Imbalanced Nutrition

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Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Rational Evaluation

Diagnosis Interventions e
SUBJECTIVE Imbalanced STG: Independent: 1.To gain STG:
DATA: Nutrition: After 8 hours 1.Establish trust of the 1.Goal met.
“Awan ganas less than of nursing rapport client Client was able
ku nga body interventions, 2.Monitor vital 2.Changes to verbalize at
mangan ken requirement the client will signs in VS least 3
marigatanak s related to be able to: 3.Encourage indicates interventions
makaukmon”, inadequate 1. Verbalize at small, frequent impending on her dietary
as verbalized oral intake least 3 meals throughout illness needs.
by the client. as evidenced interventions the day 3.Smaller, - Discourage
OBJECTIVE by BMI of , on her dietary 4.Encourage frequent caffeinated or
DATA: report of needs adequate/timely may be carbonated
- low appetite low 2. Report an fluid intake tolerable beverages
- difficulty in appetite, increase in 5.Assist with meal 4.To -limit sugar
swallowing fatigue and appetite preparation and prevent intake
- fatigue and swallowing LTG: serving dehydratio -consume
decrease difficulties. After 3 days 6.Promote n adequate/timel
energy levels of nursing pleasant, relaxing 5.To y fluid intake
-BMI: interventions, environment and facilitate 3. Goal partially
- Temp: 37.6°C the client will minimal noise the eating met. The client
- BP: 180/70 be able to: Dependent: process was able to
mmHg 3.Report 7.Administer and report increase
- PR: 62 bmp noticeable medication as conserve in appetite.
- RR: 25 bpm increase in ordered by the energy LTG:
- SPO2: 97% energy levels physician 6.To 3.Goal partially
Collaborative: improve met. The client
8.Collaborate with the eating was able to
registered experience report
dietitian/nutrition and noticeable
al support team encourage increase in
Health Teaching: to energy levels.
9.Educate consume However, she
regarding meals wasn’t able to
importance of 7.To maintain her
eating healthy increase normal weight.
food. caloric
10.Discourage intake and
caffeinated or essential
carbonated nutrients
beverages 8.To
11.Instruct patient determine
to limit sugar caloric and
intake nutritional
12.Encourage to needs and
have adequate create a
rest periods tailored
meal plan.
n that may
not be
aware of
11.To keep
level on
12.To help

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