electronic distance measurement (EDM), which was
developed in the 1950s, with an electronic theodolite.
5. Satellite-positioning receiver capture signals transmitted by four or more positioning satellites to
determine position coordinates (e.g., northing, easting, and elevation) of a survey station.

Measurement is the process of determining the extent, size or dimensions of a particular quantity in
comparison to a given standard. In the International System of Units (SI) all linear measurements, are
based upon the meter. Angular measurements will be in sexagecimal units (example, 1800 00’ 00”).


- If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38
rounded to the nearest ten is 40.
- If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33
rounded to the nearest ten is 30.
- More Examples:
7.8199 rounded to the nearest tenth is 7.8
7.8200 1.0621 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 1.06
3.8792 rounded to the nearest thousandth is 3.879

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: IM-CE 1-1STSEM-2020-2021

Should be of good quality rag paper, with stiff board or leather cover
made to withstand hard usage, and of pocket size.
- Sketches
- Tabulations
- Explanatory notes
- Computation
- Combination of the above


1. Title of the fieldwork or name of the project
2. Time of Day and Date
3. Weather Conditions
4. Names of Group Members and their Designations
5. List of Equipment


1. Chief of Party – the person who is responsible for the overall direction, supervision, and operational
control of the survey party.
2. Assistant Chief of Party – to assist the chief of party in the accomplishment of the task assigned to
the survey party.
3. Instrument man – the person whose duty is to set up, level, and operate surveying instruments. He
sees to it that instruments to be used in a survey operation are in good working condition.
4. Technician – responsible for use and operation of all electronic instruments required in a field work
operation. He is also responsible for the establishment of a two-way communication link by radio
between members of the survey party.
5. COMPUTER – performs all computations of survey data and works out necessary computational
checks required in a field work operation
6. RECORDER – keeps a record of all sketches, drawings, measurements and observations taken or
7. Head Tapeman – the person responsible for the accuracy and speed of all linear measurements
with tape.
8. Rear Tapeman – assist the head tapeman during taping operations and in other related work.
9. Flagman – holds the flagpole or range pole at selected points as directed by the instrumentman.
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IM No.: IM-CE 1-1STSEM-2020-2021
10. PACER – the person whose primary duty is to check all linear measurements made by the tapeman
11. AXEMAN/LINEMAN – clears the line of sight of trees, brush, and other obstructions.
12. AIDMAN – renders first aid treatment to members of the survey party who are involved in snake and
insect bites, accidents, and other cases involving their health, safety, and well being
13. Utility men – the person whose duties are to render other forms of assistance needed by the survey
party as directed by the chief of party.

An error is the difference between a measured, or observed, value and the “true” value. No
measurement can be performed perfectly (except for counting), so every measurement
must contain some error. Errors can be minimized to an acceptable level by the use of
skilled techniques and appropriately precise equipment. For the purposes of calculating
errors, the “true” value of a dimension is determined statistically after repeated measurements
have been taken.

Mistakes are blunders made by survey personnel. Examples of mistakes are transposing
figures (recording a value of 86 as 68), miscounting the number of full tape lengths in a long
measurement, and measuring to or from the wrong point. You should be aware that mistakes
will occur! Mistakes must be discovered and eliminated, preferably by the people who
made them.

Systematic errors are defined as those errors for which the magnitude and the algebraic
sign can be determined. The fact that these errors can be determined allows the surveyor
to eliminate them from the measurements and thus further improve accuracy. An example of a
systematic error is the effect of temperature on a steel tape. If the temperature is quite warm,
the steel expands, and thus the tape is longer than normal. For example, at 28°C, a 30-m steel
tape can expand to 30.003 m, a systematic error of 0.003 m. Knowing this error, the surveyor can
simply subtract 0.003 m each time the full tape is used at that temperature.

Random errors are associated with the skill and vigilance of the surveyor. Random
errors (also known as accidental errors) are introduced into each measurement mainly
because no human can perform perfectly. Random errors can be illustrated by the following
example. Let’s say that point B is to be located a distance of 59.55 m from point A.
If the tape is only 50.00 m long, an intermediate point must first be set at 50.00 m, and
then 9.55 m must be measured from the intermediate point. Random errors occur as the
surveyor is marking out 50.00 m. The actual mark may be off a bit; that is, the mark may
actually be made at 49.99 or 49.98, and so on. When the final 9.55 m are measured out, two more
opportunities for error exist: The lead surveyor will have the same opportunity for
error as existed at the 50.00 mark, and the rear surveyor may introduce a random error by
inadvertently holding something other than 0.00 m (e.g., 0.01) on the intermediate mark.
This example illustrates two important characteristics of random errors. First, the
magnitude of the random error is unknown. Second, because the surveyor is estimating too
high (or too far right) on one occasion and probably too low (or too far left) on the next
occasion, random errors tend to cancel out over the long run.
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Accuracy is the relationship between the value of a measurement and the “true” value of
the dimension being measured; the greater the accuracy, the smaller the error.

Precision describes the degree of refinement and consistency with which any physical measurement is

The accuracy ratio of a measurement or a series of measurements is the ratio of the

error of closure to the distance measured. The error of closure is the difference between the
measured location and its theoretically correct location. To illustrate, a distance is measured and found
to be 196.33 m. The distance was previously known to be 196.28 m. The error is 0.05 m in a distance
of 196.28 m:

The accuracy ratio is expressed as a fraction whose numerator is 1 and whose denominator
is rounded to the closest 100 units. Many engineering surveys are specified at 1/3,000 and
1/5,000 levels of accuracy.

