Ed - Mba
Ed - Mba
Ed - Mba
The term 'Entrepreneur' has been derived from a French word 'Entreprendre' meaning to
undertake certain activities. Normally, entrepreneur has to perform two types of functions
which are explained here with the help of pictures given below.
Factors of production viz. land, labour and capital are scattered at different places. All these
factors have to be assembled together. This work is done by enterprise through entrepreneur.
This is an 'Organization Function'. Organization function is the work of bringing the required
factors together and making them work harmoniously.
Entrepreneurs and small business owners supply the American economy with some of its
jobs. An entrepreneur can be an artist, homemaker, restaurant owner or an inventor who just
came up the latest cell phone application. What defines an entrepreneur is the desire and
courage to strike out on one's own in the world of business instead of working for someone
else. Finding the money to start a business is often the first challenge faced by a new
entrepreneur, but due to the positive effect entrepreneurs may have on the economy, efforts
are made by both private and government lenders to supply promising professionals with
inexpensive capital.
Educatio Educational prerequisites are non-specific; business experience and higher levels
n of education are beneficial regardless of the field
Required Skills
Entrepreneurs have a tolerance for risk taking and a willingness to leave the security of a 9-5
job. The ability to multitask is key, especially at the beginning of an enterprise, where an
entrepreneur may need to function as a bookkeeper, customer service agent and marketing
Career Outlook,
Cost Estimators
Cost estimators analyze information and determine approximately how much labour, money
and time may be needed to develop a building, product or service. While cost estimators in
construction may be able to get by without a college degree, completion of an undergraduate
program in building or physical science, business or engineering is the usual minimum
requirement for securing this position. Cost estimators must also be skilled in mathematics.
The BLS reports that employment prospects for cost estimators nationwide are expected to
increase by 9% between 2014 and 2024. In May 2015, professionals employed in this
position earned a median annual wage of $60,390.
Financial Analysts
Financial analysts help businesses and clients make sound investments, such as those related
to bonds or stocks. Relevant undergraduate majors can include economics, engineering,
finance or statistics, among other areas. A Master of Business Administration or Master of
Science may be required for higher-level positions.
Start a New Business Concept
You come up with a new idea for an innovative business be it a new type of hamburger
restaurant, waste hauling service or web site. You figure out what resources are needed to
launch it -- money, retail space, equipment, employees -- and get started.
Buy a Franchise
Some who have a strong desire to own their own business and be their own boss choose to
buy a franchise. A franchise is defined as an agreement between a small business owner, the
franchisee, and the parent company, the franchiser. The parent company gives the franchisee
the right to sell the company's products and often provides support services like advertising
and supplier relationships, in return for a franchise fee and percent of the profits. Franchising
is a very common -- for example, many of the largest fast food chains are franchisers -- and it
can offer an entrepreneur the advantage of starting out with a well-known brand and business
model. But that can come at the cost of sharing your profits and losing some of the
independence and control entrepreneurs value. Some find the franchise system works so well
for them that they end up operating multiple stores for a single franchiser.
Buy an Existing Business
If there's no one innovative idea of your own that you think would make a good business, you
might consider buying an existing business. This offers the chance to start out with an
established small business that already has an income stream and a core set of customers.
You can run your own show without having to go through the initial start-up phase. But it's
critically important to do a thorough job of evaluating the business before you buy it, to have
a clear contract with the seller about what you can each expect after the sale (for example, do
you want a non-compete agreement?), and to understand that existing customers are yours to
lose if you don't manage the business at least as well as the outgoing owner.
Copy an Existing Concept
Find a great local business started by someone else. If there's nothing like it in your own
community, you can study it and transfer it to your community or to a place you want to live.
You need to thoroughly do your research and be sure that a "match" exists between the
concept and demographics of where you choose to locate the business. And of course, while
you can copy a general idea, don't run the risk of a lawsuit -- or worse -- by infringing on
someone else's trademarks, copyrights, or other protected intellectual property.
Become a One Person Firm
You can subcontract your skills and become a one person consulting or services firm. You
have the advantage of being highly focused and can offer your clients lower costs, specialized
services, and greater flexibility than they would have if they tried to hire full-time employees
with the same skills. A great many professional, technical, and clerical specialists have
chosen this career path. Companies find it easier and cheaper to subcontract out work rather
than hiring folks that they may have just laid off in their last round of cost-cutting -- or may
have to lay off next week or next year. It allows them to stay lean and flexible.
Start a "Work at Home" Business
This is one of the hottest areas in the economy today. Many small business ideas can be
launched from home. This can involve everything from stuffing envelopes to running an
Ebay business or starting your own web site.
Do not be dissuaded by the challenge to be creative. You need not be the original wheel
creator to improve upon a stone cylinder. By standing on the shoulders of giants, you can take
existing ideas and make small improvements upon them. Your best ideas may come to you as
you are falling asleep or while you are taking a shower. Recognize when you have a fresh
idea and do not let them get away from you. Write them down! Not every idea has to be a
home run. By accumulating your ideas, you will be able to distill the great ones from the rest
and be ready to run with the best.
Risk Tolerance
Rewards rarely come without risk. Your ability to take advantage of an opportunity will
depend, in part, on your tolerance for risk. As the founder of a start-up, investors will expect
you to have a vested interest in your business. If you will not bet on your idea, why should
anybody else? If you cannot afford the risk, financially or emotionally, then you might make
decisions that are too tepid to be successful. To do well, an entrepreneur needs the strong
sense of self-efficacy to believe the risk will be surmountable.
Opportunity can leave quickly. With the Internet, the spread of information and ideas has led
to deeper, faster competition to be the first mover. The ability to respond to the market and
new business opportunities can be the difference between a successful entrepreneur and a
failed business model. To be responsive, an entrepreneur must have the flexibility of mind
and resources necessary to see and take advantage of new and upcoming possibilities.
Learning from your mistakes and those of others to implement change can keep businesses
afloat. Calcifying rigidity, on the other hand, can turn a start-up into dust.
