Eoc 1610
Eoc 1610
Eoc 1610
The amount of time spent on housework achieved a sharp decline. In 1920, it drop
from 50 hours per week per household to 15 hours by 1980. After that, it reduced
more gradually, reached just over 10 hours in 2019.
Many processed foods and beverages today contain elevated amounts of sugar,
which can lead to serious health issues. I strongly agree that prices of sugar-
containing products should be increase to encourage people consuming less sugar.
By implementing this price increase, sugar consumption will decrease
substantially, contributing to the protection of individuals health and also
generating a new source of revenue for health organizations.
Moreover, the revenue from this price increse can be used to fund public health
programs. These resources could support educational campaigns to raise awareness
of the harmful effects of consuming too much sugar, helping communities better
understand their nutritional choices. For example, programs could be developed to
promote physical activity and a balanced diet, targeting communities most affected
by diet-related diseases. Additionally, price increases would highlight products that
contain no or less sugar, encourage the food industry to develop healthier products.