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Good afternoon Tutor and all my friends in this forum

Let me answer the above question in my opinion

Difference between cv and cover letter:


a.A job application letter is a brief summary of a person's resume,

usually containing information about jobs relevant to the vacancy
applied for.
b.Curriculum Vitae, is more detailed information about your work
history, organizational experience, education, skills and references.
CV will be a consideration for recruiters in determining whether your
qualifications are appropriate or not.

a.Job Application Letter, aims to inform the recruiter about the
applicant's intention to apply for a job according to the position
b.Curriculum Vitae, to provide a more detailed description of
prospective candidates ranging from experience, hobbies, to skills

a.The job application letter contains information about a brief
description of the job applicant. A job application letter usually
contains the following information: Addressee, Opening Salutation,
Content of the Job Application Letter, Closing Paragraph, and finally
Closing Salutation.
b.Curriculum Vitae, usually contains more details about job
applicants from work to skills possessed. The following are some of
the contents required in a Curriculum Vitae: Brief summary,
Contacts, Work experience, Organizational experience, Formal and
non-formal education, Skills, References, Hobbies.

a.Job Application Letters, using a formal language style with short,
concise and clear sentences. In the form of a narrative like a letter
in general
b.Curriculum Vitae, uses a formal language style with concise and
clear sentences. Usually Curriculum Vitae is in the form of points
and numering so that recruiters read faster and get an overview of
the candidate.

Curriculum Vitae is important for job seekers because:

1. As a First Impression, Curriculum Vitae is the first information

seen by recruiters before interviewing candidates. So that the
Curriculum Vitae is made as attractive as possible so that it can give
a good impression to recruiters.
2. Explaining Personal Data, with Curriculum Vitae recruiters can
find out personal data information and expertise from candidates
whether it is suitable or not with the vacancies needed
3. Highlighting Abilities, it is in the Curriculum Vitae that
candidates can list the various skills they have, the more expertise
will certainly be better for recruiters' consideration.
What job seekers should include in their Curriculum Vitae:

Personal data is the first thing that must be included in the
Curriculum Vitae, usually containing name, place of birth, address,
religion, marriage certificate, and telephone number.
After personal data, continued with a history of education, where we
have been educated along with the year
After education history, continue with work experience, where we
have worked, and occupied what position / position / division and in
what year.
We also need to add the expertise we have, for example the ability
to speak foreign languages or operate computers, awards or other
We can also add organizational experience in Curriculum Vitae
during high school, college or currently
In contrast to self-data, self-description is a general description of
ourselves, for example, we are a disciplined person, like to try new
things, or a perfectionist. This can give the recruiter an idea of who
you are as a job applicant.

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