It is up to the entrepreneur to marshal assets. Leaders are challenged with taking possibilities
and turning them into inspiring visions for others. You will inevitably have to sell either your
idea or your product to begin your entrepreneurship. It will be up to the entrepreneur to take
the idea and turn it into actions and products to capitalize on the opportunity. Leadership can
come in many forms, but it is nevertheless essential to entrepreneurship. You must take the
lead for your ideas to come to fruition.
Intellectual property laws can provide you with exclusive business rights to your ideas. If you
do not protect your ideas, they may be copied -- cheaply. Once an idea is in the public
domain, it may no longer be possible to use that idea as a competitive advantage. Society
values ideas being shared. In exchange for sharing ideas, governments provide limited
monopolies that will allow you to capitalize on them for a period, making up in part for the
costs you have incurred in research and development. Intellectual property professionals can
aid you in seeking such rights.
Risk Bearing
Entrepreneur has to bear risks and uncertainties. For facing uncertainties he may get profit or
may incur loss. This is the 'Risk Bearing Function' and entrepreneur is the risk bearer.
Freedom of Choice is a goal that practically everyone would include high on the list. But
what does it mean in concrete terms? Economists have pointed out that freedom of choice is
important for consumers, for workers, and for business.
Freedom of consumer choice means that consumers will be able to select the goods they want
to buy from a fairly wide range of alternatives, according to individual needs and preferences.
We are not satisfied with a system where the consumer is told: “You can have any size and
colour hat you want – as long as it’s medium and black!”
Freedom of occupational choice is an important area of economic freedom. Men and women
want to be able to choose the kind of work they will enjoy doing and that will provide
adequate wages and personal satisfaction.
Equality of Opportunity for men and women in the society is another goal. It is closely
related to freedom of choice, because it says that all people should approximately the same
degree of freedom – to exercise their rights as consul workers and enterprises.
The goal of Economic Security means that we want the members of economic society to
have enough money to be able to buy adequate food, clothing, shelter and other necessities.
Widespread poverty not only means failure to achieve the goal of economic security for these
people, but it also raises serious questions about whether we are achieving the goal
of Economic Justice in society. Not everyone agrees on the meaning of fairness and justice
in economic life, but it goal that nearly everyone feels is important to define and work toward
Finally, there is one economic goal that is not limited to the boundaries of the country, but
spreads overseas to other countries. This is the goal of International Balance. We want to
maintain a strong and balanced relationship in foreign trade and international payments.
Failure to achieve this goal not only causes serious economic problems at home and abroad,
but also increases international tensions threaten world peace.
Creation of common assets based on the value addition activity
Access to Higher credit linkages from banking institutions
Common Marketing Procurement of products/ raw materials by concrete partnerships.
Profitable price realization for the products
Technical assistance to improve the quality of the products
Reducing the cost of production by common procurement of raw materials
MSME Clusters
Unable to compete in tenders due to their low sales turnover and plant capacity even
though they are capable of producing goods at lower cost.
Not able to enter international market due to non-maintenance of homogenous
standard products with regular supply in bulk quantity
Due to smaller size investment and labour force, they are not able to provide even
need based skill trainings to their employees.
Not able to have teams to make study on market intelligence, technology usage etc.
Due to limited funds not able to maintain any Research and Design division and hence
face difficulty in competing with market changes.
Issues in raising funds for installing machinery required to overcome environmental
and safety problems.
A Technology Business Incubator (TBI) is a place and network that provides support for a
technology start-up business, usually started by young promoters, college students or fresh
In our context, the word Incubator is defined as a place, especially with support staff and
equipment, made available at low rent to new small business.
Good incubated TBI companies should apply a new technology with an innovative business
The Ventures normally promoted in a TBI have the following characteristics:
The foundational business idea is based on a specific technology or a direct application of
that technology.
The venture must develop a specific technology or convert an idea into usable technology
It uses new and unproven technologies
The venture has a relatively high risk
The venture should not be using a proven business model with established technology, high
customer availability and financially viable. That is not to say that a TBI start-up may not
enter into a traditional industry. If the business leverages technology with a completely new
approach, it would be a good candidate for a TBI.
IDBI was established on July 1, 1964 by the Government of India under an Act of Parliament
as the principal financial institution in the country.
(a) The IDB1 provides assistance to the small scale sector through its scheme of refinance
and bills rediscounting scheme.
(b) The financial assistance has been indirect in the form of refinancing of loans and the
State Financial Corporations (SFCs).
(c) In order to assist the small scale sector, the IDBI has set up Small Industries
Development Fund (SIDF) in May 1986. This fund basically aims at providing a focal point
to co-ordinate financial and non-financial inputs required for growth of small industries
(d) In association with Government of India, IDB1 has constituted National Equity Fund
(NEF) to prevail equity type of support to tiny and small scale units which are engaged in
manufacturing activities. The scheme is administered by IDB1 through nationalised banks.
(e) The IDBI has also introduced the single window assistance ‘scheme for grant of term
loans and working capital assistance to tiny, small and medium scale enterprises.
(f) The IDB1 has also set up a Voluntary Executive Corporation Cell (VECC) to use the
services of experts, professionals for counselling small units and for providing consultancy
support in specified areas.
The Industrial Finance Corporation of India was set up by the Government of India under
IFC1 Act in July 1948. It is an important financial institution which gives financial assistance
to the entrepreneurs through rupee and foreign currency loans, underwriting, direct
subscriptions to shares, debentures and guarantees. It also extends other financial facilities
like equipment procurement, equipment finance, buyer’s and supplier’s credit, equipment
leasing and finance to leasing and hire-purchase companies.
(a) Consultancy fees, subsidy schemes for assisting small scale entrepreneurs in marketing
(d) Encouraging the modernisation of tiny, small and medium scale industries
The ICICI was established by the Government of India under the Companies Act 1956, with
the objective of providing financial assistance to the small and medium scale sectors. The
main functions of ICIC1 are as follows
(a) Financial assistance is extended by way of rupee and foreign currency loans,
underwriting and direct subscriptions to shares, debentures and guarantees.
