Law On Cyberbullying in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darusallam
Law On Cyberbullying in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darusallam
Law On Cyberbullying in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darusallam
All state have various laws that might apply to bullying behaviors. However, this law shows
unintended. This study shows legal analysis in some journal, acts, and regulation in every state. Law
Journals were conducted. It examines laws and policies dealing with cyberbullying in Indonesia,
Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam starting with defining cyberbullying and then comparing the
measures in which the issues surrounding cyberbullying have been addressed using various legal
strategies.As of August 2017, 48 states had electronic harassment laws which explicitly included cyber
bullying in US State. A total of 44 states included criminal sanctions in their cyber bullying laws. The
authors point out that the majority of U.S. states have written legislation to address bullying and
cyberbullying and that many state legislation that prohibit electronic bullying and developed
consequences for doing so. This study was conducted to gain insight into how cyberbullying law
implemented in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalm.Last, after analyzing existing legislative
methods an cyberbullying cases around the world, this article concludes with legal and policy
recommendations based on these comparisons in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darusallam.
Keyword : Law, Cyberbullying, Indonesia, Malaysia,Brunei Darusallam
Among the 17 Asian countries analyzed: and Todd Loik, and pledged to “focus on
3 countries (Japan, Philippines, and Republic of protecting the most vulnerable of all victims” by
Korea) have domestic laws regarding introducing “legislation giving police and
cyberbullying;1 country (Singapore) is prosecutors new tools to effectively address
considered to have legislation concerning cyberbullying that involves criminal invasionof
cyberbullying although Singaporeanlaw does not privacy, intimidation and personal abuse.” 5
use the explicit terms of “cyberbullying” or
“bullying”; and 13 countries (Brunei Darussalam, 2. Definition Of Cyberbullying
Cambodia, China, Democratic People’s Republic Cyberbullying is defined as “[t]he use of
of Korea, India,Indonesia, Lao People’s electronic communication to bully a person,
Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, typically by sending messages of an intimidating
Myanmar, Thailand, Timor-Leste, andVietnam) or threatening nature.
do not have domestic laws concerning Based on Chapter 647 Oregon Laws 2007,
cyberbullying4 (1) “Cyberbullying” means the use of any
Malaysia does not have any laws to take electronic communication device to harass,
action against online harassers, but given the intimidate or bully.
widespread plague of cyber bullying and the The Cyber-safety Act of Nova Scotia
anonymity of the internet, laws to punish cyber broadly defines cyberbullying, classifying it as:
bullies are being drafted. any electronic communication through the
However, other laws in Malaysia use of technology including, without
provide some protection from online dangers. limiting the generality of the foregoing,
Sending threatening messages could be a criminal computers, other electronic devices, social
offence under Malaysia’s Communications & networks, text messaging, instant
Multimedia Act 1998 or Section 503 of messaging, websites and electronic mail,
Malaysia’s Penal Code dealing with intimidation. typically repeated or with continuing effect,
The writer found the cyberbullying law that is intended or ought reasonably [to] be
in oregon was unresolved while there was oregon expected to cause fear, intimidation,
laws 2008 regulated the cyberbullying. Therefore, humiliation, distress or other damage or
This case was unresolved. The laws need to harm to another person's health, emotional
updated. As more is learned about the reason well-being, self-esteem or reputation,and
behind cyberbullying and the specific tactic includes assisting or encouraging such
utilized, perevention program are becoming more communication in any way.
effective. Cyberbullying” means bullying as defined
Cyberbullying occured in Missouri. This in this subsection through the transmission of a
case was the first case of sucide resulting from communication including, but not limited to, a
cyberbullying in State of America. Ini United message, text, sound, or image by means of an
States v. Lori Drew, Megan Meier was a 13-year- electronic device including, but not limited to, a
old girl who deemed cyberbullying. Lori Drew as telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless
was charged for the death of Megan Meier as a communication device, computer, or pager
result of her participation in Cyber-Bullying 3. Method
efforts considered to be responsible for Meier’s The approach to reviewing state bullying
death. legislation began with preparation of a legislative
Background information and related historyfor each state, listing any relevant bills
research is included to provide case and historical enacted since 1999. Specifically,some states
data. Recommendations include committee approached legislation through a series of
implementations, policy, and development amendments to existing laws addressing school
Cyberbullying is easier to define through safety planning or student conduct, while others
real-life case. It occured in case of Amanda Todd introduced new statutes, or series of statutes, that
whose Facebook profile had been made in her are exclusive to combating bullying in schools in
name, featuring her exposed breasts as the main some cases.
picture. A thorough analysis of various case
Research found cyberbullyin in many studies, law cases, and news articles was
risk for suicide. In tragic case Amanda Tood, conducted to understand the issue of
Canadian federall government Rehteah Parsons cyberbullying and to find preventative measures
that should be taken for Malayasia, Indonesia,
and brunei darussalam.
