4.6-01-Selecting and Purchasing of Equipment, Supplies and Reagents

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Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital


Standard Operating Procedure

Selecting and purchasing of Equipment,Supplies and

Compiler: Bayisa Umar Signature:

Approver: Adam Tonosa Signature:

Effective Date: August , 2023 Version No. 02

Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01 Copy No. _____

Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 1 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

Revision and amendment

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No. Name Signature Name Signature

B. Version Change History/Description

Version. Effective Description of Version Change Name & Name &

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1.0 Purpose:

Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023

This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 2 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

 To give a step by step procedure on how to review suppliers of reagents,

consumables, and equipment services in order to come up with preferred suppliers
 To forecast, select, quantify and purchase/request equipment, supplies and reagents.
Inspect and account the quantity received.
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the selection, purchasing of laboratory reagents,Equipments
and consumable supplies that are used in support of sampling and measurement activities
that may affect the quality of the results generated.
3.0 Abbreviations
1. N/A Not Applicable
2. TAT Turnaround time
3. RPM Revolutions per Minute
4.0 Procedure
NAPHL shall select external purchases and services; establish its selection criteria,
including acceptance and rejection criteria; approve and maintain its approved suppliers
list; also define the requirements of its purchase supplies and services review and monitor
the performance of its approved suppliers and finally establish frequency of reviews.
4.1. Supplier evaluation: The laboratory evaluates the providers for the reagents,
consumables and equipment. The evaluation should be conducted against defined criteria
which may include:
1. value for money
2. post-delivery support
3. availability
4. in-country distribution
5. Registration of the provider.
The NAPHL shall review Supplier performance for supplies ordered from external sources at
least once per year. After review the review must be documented appropriate place and
finally the preferred suppliers list must be updated accordingly after every review. NAPHL
Collect all Order Tracking forms for the period under review, Collect all Received stock
inspection checklists for each order tracking form and Check if the lead time for request is
acceptable finally,Calculate % of quantities issued in full i.e. how many quantities of
requested items match quantities issued.
Frequency of supplier review: DRHL shall evaluate both Government and Private supplier
s once annually for their performance.

4.2. For supplies ordered from external sources

4.2.1 Instruction for Purchasing Supplies and Reagents
Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023
This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 3 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

.Materials required:
• Action plan, SOP for each test, Bin Cards, Order tracking sheet, List of approved suppliers
and wholesalers by FMHACA, RF form, updated Bin Cards.
1. List out the required amounts and specifications of equipment, supplies and reagents
by each year for purchased products.
2. Calculate average monthly test performed with the quantity of equipment, supplies
and reagents needed and 5% assumptions (quality control, wastage and training)
3. Then, forecast needs for supplies and reagents based consumptions by each section
for every test analysis in the laboratory and submit to the team leader. Using
Forecasting Form.
4. Head of EPHI NRL reviews the amount and specification of equipment, supplies and
reagents with each section or departments for proper selection and quantification
based on annual plan.
5. Finalize the request and submit the Purchase orders to the vendors using Purchase
Requisition Form.
6. Identify approved suppliers from Food Medicine Health care Administration and
Control Authority (FMHACA).
7. The Purchase committee will dispatch the request for competitive and approved
suppliers for bid.
8. The Purchase committee select the winner of the bid based on bid selection criteria
(Criteria will be set during evaluation time by Purchase Committee.)
9. Announce and Sign agreement with the winner of the bid for timely delivery.
10. Contact suppliers to know the status of ordered products using order tracking sheet
until delivery.
4.2.2 Instruction for Receiving Laboratory supplies and reagents 2.1.Procedure:

1. Check the Distribution Invoice that should be accompanying orders both for purchased
and requested products.
2. Verify that the cartons, boxes and contents of the products are not damaged.
a. Check that the quantities received match the quantities issued by suppliers.
b. Count the quantity of each usable commodity received.
c. Do not accept damaged or expired products found upon receipt of a consignment.
d. In every case where the quantity received is different from that issued in the invoice,
record the discrepancies in the formats for damaged and short received items in the
delivery invoice.
Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023
This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 4 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

e. -Write explanation for the discrepancies on the remark column of the invoice.