(b) Financial facilities such as deferred credit, leasing credit, instalment sale, asset credit
and venture capital are given by ICICI.
(c) It also guarantees loans from other private investment sources, small scale units are the
major beneficiary of the ICICI assistance.
The LIC was established under the L1C Act in 1956. It offers many insurance policies to give
social security to various segments of society. As per its investment policy, LIC invests 75%
and above in Central and State Government’s securities including government-guaranteed
marketable securities and in the socially-oriented sector. The LIC gives loans for activities
like housing, rural electrification, modernisation of industry, expansion, diversification of
industrial ventures, water supply and sanitation etc.
The UTI was set up by the Government of India in 1964 under an Act of Parliament. The
chief objectives of UTI are to mobilise savings of small investors through sale of units and to
channelise these savings towards corporate investment. The UTI has introduced many
schemes which aimed at common investors. These schemes are mainly Primary Equity Fund,
Retirement Benefit Plan, Grihalaxmi Unit Plan, Unit Scheme 1995 and Columbus India
Fund. The UTI also provides financial assistance to corporate sector in the form of term loans
and underwriting direct subscriptions to shares and debentures.
SIDBI was established in 1989 as a subsidiary of IDBI under a Special Act. The main
functions of SIDBI are the promotion and development of small scale industries by way of
financing. It commenced its operations from 2 April, 1980 with its head office at Lucknow.
The initial authorised capital of SIDBI was 25 crore, which can be .extended upto 1,000
(a) To promote small scale industries in semi-urban areas to create more employment
(c) To expand the channels for marketing the products of SSI sector on both domestic and
international markets.
(d) To extend seed capital or soft loan assistance under National Equity Fund Scheme /
MahilaUdyam Nidhi Scheme.
(e) To great direct assistance and refinance for exports of small scale sector.
(f) To provide financial assistance to SFCs, SIDCs, Commercial Banks, RRBs through
existing credit delivery system.
(h) To provide financial assistance to the institutes, organisations for undertaking EDPs.
(i) Special emphasis and the new schemes of assistance for marketing support to the small
scale sector.
The Bank has been delinked from IDBI with effect from March 27, 2002. The Bank caters all
SSIs –tiny, village and cottage—through its Head Official at Lucknow.
2. Direct Finance:
Direct finance is given through SIDBI’s own 38 offices by means of several tailor-made
schemes to reach assistance to specific target groups.
Thus SIDBI is the principle financial institution for promotion, financing and development of
small scale industries in India. It co-ordinates functions of existing institutions engaged in
similar activities.
Accordingly, SIDBI has taken over the responsibility of administering Small industries
Development Fund and nation Equity fund which were earlier administered by IDBI
Functions of SIDBI:
The important functions of SIDBI are:
(i) To initiate steps for technological up-gradation and modernization of existing units.
(ii) To expand the cannels for marketing the products of SSI sector in domestic and
international markets.
(iii) To promote employment oriented industries especially in semi-urban areas to create
employment opportunities and thereby checking migration of people to urban areas.
(iv) To refinance loans and advances extended by the primary lending institutions to SSI units
and also provides resources to them.
(v) To discount and rediscount bills arising from sale of machinery to or manufactured by
industrial units in the SSI sector.
(vi) To provide services like leasing, factoring etc. to industrial concerns in the SSI sector.
(vii) To expand financial support to State Small Industries Development Corporation for
providing scare raw-materials to industrial units in SSI sector.
(viii)To grant loan and advances to any person engaged in exporting or executing any turnkey
project abroad.
(ix) To subscribe to or purchasing stocks and shares, bonds and debentures of any state
/financial Corporations.
Scope of SIDBI:
The SIDBI covers all industrial undertakings like any concern engaged in business activities
and which is regarded as a small scale undertaking under Section 11-B of the Industrial
Development and Regulation Act, 1951.
The following business activities undertaken by small scale sector are covered under the
scope of SIDBI:
(viii) Assembling, repairing or packing any article with the aid of machinery or power;
(xi) Providing special or technical knowledge or other services for the promotion of industrial
growth; or
(xii) The research and development of any process or product in relation to any of the matters
The financial assistance of SIDBI is channelized through the existing credit delivery system
comprising SFC, State Industrial Development Corporation, Commercial Banks and DRRBs.
The IRCI was set up in 1971 under the Companies Act to act as an agency to rehabilitate the
sick units. But, in the year 1984, the Government of India renamed the IRCI as Industrial
Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI) by an Act of Parliament. Thereafter, it acts as a
reconstruction agency to revive, reconstruct and rehabilitate the sick industrial concerns.
IRBI plays a significant role in promoting entrepreneurial and industrial development in the
country by performing the following functions
(2) It acts as an agency of State Government, Union Government and other financial
institutions as per the authorisation of the Government.
(3) It provides consultancy and merchant banking services for reconstruction and
development of industrial units.
(4) It also helps in providing infrastructural facilities, raw materials, machineries and other
tools on the basis of hire-purchase and lease schemes.
IFCI provides financial assistance only to large sized industrial undertakings. In order to cater
to the needs of the small scale units, the Government of India passed the State Financial
Corporations Act in 1951 under which the State Financial Corporations (SFCs) were set up.
The first SFC was set up in Punjab in 1953. Today, there are 18 SFCs functioning in the
country. State Financial Corporations are managed by a Managing Director, Board of
Directors and the Executive Committee is headed by a chairman.
(a) To advance term loans to small scale and medium scale industrial units.
(b) It underwrites the issue of stocks, shares, debentures and bonds of industrial units.
(c) It grants loans to the industrial concerns which is repayable within a period not more
than 20 years.
(e) It provides financial assistance to small road transport operators, tour operators,
hoteliers, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
Objectives of NABARD
NABARD was established in terms of the Preamble to the Act, “for providing credit for the
promotion of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts
and other rural crafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to
promoting IRDP and securing prosperity of rural areas and for matters connected therewith in
incidental thereto”.
