EN. Concept Note & Agenda - CUVELAI & KUNENE IWRM In-Country Workshop For Angola - October 2024

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Cuvelai and Kunene Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Planning Workshop for
“Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene
Transboundary River Basins (UNDP-GEF CUVKUN)” Project

In-Country Consultation: 8 – 10 October 2024, Lubango, Angola

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Financing Agency: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

GEF Implementing Agency: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP Executing Agency: Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA)
Location: The Cuvelai and Kunene River Basins in Northern Namibia and Southern Angola
Duration: May 2024 – November 2029

1 Background

The Cuvelai Watercourse Commission (CUVECOM) was established on 16 September 2014 to

manage the shared transboundary waters of the Cuvelai Watercourse. The secretariat is currently
based in Oshakati, Namibia. Adjacent to the Cuvelai River Basin is the Kunene River Basin, which
manages transboundary cooperation for the Kunene Watercourse through a Permanent Joint
Technical Commission (PJTC) that was established in 1990. Both the Cuvelai and Kunene
Watercourses are shared between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Namibia.
The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWP) is an intergovernmental organisation
established in 1996 to support countries in their efforts to implement more equitable and
sustainable management of their water resources. The network spans 13 regions with 2,400
institutional Partners in 158 countries. The global secretariat is in Stockholm, Sweden. The GWP
Africa Coordination Unit is based at GWP Southern Africa in Pretoria, South Africa and coordinates
GWP Africa programmes across Africa. GWPSA also hosts the GWP global theme on Climate
resilience and is charged with providing global strategic leadership and coordination of the
implementation of the GWP strategy on climate resilience.

2 Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene
Transboundary River Basins (“CUVKUN Project”)

The CUVKUN project aims to improve the management of water resources of the transboundary
Kunene and Cuvelai basins shared by Angola and Namibia. There is increasing water scarcity and
hydrological variability, exacerbated by climate change within the region, even though both basins
are stark in contrast. The need for the comprehensive monitoring of climate and water resources
and the sharing of information has never been greater, as also the need to improve systems that
can provide early warning of climate-related disasters.
The USD 11 million project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and led by the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as the GEF Implementing Agency. The Global
Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) is the Executing Agency, while the Cuvelai
Commission (CUVECOM) and Kunene Permanent Joint Technical Committee (PJTC) are the focal
custodians of the project implementation.
The project will undertake a suite of other activities designed to strengthen joint management
and planning capacity and practices at the transboundary basin level. These activities will be
implemented under six (6) project components:
Component 1: Strengthening the transboundary and conjunctive water resources management in
the Cuvelai River Basin;
Component 2: Strengthening the transboundary water resources management with future
development scenario analysis in the Kunene River Basin;
Component 3: Strengthening the governance of the Cuvelai and Kunene River Basins to foster
joint management by the two countries in the most cost-effective manner;
Component 4: Strengthening institutional, technical and operational capacity in Angola to
sustainably develop and manage the sub-region’s water tower located in southern Angola;
Component 5: Enhancing the community participation in Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) to build resilience in their livelihoods;
Component 6: Supporting outreach and Knowledge Management for replication, upscaling, and
stakeholder engagement.

In each component, the project will contribute to supporting transboundary cooperation for water
resources management, either with the development of joint initiatives (joint hydrological
monitoring campaigns), common tools development (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis/ Strategic
Action Plan-TDA/SAP, adoption of guidelines for e-flows implementation), bilateral capacity
building or through experience sharing (on community-based early warning systems). The key
IWRM plan activities supported for both the Cuvelai and Kunene basins include conducting TDAs
and developing or updating long-term IWRM Plans. This involves revising the existing Cuvelai IWRM
Plan (2020-2039) and creating a new long term IWRM plan strategy for the Kunene basin (2025-
2040). The project will develop 5-year Investment Plans and National Action Plans for both
countries, while securing ministerial endorsement and organizing investor roundtables.