3. Supplies received by/Signature/Date: Write your name, date and sign on both copies of
the distribution invoice.
4. Retain and file at a copy of the distribution invoice in the Main store.
5. Mark expiry dates clearly, with large, dark numbers, on each box or carton. Place and
reorganize products on shelves by FEFO.
6. Enter and update all stock information on the Bin Card for each commodity received

4.2.3 Instruction for Completing Facility Combined Report and Requisition Form
a. Write the first and last day of the reporting period using a carbon copy of
RRF forms.
b. Write the serial number of the product on the form.
c. Write the name and description (Minimum Unit of Issue) of each Lab supplies
and reagents on the form
d. Pre-printed the unit of issue for each product on the form.
e. Write the balance of the item at the beginning of the reporting period
f. Write the quantity of the item received during this reporting period.
g. Write the total quantity of the item lost or adjusted during this reporting
h. Write the ending balance or Stock On Hand quantity of the item at the end of
the reporting period.
i. Calculate the total amount of Commodities consumed using the beginning
balance, Quantity Received, Loss/Adjustment and Ending balance in the store.
j. Calculate and write the maximum stock quantity by multiplying the Calculated
Consumption (Column E) by 2. See the formats.
k. Write any remarks related to the product or any explanation related to losses
and adjustments that you have reported.
l. The form completed by the mini-store manager.
m. Checked by team leader
n. Authorized by DGH management

Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023

This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 5 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

4.2.4 Instruction for Completing Internal Facility Report, Issue and Receipt
Voucher(Materials Required: IFRIR Form, Bin Cards)
a. Write the name of the Case team/department.
b. Write the first and last date of the reporting period covered by this IFRR.
c. Write the maximum level for the dispensing unit (2 X Reporting Interval) in
d. Write the serial number of the product on the form.
e. Write the name and description of each health commodity you are reporting
f. Write the quantity of stock you had available at the beginning of this reporting
g. Write the quantity of stock received after your consignment in the last
reporting period.
h. Write the quantity of stock that you have on hand at the end of the reporting
i. Write the total quantity of the item lost or adjusted during this reporting
j. Reported by/Signature/Date: Write your name, sign and date the form. And
Submitted to pharmacy main store.
k. Calculate the estimated quantity consumed: Stock on Hand at Start of Period
minus the Stock on Hand at End of Period plus/minus Loss/Adjustment.
l. Calculate the average two weeks consumptions by adding the Calculated
consumption of this period and the Calculated Consumption from the two
previous periods and then divide by 3.
m. Calculate and write the maximum quantity. G =( E or F x 2) or E+F
n. Quantity Needed to Reach Max. (H): Write the quantity of the product that is
needed to reach the maximum stock level. H=G-C
o. Quantity Supplied (I): Write the quantity of products supplied to the unit.
p. Update the Bin Card for the product you have issued. Issued
by/Signature/Date: The person issuing the supplies writes name and sign and
date the form.( Issued by Main store manager) and Approved

Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023

This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 6 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents

by/Signature/Date: The person approving the issue writes name and sign and
date the form.( Approved by pharmacy store man)
q. Received by/Signature/Date: The person receiving the supplies writes name,
date and signature in the form.
5. Acceptance and rejection criteria of supplies
Check for trends or patterns in supplies received that
a. Are deformed
b. Are leaking
c. Have not been ordered
d. Are missing
e. Have unacceptable expiry dates.
f. Are transported at wrong temperature
g. Document findings on the “Review of suppliers form”
h. Update the “Preferred Suppliers List”
i. For each supplier, perform procedures 4.2.5 (c.) to (g) above
5.1. Instruction for supplier evaluations:
a. This evaluation form is to be used to approve suppliers in compliance with quality
management system.
b. The evaluation team may consist of any or all of procurement manager, production
manager and quality manager depending upon the nature of material/ service to be
c. Once approved by the management, the supplier/ vendor should be included in
approved list of suppliers as required to be maintained under quality management
d. A complete check is to be performed each year at the beginning of each calendar
e. Copies of evaluation and approval would remain available with procurement
manager, quality manager and accounts department. However, permanent record
shall be kept by the quality manager.
6. Related Documents
o Order tracking form NAPHL/ALS/F4.6-05
o Receiving and inspection checklist: NAPHL/ALS/CL4.6-02
o Supplier reviewing form: NAPHL/ALS/CL4.6-01
7. References
ISO 15189: 2012 Standard requirement specific to medical laboratories and competecy.

Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023

This is a controlled document for internal use only
Nagele Arsi Primary Hospital Document No: NAPHL/ALS/SOP4.6-01
Laboratory Version No:02
Effective Date: August01, 2023
SOP for selecting and purchasing of Page 7 of 7
Equipment, supplies and reagents


Authority of Issue: NAPHL Authorized Date: July 30,2023

This is a controlled document for internal use only

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