The main objectives of the NABARD as stated in the statement of objectives while placing
the bill before the LokSabha were categorized as under
(1) The National Bank will be an apex organisation in respect of all matters relating to
policy, planning operational aspects in the field of credit for promotion of Agriculture, Small
Scale Industries, Cottage and Village Industries, Handicrafts and other rural crafts and other
allied economic activities in rural areas.
(2) The Bank will serve as a refinancing institution for institutional credit such as long-
term, short-term for the promotion of activities in the rural areas.
(3) The Bank will also provide direct lending to any institution as may be approved by the
Central Government.
(4) The Bank will have organic links with the Reserve Bank and maintain a close link with
NABARD is the apex institution in the country which looks after the development of the
cottage industry, small industry and village industry, and other rural industries. NABARD
also reaches out to allied economies and supports and promotes integrated development. And
to help NABARD discharge its duty, it has been given certain roles as follows:
(1) Serves as an apex financing agency for the institutions providing investment and
production credit for promoting the various developmental activities in rural areas
(2) Takes measures towards institution building for improving absorptive capacity of the
credit delivery system, including monitoring, formulation of rehabilitation schemes,
restructuring of credit institutions, training of personnel, etc.
(3) Co-ordinates the rural financing activities of all institutions engaged in developmental
work at the field level and maintains liaison with Government of India, State Governments,
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other national level institutions concerned with policy
(5) NABARD refinances the financial institutions which finances the rural sector.
Industrial policy can be defined as a statement stating the role of government in industrial
development, the position of public and private sectors in industrialization of the country,
the comparative role of large and small industries.
In short, it is a proclamation of objectives to be achieved in the fields of industrial
development and the steps to be taken for achieving these objectives. So, the industrial
policy formally represents the spheres of activity of the public and private sectors.
It enlists the rules and procedures that will monitor the growth and pattern of industrial
activity. The industrial policy is neither fixed nor flexible. It is constructed, modified and
further modification is done according to the changing situations, requirements and
perspectives of developments.
Thus, industrial policy had to be enclosed in such a way that imbalances in the industrial
structure are corrected by laying stress on heavy industries and development of capital goods
sector. Industrial policy explores methods to maintain balance in industrial structure.
The policy of 1956 regulated to design the basic economic policy for a very long time. The
Five-Year Plans of India confirmed this fact. With respect to this Resolution, the
establishment of a socialistic pattern of society was seen through the objective of the social
and economic policy in India. It ensured more powers to the governmental authorities.
Even though there was a category of companies left to the private sector that is those
companies that are above Schedule C. The sector was monitored by the state by a system of
licenses. So to set up a new company or to widen production, obtaining a license from the
government was a prerequisite to be fulfilled. Launching of new companies in economically
backward areas was incentivized through easy licensing and subsidization of important
inputs, like electricity and water. This step was taken to encounter regional differences that
existed in the country. In fact, the license to boost the production was issued by convincing
the government that the economy required more of the products and services.
Some other salient behavior of the IPR 1956 was fair and non-biased treatment for the
private sector, motivating the village and small-scale companies, eradicating regional
differences, and the requirement for the provision of amenities for labor, and attitude to
foreign capital. This Industrial Policy of 1956 is also referred to as the Economic
Constitution of the country.
Policy Measures
Some of the essential policy measures were declared and procedural simplifications were
undertaken to opt for the above stated objectives. Following are some of the policy measures
The term "international business" describes business activities which are engaged in cross
border transactions of products, services, resources between two or more nations.
Transaction of economic resources comprises of capital, skills, people, etc. for international
production of physical products and services. For example, finance, banking, insurance,
construction, etc.
International marketing consists in identifying and satisfying consumers abroad; better than
the national and international competitors.
Several type of companies are major participants in international marketing. Among the
leaders are −
Multi-National companies(MNCs)
Service companies
There are many companies that realize their target will be limited if they only concentrate on
the US market and the global marketplace is competitive. So to increase their market share
they look for various opportunities throughout the world.
By stressing on the above points, entrepreneurs will gain a better and clear understanding of
political economy. These are raw materials that would help future entrepreneurs to build a
bridge between the economic and political gap between countries.
Factors in Business
Business at an international level is also affected by various factors. These can be due to the
physical location of the country or due to some political matters in the country.
Licensing − Licensing is where the own organization charges fee or royalty for the
use of the technology or brand.
International agents and distributors − Agents are individuals or organizations
those who deal with business/marketing on your behalf in any country. Agents
represent more than one organization and for this one needs to set some targets to
check the level of commitment of the agent. They tend to be expensive to recruit,
retain and train.
Strategic Alliances − It describes a series of different relationships between
companies that market internationally.
Joint ventures − It means working equally, i.e. a new company is set up with parties
owning half of the business.
Overseas Manufacture or International Sales Subsidiary − It means the
organization invests in plant, machinery and labor in the overseas market. This is
also known as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
These were the basic modes describing how international marketing is initiated between two
nations or more.
Risk of Business
Business at national as well as international level is all about taking risks, nothing is certain
and an entrepreneur has to take chances or risks to earn profit. These risks can at times give
fruitful result and at times may lead to losses.
Given below are some of the major risks faced in international business −
Strategic Risk
An organization should always be prepared, acknowledge the competition and be ready to
face it on the international market. Many companies or competitors would prove to be good
to be the replacement for products or services of an unrecognized company. An excellent,
creative and innovative strategy will help and make a company successful.
Operational Risk
A company should acknowledge the production costs and make sure there is no waste of
time and money. If the expenditures and costs are monitored properly, it will create and
maintain efficient production and also help for internationalization.
Political Risk
How a government monitors a nation deeply affects the operations of a company. The nation
might have a corrupted, hostile, totalitarian government but this is a negative picture of
government around the globe. A company’s reputation and status can change if it functions
in a nation monitored by that type of government. An unstable political situation proves to
be risky for multinational firms. Any unexpected event like elections or any other political
event can change the complete situation of a nation and put a company at risk.
