Product Lecture PDF
Product Lecture PDF
Product Lecture PDF
Products include more than just tangible goods, they include services,
events, persons, places, organizations or ideas
• Shopping product: customer here usually compares quality, price and style
during selection and purchasing process (Higher price, Selective distribution,
Advertising and personal selling by producer and reseller)
• Unsought product: consumer doesn’t know about, or knows about but doesn’t
normally consider buying (varying price and distribution, Aggressive advertising
and personal selling)
Organization Marketing
Activities to create, maintain or change the attitudes and the behavior
of target consumer towards an organization
Davidson Voice Heritage
Old spice Hermes Storytelling
Designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product
Product line length: number of items in the product line, the line is too short
if manager can increase profits by adding items, and the line is too long if
manager can increase profits by dropping items
John Stewart, former CEO of Quaker Oats “If this business were split up, I
would give you the land and bricks and mortar, and I would keep the brands
and trademarks, and I would fare better than you”
Product attributes
Co- Branding
Nike and Apple co-branded to create the "Nike+” series of
fitness products, including apps and accessories like the
Apple Watch Nike edition. This partnership combines Nike’s
reputation in sportswear and fitness with Apple’s technology,
particularly in health tracking. This co-branding strategy
appeals to fitness enthusiasts who value both athletic gear and
wearable technology.
Brand Development
Product Lifecycle