- Small errors occur more often than large ones and that they are more probable
- Large errors happen infrequently and are therefore less probable; for normally distributed errors,
unusually large ones may be mistakes rather than accidental errors.
- Positive and negative errors of the same size happen with equal frequency; that is, they are equally
- The mean of an infinite number of observations is the most probable value. The most probable
value of a set of corrected observations is the average (arithmetic mean); and this adjusted result
should have the same number of significant figures as are present in any single observation.

a. Probable error in a single observation

b. Probable error of the mean

c. Standard deviation – quantifies the variation w/in a set of measurements

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d. Standard error – quantifies the variation in the mean/s from a single or multiple set of

e. Relative Precision = PE/MPV

The weight of an observation is a number giving an indication of its precision and trust worthiness,
when making a comparison between several quantities of different worth.
If a certain observation of weight 4 it means that it is 4 times as much reliable as an observation of
weight 1. When two quantities (or) observations are assumed to be equally reliable, the observed
values are said to be of equal weight (or) of unit weight
The weight of an observation is a factor depending on the importance attached to the observation. It
actually gives an indication of the precision and trustworthiness of the observation when making a
comparison between several quantities of different worth.

Example #1. The angles about a point have the following observed values: 87ᵒ 07’ 50’’, 125ᵒ 17’ 20’’,
and 147ᵒ 35’ 20’’. Determine the most probable value of the three angles.

a) Determine correction to be used
Sum = θ1 + θ2 + θ3 = 87o 07’ 50’’ + 125o 17’ 20’’ + 147o 35’ 20’’ = 360o 00’ 30’’
Discrepancy = 360o - 360o 00’ 30’’ = -30’’
Correction = -30o/3 = -10’’
b) Most Probable Values
θ1’ = 87o 07’ 50’’ – 10’’ = 87o 07’ 40’’
θ2’ = 125o 17’ 20’’ – 10’’ = 125o 17’ 10’’
θ3’ = 147o 35’ 20’’ – 10’’ = 147o 35’ 10’’
c) Solution Check
θ1’ + θ2’ + θ3’ = 360o
87o 07’ 40’’ + 125o 17’ 10’’ + 147o 35’ 10’’ = 360o
360o = 360o (checks)

Example #2. The following values were determined in a series of rod readings made under identical
conditions: 3.312, 3.307, 3.304, 3.306, 3.309, 3.301, 3.311, 3.308, 3.312, 3.306, 3.313 meters.
Determine the following: MPV of the observed rod readings, probable error of a single measurement
and of the mean, relative precision of a single measurement and of the mean. Determine the standard
deviation and the standard error.
MPV = (3.301 + 3.304 + 3.306 + 3.306 + 3.307 + 3.308 + 3.309 + 3.311 + 3.312 + 3.312 + 3.313)/11
MPV = 36.389/11 = 3.308 m
PES = ± 0.6745(0.000141/10)1/2 = ± 0.003 m
PEM = ± 0.6745(0.000141/110)1/2 = ± 0.001 m
RPS = 0.003/3.308 = 1/1,103 say 1/1,100
RPM = 0.001/3.308 = 1/3,308 say 1/3,300
σ = (0.000141/(11-1)) 1/2 = 0.00375
Es = 0.00375/(11) 1/2 = 0.00113

Example #3. A line is measured on a windy day as 338.65 m. The same line measured 338.37 m on a
calm day. If the latter measurement is given four times the reliability of the first, determine the most
probable value of the measured line.
MPV = (338.65 + 338.37(4))/5 = 338.42 m

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Example #4. The angles about a point have the following observed values: 87ᵒ 07’ 50’’ measured
once, 125ᵒ 17’ 20’’ measured twice, and 147ᵒ 35’ 20’’ measured three times. Determine the most
probable value of the three angles.


Problem Solving
1. From the measured values of distance AB, the following trials were recorded: 120.68 m, 120.84 m,
120.76 m, 120.64 m. Determine the MPV in two decimal places. Disregard the unit when writing
your answer.
2. Find the probable error of a single measurement in ITEM #1. Write your answer in four decimal
3. Determine the probable error of the mean in ITEM #1 in four decimal places.
4. Determine the standard deviation in ITEM #1 in four decimal places.
5. Determine the standard error in ITEM #1 in four decimal places.
6. Find the relative precision of the mean. The numerator must be unity and the denominator must be
rounded to the nearest thousands.
7. The observed interior angles of a triangle and their corresponding number of times measured are
as follows (see attached table). Find the MPV of angle A. Do not round your answers. Express your
answer in decimal degrees.
Angle Value Number of
A 39⁰ 2
B 65⁰ 3
C 75⁰ 4
8. Find the MPV of angle B. Do not round your answers. Express your answer in decimal degrees.
9. Find the MPV of angle C. Do not round your answers. Express your answer in decimal degrees.

VII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)


1. What types of surveying to be employed when trying to plot the map of the Philippine Archipelago?
Why do you think these types of surveying should be employed here?
2. What surveying technique shall be used in cadastral surveying? Why?
3. What is the difference between a theodolite and a total station?
4. Describe how a very precise measurement can be inaccurate.
5. Describe the term error. How does this term differ from mistake?

1. Surveying and Levelling by N. N. Basak , Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Surveying: Theory and Practice by James M. Anderson, Edward M. Mikhail, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Principles & Application of Surveying, Kavanagh
4. Elementary Surveying, La Putt
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5. Higher Surveying, La Putt
6. Surveying Fundamentals, McCormac


School Year
Course Number

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