Technological Risk
Technological development brings in many benefits, along with some disadvantages. Like
lack of security measures in electronic transactions, higher cost of developing new
technology, and the fact that these new technology may fail. When all of these paired with
an old fashioned outdated existing technology, the result invites new dangerous effect in
doing business at the international level.
Environmental Risk
Companies that set up supplementary or factory outside the residential country are expected
to be conscious regarding the externalities they will produce. Negative externalities include
noise, pollution or some other disturbances like, natural calamities, etc. The mass may want
to fight against the company to maintain a natural and healthy environment or nation. This
type of condition can change the customer’s point of view regarding the firm and create a
negative image.
Economic Risk
Economic risks arise due to inability of a nation to satisfy its financial obligations. It is very
difficult to conduct international business due to changing foreign investment or domestic
fiscal or monetary policy because of the effect on exchange rate and interest rate.
Financial Risk
A nation has financial risks due to the fluctuating currency exchange rate, government
flexibility in allowing the companies to repatriate profits or funds outside the nation. Also,
the taxes that a company pays have the probability of either being advantageous or not. It
might be more or less in the host or strong nations.
Terrorism Risk
A terrorist attack opposite to a company or a nation is done intentionally to hurt or cause
damage by violence. It is hatred that pushes people to do it and it is usually based on a
religion, culture, political ideas, etc. Thus, it is very difficult to operate where the
surrounding is tensed and scary and in countries that are likely to be attacked.
Bribery Risk
Bribery is a global issue. Multinational companies must be careful and concerned about it.
Companies functioning or marketing at the international level have a major role on
combating bribery accompanied by the governments, trade unions, etc.
Importance of Culture
A noticeable advantage in International Business is hiked through the knowledge and use of
language. An International entrepreneur fluent in the local languages has the following
advantages −
Facilitate marketing techniques that are precisely tailored for the local market.
Studying how other enterprises function and what might or might not be social taboos
or myths.
Having a complete knowledge on the time structure of an area.
Some societies or in some regions people are more focused on "being on time" while others
focus on doing business at "the right time”. Thus, while establishing a business at the
international level one cannot neglect the customs, traditions and culture of various nations.
Most reviewers will assess your proposal based on the following criteria:
Assessment of expertise
Need for the grant
Some of the problem areas where candidates fail to get grants include:
The research/work is not relevant.
Ineligible geographic location.
Applicants fail to communicate how their ideas will be addressed.
The proposal makes without a strong rationale.
The research plan is unfocused.
There is an unrealistic amount of work.
6. Bank loans
Bank loans are the most commonly used source of funding for small and medium sized
businesses. Consider the fact that all banks offer different advantages, whether it's
personalized service or customized repayment. It's a good idea to shop around and find the
bank that meets your specific needs.
In general, you should know bankers are looking for companies with a sound track record and
that have excellent credit. A good idea is not enough; it has to be backed up with a
solid business plan.
Technical Feasibility
Environmental Aspects: Air, Water and Soil Pollution, list of pollutants / Hazardous
substances, their safety, handling and disposal arrangements, compliance with national
and International Standards, Clearances and No objection certificates required and
obtained etc.
Commercial Viability
Existing and potential market demand and supply for the proposed product in respect
of volume and pattern
Share of the proposed product of the company in the total market through marketing
Selling price of the product and export potential, if any.
Buy-back arrangements, if any.
Financial Appraisal
Cost of the Project : This includes the cost of land & site development, building,
plant & machinery, technical know-how & engineering fees, miscellaneous fixed
assets, preliminary & preoperative expenses, contingencies, margin money for
working capital. Your company is expected to submit realistic estimates and
reasonableness of the cost of the project will be examined with reference to various
factors such as implementation period, inflation, various agreements, quotations etc.
Means of Financing : Means of financing shall have to conform to proper mix of
share capital and debt. This includes share capital, unsecured loans from
Promoters/associates, internal accruals, term loans, Government subsidy/grant.
Reasonableness of Promoters' contribution in the form of equity and interest-free
unsecured loans, if any, is ascertained in view of commitment to the Project.
Profitability Projections : Past records of financial performance of Your company
will be examined. Your company needs to submit profitability estimates, cash flow
and projected balance sheet for the project and for the Company as a whole. Based on
the projections, various financial ratios such as Debt -Equity ratio, Current ratio,
Fixed asset coverage ratio, Gross profit, Operating profit, Net profit ratios, Internal
rate of return(over the economic life of the project), Debt Service Coverage ratio,
Earning per share, Dividend payable etc. would be worked out to ascertain financial
soundness of your Project.
Economic Viability
Your company will have to take real value of input as against the value accounted in
financial analysis for the purpose of economic evaluation of the project.
Your company should carry out social cost benefit analysis as a measure of the costs
and benefits of the project to Society and the Economy.
employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally privately-
owns it. The owners and managers are only liable for the business up to the amount they have
invested in the company, and are not liable for the debts incurred by the company unless they
A business with limited liability, and a wide variety of shareholders. The owners and
managers are only liable for the business up to the amount they have invested in the
company, and are not liable for the debts incurred by the company (unless they have signed a
personal guarantee, which usually is not the case for a large corporation).
Unlimited Liability
A situation in which owners of a business are liable for all the debts that the business may
Limited Liability
A situation in which the liability of the owners of a business is limited to the full, paid-
up value of the share capital. In the United States and some other countries, a limited
Sole Proprietorship
A business owned by one person. The owner may operate on his own or may employ others.
The owner of the business has total and unlimited personal liability of the debts incurred by
the business
A partnership is a form of business in which two or more people operate for the
common goal of making profit. Each partner has total and unlimited personal liability of the
Cooperative Business
Cooperative businesses are often referred to as a co-ops. The cooperative business structure is
for-profit, with limited liability, but with members of the co-op sharing decision-making
authority. Co-ops normally fall into three types: (1) Consumer co-ops, (2) producer co-ops
(common in agriculture) and (3) worker-owned companies. Co-ops are fundamental to the
Higher level of entrepreneurship capital regions express higher levels of output and
productivity, in contrast to those lacking entrepreneurship capital that tend to produce lower
levels of output and productivity. The result of entrepreneurship capital is powerful than that
of knowledge capital.