To ensure the ownership of the IWRM Plans and TDA/SAP, a highly consultative and participatory
process will be adopted. This will involve experts and a wide range of stakeholders, following and
supplementing the process and procedures as required by GEF; applied to the technical document
review (for IWRM Plans and TDA) and the policy development (for SAP), as well as the national
process applied for policy development (for NAPs).

3 Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plan Workshop for the Cuvelai and
Kunene Transboundary River Basins – Background

The Cuvelai and Kunene River Basins are transboundary basins shared between Angola and
Namibia. As part of the GEF-funded project "Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience
in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins" (CUVKUN), there is need to
workshop the existing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plans for both basins.
The Cuvelai Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plan was developed by the Cuvelai
Watercourse Commission (CUVECOM) to promote sustainable management and development of
water resources in the transboundary Cuvelai River Basin shared between Angola and Namibia. The
plan aims to address key challenges in the basin, including floods, droughts, water scarcity, and
pollution, while improving livelihoods and cooperation between the two countries. It sets out a
vision for the basin in 2040 and defines five strategic objectives focused on sustainable
development, climate resilience, improved livelihoods, strengthened cooperation, and water
security. The plan outlines priority actions for the first five years (2020-2024) across areas like
hydro-climatic monitoring, flood management, water supply, agriculture, and institutional capacity
building. CUVECOM will play a coordinating role in implementing the plan, which will require
involvement from many stakeholders on both sides of the border. The plan is meant to be adaptive,
with provisions for regular review and updating as new information becomes available. Through
the proposed workshop, the CUVKUN project's assistance will help ensure effective coordination
across the various institutions and stakeholders involved in implementing the Plan's actions at
national and basin levels.
Incorporating the Cuvelai Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plan into a long-term
strategy through the TDA (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis) process involves aligning the plan’s
objectives with the broader transboundary framework. The TDA starts with a comprehensive
assessment of water issues, and the Cuvelai IWRM Plan’s focus on addressing floods, droughts,
water scarcity, and pollution aligns with this diagnostic phase. The strategic objectives of the Cuvelai
IWRM Plan, such as sustainable development and climate resilience, should be integrated into the
TDA’s strategic priorities. Additionally, the specific actions outlined in the Cuvelai IWRM Plan for
hydro-climatic monitoring, flood management, and other areas should be incorporated into the
TDA’s action plan. Stakeholder involvement and coordination are crucial, and the plan’s framework
for engaging stakeholders can enhance the TDA process. Furthermore, the adaptive management
provisions of the Cuvelai IWRM Plan, which include regular reviews, should be integrated into the
TDA’s monitoring framework to ensure responsiveness to new data. Finally, the capacity-building
measures in the Cuvelai IWRM Plan should support the TDA’s goals for institutional strengthening.
By linking these elements, the Cuvelai IWRM Plan can effectively contribute to a coherent, long-
term transboundary water management strategy.
The Preliminary Kunene Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plan (2024 -2028) was
developed to provide an initial framework for guiding Angola and Namibia in implementing a more
comprehensive IWRM approach within the Kunene River Basin. The plan was created through a
collaborative process involving stakeholder consultations, field visits, and workshops with
representatives from both countries. It outlines key strategic objectives and actions across three
main pillars: governance and institutional integration, integrated water resources management,
and maintenance and development of infrastructure. The plan also identifies cross-cutting
elements such as research and innovation, capacity building, and inclusivity. While this preliminary
plan lays an important foundation, it is intended to be further developed into a more
comprehensive long-term IWRM plan for the basin. The CUVKUN (Cuvelai-Kunene) project
assistance will play a crucial role in supporting the Kunene basin stakeholders to coordinate and
expand upon this preliminary plan, helping to transform it into a detailed, long-term IWRM strategy
that can guide sustainable management and development of the shared water resources for years
to come.

