Chemical Chemical Engineering Operations III
Chemical Chemical Engineering Operations III
Chemical Chemical Engineering Operations III
P. I'agcs: I AU - 2932
'l'inro : l'hrce I Iours ill llil lllhlll NIax. llarks : ll0
Notcs L Ansrvcr Thrce clucstion froru Section A and Three question lionr Scclion B
2. DLLe credil Bill be gi\,sn to nealrless and adcquate dinrcnsions.
i. Assume suitablu dalal\tcrcr,cr necessarl.
4. I)iagtams :urd chenrical equations should he cilen uhcrcver ncccssarr'.
5. lllLrstrate _yor.r. ans"\'er ncccssary \r.ilh the help ollneat skctchcs.
6- f)isclrss the reaclion. mcchanism $tcrcvcr neccssxr).
7. I-lse r)lpen Dlue/Black ink/r-ctill only fbr \\.iting book.
srctl'to\ -.\
1. a) When uou)d you prctcr liquid-liquid exlmclion inslead ofdistillalion'/ State an), 1$o
intlustrial examples.
b.) Explaio horv docs the teml rclative lolatility (o) ofdistillation is analogous to selectivitl 6
a) D(-scribe nlullislage cross currcnt extraction operation \ith the help ol schcnratic diagrattt.
Deri\.c thc expressior used for dctcrminatio[ ol quartity (xffacted up to Nih stagc. Show
thc gmfhical rcpresentation oflocatio[ oflie lir]cs olr triangular coordinatcs coresponds lo
X-Y diaorarn.
.l a) Describc a s.\'stem ofthree liquids-one pair partiallv rriscible. consider a slster[ A ($dter). ll
C (acctonc) and B (lvleth-v1-isobut)l ketonc, lvllK) at 25'C rvith thc help of ecluilatcral
t angular diagran and dist(ibutio11curve.
b) Dellnc the terms distribuliorl cocllcient and disrributiorl constanl in dilutc solutions ilt 6
*l"ll'0. tf",i" tln"-Out.r are given belo\1'' lvatcr-A Bcnzene-B and TMA-C]'
a) F.xplain ( leaching) SolidJiquid extractron proccss. \\'hat are thc various operations invol'"ed
in lcachine pr'ocess?
tr.1 Describe graphical rcprcsentation ol equilibrium conditiorN in leaching r.vith the hclp ol
cquilibrium diagram.
6. r) l)escrihe nlulti\tage counrer currcnl leaching process \yilh the help ol schematjc diJgr n
considering Iarerial halancc ofs,rlutirnr o\erth. firstthtu. jtages.
b) Discuss \orl,ing and construction ofRotocel extractor \\'ith 1he lrelp ofschematic diagranr
sl.tcTto\ B
a) Explain Flash ol Ecluilibrium distillation uith thc help of schematic dia8ranl. l)erivc
operatinq linr- equation or desigr) cqualion of Flash distillirtion and shorv it on cquilibrium
d iagram.
hl 100 nrolcs of bcnzcnc and toluenc containinq -i0 mole ,t/o benzene is subiected t0 a
difleremial distillation mclhod al atrrlospheric prcssure till rhe composition
olbcnzene in
the rcsidue js i370 bl [rolc. Calculals the (otal ;roles ol.nlixlrrc
lake relatiYe rolatility cr. = 2.4.
Cienerlte rlrL: L1lLrilrhr iunl dtta i \-\ .l.rrr r
Iler\\e(ti \ =0..1 t{,\ 0o
8. a) l)escrihe continuous tiactionarion proccss l,irh the help
ol.sL,hentatjc diasram. l)erile
operating iine equations lbr recrit-ving secrion antl stripping
section urlrg ,ioi"riol t"tuu."
cqualil,ns in presence ofrclhlx.
,\L' 29.12 )
How uould vou calculatc nurDbcr of thcorclical plates required and position ot leed plate 1-3
using is-Sorel ntcthod',' State slcp\\'isc graphical procedure with the heln ofequilibriu'n
(x - 1) diagram in detail.
10. \\'lntis totiti reflux, l11ininrulr relluri lnd optimr.Lrn retlux ratio? I)escribe with the hclp of 13
equilihliunr (x 1) diagram.
I1. a) \\'hat i\ azcohope and azcotropic distillationl State & draN thc graphical represenralion of 9
nrinimum boiling imd rrra\imurn boiling azeotropes using temp. r',/s liquid phase
conlposiliou (\) and lapoLr phasc composition (y) and also oD cquilibrium (ie r y)
12. a) Whal urc various platcs !6ed for contaotinc liquid & Valor pluses in platc lype columns'l 7
ExpJain buLrble cap platc wilh the help ofdiiigranr.
b) Discuss constructior and working ofpdcked column uscd 1oI distillation opemtion wilh the 6
hclp ol ne.1 diagram.
AU - 2912