Entrepreneurs are expected to hold three types of capital to acquire success in starting a new
venture −
Financial capital − It is any economic resource scaled with respect to money used by
entrepreneurs and businesses to purchase what they need to make their products, or
to facilitate their services to the sector of the economy upon which their operation is
based, like retail, corporate, investment banking, etc.
Conducting a feasibility study is always beneficial to the project as it gives you and
other stakeholders a clear picture of your idea. Below are the key benefits of
conducting a feasibility study:
Apart from the approaches to feasibility study listed above, some projects also require
for other constraints to be analyzed -
Prepare a Project Report covering certain important aspects of the project as detailed below:
Promoters background/experience
Product with capacity to be built up and processes involved
Project location
Cost of the Project and Means of financing thereof
Availability of utilities
Technical arrangements
Market Prospects and Selling arrangements
Environmental aspects
Profitability projections and Cash flows for the entire repayment period of financial
Spreadsheets formats attached with this document will help you prepare a Detailed Project
Report for your Bank. You may omit the manufacturing related information in case you are
applying for a non-manufacturing project.
Since the appraisal of the Project involves evaluation of the Project in the following areas,
your company/you would be required to submit certain documents/information in the matter.
Management Evaluation
Management and Organisation set up : Broad composition of the Board, details of full time
directors and their responsibilities, details of Chief executive and functional executives
including qualification, experience, organisation set-up for existing company and during
project implementation for new company
Financial resources:
Financial resources are the cash funds that fill the deficit arising from the Timing differences
between a company's cash receipts and cash disbursements. Financial resources are provided
by different Investors (shareholders, lenders, debt holders) in exchange for remuneration
(dividends, interests, capital gains).
Definition of Financial Resources of Business:
Companies often need funding for starting or continuing business operations. Small
businesses typically need start-up funds, while medium and larger companies may need
funding to expand operations or purchase competitors. Different types of funding are usually
available based on the company s size and needs. Companies may choose to use traditional
funding sources such as banks and equity investors or apply for government grants or venture
capital funds. Each funding type offers different advantages to companies
Traditional funding methods for business operations include banks and equity investors.
Banks and other lenders usually require information on a company s finances and operations
before lending funds. Small businesses may have a more difficult time obtaining bank loans
since they may have limited business history. Larger or publicly held companies may find
individual investors, mutual funds or other equity investors to purchase stock in the company.
Venture capitalists are private investment groups willing to invest large sums of money into
Venture capitalists may have more requirements when investing funds into companies.
Companies may need to offer venture capitalists a fixed rate of return, significant ownership
stake in the business or input on major management decisions to obtain their investment
funds. Venture capitalists require these options to ensure that they earn sufficient return on
their invested capital. Start-up companies or companies operating in industries or business
sectors with high risk may need to offer more benefits to venture capitalists in return for an
Companies should carefully consider the terms of each funding source before agreeing on the
investment structure. Banks and other traditional lenders usually require fixed payments
starting almost immediately. This creates a negative cash flow for businesses that may be
struggling to generate revenues in their early years. Equity investors require companies to
maintain consistent periods of income growth. Failing to provide a decent rate of return may
lead equity investors to sell investments and lower the company s wealth.
Working capital is the funds generated through normal business operations. External financial
resources allow companies to maintain their working capital for daily operating purposes.
Companies may also be able to negotiate favourable terms with lenders to defer payments or
limit negative cash flows. Using internal working capital may also allow companies to avoid
short-term financing needs; short-term funding sources generally have the most unfavourable
terms for companies.
Human Resources:
The department or support systems responsible for personnel sourcing and hiring, applicant
tracking, skills development and tracking, benefits administration and compliance with
associated government regulations.
A human resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in any
business, no matter how small. HR responsibilities include payroll, benefits, hiring, firing,
and keeping up to date with state and federal tax laws.
Any mix-up concerning these issues can cause major legal problems for your business, as
well as major employee dissatisfaction. But small businesses often don't have the staff or the
budget to properly handle the nitty-gritty details of HR. Because of this, more and more small
businesses are beginning to outsource their HR needs.HR outsourcing services generally fall
into four categories: PEOs, BPOs, ASPs or e-services. The terms are used loosely, so a big tip
is to know exactly what the outsourcing firm you're investigating offers, especially when it
comes to employee liability.
Need for HR Value Changing Dynamics
Company focus
Nature of work
Employee profile
Employee aspiration
Evolution of HR Roles
Employee Champion
Administrative Expert
Change Agent
Strategic Partner
There are certain dimensions which help us to perform a marketing analysis. These things
help us understand the market we operate in better. These dimensions include;
Market Size
Growth rate of the market
Market trends
Market profitability
Key success factors
Distribution channels
Industry cost structure
Market Size – The size of the market is a key factor in a marketing analysis. The bigger the
market the more competitors you are likely to have. For a big market, you need to make sure
your products and services stand out. Otherwise, the customers can easily switch to a rival
product. Not only that, a bigger market makes you rethink your pricing policy. Set your price
too high then you are going to lose your customer base to other competitors. Set it too low
and people will think that you are just providing cheaper poor quality goods. If the market
size is small then you can get away with charging a high price. All these facts are kept in the
marketing analysis. Based on that you go ahead with your marketing plan.
Growth rate of the market – The market growth rate is a huge factor in any sort of
marketing analysis. This is because you get the idea of how long the said market will last.
Before you make an investment you need to analyze the market’s growth rate. If it is likely to
grow over time then you can invest more in it. If it has no growth then you are likely to be
discouraged from investing anything at all. How much time and importance you give to the
market depends on its growth rate.