4 Workshop Objectives
The workshop for the Cuvelai IWRM Plana and Kunene Preliminary IWRM Plan serves several
critical purposes. It aims to present the UNDP-GEF CUVKUN Projectto the stakeholders and
alignment of the implementation of the existing IWRM Plans for the Cuvelai and Kunene basins
with the GEF project activities. The workshop aims to gather inputs for the development of long
term strategies for the IWRM Plans from key stakeholders from Angola and Namibia, ensuring
their feedback is incorporated into the proposed objectives and actions of the project. The
workshop also seeks to align both countries on the strategic direction for managing the Cuvelai
and Kunene River Basin, identify any gaps in the plans, and agree on next steps for their
finalization and implementation.
Key objectives include:
1. Gathering stakeholder inputs to inform the revision of the IWRM Plans and discussing
priority issues and potential interventions for the next five-year implementation period
2. Initiating the process for the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and updating of the
IWRM Long-term strategies (including development of National Action Plans) in both
3. Gather stakeholder inputs for the long-term strategy development of the IWRM Plans and
associated investment plans in both basins
4. Enhance understanding of IWRM principles in the Cuvelai and Kunene Basins
The IRWM Plan workshop for the Cuvelai basin is a key activity under Component 1 of the project,
which focuses on strengthening transboundary water resources management. Specifically, it falls
under Output 1.1.3 – 1.1.5, which aims to develop an Integrated River Basin Management Plan for
the Cuvelai Basin. In the Kunene basin, this workshop is part of Component 2, Output 2.1, Activity
2.1.1, which involves organizing stakeholder workshops to facilitate the development of the long
term IRWM Plan.
The proposed workshop will undertake a suite of other coordination capacity activities designed to
strengthen joint management and planning capacity and practices at the transboundary basin level.
These activities include strengthening of CUVECOM and the eventual joint basin Secretariat to
support IWRM implementation at the basin level; addressing critical information gaps that prevent
effective IWRM implementation; developing information management tools to consolidate
information and present it to policy makers and other audiences to raise awareness of issues critical
to the sustainable management of the basin.
4.1 Expected outcomes:
1. Stakeholder-validated baseline
2. Inputs for IWRM Plan revision
3. Bilaterally endorsed IWRM Plan
4. Preliminary list of priority interventions
5. Monitoring and evaluation framework
6. Enhanced stakeholders buy-in
7. Defined roles and responsibilities for IWRM implementation
4.2 Key Institutions in the Workshop


• Ministry of Energy and Waters (MINEA)

• Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
• Ministry of Women, Social Action and Family (MASFAMU)
• Ministry of Environment, Culture and Tourism
• Provincial Government Cunene
• Provincial Government Huila
• Provincial Cabinets for the environment and solid waste in Cunene and Huila
• Provincial Cabinets for fisheries and Agriculture in Cunene and Huila
• Civil Protection Huila and Cunene provinces
• Smallholder Farmers
• Non-Governmental Organisations (FRESAN, CODESPA, People In Need (PIN),
• Development Workshop Angola, ADRA, ADPP, RMA, PMA

Guide for stakeholders to include:

Government Representatives
- National and local government officials from water-related ministries and departments
- Representatives from environmental, agriculture, and urban planning agencies

Thematic Experts
- Specialists in water allocation and use
- Flood and drought management experts
- Water quality professionals
- Groundwater management specialists
- Environmental flow experts
- Climate change adaptation specialists
Basin Management Organizations
- CUVECOM (Cuvelai Watercourse Commission) members
- PJTC members or its organs (Calueque Task force members)

Local Authorities
- Municipal and district-level officials
- Local water management authorities

Civil Society Organizations

- NGOs focused on water, environment, and community development
- Community-based organizations

Academic Institutions
- Researchers and professors specializing in water resources, environmental science, and
related fields
- Representatives from water research institutes

4.3 Venue and Duration of the Workshop

The Angola in-country consultation will be a 3-day hybrid meeting from 8 – 10 October 2024. The
meeting to be held in Lubango, Angola (exact venue to be advised).