Protecting Children from Cybercrime :
Legislative Responses in Asia to Fight Child
Pornography, Online Grooming, and
months or criminal fined of four thousand five consequences can be severe. The common topic
hundred rupiahs.” of bully cases in Malaysia is about the large
The context of the discussion of amount.
cyberbullying legislation this Indonesian
Information and Electronic Act Number 11/2008 Based on a national survey conducted on
can accommodate the developments. Article 27 school going childrenduring the CyberSAFE in
Paragraph 2 which reads :. “Any person Schools Programme (2013), the outcome of the
intentionally and without rights to distribute survey revealed that half of the students knew at
and/or transmitand/or make accessible electronic least oneperson being bullied online and the
information can and/or electronic document following were the most commonchannels that
whichas the charge of insult and/or defamation.“ were used for cyberbullying like Facebook,
Regarding to two legal regulation over Blogs, Short Message System, Phone Call,
Indonesia, cyberbullying has Hacking of online account, Videos, YouTube,
not been regulated explicitly, even the and email.
interpretation that there also has not been able to
accommodate the Act of cyberbullying 3.3 Cyberbullying law in Brunei Darussalam
However, indonesia needs to provide
new regulation and provision for cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is becoming a worrying
Cyberbullying can be extremely damaging to trend in Brunei as people are falling prey to
students, can disrupt an environment conducive online harassment.
to learning, and should not be tolerated in our Latest statistics obtained from the Royal
schools. Brunei Police Force showed there were 300 cases
of cyber bullying in 2012 and another 182 cases
3.2 Cyberbullying law in Malaysia in the first half of 2013 alone10
Brunei Darusallam is the first country in
A recent UNICEF report also addressed the region to establish a Child Online Protection
the issue of cyberbullying in Malaysia and noted Framework built upon the International
that a heightened awareness of the issue is Telecommunications Union – Child Online
essential. “Media reports in Malaysia suggest that Protection Initiative. You led the way in 2013,
cyberbullying isprevalent among children and when many countries were still grappling with
young people here, but much of it could be under- the situation.
reported, as few people are aware that it is a Brunei’s Penal Code Amendment Order
serious problem.”9 2012 has significantlystrengthened the country’s
legislation in relation to online child abuse and
In malaysia, Computer Crimes Act 1997 exploitation, making it among the most
in Section Three: Unauthorised access to comprehensive andup-to-date codes in the region.
computer materials. If convicted, the offender is The law now criminalizes:
liable to a fine of not more than RM50,000 or a a. possession of an indecent or obscene
prison term of not more than five years. Section photograph(or pseudo-photograph)
Four: Unauthorised access to computer materials of a child;
with the intent to commit or facilitate an offence. b. taking, distributing, showing,
If convicted, the offender is liable to a fine of not advertising, and accessing indecentor
more than RM150,000 or a prison term of not obscene photographs (or pseudo-
more than 10 years. Section Five: Unauthorised photographs);
modification to contents. If convicted, the c. sexual acts in the presence of a
offender is liable to a fine of not more than person under 16 years old
RM100,000 or a prison term of not more than d. causing a person under 16 years old
seven years. to watch a sexual act;
e. commercial sex with a person under
Communication and Multimedia Act 1 years old, both inside andoutside
Section 223: Improper use of network facilities or Brunei Darussalam; and
network services. However, The law has not been f. sexual grooming of a person under
enforced aggressively even though the 16 years old.
Brunei has ratified a number of
relevantinternational conventions, except for
Tee Shiao Eek, “A Big Sister Helps Students Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Cope with Bullying,” UNICEF,
October 4, 2009,
10 ttps://
1549.html outh-cyber-bullying-worrying-trend-brunei