Market Trends – Market trends are a significant part of the marketing analysis. Having
knowledge about the trends help you to decide what kind of product you are going to sell.
When you are starting off a business you need to know what the current trend is. What is the
thing that the customers like? How much they are willing to spend? What other trends may
capture their attention? These are the sort of things which will go on your analysis. On the
other hand, market trends can change any day. This can turn out to be an opportunity for your
business. If that’s the case then you can seize it and make the most of it. Changes in trend can
also be a threat for you. If you are comfortable producing one kind of good then a market
trend change will affect you the most.
Market Profitability – Most companies’ motive to get into the business is to make a profit.
In other words, they are profit-motive businesses. So before getting into a business you need
to analyze the profitability of the market. If the market has a good profitability then only you
are going to invest heavily. Otherwise, it would be a waste of your time and capital. In order
to calculate the profitability of the market, there are a few things one has to consider. These
things include; buyer power, supplier power, barriers to entry and so on.
Key Success Factors – The key success factors are those elements which help the business to
achieve great success in the market. Such elements are required to stand out among the rest
of the competition. These are things which you did well that have enabled you to produce
great results. Key success factors include;
1. Technology progress
2. Economies of scale
3. Efficient utilization of resources
Distribution Channels – Distribution channels are very important for a business. Without
those, you won’t be able to get your products to your customers. So it becomes a big factor in
a marketing analysis. This is because you need to assess how well the channels are. If the
existing ones are good enough or you need to develop newer ones. Sometimes you come up
with brand new channels like online marketing.
Industry Cost Structure – The industry cost structure is a significant factor while running a
business. It basically sees how much cost is required to get your products for sale. Sometimes
firms can come up with ways to decrease that cost and thereby make a bigger profit without
increasing the market price. Doing a marketing analysis will help you to come up with newer
ways to reduce cost. At the same time, it helps to create strategies for developing a
competitive advantage of your rivals.
Small companies or businesses always look for ways to grow their business and increase
sales and profits. There are probable techniques that companies must use for executing a
growth strategy. The technique used by a company to expand business is highly dependent
upon its financial situation, the competition and even government regulations and policies.
Market penetration
Market expansion
Product expansion
Market Penetration
One of the growth strategies reported in business is market penetration. A small company
uses a market penetration strategy when it agrees to market existing products within the
same market. Increasing market share is the only way of growing through existing products
and markets.
Market share is the share of unit and dollar sales a company acquires within a certain market
when compared to all other competitors. The best way to increase the market share is by
lowering the prices of the commodities.
Market Expansion
Market expansion is another remarkable growth strategy, which is often referred to as
market development that involves selling current products in a new market. There are
different reasons explaining why a company needs to consider a market expansion strategy.
Competition may be such that there is no scope for growth within the current market. If an
entrepreneur is unable to search for new markets, then it is not possible to increase sales or
profits. A small company considers using market expansion strategy if it successfully finds
use of its product in a new market.
Product Expansion
A small scale company can expand its line of products or add new features to increase sales
and profits. When small companies use a product expansion technique, it is also referred as
product development.
The selling continues within the current market. A product expansion growth strategy
basically works well when there is a change in technology. Companies may also be
compelled to add new products as older ones become outdated.
Growth strategies in business involve diversification. By diversification, we mean a
company selling new products in new markets. This type of strategy is highly prone to risk
and losses.
A small company acknowledges the plan carefully while utilizing a diversification growth
strategy. Marketing research is important to identify if consumers in the new market will
potentially like as well as buy the new products.
Growth strategies or method to expand business also engages acquisition of other
businesses. In acquisition, a company purchases another company to expand its functions. A
small company uses this type of strategy to bolster its product line and enter new markets.
An acquisition growth strategy is very risky, but not as risky as a diversification strategy, as
in this case the products and market are already authorized. A company must have complete
knowledge of exactly what it wants to achieve when using an acquisition strategy, mainly
due to the significant investment required to execute it.
New strategies are required to get the attention one deserves. Following 10 steps are
essential to be considered while launching a new product in the market −
Start early − Reporters will write when there is a news and not when you want. Get
a head start and start preparing long before the release date. Initiate outreaching
practices 6 to 8 weeks before the official release date and then keep the news and the
level of practice going up and above the official release date.
Reach out to your influencers − It is considered as a sub-step for the first step.
Influencers can be cordial customers, aspects, prospects, or even bloggers who have
a noticeable online presence. Motivating people to use the products or services and
then documenting it to review articles or posts. These people are excellent resources
to interact with analysts offering an excellent pre-launch platform.
Brief the industry analysts − During the initial phase, it is very important to analyze
the industry completely. Scheduling calls with industry analysts and investing time
to document compelling briefing requests is very crucial.
Fill the social space with leaks − Focus on people who are naturally anxious to learn
about the offerings. For example, ‘arriving shortly’ tweets and ‘leaked’ photos of a
product creates intrigue and builds interest.
Don’t expect a "big bang" release − Until and unless the product or service to be
launched is truly revolutionary, or unless you have a huge release event planned, the
official launch date should only represent the day that the product will be actually
Keep the release rolling − Nobody knows when reporters will have time to write, so
give them their own space and some chance to write about the offering after the
official release date. Update the products with some fresh news like announcements
concerning novel use of the product, discounts, customer stories, details about how
the offering provides return on investment (ROI) to customers, etc. to stay in the
Involve all the partners − Channel and marketing partners who have a financial
stake in the successful launching of the product are natural allies. As the number of
people that are talking about the launch increases, the better chances it will gain
market share.
Make the product accessible − Free trials, downloads, product videos, and demos
make it very easy for the customers as well as the sellers to learn and study about the
product or service, so this should be taken care of.
Ignore the elements that do not drive the business − Unless the contribution
appeals to the mass customers, don’t stress on likings on social site like the number
of Facebook likes and Twitter followers you collect. Instead try using these social
channels for more meaningful engagement.