The detailed Agenda for the workshop will be made available to the Participants in due course.

4.4 Virtual Meeting Facilities

Zoom registration link: https://gwp-

5 Draft Programme: IWRM Plan Workshop for the Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary
River Basin – Angola

The Tentative Programmes for the IWRM Planning workshop is provided below:

Day 1: 8 October 2024

Time Agenda item Responsibility
09:00 Welcome & Opening GoA - GABHIC
09:20 Official Session
Introduction of participants GoA
House rules GWPSA
Objectives & expected outcomes of the IWRM Planning Silvanus Uunona – UNDP/GEF
Workshop CUVKUN Coordinator

CUVKUN Project: Overview of project result framework and Silvanus Uunona – UNDP/GEF
implementation CUVKUN Coordinator

Questions and Answers All

Group Photo All

11:00 Presentation & review of the Cuvelai IWRM planning processes GoA

Identify areas of the IWRM plan requiring revision or expansion

11:45 Status of Cuvelai hydrological modelling baseline GoA

12:00 Presentation of the Kunene IWRM Plan - Highlight main CUVECOM/PJTC
strategies and actions outlined in the plan

12:30 Status of the Kunene hydrological modelling baseline GoA


14:30 Introduction of the TDA-SAP (Long-term IWRM Planning Dr. Eben Chonguica - Regional TDA
process) under the GEF Framework Expert
Fundamentals of the TDA-SAP Development Process Regional TDA Expert
Critical Steps of TDA-SAP Development Regional TDA Expert
Questions & Answers All
15:55 Wrap up of Workshop Day 1 GoA

Day 2: 9 October 2024

Time Agenda item Responsibility

09:00 Welcome GoA

09:05 Recap of Workshop Day 1 Teodora Mateus – CUVECOM

09:10 Continue: TDA-SAP Long-term IWRM Planning process Dr. Eben Chonguica - Regional TDA
09:45 Issues requiring in-depth consideration in implementing the of Regional TDA Expert
steps of the TDA

11:00 Mapping the TDA leveraging points establishing the transition to Regional TDA Expert
the SAP formulation
11:45 Questions and Answers All

12:00 Introduction to Group Work: Integrating TDA into IWRM Dr Pinimidzai Sithole - GWPSA
Planning Process

12:15 Break Away Groups All


14:30 Continue: Break Away Groups All

15:30 Plenary discussion – Feedback from Break Away Groups on All

Integrating TDA into IWRM Planning Process

15:55 Wrap up of IWRM Planning Workshop Day 2 GoA


Day 3: 10 October 2024

Time Agenda item Responsibility

09:00 Welcome GoA

09:05 Recap of IWRM Planning Workshop Day 2 Teodora Mateus – CUVECOM


09:10 GESI Approach Litumelo Mate Sievers – Gender


09:45 Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Dr Pinimidzai Sithole - GWPSA


11:00 Presentation on stakeholder analysis & Stakeholder roles and Dr Pinimidzai Sithole -GWPSA
responsibilities in Long- term IWRM process

11:30 Introduction to Group Work: Group exercise: Developing Dr Pinimidzai Sithole & Xanani
engagement plans for key stakeholders Baloyi -GWPSA

Break Away Groups

12:30 Plenary discussion – Feedback from Break Away Groups on All

Project Components

12:50 Identification of Potential Projects/Interventions for 2025-2029 Dr Loreen Katiyo - GWPSA

& Pilot site selection criteria

13:30 LUNCH
14:30 Group work on pilot site selection Dr Loreen & Xanani Baloyi-

15:30 Evaluation Xanani Baloyi - GWPSA

15:40 Way Forward Silvanus Uunona – UNDP/GEF
CUVKUN Coordinator
15:50 Closing Remarks GoA


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