Anthrax: Bacillus Anthracis

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Etiology :

Bacillus anthracis ,virulent strain cotain three protein Protective antigen

,lethal antigen , edema factor .


1- World wide in distribution .

2- Morbidity rate may be high among all farm animals and thesusceptiblity is highest
among ruminant followed by horse. And swin.
3- Source of infection ,sporse from the soil or from fodder grown on infected soil,from
contaminated bone meal or protein concentratrat or from infected excreta , blood
or other material .
4- Water can be contaminated by infected carcasses .
5- Spread of organism with in the area by Streams,insect,dogs and other carnivores
,wild bird ,by contamination animal product .
6- Infection gains entrance to the body by ingestion ,inhalation or through the skin .
7- Human can infected and cause fatal human illness (human who eat meat from
infected animals).
Pathogenesis :
After entry of bacteria move to local lymph node ,proliferation , then bacilli pass via
the lymphatic vessels into blood stream .Septicemia ,with massiveinvasion of all
body tissue .
-the organism produce alethal toxin caused edema ,tissue damage death resulting
from shock and acute renal failure .
Clinical Finding
- incubation period 1-2 weeks in cattle, sheep.
1-Peracute form:
Is most common at the beginning of outbreak,animal found dead without
premonitory signs ,the cours 1-2 hr. but fever muscle tremor ,dyspnea and
congestion of mucosa can see .
- The animal soon collapse and die after convulsion .
- After death discharge of blood from nostrils ,mouth ,anus and vulva.
2-Acute form :
-course of the disease 48 hr.
- sever depression and listlessness observed first.,high body temperature .
- Respiration is rapid and deep,mucosa congested and hemorrhagic.
- no food is taken and ruminal stasis.
- pregnant cow may abort, reduce milk production and maybe blood stained or
deep yellow color.
- diarrhea and dysentery.local edema of tongue and in the
throat,sternum,perineum and flank .
Clinical Pathology :
1-in living animal the organism can detected in stained smear of peripheral blood .
2- when there islocal edema the smearfrom edema fluid 3-serological test .
Necropsy Finding :
1- absence of rigor mortis and the carcases undergoes gaseous decomposition
2- All natural orifice usually exude dark tarry blood which dose not clot and
putrefaction and bloating are rapid .
3- Present of ecchymotic hemorrhage ,through out the body tissue .
4- Severenteritis and gross enlargement of spleen with softening and liquefaction of its
structure are certain indication of the presence of anthrax. Differential Diagnosis :
Sudden death
1- Electrical storms , careful examinationof environment
2- Peracute black leg ,it restricted to young animal ,crepitation swelling .
3- Acute leptospirosis ,occur sporadically and Hburia .
4- Bacliiary hemoglobinuria ,Hburia , infarcts in liver .
5- Peracute lead poisoning ,
6- Hypomagnesemia tetany .
7- Acute bloat ,gaseous distension and exudation of blood from the orifice Treatment
Rx - seves ill animal are unlikely to recover.
1- penicillin 10000 unit bw. Twice daily
2- streptomycin 8-10 gm/day two dose im for cattle
3- oxytetracyclin 5mg /kgbw./day at vaccination
In cattle and sheep
-procainepenicillin and streptomycin in larg dose at 12 hr.intervals and antiserum for
at least 5 days .
Control :
1-cntrol meat and milk producing animals in infected herd.
2-when outbreak occur placing the farm in quarantine ,destruction of discharges
and cadavers and vaccination of survivors.
3-infected carcase should not opened but immediately burned or buried with
bedding 2meter deepand the incontact animals must segregated until cases ceas
for 2 weeks ,and the animal give hyperimmun serum and used disinfection 5%lysol
incontactnwith spores for at least 2 days ,formalin or hydroxid 5-10% 4-vaccination
- living attenuated strain of organism.
- avirulent spore vaccine one or two dose use in sheep.
In enzootic area annual revaccination of all stock ,milk from vaccinated cow is
usually discarded for 72 hr. after injection .
- Stern vaccine ,the organism not appear in milk nor can isolated from blood for 10
and 7 days after vaccination .

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