The prevention of sickness cannot be the sole responsibility of any one agency. It is to be
checked at various stages by developing close and continuous dialogue with each other
through effective communication. The preventive measures can be taken individually or
jointly by having discussions and consultations. In preventing the sickness, therefore, the role
of the following agencies has been identified with respective distinction
• Term Lending Institutions • Commercial Banks • Entrepreneur • Government
These agencies can effectively stem the sickness if they make use of signals and symptoms
that are generated by the industrial unit in its working and by using information and reporting
system of important key parameters of the industrial enterprise.
1. Role of Term Lending Institutions: The task of the term lending institutions to avert
sickness commences with the identification of the sick unit. Many industrial projects are born
sick because either proper appraisal has not been done, or market survey has not been carried
out while sanctioning term loan to an entrepreneur.
2. Role of Commercial Banks: A commercial bank is of vital importance to an industrial unit
as it provides to the unit liquid resources needed to keep the unit going. Their everyday
dealing with sick units enables them to be closer to the operation of the unit and read their
pulse. Thus, commercial banks can detect early warning signal of sickness and, thus take, like
suitable and timely action to prevent the incidence of sickness.
3. The Role of the Entrepreneur: In a way, it should be the sole responsibility of the
entrepreneur, who commences, implements and manages the project, to avert sickness in the
unit set up by him. This can normally be done if the entrepreneur does his homework
properly while drawing up the project, if he pays adequate attention to the deficiencies
pointed out by the appraising officers of the financial institutions, if he selects the suppliers of
machinery and process carefully, if he appoints the financial and other staff in time, if he
affects economy to keep the project cost within the original estimates and implements the
same according to the time schedule.
4. The Role of the Government: The Government can help in controlling sickness by not
making sudden and frequent changes in the industrial policies. It has to be appreciated that
setting up of an industrial unit is an investment decision, which has to take into account
further returns.
Sudden changes in industrial policy: When several changes are made successively in the
industrial policy by the government, it not only may discourage new investment but also
upsets further plans causing sickness in the established units. Withdrawal of subsidies can
also result in sickness. It would be only in the fitness of things if the term lenders, who are
expected to know the pulse of each industry financed by them, are taken into confidence by
the government, before effecting any major modifications in the industrial policy. The
financial institutions and the representatives of industry can also be prompted to come
together occasionally with or without government participation with a view to discussing the
problems of the industry in general or of any particular industry and evolving solutions
including recommendations to the government to modify its existing policies.
Resistance to change: The law as it stands today does not empower the term lenders to make
changes in the management of an assisted unit even when they are convinced that incipient
sickness in the unit is entirely due to the incompetence and/or dishonesty of the existing
management and it is apparent to them that without a change in management, the unit would
soon become chronically sick. Strangely enough, when the management is efficient and
honest, any changes suggested in the management by the lenders are readily accepted but a
management which is not above board usually resists management changes.
Power to change: It would be a greater help if the apex term lenders are vested by the
government with powers to make management changes in units assisted by the public
financial institution when it is proved to its satisfaction that sickness in a unit has set in and
the same can be attributed entirely/mainly to deficient management. In particular, term
lenders may be authorized to appoint in units suffering from incipient sickness whole time
financial, technical and marketing directors. Such directors, of course, would have to be
empowered to report to the financial institutions and also given immunity from penalties for
acts done in good faith. Term lenders can be required to prepare a panel of experienced
persons, who could take up such challenging assignments, while retired officers from the
public and private sector with adequate background could be one source for building up such
a panel.
Educate Yourself
One of the first things that you should do is educate yourself about the various aspects of
finance. For starters, learn how to read financial statements (if you don’t already know how).
This is one important statement that tells you all about your money – where it originated
from, how many hands it changed, and where it is.
Financial statements contain 4 essential details – cash flow statement, income statement,
balance sheet, and statement of shareholders’ equity. The cash flow statement analyzes
operating activities, investments, and financial in/outflow. The balance sheet provides
information related to the company’s assets, liabilities and shareholder’s equity. The income
statement reflects the revenue earned within a specific period of time. Shareholder’s equity
represents the amount by which the company is financed through common and preferred
Separate Personal and Business Finances
Always keep your personal and business finances separate. This entails getting a business
credit card and putting all related expenses on it. This should help you track your outlays and
keep you in control.
You will also do well in opening a savings account dedicated to your business, wherein you
can transfer a certain amount of money from each payment that you receive and gradually
build a considerable corpus. You can use this money to pay taxes.
Cut Costs
It is important that entrepreneurs stay tight-fisted to keep their expenses in check without
hampering customer satisfaction. This, especially, holds true for small businesses.
Every business endures 2 types of costs – fixed and variable. While fixed costs have to be
borne irrespective of whether your business is making money or not, there is scope for
savings in variable costs.
For example, instead of buying costly branded software, you could work with free, cloud-
based, open-source software, which is equally good. Conduct free online calls, video
conferences instead of travelling lost distances. You could also try bartering your services
with other professionals and cut costs.
Invest in Cloud-based Accounting Software
While you can definitely download regular accounting software to manage your finances, it
will never give you the kind of convenience cloud-based accounting software can.
Web-based software provides you with real-time insights as most allow you to store, update,
track, and access data from anywhere at any time. Whether you’re at home, office or are
travelling, you can conveniently work with your data from anywhere you like. It is error-free,
hassle-free and dependable.
Monitor and Measure Performance
It is crucial that you, as a business owner, keep tabs on the movement of your money,
especially when large amounts are involved. Keep looking at your company’s financial
performance in comparison to the past financial statements to project your future revenue,
expenses and cash flow.
Being aware of these aspects will help you make informed decisions for your business.
Hire Professional Help
Everyone needs help, especially a budding entrepreneur interested in making a huge success
of his venture. Sometimes, it pays off to engage the services of an expert, even if it is on a
part-time basis. They can help you determine where your business is, where it is heading by
using and analyzing your data. Make sure you hire someone you trust, though.
Whether it is tax planning for the next financial year, or payment for the current year, their
expertise can go a long way in guiding you and bringing you peace of mind.