Ib 150 - Barrier Design and Installation - Understanding Your Responsibilities
Ib 150 - Barrier Design and Installation - Understanding Your Responsibilities
Ib 150 - Barrier Design and Installation - Understanding Your Responsibilities
A general inspection (investigation) report carried out by Building and Energy identified instances of
inadequate information being provided for barriers, including a lack of evidence of suitability. Inadequacies
related to both the design and construction stages when detailing the proposed materials, assembly,
installation and resistance to actions of barrier systems.
Information required for the design and construction of barriers
The design and construction of barriers is required to comply with the relevant Performance Requirements
of the National Construction Code (NCC). This includes structural provisions and fall prevention
provisions which safeguard people from injury. Should a barrier system fail to satisfy these provisions the
consequences have potential for significant injury include the loss of life.
To demonstrate compliance with the applicable building standards, the items identified in the table below
should be provided in documentation.
The location of barrier, including identification of building elements, supporting the barrier. This is to ensure
compatibility and verify the suitability of the proposed fixings, for example ensuring there is sufficient offset
from edge of slab for fixings.
Critical dimensions relating to the heights, openings and climbability.
Detail of the installation and materials proposed, including relevant Australian Standards applicable to the
material and design.
Information and documentary evidence, demonstrating the barriers resistance to actions appropriate for the
use and location of the building (design criteria). The design criteria should be determined by a professional
engineer or appropriately qualified person and include but is not limited to:
• imposed actions for barriers determined in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.1 being dependent on the
type of occupancy/uses for the part of a building in which the barrier is located; and
• wind actions, as appropriate and as they apply to each barrier on the building being determined in
accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2 or AS 4055. Wind actions should take into account the barrier’s
location noting that those located on the corner of the building, or at higher levels, will generally receive
higher loads.
Detail of the installed materials and installation fixings, including relevant Australian Standards applicable to
the material and design.
Documentary evidence demonstrating the barrier meets the NCC requirements, including the design criteria.
This includes full detailing of the barrier system demonstrating its suitability and compatibility for the
May 2023
subject building.
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
A barrier system refers to the complete system Note: Where a barrier supplier is appointed
comprising of posts, top and bottom rail, infill such as post design stage, the barrier supplier will need
balusters or glass, base plates and hardware necessary to obtain relevant design details pertaining
to secure the system to the substrate. to the barrier produced by the design team
The design and construction of barriers must to demonstrate a solution capable of being
not compromise the way in which other building installed in the appropriate manner and provide
elements such as waterproof membranes, evidence that the barrier supplied meets the NCC
reinforcement, etc. perform and must holistically requirements.
comply with the NCC. This must be detailed and The relevant parties may include building
monitored accordingly during the design and designers, structural engineers, barrier suppliers
construction. and installers.
For the purpose of this industry bulletin, a barrier
Responsibilities supplier is a company/person who supplies
barrier components i.e. Fixings and frames and/or
Building legislation in Western Australia places
complete barrier systems.
responsibilities on registered building surveyors to
determine and, on the relevant builder to ensure, Design and construction of a compliant barrier
compliance with the applicable building standards; requires collaboration between all relevant parties
generally being the Building Code which is Volumes to verify that the building elements supporting
One and Two of the NCC. It is therefore important the barrier can accommodate for the barrier to be
that building surveyors and builders understand installed in an appropriate manner such that it is
their registration obligations and compliance able to meet the requirement of the NCC including
responsibilities when applying the NCC, as well as satisfying the design criteria.
procuring and supervising a barrier installation.
It is also the responsibly of those involved in the Complying with the NCC
process of designing, procuring and installing
Compliance with the NCC is achieved by
barriers to understand their responsibilities in
complying with the Governing Requirements of
obtaining and providing information to demonstrate
the NCC; and the Performance Requirements.
compliant barriers. The responsibilities of all
relevant parties contributing to the design and/or The rules for applying the NCC are provided in
construction of a barrier, are generally: Section A Governing Requirements of the NCC.
Part A5 sets out the documentary evidence
• Design responsibilities: To produce and collate
needed to show that the NCC requirements are
design documents demonstrating that barriers
met and that the solution is ‘fit for purpose’. The
comply with the NCC. Design documents may
Australian Building Codes Board have produced a
include plans and specifications as well as other
handbook to assist NCC users in understanding
technical documents that demonstrate evidence
and applying the evidence of suitability provisions
of suitability.
of the NCC
Note: In circumstances where the supplier of the
barrier is unknown at design stage, the design
team will need to otherwise demonstrate to the
Building Surveyor that the design of the barrier(s)
meets the Performance Requirements of the
• Construction responsibilities: To ensure that
construction works achieve compliance with
the NCC by being carried out in accordance
with the plans and specifications as specified
in the relevant certificate of design compliance,
including the design detail and evidence of
suitability provided for the barrier.
Industry Bulletin 150 – Barrier design and installation – understanding your responsibilities 2
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Regional Offices
Goldfields/Esperance (08) 9021 9494
Great Southern (08) 9842 8366
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Disclaimer – The information contained in this fact sheet is provided as general information and a guide only. It should not be relied upon as legal
advice or as an accurate statement of the relevant legislation provisions. If you are uncertain as to your legal obligations, you should obtain
independent legal advice.
This publication is available in other formats on request to assist people with special needs.
Industry Bulletin 150 – Barrier design and installation – understanding your responsibilities 3